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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 19 May 2024 10:35:16 GMTServer: ApacheContent-Length: 15212Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />title>Father, Author, Nerd, DJ (TRR), Creator/Dev (UO-The Expanse, #ColoringTherapy, #NoBullies, TAPdd)/title>meta namekeywords contentbooks, author, writing, ajbruner, aj bruner, bruner, aj, soulmates, soul mates, perceptions of love, of love, perceptions, still waters run deep, still waters run, still waters, run deep, run, deep, still, waters, dealing life away, dealing, life, away,#coloringtherapy,#coloring,coloring,therapybooks, author, writing, ajbruner, aj bruner, bruner, aj, tapdd, tapped, tattooed and pierced, tattooed, pierced, tattoo, pierce,soulmates, soul mates, perceptions of love, of love, perceptions, still waters run deep, still waters run, still waters, run deep, run, deep, still, waters, dealing life away, dealing, life, away,#coloringtherapy,#coloring,coloring,therapy,legends of dragons,dragons,legends, begloomed the card game, begloomed card game, begloomed, legend of ezmerelda,legend ezmerelda,ezmerelda,galleria of color,galleria,color />meta namedescription contentA.J. Bruners Home away from home />link href relstylesheet typetext/css />script src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediascreen /> script typetext/JavaScript src>/script> script languagejavascript typetext/javascript>function clearText(field){ if (field.defaultValue field.value) field.value ; else if (field.value ) field.value field.defaultValue;}/script>/head>body classhome>div idaj_body_wrapper>div idaj_wrapper> div iddtrpg aligncenter>a href target_new>img src height105px border0 titleHome to Incredible Indies - Available Now @ altBanner: H
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 19 May 2024 10:35:17 GMTServer: ApacheContent-Length: 15212Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />title>Father, Author, Nerd, DJ (TRR), Creator/Dev (UO-The Expanse, #ColoringTherapy, #NoBullies, TAPdd)/title>meta namekeywords contentbooks, author, writing, ajbruner, aj bruner, bruner, aj, soulmates, soul mates, perceptions of love, of love, perceptions, still waters run deep, still waters run, still waters, run deep, run, deep, still, waters, dealing life away, dealing, life, away,#coloringtherapy,#coloring,coloring,therapybooks, author, writing, ajbruner, aj bruner, bruner, aj, tapdd, tapped, tattooed and pierced, tattooed, pierced, tattoo, pierce,soulmates, soul mates, perceptions of love, of love, perceptions, still waters run deep, still waters run, still waters, run deep, run, deep, still, waters, dealing life away, dealing, life, away,#coloringtherapy,#coloring,coloring,therapy,legends of dragons,dragons,legends, begloomed the card game, begloomed card game, begloomed, legend of ezmerelda,legend ezmerelda,ezmerelda,galleria of color,galleria,color />meta namedescription contentA.J. Bruners Home away from home />link href relstylesheet typetext/css />script src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediascreen /> script typetext/JavaScript src>/script> script languagejavascript typetext/javascript>function clearText(field){ if (field.defaultValue field.value) field.value ; else if (field.value ) field.value field.defaultValue;}/script>/head>body classhome>div idaj_body_wrapper>div idaj_wrapper> div iddtrpg aligncenter>a href target_new>img src height105px border0 titleHome to Incredible Indies - Available Now @ altBanner: H
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