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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:34:02 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 20:06:27 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/htmlX-Varnish: 2718964929Age: 0Via: 1.1 webcache2 (V !DOCTYPE html>html>head> title>Alexander Örn — Home/title>meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8>meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIE9>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1>link hrefstyles.css relstylesheet typetext/css>/head>body> div classgrid-container-home> div classlogo> p classfilledSquare>Home/p> p classsquare> a classnoUnderline hreftypefaces.html>Typefaces/a> /p> /div> div classheader> nav> ul> li>p>a href/lookbooks >Contact/a>/p>/li> li>p>a href target_blank >Instagram/a>/p>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> div classEDU> h1> Education /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classEDUs> p> Bachelor in Graphic design at Malmö University /p> /div> div classEDUt> p> 2015–2018 /p> /div> div classINT> h1> Internships /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classINTs> p> Internship as Type Designer at a href target_blank>Playtype/a> in Copenhagen /p> /div> div classINTt> p> Sep–Dec 2017 /p> /div> div classLEC> h1> Lectures /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classLECs> p> Intruduction to Type Design at Malmö University /p> /div> div classLECt> p> 2017, 2018, 2019 /p> /div> div classEMP> h1> Employment /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classEMPs> p> Designer at a href target_blank>Neumeister/a>br> Freelancing Type Designer /p> /div> div classEMPt> p> 2018–Present br> 2018–Present /p> /div> div classtextCont> p>My name is Alexander Örn, and I work as a graphic designer during the days— and a type designer during the nights. I made this website myself, so if you are on a mobile it probably do not work that> br> Anyways, here are some stuff I have done. /p> /div> div classimageCont> img srcimages/test.png> /div> /div> div classfooter> p classsmall> Copyright: 2018 – 2019 Alexander Örn /p> /div> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:34:03 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 20:06:27 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/htmlX-Varnish: 2759790098Age: 0Via: 1.1 webcache2 (V !DOCTYPE html>html>head> title>Alexander Örn — Home/title>meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8>meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIE9>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1>link hrefstyles.css relstylesheet typetext/css>/head>body> div classgrid-container-home> div classlogo> p classfilledSquare>Home/p> p classsquare> a classnoUnderline hreftypefaces.html>Typefaces/a> /p> /div> div classheader> nav> ul> li>p>a href/lookbooks >Contact/a>/p>/li> li>p>a href target_blank >Instagram/a>/p>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> div classEDU> h1> Education /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classEDUs> p> Bachelor in Graphic design at Malmö University /p> /div> div classEDUt> p> 2015–2018 /p> /div> div classINT> h1> Internships /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classINTs> p> Internship as Type Designer at a href target_blank>Playtype/a> in Copenhagen /p> /div> div classINTt> p> Sep–Dec 2017 /p> /div> div classLEC> h1> Lectures /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classLECs> p> Intruduction to Type Design at Malmö University /p> /div> div classLECt> p> 2017, 2018, 2019 /p> /div> div classEMP> h1> Employment /h1> div classhr>hr />/div> /div> div classEMPs> p> Designer at a href target_blank>Neumeister/a>br> Freelancing Type Designer /p> /div> div classEMPt> p> 2018–Present br> 2018–Present /p> /div> div classtextCont> p>My name is Alexander Örn, and I work as a graphic designer during the days— and a type designer during the nights. I made this website myself, so if you are on a mobile it probably do not work that> br> Anyways, here are some stuff I have done. /p> /div> div classimageCont> img srcimages/test.png> /div> /div> div classfooter> p classsmall> Copyright: 2018 – 2019 Alexander Örn /p> /div> /body>/html>
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