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img srcassets/images/interface/heading-2.jpg altbattery loadinglazy > div classdp-education-text content-about> h4 classsmall-title>Почему клиенты выбирают нас?/h4> p>Компания ООО «ЕВРОСНАБ» ( | специализируется на поставках аккумуляторов всех типов и назначения./p>p>Осуществляем поставки аккумуляторов с 2008 года по всей России./p>p>Накопленный опыт компании позволяет удовлетворить любой запрос как розничного клиента, так и профессионально реализовывать глобальные проекты любой сложности Международных компаний в поставках аккумуляторов различных типов, назначения и объема./p>p>Наша компания является официальным и эксклюзивным представителем по всей предлагаемой продукции./p>p>Весь ассортимент компании - это высококачественные, надежные и долговечные аккумуляторы, это определяется тем, что все наши поставщики — это заводы производители аккумуляторов, чья продукция поставляется производителям различных видов техники для первичной комплектации./p> /div> /div>/div>!--Направления-->div 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classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/2/108.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/2/109.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/2/110.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/2/111.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/2/112.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/2/113.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div> /div> /div>!--Преимущества-->div classwrap idbest> div classslider-box> h2 classdp-big-title stylemargin: 1.5em 0 1em;text-align: center;>Наши преимущества/h2> p stylemargin: 0.5em 0;>Компания ООО «ЕВРОСНАБ» специализируется на поставках аккумуляторов всех типов и назначения. /p> p stylemargin: 0.5em 0>Осуществляем поставки аккумуляторов с 2008 года по всей России. /p> /div>/div>div classbest-bg> div classwrap> div classbest-box> div classadvantages-item> div classicon> svg width48 height50 viewBox0 0 47 49 fillnone xmlns> path dM11.6401 21.1201H4.53008C2.90084 21.1201 1.58008 22.4409 1.58008 24.0701V44.7801C1.58008 46.4094 2.90084 47.7301 4.53008 47.7301H11.6401C13.2693 47.7301 14.5901 46.4094 14.5901 44.7801V24.0701C14.5901 22.4409 13.2693 21.1201 11.6401 21.1201Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM14.9999 44.5701C17.5732 45.4962 20.2236 46.1922 22.9199 46.6501C25.6699 47.1001 33.5899 47.0901 38.6899 47.0301C39.9513 47.013 41.1638 46.5398 42.1032 45.6978C43.0426 44.8558 43.6453 43.7021 43.7999 42.4501L45.7999 26.2301C45.889 25.497 45.8215 24.7533 45.602 24.0482C45.3824 23.3431 45.0157 22.6925 44.5261 22.1396C44.0365 21.5867 43.4352 21.144 42.7618 20.8407C42.0885 20.5374 41.3584 20.3804 40.6199 20.3801H31.1299C32.3199 14.4901 33.7099 8.76011 33.1299 6.27011C32.6899 4.49011 31.4599 1.39014 29.6599 1.39014C27.1799 1.39014 26.4499 4.13011 26.4499 6.61011C26.4322 7.60053 26.3081 8.58619 26.0799 9.55011C24.8503 14.8577 21.656 19.5027 17.1399 22.5501L14.8599 24.0001 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4>Качество/h4> p>Вся продукция компании – оригинальные надежные аккумуляторы, поставляемые напрямую от ведущих Российских и зарубежных производителей!/p> /div> div classadvantages-item> div classicon> svg width55 height59 viewBox0 0 55 59 fillnone xmlns> path dM53.5701 29C53.5701 29 41.9501 45.24 27.5701 45.24C13.1901 45.24 1.57007 29 1.57007 29C1.57007 29 13.1901 12.75 27.5701 12.75C41.9501 12.75 53.5701 29 53.5701 29Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM27.6 39.3701C33.3382 39.3701 37.99 34.7183 37.99 28.98C37.99 23.2418 33.3382 18.5901 27.6 18.5901C21.8617 18.5901 17.21 23.2418 17.21 28.98C17.21 34.7183 21.8617 39.3701 27.6 39.3701Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM27.6002 32.6501C29.6271 32.6501 31.2702 31.0069 31.2702 28.98C31.2702 26.9532 29.6271 25.3101 27.6002 25.3101C25.5733 25.3101 23.9302 26.9532 23.9302 28.98C23.9302 31.0069 25.5733 32.6501 27.6002 32.6501Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM27.6101 5.24005V0.830078 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM5.28012 15.8302L1.87012 12.4302 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM15.2901 8.56006L13.1201 4.04004 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM53.3402 12.4302L49.9302 15.8302 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM42.0801 4.04004L39.9202 8.56006 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM27.6001 52.78V57.19 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM49.9302 42.1802L53.3402 45.5802 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM39.9202 49.46L42.0801 53.9799 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM1.87012 45.5802L5.28012 42.1802 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM13.1201 53.9799L15.2901 49.46 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4>Большой ассортимент/h4> p>Большой ассортимент и наличие акб любых типов, видов и назначения/p> /div> div classadvantages-item> div classicon> svg width48 height50 viewBox0 0 47 49 fillnone xmlns> path dM11.6401 21.1201H4.53008C2.90084 21.1201 1.58008 22.4409 1.58008 24.0701V44.7801C1.58008 46.4094 2.90084 47.7301 4.53008 47.7301H11.6401C13.2693 47.7301 14.5901 46.4094 14.5901 44.7801V24.0701C14.5901 22.4409 13.2693 21.1201 11.6401 21.1201Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM14.9999 44.5701C17.5732 45.4962 20.2236 46.1922 22.9199 46.6501C25.6699 47.1001 33.5899 47.0901 38.6899 47.0301C39.9513 47.013 41.1638 46.5398 42.1032 45.6978C43.0426 44.8558 43.6453 43.7021 43.7999 42.4501L45.7999 26.2301C45.889 25.497 45.8215 24.7533 45.602 24.0482C45.3824 23.3431 45.0157 22.6925 44.5261 22.1396C44.0365 21.5867 43.4352 21.144 42.7618 20.8407C42.0885 20.5374 41.3584 20.3804 40.6199 20.3801H31.1299C32.3199 14.4901 33.7099 8.76011 33.1299 6.27011C32.6899 4.49011 31.4599 1.39014 29.6599 1.39014C27.1799 1.39014 26.4499 4.13011 26.4499 6.61011C26.4322 7.60053 26.3081 8.58619 26.0799 9.55011C24.8503 14.8577 21.656 19.5027 17.1399 22.5501L14.8599 24.0001 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4>15 лет опыта/h4> p>Профессиональный и оперативный подбор и поставка акб по запросу любой сложности, с возможностью выезда нашего специалиста./p> /div> div classadvantages-item> div classicon> svg width48 height50 viewBox0 0 47 49 fillnone xmlns> path dM11.6401 21.1201H4.53008C2.90084 21.1201 1.58008 22.4409 1.58008 24.0701V44.7801C1.58008 46.4094 2.90084 47.7301 4.53008 47.7301H11.6401C13.2693 47.7301 14.5901 46.4094 14.5901 44.7801V24.0701C14.5901 22.4409 13.2693 21.1201 11.6401 21.1201Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM14.9999 44.5701C17.5732 45.4962 20.2236 46.1922 22.9199 46.6501C25.6699 47.1001 33.5899 47.0901 38.6899 47.0301C39.9513 47.013 41.1638 46.5398 42.1032 45.6978C43.0426 44.8558 43.6453 43.7021 43.7999 42.4501L45.7999 26.2301C45.889 25.497 45.8215 24.7533 45.602 24.0482C45.3824 23.3431 45.0157 22.6925 44.5261 22.1396C44.0365 21.5867 43.4352 21.144 42.7618 20.8407C42.0885 20.5374 41.3584 20.3804 40.6199 20.3801H31.1299C32.3199 14.4901 33.7099 8.76011 33.1299 6.27011C32.6899 4.49011 31.4599 1.39014 29.6599 1.39014C27.1799 1.39014 26.4499 4.13011 26.4499 6.61011C26.4322 7.60053 26.3081 8.58619 26.0799 9.55011C24.8503 14.8577 21.656 19.5027 17.1399 22.5501L14.8599 24.0001 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4>Наш охват/h4> p>Широкая география поставок, доставка по всей России и ближнему зарубежью./p> /div> div classadvantages-item> div classicon> svg width48 height50 viewBox0 0 47 49 fillnone xmlns> path dM11.6401 21.1201H4.53008C2.90084 21.1201 1.58008 22.4409 1.58008 24.0701V44.7801C1.58008 46.4094 2.90084 47.7301 4.53008 47.7301H11.6401C13.2693 47.7301 14.5901 46.4094 14.5901 44.7801V24.0701C14.5901 22.4409 13.2693 21.1201 11.6401 21.1201Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM14.9999 44.5701C17.5732 45.4962 20.2236 46.1922 22.9199 46.6501C25.6699 47.1001 33.5899 47.0901 38.6899 47.0301C39.9513 47.013 41.1638 46.5398 42.1032 45.6978C43.0426 44.8558 43.6453 43.7021 43.7999 42.4501L45.7999 26.2301C45.889 25.497 45.8215 24.7533 45.602 24.0482C45.3824 23.3431 45.0157 22.6925 44.5261 22.1396C44.0365 21.5867 43.4352 21.144 42.7618 20.8407C42.0885 20.5374 41.3584 20.3804 40.6199 20.3801H31.1299C32.3199 14.4901 33.7099 8.76011 33.1299 6.27011C32.6899 4.49011 31.4599 1.39014 29.6599 1.39014C27.1799 1.39014 26.4499 4.13011 26.4499 6.61011C26.4322 7.60053 26.3081 8.58619 26.0799 9.55011C24.8503 14.8577 21.656 19.5027 17.1399 22.5501L14.8599 24.0001 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4>Экспертность/h4> p>Осуществляем полный цикл от профессионального подбора, продажи, и текущего обслуживания аккумуляторов до их утилизации./p> /div> div classadvantages-item> div classicon> svg width48 height50 viewBox0 0 47 49 fillnone xmlns> path dM11.6401 21.1201H4.53008C2.90084 21.1201 1.58008 22.4409 1.58008 24.0701V44.7801C1.58008 46.4094 2.90084 47.7301 4.53008 47.7301H11.6401C13.2693 47.7301 14.5901 46.4094 14.5901 44.7801V24.0701C14.5901 22.4409 13.2693 21.1201 11.6401 21.1201Z stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM14.9999 44.5701C17.5732 45.4962 20.2236 46.1922 22.9199 46.6501C25.6699 47.1001 33.5899 47.0901 38.6899 47.0301C39.9513 47.013 41.1638 46.5398 42.1032 45.6978C43.0426 44.8558 43.6453 43.7021 43.7999 42.4501L45.7999 26.2301C45.889 25.497 45.8215 24.7533 45.602 24.0482C45.3824 23.3431 45.0157 22.6925 44.5261 22.1396C44.0365 21.5867 43.4352 21.144 42.7618 20.8407C42.0885 20.5374 41.3584 20.3804 40.6199 20.3801H31.1299C32.3199 14.4901 33.7099 8.76011 33.1299 6.27011C32.6899 4.49011 31.4599 1.39014 29.6599 1.39014C27.1799 1.39014 26.4499 4.13011 26.4499 6.61011C26.4322 7.60053 26.3081 8.58619 26.0799 9.55011C24.8503 14.8577 21.656 19.5027 17.1399 22.5501L14.8599 24.0001 stroke#ff4545 stroke-width1.65 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /svg> /div> h4>Отношение/h4> p>Мы любим свою работу, дорожим и ценим своих клиентов./p> /div> /div> /div>/div>!--Наши партнёры-->div classwrap idpartners> div classslider-box> h2 classdp-big-title stylemargin: 1.5em 0 1em;text-align: center;>Наши партнёры/h2> p stylemargin: 0.5em 0;>Нашими Партнерами являются крупнейшие Российские и зарубежные компании. /p> p stylemargin: 0.5em 0>За 14 лет работы компания ООО «ЕВРОСНАБ» успешно реализовала более 80 крупных проектов по обеспечению аккумуляторами таких компаний как: /p> /div> div classslider-box> div classbox-grid> div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/3/14.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/3/13.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/3/15.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/3/16.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/3/17.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div>div classslider-small-item> img src/assets/gallery/3/18.jpg alt classzoom loadinglazy>/div> /div> /div>/div> !--Сертификаты-->div classwrap> h2 classdp-big-title stylemargin: 1.5em 0 1.5em;text-align: center;>Наши сертификаты/h2> div classslider-certificate> div classdp-project-more-thing> img src/assets/gallery/1/32.png alt classzoom title1202.png loadinglazy>/div>div classdp-project-more-thing> img src/assets/gallery/1/35.jpg alt classzoom title1260.jpg loadinglazy>/div>div classdp-project-more-thing> img src/assets/gallery/1/33.jpg alt classzoom title1205.jpg loadinglazy>/div>div classdp-project-more-thing> img src/assets/gallery/1/31.jpg alt classzoom title1204.jpg loadinglazy>/div>div classdp-project-more-thing> img src/assets/gallery/1/34.jpg alt classzoom title1256.jpg loadinglazy>/div>div classdp-project-more-thing> img src/assets/gallery/1/30.jpg alt classzoom title1203.jpg loadinglazy>/div> /div>/div>div classwrap> div classdp-consult> h3 classbig-text>Берегите свое время и нервы - работайте с проверенной компанией, которую уже выбрали сотни крупнейших предприятий!/h3> div classdp-consult-wrap> div classdp-consult-item> p classtext>Большой ассортимент аккумуляторов/p> svg width70 height58 viewBox0 0 70 58 fillnone xmlns> path dM9.54545 0V6.34188H22.2727V0H9.54545ZM47.7273 0V6.34188H60.4545V0H47.7273ZM3.18182 12.6838C2.33797 12.6838 1.52871 13.018 0.932026 13.6126C0.335338 14.2072 8.43718e-05 15.0137 0 15.8547V53.906C8.43718e-05 54.7469 0.335338 55.5534 0.932026 56.1481C1.52871 56.7427 2.33797 57.0768 3.18182 57.0769H66.8182C67.662 57.0768 68.4713 56.7427 69.068 56.1481C69.6647 55.5534 69.9999 54.7469 70 53.906V15.8547C69.9999 15.0137 69.6647 14.2072 69.068 13.6126C68.4713 13.018 67.662 12.6838 66.8182 12.6838H3.18182ZM6.36364 19.0256H63.6364V50.735H6.36364V19.0256ZM44.5455 25.3675V31.7094H38.1818V38.0513H44.5455V44.3932H50.9091V38.0513H57.2727V31.7094H50.9091V25.3675H44.5455ZM12.7273 31.7094V38.0513H28.6364V31.7094H12.7273Z fill#FF4545/> /svg> /div> div classdp-consult-item> p classtext>Привлекательные цены/p> svg width76 height68 viewBox0 0 76 68 fillnone xmlns> path dM74.7163 56.9654L63.7927 42.0257C61.3856 38.7335 57.7836 36.541 53.883 35.9159C56.4163 32.156 57.7754 27.7346 57.7754 23.0747C57.7754 10.3513 47.4241 0 34.7007 0C21.9772 0 11.6259 10.3513 11.6259 23.0747C11.6259 27.532 12.8997 31.8585 15.3098 35.5864C17.4154 38.8436 20.2918 41.5037 23.6773 43.3463C24.3031 45.8801 26.5853 47.7819 29.2708 47.8416L43.0537 48.1479C43.4117 48.1559 43.6367 48.3496 43.7389 48.4643C43.8412 48.5791 44.0078 48.825 43.9745 49.1816C43.9293 49.6654 43.5171 50.0397 43.0326 50.0397C43.0277 50.0397 43.0227 50.0395 43.0179 50.0395L27.1834 49.7938C26.3104 49.7802 25.4583 49.4672 24.784 48.9125L10.7628 37.3789C8.08624 35.177 4.13695 35.4366 1.77148 37.9697C0.568026 39.2585 -0.0594942 40.9386 0.00444595 42.7008C0.0683861 44.463 0.816283 46.0932 2.11041 47.2912L19.9352 63.794C22.1401 65.8353 25.008 67.0146 28.011 67.1148L54.484 67.9986C54.5107 67.9995 54.5371 68 54.5637 68C55.8225 68 56.8635 67.0009 56.9059 65.7333C56.949 64.4389 55.9349 63.3546 54.6405 63.3114L28.1677 62.4277C26.2914 62.365 24.4992 61.628 23.1216 60.3527L5.29694 43.85C4.92503 43.5057 4.71007 43.0372 4.69162 42.5307C4.67317 42.0243 4.85358 41.5414 5.19955 41.1711C5.87928 40.4432 7.01442 40.3686 7.78357 41.0011L21.8048 52.5349C23.296 53.7615 25.1805 54.4534 27.1107 54.4834L42.9452 54.7292C42.9744 54.7297 43.0032 54.73 43.0324 54.73C45.919 54.7297 48.3757 52.4999 48.6445 49.6168C48.7889 48.0652 48.2774 46.5081 47.2408 45.3447C46.2041 44.1813 44.716 43.494 43.158 43.4593L29.375 43.1531C28.7528 43.1391 28.236 42.6417 28.1988 42.0204C28.1719 41.5727 28.3876 41.2693 28.5185 41.1282C28.6493 40.9872 28.9359 40.7494 29.3843 40.7429L51.4014 40.4229C51.514 40.4213 51.6261 40.4216 51.7374 40.423C54.9495 40.4713 58.041 42.1053 60.0069 44.7941L70.9305 59.7337C71.6948 60.7791 73.1622 61.0072 74.2076 60.2426C75.253 59.478 75.4808 58.0109 74.7163 56.9654ZM29.3159 36.0535C27.7142 36.0766 26.1705 36.7636 25.0809 37.9376C24.9244 38.1063 24.7799 38.2842 24.6453 38.4689C22.4965 37.0639 20.6568 35.2192 19.2484 33.0407C17.3299 30.073 16.3159 26.6269 16.3159 23.0751C16.3159 12.9376 24.5633 4.6903 34.7007 4.6903C44.8381 4.6903 53.0854 12.9376 53.0854 23.0751C53.0854 27.8693 51.2809 32.3475 47.9855 35.7823L36.2635 35.9527V35.101C39.3092 34.3909 41.5856 31.6555 41.5856 28.3968C41.5856 25.1379 39.3092 22.4025 36.2635 21.6924V14.3357C37.5577 14.9303 38.4589 16.2378 38.4589 17.7525C38.4589 18.6158 39.1588 19.3159 40.0223 19.3159C40.8857 19.3159 41.5856 18.6158 41.5856 17.7525C41.5856 14.4938 39.3092 11.7584 36.2635 11.0484V9.96466C36.2635 9.10139 35.5636 8.40133 34.7002 8.40133C33.8368 8.40133 33.1369 9.10139 33.1369 9.96466V11.0484C30.0912 11.7584 27.8148 14.4938 27.8148 17.7525C27.8148 21.0113 30.0912 23.7465 33.1369 24.4567V31.8136C31.8428 31.2192 30.9415 29.9117 30.9415 28.3968C30.9415 27.5335 30.2416 26.8335 29.3782 26.8335C28.5147 26.8335 27.8148 27.5335 27.8148 28.3968C27.8148 31.6555 30.0912 34.3908 33.1369 35.101V35.998L29.3159 36.0535ZM33.1369 21.1692C31.8428 20.5748 30.9415 19.2673 30.9415 17.7524C30.9415 16.2377 31.8428 14.9301 33.1369 14.3356V21.1692ZM36.2635 24.9797C37.5577 25.5742 38.4589 26.8818 38.4589 28.3966C38.4589 29.9115 37.5577 31.2191 36.2635 31.8134V24.9797Z fill#FF4545/> /svg> /div> div classdp-consult-item> p classtext>Поможем выбрать аккумулятор/p> svg width84 height68 viewBox0 0 84 68 fillnone xmlns> path dM50.6317 37.2074L46.0011 36.6533C45.5253 34.8853 44.8306 33.2174 43.9385 31.6685L46.812 28.0083C47.2554 27.4433 47.204 26.5729 46.6958 26.0674L41.9219 21.2907C41.4164 20.7852 40.5459 20.7339 39.9837 21.1718L36.3181 24.0562C34.7745 23.1641 33.1066 22.4694 31.3414 21.999L30.7899 17.3629C30.7061 16.6547 30.0519 16.0735 29.3383 16.0735H22.5829C21.8692 16.0735 21.215 16.6547 21.1312 17.3629L20.5744 21.9963C18.8092 22.4667 17.1386 23.1641 15.595 24.0562L11.9267 21.1772C11.3671 20.7366 10.494 20.7852 9.99118 21.2907L5.21455 26.0728C4.70905 26.5783 4.65769 27.4487 5.09831 28.011L7.97727 31.6712C7.08249 33.2174 6.39317 34.8881 5.9201 36.656L1.28945 37.2101C0.581197 37.2939 0 37.9454 0 38.6645V45.4172C0 46.1335 0.581197 46.785 1.28945 46.8661L5.9228 47.4257C6.39587 49.1855 7.0879 50.8561 7.97997 52.4024L5.10372 56.0625C4.66309 56.6302 4.71445 57.5007 5.21996 58.0062L9.99118 62.7828C10.494 63.291 11.3671 63.3424 11.9267 62.9044L15.595 60.0174C17.1386 60.9095 18.8092 61.6069 20.5744 62.0773L21.1312 66.7106C21.215 67.4189 21.8692 68.0001 22.5829 68.0001H29.3383C30.0519 68.0001 30.7061 67.4189 30.7899 66.7106L31.3468 62.0746C33.112 61.6042 34.7826 60.9067 36.3289 60.0147L39.9945 62.8909C40.5567 63.3289 41.4272 63.2829 41.93 62.7801L46.7066 57.9954C47.2121 57.4871 47.2662 56.6167 46.8228 56.0571L43.9439 52.3969C44.8387 50.8507 45.528 49.1801 46.0011 47.4122L50.6371 46.858C51.3481 46.7742 51.9266 46.1254 51.9266 45.4064V38.6537C51.9266 37.94 51.3454 37.2939 50.6317 37.2074ZM25.9646 55.0083C18.7983 55.0083 12.9864 49.2017 12.9864 42.03C12.9864 34.861 18.7983 29.049 25.9646 29.049C33.1336 29.049 38.9429 34.8583 38.9429 42.03C38.9456 49.2017 33.1336 55.0083 25.9646 55.0083Z fill#FF4545/> path dM82.8306 15.9005L79.3407 15.4869C78.9838 14.1569 78.4648 12.8945 77.789 11.7294L79.9597 8.97206C80.2922 8.55306 80.249 7.89347 79.8705 7.51231L76.2752 3.9197C75.8967 3.53584 75.2399 3.498 74.8154 3.83049L72.0554 6.0012C70.893 5.32809 69.6333 4.80907 68.3114 4.45765L67.8897 0.970464C67.8303 0.435222 67.3356 0 66.803 0H61.7155C61.1776 0 60.6856 0.435222 60.6234 0.970464L60.2071 4.45765C58.8771 4.80907 57.6201 5.33079 56.455 6.0039L53.695 3.8359C53.2733 3.50611 52.6164 3.54665 52.238 3.9197L48.6399 7.52042C48.2561 7.90158 48.2209 8.55576 48.5534 8.97747L50.7241 11.7375C50.0483 12.8999 49.532 14.1596 49.1725 15.4896L45.6853 15.9059C45.1501 15.968 44.7148 16.4627 44.7148 17.0007V22.0855C44.7148 22.618 45.1528 23.1154 45.6853 23.1722L49.1698 23.5966C49.5293 24.9212 50.051 26.1782 50.7214 27.3433L48.5507 30.1006C48.2209 30.5223 48.2615 31.1819 48.6399 31.5603L52.2299 35.153C52.611 35.5395 53.2652 35.5747 53.6869 35.2422L56.4469 33.0688C57.6093 33.7419 58.869 34.2636 60.1963 34.615L60.6153 38.1076C60.6748 38.6347 61.1722 39.07 61.7074 39.07H66.7922C67.3275 39.07 67.8195 38.6347 67.8816 38.1076L68.2979 34.615C69.6279 34.2636 70.8849 33.7419 72.0473 33.0688L74.8073 35.2368C75.2317 35.5693 75.8859 35.5314 76.2671 35.153L79.8624 31.5522C80.2435 31.1765 80.2814 30.5196 79.9489 30.0979L77.7809 27.3379C78.4567 26.1782 78.9703 24.9185 79.3271 23.5912L82.817 23.1749C83.3523 23.1073 83.7875 22.6207 83.7875 22.0801V16.998C83.7983 16.4546 83.3604 15.968 82.8306 15.9005ZM64.2593 29.3085C58.8582 29.3085 54.4871 24.9347 54.4871 19.539C54.4871 14.1407 58.8636 9.76952 64.2593 9.76952C69.6495 9.76952 74.0261 14.1407 74.0261 19.539C74.0261 24.932 69.6522 29.3085 64.2593 29.3085Z fill#FF4545/> /svg> /div> div classdp-consult-item> p classtext>Продаём качественный товар/p> svg width73 height69 viewBox0 0 73 69 fillnone xmlns> path dM47.1286 17.7063L41.2246 16.8483L38.5843 11.4983C37.6736 9.65299 35.0337 9.65185 34.1224 11.4983L31.4822 16.8483L25.5781 17.7063C23.5418 18.0022 22.7248 20.5124 24.1994 21.9496L28.4717 26.1138L27.4632 31.9941C27.1154 34.0221 29.2503 35.5748 31.0729 34.6167L36.3537 31.8404L41.6345 34.6167C43.4496 35.5715 45.5934 34.0319 45.244 31.9941L44.2355 26.1138L48.5078 21.9496C49.9809 20.5134 49.1662 18.0023 47.1286 17.7063ZM39.4876 27.867C36.1379 26.106 36.6704 26.0528 33.219 27.867C33.8584 24.14 34.0757 24.6285 31.2819 21.9052C35.1361 21.3451 34.6785 21.6142 36.3533 18.2207C38.0311 21.6203 37.5714 21.3452 41.4247 21.9052C38.7098 24.5515 38.8294 24.0292 39.4876 27.867Z fill#FF4545/> path dM72.3673 55.5193L57.3377 29.4862C62.0852 15.2242 51.4417 0.394714 36.3528 0.394714C21.2605 0.394714 10.6222 15.2289 15.3678 29.4859L0.338225 55.5193C-0.71842 57.3495 0.853981 59.5873 2.93532 59.2114L12.6507 57.4548L15.9861 66.7477C16.6991 68.7337 19.4203 68.9905 20.4821 67.1512L33.5918 44.4444C35.4313 44.6723 37.2728 44.6723 39.1135 44.4444L52.2232 67.1512C53.2848 68.9902 56.0062 68.7344 56.7191 66.7477L60.0545 57.4548L69.7699 59.2114C71.8502 59.587 73.4248 57.3509 72.3673 55.5193ZM18.8566 60.0157L16.6226 53.7916C16.2122 52.6483 15.0358 51.9676 13.8383 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Больше в разделе - a href/blog/>блог/a> /p> div classdp-slider stylemargin: 1.5em 0 1em;> div classdp-slider-item itemscope itemtype> a itempropurl href/blog/новость-№5.html classdp-slider-item-pic> img itempropimage srcassets/images/interface/лодка.jpg altУвеличен ассортимент лодочных аккумуляторов. loadinglazy> div classmark> span>23/span> p>ноя/p> /div> /a> div classdp-slider-item-content> h4 itempropname>Увеличен ассортимент лодочных аккумуляторов./h4> div classdate itempropdatePublished>svg width14 height12 viewBox0 0 14 12 fillnone xmlns>path dM9.14285 0.779221V0H8.20778V0.779221H5.03897V0H4.10391V0.779221H0V12H13.2468V0.779221H9.14285ZM4.10391 1.71429V2.49351H5.03897V1.71429H8.20781V2.33766H9.14288V1.71429H12.3117V3.27273H0.935065V1.71429H4.10391ZM0.935065 11.0649V4.20779H12.3117V11.0649H0.935065Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM4.5975 8.25977H3.03906V9.81821H4.5975V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM7.40268 8.25977H5.84424V9.81821H7.40268V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM10.2079 8.25977H8.64941V9.81821H10.2079V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM7.40268 5.45459H5.84424V7.01303H7.40268V5.45459Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM10.2079 5.45459H8.64941V7.01303H10.2079V5.45459Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM4.5975 5.45459H3.03906V7.01303H4.5975V5.45459Z fill#2B2A29/>/svg>2022/div> div classdate>svg width16 height12 viewBox0 0 16 12 fillnone xmlns> path dM14.2502 9.4875C14.9868 8.76161 15.4288 7.85089 15.4288 6.85714C15.4288 4.71429 13.3796 2.94375 10.7091 2.62768C9.86536 1.08482 7.88322 0 5.57161 0C2.49393 0 0.000180406 1.91786 0.000180406 4.28571C0.000180406 5.27679 0.442145 6.1875 1.17875 6.91607C0.76893 7.73839 0.179645 8.37589 0.16893 8.38661C0.00018041 8.56607 -0.0480339 8.82857 0.0510733 9.05625C0.147502 9.28393 0.372502 9.43125 0.61893 9.43125C2.05197 9.43125 3.20911 8.89018 3.9725 8.39196C4.21893 8.44821 4.47339 8.49107 4.73322 8.52321C5.57429 10.0607 7.5484 11.1429 9.85732 11.1429C10.4145 11.1429 10.9502 11.0786 11.4591 10.9607C12.2225 11.4563 13.377 12 14.8127 12C15.0591 12 15.2814 11.8527 15.3805 11.625C15.477 11.3973 15.4314 11.1348 15.2627 10.9554C15.252 10.9473 14.66 10.3098 14.2502 9.4875V9.4875ZM3.72875 7.01518L3.27072 7.3125C2.89304 7.55625 2.50732 7.74911 2.11625 7.88571C2.18857 7.75982 2.26089 7.62589 2.33054 7.48929L2.74572 6.65625L2.08143 6C1.71982 5.64107 1.28589 5.05446 1.28589 4.28571C1.28589 2.65982 3.24929 1.28571 5.57161 1.28571C7.89393 1.28571 9.85732 2.65982 9.85732 4.28571C9.85732 5.91161 7.89393 7.28571 5.57161 7.28571C5.12964 7.28571 4.68768 7.23482 4.25911 7.13571L3.72875 7.01518ZM13.3475 8.57143L12.6859 9.225L13.1011 10.058C13.1707 10.1946 13.243 10.3286 13.3154 10.4545C12.9243 10.3179 12.5386 10.125 12.1609 9.88125L11.7029 9.58393L11.1698 9.70714C10.7413 9.80625 10.2993 9.85714 9.85732 9.85714C8.4109 9.85714 7.11982 9.31875 6.34036 8.52589C9.05375 8.23661 11.143 6.45268 11.143 4.28571C11.143 4.19464 11.1323 4.10625 11.1243 4.01786C12.8493 4.40625 14.143 5.53929 14.143 6.85714C14.143 7.62589 13.7091 8.2125 13.3475 8.57143Z fill#2B2A29/> 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4.03212C12.085 5.33046 11.0807 7.01734 9.19848 8.91053Z fill#2B2A29/> /svg> 0/div> p itempropdescription>Аккумуляторы Solite Marine 110ач серии XDC (увеличенной резервной емкости) для всех видов водной техники теперь в наличии!/p> a itempropurl href/blog/новость-№5.html>Подробнее/a> /div>/div>div classdp-slider-item itemscope itemtype> a itempropurl href/blog/новость-№4.html classdp-slider-item-pic> img itempropimage srcassets/images/interface/heading-2.jpg altПополнение ассортимента тяговыми аккумуляторами серии LDC. loadinglazy> div classmark> span>21/span> p>ноя/p> /div> /a> div classdp-slider-item-content> h4 itempropname>Пополнение ассортимента тяговыми аккумуляторами серии LDC./h4> div classdate itempropdatePublished>svg width14 height12 viewBox0 0 14 12 fillnone xmlns>path dM9.14285 0.779221V0H8.20778V0.779221H5.03897V0H4.10391V0.779221H0V12H13.2468V0.779221H9.14285ZM4.10391 1.71429V2.49351H5.03897V1.71429H8.20781V2.33766H9.14288V1.71429H12.3117V3.27273H0.935065V1.71429H4.10391ZM0.935065 11.0649V4.20779H12.3117V11.0649H0.935065Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM4.5975 8.25977H3.03906V9.81821H4.5975V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM7.40268 8.25977H5.84424V9.81821H7.40268V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM10.2079 8.25977H8.64941V9.81821H10.2079V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM7.40268 5.45459H5.84424V7.01303H7.40268V5.45459Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM10.2079 5.45459H8.64941V7.01303H10.2079V5.45459Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM4.5975 5.45459H3.03906V7.01303H4.5975V5.45459Z fill#2B2A29/>/svg>2022/div> div classdate>svg width16 height12 viewBox0 0 16 12 fillnone xmlns> path dM14.2502 9.4875C14.9868 8.76161 15.4288 7.85089 15.4288 6.85714C15.4288 4.71429 13.3796 2.94375 10.7091 2.62768C9.86536 1.08482 7.88322 0 5.57161 0C2.49393 0 0.000180406 1.91786 0.000180406 4.28571C0.000180406 5.27679 0.442145 6.1875 1.17875 6.91607C0.76893 7.73839 0.179645 8.37589 0.16893 8.38661C0.00018041 8.56607 -0.0480339 8.82857 0.0510733 9.05625C0.147502 9.28393 0.372502 9.43125 0.61893 9.43125C2.05197 9.43125 3.20911 8.89018 3.9725 8.39196C4.21893 8.44821 4.47339 8.49107 4.73322 8.52321C5.57429 10.0607 7.5484 11.1429 9.85732 11.1429C10.4145 11.1429 10.9502 11.0786 11.4591 10.9607C12.2225 11.4563 13.377 12 14.8127 12C15.0591 12 15.2814 11.8527 15.3805 11.625C15.477 11.3973 15.4314 11.1348 15.2627 10.9554C15.252 10.9473 14.66 10.3098 14.2502 9.4875V9.4875ZM3.72875 7.01518L3.27072 7.3125C2.89304 7.55625 2.50732 7.74911 2.11625 7.88571C2.18857 7.75982 2.26089 7.62589 2.33054 7.48929L2.74572 6.65625L2.08143 6C1.71982 5.64107 1.28589 5.05446 1.28589 4.28571C1.28589 2.65982 3.24929 1.28571 5.57161 1.28571C7.89393 1.28571 9.85732 2.65982 9.85732 4.28571C9.85732 5.91161 7.89393 7.28571 5.57161 7.28571C5.12964 7.28571 4.68768 7.23482 4.25911 7.13571L3.72875 7.01518ZM13.3475 8.57143L12.6859 9.225L13.1011 10.058C13.1707 10.1946 13.243 10.3286 13.3154 10.4545C12.9243 10.3179 12.5386 10.125 12.1609 9.88125L11.7029 9.58393L11.1698 9.70714C10.7413 9.80625 10.2993 9.85714 9.85732 9.85714C8.4109 9.85714 7.11982 9.31875 6.34036 8.52589C9.05375 8.23661 11.143 6.45268 11.143 4.28571C11.143 4.19464 11.1323 4.10625 11.1243 4.01786C12.8493 4.40625 14.143 5.53929 14.143 6.85714C14.143 7.62589 13.7091 8.2125 13.3475 8.57143Z fill#2B2A29/> /svg> /div> div classdate>svg width13 height13 viewBox0 0 13 13 fillnone xmlns> path dM11.6049 1.35627C10.9623 0.86637 10.2532 0.61792 9.49728 0.61792C8.54348 0.61792 7.51321 1.02501 6.49998 1.79912C5.48674 1.02501 4.45647 0.61792 3.50267 0.61792C2.74674 0.61792 2.03762 0.86637 1.395 1.35627C0.454781 2.07316 -0.0143742 2.97781 0.00033543 4.04503C0.0509223 7.69955 5.98544 12.0118 6.23801 12.1935L6.49998 12.3821L6.76194 12.1935C7.01458 12.0118 12.9491 7.69955 12.9996 4.04503C13.0143 2.97781 12.5452 2.07316 11.6049 1.35627ZM9.19848 8.91053C8.0998 10.0155 6.99114 10.895 6.49998 11.2696C6.00882 10.895 4.90015 10.0156 3.80147 8.91053C1.91917 7.01734 0.914906 5.3304 0.897207 4.03212C0.886563 3.254 1.22734 2.61204 1.9389 2.06951C2.42163 1.70141 2.94777 1.51479 3.50267 1.51479C4.55286 1.51479 5.55593 2.16871 6.21242 2.71728L6.49998 2.95753L6.78753 2.71728C7.44403 2.16871 8.44709 1.51479 9.49728 1.51479C10.0522 1.51479 10.5783 1.70141 11.0611 2.06951C11.7726 2.61204 12.1134 3.254 12.1027 4.03212C12.085 5.33046 11.0807 7.01734 9.19848 8.91053Z fill#2B2A29/> /svg> 0/div> p itempropdescription>Наш ассортимент пополнился тяговыми аккумуляторами Leoch UPLUS серии LDC – GEL/AGM (Deep Cycle)/p> a itempropurl href/blog/новость-№4.html>Подробнее/a> /div>/div>div classdp-slider-item itemscope itemtype> a itempropurl href/blog/новость-№3.html classdp-slider-item-pic> img itempropimage srcassets/images/interface/peakpx.jpg altДоставка любых грузовых аккумуляторов от 2х штук по СПБ бесплатно! loadinglazy> div classmark> span>18/span> p>ноя/p> /div> /a> div classdp-slider-item-content> h4 itempropname>Доставка любых грузовых аккумуляторов от 2х штук по СПБ бесплатно!/h4> 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При покупке 2х любых грузовых аккумуляторов емкостью от 100ач. и более./p> a itempropurl href/blog/новость-№3.html>Подробнее/a> /div>/div>div classdp-slider-item itemscope itemtype> a itempropurl href/blog/n2.html classdp-slider-item-pic> img itempropimage srcassets/images/special.jpg altСкидка -10% на тяговые аккумуляторы loadinglazy> div classmark> span>16/span> p>ноя/p> /div> /a> div classdp-slider-item-content> h4 itempropname>Скидка -10% на тяговые аккумуляторы/h4> div classdate itempropdatePublished>svg width14 height12 viewBox0 0 14 12 fillnone xmlns>path dM9.14285 0.779221V0H8.20778V0.779221H5.03897V0H4.10391V0.779221H0V12H13.2468V0.779221H9.14285ZM4.10391 1.71429V2.49351H5.03897V1.71429H8.20781V2.33766H9.14288V1.71429H12.3117V3.27273H0.935065V1.71429H4.10391ZM0.935065 11.0649V4.20779H12.3117V11.0649H0.935065Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM4.5975 8.25977H3.03906V9.81821H4.5975V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM7.40268 8.25977H5.84424V9.81821H7.40268V8.25977Z fill#2B2A29/>path dM10.2079 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Адрес: 195276 СПб, пр. Культуры д.29 к.1 литер А, пом. 436br> Факт. Адрес: СПб, ул. Лисичанская д.6br> Банк ПАО СБЕРБАНК br> Р/с 40702810555000000829 br> К/c 30101810500000000653 br> БИК 044030653br>br> Генеральный директор Смыслов Сергей Николаевич/p> div>a hrefassets/card.doc classbtn-blue target_blank>Скачать карточку/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdp-contacts-call> div classwrap> h2 styletext-align: center;>Свяжитесь с нами удобным для Вас способом/h2> div classdp-contacts-call-flex> !--div classdp-contacts-call-item> p>Напишите нам в мессенджеры, br>ответим очень быстро/p> div classcontacts-social> a href# classwhatsapp target_blank>svg width45 height45 viewBox0 0 45 45 fillnone xmlns> circle cx22.5 cy22.5 r22.5 fill#28A219/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM13.7786 21.5911C13.7885 19.4152 14.5466 17.3092 15.9255 15.6271C16.1289 15.3707 16.287 15.2275 16.4829 14.9787L17.0855 14.4207C18.733 13.0148 20.8053 12.2048 22.9686 12.1211C23.8888 12.0792 24.8102 12.1732 25.703 12.4C26.2798 12.5616 26.8438 12.7657 27.3904 13.0108L28.8969 13.8703C29.1219 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