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HTTP/1.1 200 date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:23:34 GMTcontent-type: text/htmltransfer-encoding: chunkedvary: Accept-Encodingserver: Apachex-provided-by: StackCDNlast-modified: Fri, 02 Nov 2018 14:38:19 GMTetag: W/1ea6-579af7c86ccc0vary: Accept-Encodingx-origin-cache-status: EXPIREDx-cdn-cache-status: MISSx-via: SEA1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>Albar Silver Restoration & Repair Wilmette/title>meta namekeywords contentsilver plating, silver repair, chicago, silver>meta namedescription contentAsh Trays, Baby Cups, Baking Dishes, Berry Spoons, Biscuit Boxes, Bon Bon Dishes, Bread Trays, Brush frames, Bun Warmers, Butter Dishes , Cake Stands, Candelabras, Candlesnuffers, Candlesticks, Carving Forks, Carving Knifes, Casserole Dishes, Casserole Frames, Castor Frames, Celery Trays, Chafing Dishs, Chambersticks, Champagne Cooleres, Cigarette Boxes, Clothes Brushes, Coasters, Cocktail Shakers, Coffee Pots, Coffee Urns, Cold Meat Forks, Comb Frames, Compotes, Creamers, Crumb Scrapers, Epergnes, Flower/Bud Vases, Forks, Fruit Baskets, Goblets, Gold Washing, Gravy Boats, Gravy Ladles>/head>body bgcolor#000000 text#000000 link#333333 vlink#333333 leftmargin0 topmargin0>div aligncenter> map nameMapMap> area shaperect coords18,149,78,169 hrefindex.html> area shaperect coords86,147,202,170 hrefourhistory.html> area shaperect coords208,148,383,170 hrefsilverrestore.html> area shaperect coords392,147,540,171 hrefrequestquote.html> area shaperect coords100,14,434,128 hrefindex.html> /map> map nameMap2Map> area shaperect coords12,91,149,127 href target_blank> area shaperect coords13,134,172,171 href target_blank> area shaperect coords13,177,172,203 href target_blank> /map> font color#FFFFFF size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Al Bar Wilmette Platers, Silver Restoration, & Silversmiths. /font>/div>table width850 height100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 bgcolor#FFFFFF> tr alignleft valigntop> td width181 height206 backgroundimages/silver.jpg> div alignleft>img srcimages/silver.jpg width181 height206>/div>/td> td width619 height206> div alignleft>img srcimages/restoration.jpg width619 height206 border0 usemap#Map>/div>/td> td width219 backgroundimages/toprbg.jpg> /td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width181 height307 backgroundimages/leftbg.jpg> p alignleft>img srcimages/2a.jpg width181 height236>img srcimages/other.jpg width181 height198 border0 usemap#Map3>/p>/td> td colspan2>div alignleft>table width619 height75% border0 alignleft cellpadding0 cellspacing0 backgroundimages/watermark2.jpg> tr alignleft valigntop> td width288 height186> div alignleft>img srcimages/building.jpg width273 height157>/div>/td> td width324 rowspan2> p alignleft>font size1 faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>strong>font size2>Al Bar - Wilmette Platers/font>/strong>font size2> has been providing silver plating, restoration and repair on fine pieces of sterling and silver plate for nearly 100 years. Our craftsmen at Al Bar-Wilmette take pride in their work – we have a comprehensive staff with years of experience that we consider second to none. Our on staff experts are trained in the detail of casting, repair, polishing, and plating - all elements required to complete your project. /font>/font>/p>div alignright> p alignleft>font size2 faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>We also have a team of artisans dedicated to the restoration and preservation of antique door hardware, lighting and other household items. Please visit our website to see our other services offered at a href target_blank>>. br> /font>/p> p alignleft>font size2 faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>We look forward to assisting you in the restoration or your family treasures & heirlooms. Please feel free to contact us directly if you need additional information./font>/p> /div>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td> div alignjustify> p alignright>font size2 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>img srcimages/teaset.jpg width288 height229>/font>/p> /div>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td colspan2>div aligncenter> p>font size2 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a hrefindex.html>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>HOME/font>/a>font faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif> | a hrefourhistory.html>OUR HISTORY/a> | a hrefsilverrestore.html>SILVER RESTORATION/a> | a hrefrequestquote.html>REQUEST QUOTE/a>/font>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>a hrefindex.html>img srcimages/logo.jpg width69 height72 border0>/a>/font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2 faceGeorgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>127 Green Bay Road • Wilmette Illinois 60091br> 847.881.3545br> Email: a>>/font>/p> /div>/td> /tr> /table> /div>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width181 height125> div alignleft>img srcimages/bottomleft.jpg width181 height125>/div>/td> td width619 height125 backgroundimages/bottombg.jpg> div aligncenter>font size2 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a hrefindex.html>br> br> /a>a hrefindex.html>br> /a>/font>/div>/td> td height125 backgroundimages/bottombg.jpg> /td> /tr>/table>div aligncenter> map nameMap> area shaperect coords18,149,78,169 hrefindex.html> area shaperect coords86,147,202,170 hrefourhistory.html> area shaperect coords208,148,383,170 hrefsilverrestore.html> area shaperect coords392,147,540,171 hrefrequestquote.html> area shaperect coords100,14,434,128 hrefindex.html> /map> map nameMap2> area shaperect coords12,91,149,127 href target_blank> area shaperect coords13,134,172,171 href target_blank> area shaperect coords13,177,172,203 href target_blank> /map>font color#FFFFFF size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Al Bar Wilmette Platers, Restoration, & Silversmiths 2009./font> /div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-1607331-4);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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