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classtitle-2 animate-box data-effectfadeInRight>Model/h2> /div> /div> div classgroup-title> p classinfo animate-box data-effectfadeInRight> span classtitle-info>A Web3 revolutionary/span> approach to processing and analyzing big data, using AI technology to connect developers initiatives directly with users. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6> div classgroup-page-2-right> div classgroup-content> div classbackground-page>/div> div classsub-content sub-1> h3 classtitle animate-box data-effectfadeInLeft>For Businesses /h3> div classgroup-paging> i classbtn_paging fa-solid fa-arrow-left-long>/i> span classnumber>1/2/span> i classbtn_paging btn_page_2 active fa-solid fa-arrow-right-long>/i> /div> div classsub-info animate-box data-effectfadeInLeft> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Cost-effective compared to traditional solutions. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Efficient Big Data handling. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Rapid processing period on access and process data. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Transparent, secure transaction and payment system for businesses. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Ability to monetize data assets/AI renting through the AIT Protocol ecosystem. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Improved data privacy and security through decentralized data sharing. /p> /div> /div> div classsub-content sub-2 hidden> h3 classtitle animate-box data-effectfadeInRight>For our Users /h3> div classgroup-paging> i classbtn_paging btn_page_1 active fa-solid fa-arrow-left-long>/i> span classnumber>2/2/span> i classbtn_paging fa-solid fa-arrow-right-long>/i> /div> div classsub-info animate-box data-effectfadeInRight> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Enables users to generate real works from Proof of Work (POW) tasks. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Opportunity to earn stable income through data generation and AI training. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Access data directly to AI Developer, enabling to develop better AI models and solutions. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> No multi-layer brokerage cost lost. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 24.9675V21.0844L23.6786 19.3117L26 17.3701V11.9675L23.6356 10.026L21.3571 8.25325V4.03247ZM12.9999 18.5361C15.2089 18.5562 17.016 16.7817 17.0361 14.5727C17.0562 12.3636 15.2818 10.5565 13.0727 10.5364C10.8637 10.5163 9.05657 12.2908 9.03646 14.4998C9.01635 16.7089 10.7908 18.516 12.9999 18.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 3.03247L17.1786 0.5L13 3.03247L8.82143 0.5L4.64286 3.03247V7.25325L2.36442 9.02597L0 10.9675V16.3701L2.32143 18.3117L4.64286 20.0844V23.9675L8.82143 26.5L13 23.9675L17.1786 26.5L21.3571 23.9675V20.0844L23.6786 18.3117L26 16.3701V10.9675L23.6356 9.02597L21.3571 7.25325V3.03247ZM12.9999 17.5361C15.2089 17.5562 17.016 15.7817 17.0361 13.5727C17.0562 11.3636 15.2818 9.55652 13.0727 9.53641C10.8637 9.5163 9.05657 11.2908 9.03646 13.4998C9.01635 15.7089 10.7908 17.516 12.9999 17.5361Z fill#A27AF8/> /svg> Access to a wider range of AI technologies and applications. /p> p classinfo> svg classsvg-info viewBox0 0 26 28 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM21.3571 4.03247L17.1786 1.5L13 4.03247L8.82143 1.5L4.64286 4.03247V8.25325L2.36442 10.026L0 11.9675V17.3701L2.32143 19.3117L4.64286 21.0844V24.9675L8.82143 27.5L13 24.9675L17.1786 27.5L21.3571 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classgroup-home-3_mobi styledisplay: none !important;> div classbackground-page-3>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classgroup-title animate-box col-12 data-effectfadeInUp> h3 classtitle>AI model and application for the h2 classsub-name>span classname>Big Data Analytics/span>/h2>/h3> p classinfo>Minimizing the cost, time, workforce and errors in from the tradition Big Data processing/p> /div> div classgroup-list col-12> div classsub-list> div classsub-item animate-box data-effectfadeInUp> div classitem-list> h5 classtitle>Educatuion/h5> svg classitem-svg-icon width20 height20 viewBox0 0 20 20 fillnone xmlns> g clip-pathurl(#clip0_301_698)> path dM16.25 11.4563V14.175C16.25 15.1625 15.6687 16.0438 14.7687 16.4563C13.675 16.9563 12.0188 17.5 10 17.5C7.98125 17.5 6.325 16.9563 5.225 16.4563C4.33125 16.0438 3.75 15.1625 3.75 14.175V11.4563L8.19375 13.4875C8.7625 13.75 9.375 13.8813 10 13.8813C10.625 13.8813 11.2375 13.75 11.8062 13.4875L16.25 11.4563Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM18.75 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clip-pathurl(#clip0_301_752)> path dM7.01051 16.5523C6.75603 16.2729 6.63007 15.8983 6.6639 15.5233L7.29313 8.60209C7.3705 7.75144 8.0729 7.10999 8.92701 7.10999H9.72436V6.48535C9.72436 5.21482 10.758 4.18119 12.0285 4.18119C13.299 4.18119 14.3327 5.21485 14.3327 6.48535V2.97091C14.3327 1.71861 13.3166 0.666748 12.0285 0.666748H4.99936C3.73881 0.666748 2.69519 1.682 2.69519 2.97091V17.0292C2.69519 18.3181 3.73739 19.3334 4.99936 19.3334H12.0285C13.3141 19.3334 14.3327 18.2845 14.3327 17.0292V16.9902H8.00403C7.62695 16.9902 7.26484 16.8306 7.01051 16.5523ZM7.63533 1.91607H9.39262C9.69464 1.91607 9.9395 2.16092 9.9395 2.46294C9.9395 2.76496 9.69464 3.00982 9.39262 3.00982H7.63533C7.33331 3.00982 7.08846 2.76496 7.08846 2.46294C7.08846 2.16092 7.33331 1.91607 7.63533 1.91607Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM10.8181 6.48532V7.10996H13.2389V6.48532C13.2389 5.81788 12.6959 5.2749 12.0285 5.2749C11.3611 5.2749 10.8181 5.81788 10.8181 6.48532Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM16.3038 15.6217L15.6746 8.70098C15.649 8.4193 15.4128 8.20361 15.13 8.20361H8.92694C8.6441 8.20361 8.40792 8.4193 8.38233 8.70098L7.75317 15.6214C7.74689 15.6908 7.77139 15.7633 7.81788 15.8143C7.8648 15.8657 7.93433 15.8963 8.00396 15.8963H16.053C16.1226 15.8963 16.1923 15.8655 16.2387 15.8147C16.2857 15.7631 16.31 15.6908 16.3038 15.6217Z fill#7BFE4D/> /g> defs> clipPath idclip0_301_752> rect width18.6667 height18.6667 fillwhite transformtranslate(0.166626 0.666748)/> /clipPath> /defs> /svg> h5 classtitle>Fast-food/h5> /div> /div> div classsub-item animate-box data-effectfadeInUp> div classitem-list> svg classitem-svg-icon width20 height20 viewBox0 0 20 20 fillnone xmlns> g clip-pathurl(#clip0_301_771)> path dM4.6875 9.10156C2.09869 9.10156 0 11.2003 0 13.7891C0 16.3779 2.09869 18.4766 4.6875 18.4766C7.27631 18.4766 9.375 16.3779 9.375 13.7891C9.375 11.2003 7.27631 9.10156 4.6875 9.10156ZM4.6875 15.5469C3.71826 15.5469 2.92969 14.7583 2.92969 13.7891C2.92969 12.8198 3.71826 12.0312 4.6875 12.0312C5.65674 12.0312 6.44531 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32.1973 36.3334 31.6667 36.3334H13C12.4693 36.3334 11.9607 36.1228 11.586 35.7474C11.2107 35.3728 11 34.8641 11 34.3334V23.6667C11 23.1361 11.2107 22.6274 11.586 22.2527C11.9607 21.8774 12.4693 21.6667 13 21.6667H31.6667C32.1973 21.6667 32.706 21.8774 33.0807 22.2527C33.456 22.6274 33.6667 23.1361 33.6667 23.6667ZM13 33.6667H15.6667C16.0347 33.6667 16.3333 33.3681 16.3333 33.0001C16.3333 32.6321 16.0347 32.3334 15.6667 32.3334H13C12.632 32.3334 12.3333 32.6321 12.3333 33.0001C12.3333 33.3681 12.632 33.6667 13 33.6667ZM23.6667 33.6667H26.3333C26.7013 33.6667 27 33.3681 27 33.0001C27 32.6321 26.7013 32.3334 26.3333 32.3334H23.6667C23.2987 32.3334 23 32.6321 23 33.0001C23 33.3681 23.2987 33.6667 23.6667 33.6667ZM18.3333 33.6667H21C21.368 33.6667 21.6667 33.3681 21.6667 33.0001C21.6667 32.6321 21.368 32.3334 21 32.3334H18.3333C17.9653 32.3334 17.6667 32.6321 17.6667 33.0001C17.6667 33.3681 17.9653 33.6667 18.3333 33.6667ZM29 33.6667H31.6667C32.0347 33.6667 32.3333 33.3681 32.3333 33.0001C32.3333 32.6321 32.0347 32.3334 31.6667 32.3334H29C28.632 32.3334 28.3333 32.6321 28.3333 33.0001C28.3333 33.3681 28.632 33.6667 29 33.6667ZM32.3333 29.0001V27.6667C32.3333 26.5621 31.438 25.6667 30.3333 25.6667H27.6667C26.562 25.6667 25.6667 26.5621 25.6667 27.6667V29.0001C25.6667 30.1047 26.562 31.0001 27.6667 31.0001H30.3333C31.438 31.0001 32.3333 30.1047 32.3333 29.0001ZM31 27.6667V29.0001C31 29.3681 30.7013 29.6667 30.3333 29.6667H27.6667C27.2987 29.6667 27 29.3681 27 29.0001V27.6667C27 27.2987 27.2987 27.0001 27.6667 27.0001H30.3333C30.7013 27.0001 31 27.2987 31 27.6667Z fillblack/> /svg> /div> div classsub-content> h4 classtitle>Payment/h4> p classinfo>Easy Payment between businesses and users through crypto/p> /div> /div> /div> div classgr-list animate-box col-6 col-lg-3 data-effectfadeInRight> div classsub-list> div classicon-list> svg width50 height50 viewBox0 0 50 50 fillnone xmlns> rect width50 height50 rx16 fill#7BFE4D/> path dM25 17C24.4067 17 23.8266 16.8241 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20.0001C27.415 20.0001 26.6667 19.2517 26.6667 18.3334V11.6667H16.6667C15.7483 11.6667 15 12.4151 15 13.3334V36.6667C15 37.5867 15.7483 38.3334 16.6667 38.3334H33.3333C34.2533 38.3334 35 37.5867 35 36.6667V20.0001H28.3333ZM21.6667 35.0001H18.3333V30.0001H21.6667V35.0001ZM26.6667 35.0001H23.3333V26.6667H26.6667V35.0001ZM31.6667 35.0001H28.3333V23.3334H31.6667V35.0001Z fillblack/> /svg> /div> div classsub-content> h4 classtitle>Transparent number/h4> p classinfo>Apparent and Transparent number through the iPass NFTs/p> /div> /div> /div> div classgr-list animate-box col-6 col-lg-3 data-effectfadeInRight> div classsub-list> div classicon-list> svg width50 height50 viewBox0 0 50 50 fillnone xmlns> rect width50 height50 rx16 fill#7BFE4D/> path dM36.6739 15.6388C36.6256 15.3036 36.3762 15.0279 36.0391 14.9372L25.2354 12.0311C25.0814 11.9896 24.9187 11.9896 24.7646 12.0311L13.9609 14.9372C13.6238 15.0279 13.3744 15.3035 13.3261 15.6388C13.2635 16.0747 11.834 26.3723 15.5006 31.4951C19.1629 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classgroup-title animate-box col-lg-12 col-xl-5 data-effectfadeInUp> h3 classtitle>span classname>AI model/span> and application for the Big Data Analytics/h3> p classinfo>Minimizing the cost, time, workforce and errors in from the tradition Big Data processing/p> /div> div classgroup-list animate-box col-lg-12 col-xl-7 data-effectfadeInUp> div classsub-list> div classrow> div classitem-list-left> div classsub-item> div classitem-list> h5 classtitle>Educatuion/h5> svg classitem-svg-icon width49 height48 viewBox0 0 49 48 fillnone xmlns> circle cx24.5 cy24 r24 fill#5F20E5/> g clip-pathurl(#clip0_195_1885)> path dM33.25 26.0388V29.8451C33.25 31.2276 32.4362 32.4613 31.1762 33.0388C29.645 33.7388 27.3263 34.5001 24.5 34.5001C21.6737 34.5001 19.355 33.7388 17.815 33.0388C16.5637 32.4613 15.75 31.2276 15.75 29.8451V26.0388L21.9712 28.8826C22.7675 29.2501 23.625 29.4338 24.5 29.4338C25.375 29.4338 26.2325 29.2501 27.0287 28.8826L33.25 26.0388Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM36.75 24.4375V30.125C36.75 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34.8638H12.9678V32.8478C12.9678 32.5678 13.2478 32.2878 13.5278 32.2878H34.4718C34.7518 32.2878 35.0318 32.5678 35.0318 32.8478V34.8638H36.8798C37.1598 34.8638 37.4398 35.0878 37.4398 35.4238Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM10.5599 20.1359C10.5039 19.9119 10.6159 19.6319 10.8399 19.5199L23.7199 12.1279C23.8879 12.0159 24.1119 12.0159 24.2799 12.1279L37.1599 19.5199C37.3839 19.6319 37.4959 19.9119 37.4399 20.1359C37.3839 20.3599 37.1599 20.5279 36.8799 20.5279H11.1199C10.8959 20.5279 10.6719 20.3599 10.5599 20.1359Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM27.5278 21.6479V22.2079C27.5278 22.5439 27.3038 22.7679 26.9678 22.7679H26.1838V31.1679H21.8718V22.7679H21.0878C20.8078 22.7679 20.5278 22.5439 20.5278 22.2079V21.6479H27.5278Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM35.2559 21.6479V22.2079C35.2559 22.5439 34.9759 22.7679 34.6959 22.7679H33.7999V31.1679H29.4879V22.7679H28.8159C28.5359 22.7679 28.2559 22.5439 28.2559 22.2079V21.6479H35.2559Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM19.7439 21.6479V22.2079C19.7439 22.5439 19.5199 22.7679 19.1839 22.7679H18.5119V31.1679H14.1999V22.7679H13.3039C12.9679 22.7679 12.7439 22.5439 12.7439 22.2079V21.6479H19.7439Z fill#7BFE4D/> /svg> /div> /div> div classsub-item mr-4> div classitem-list> h5 classtitle>Healthcare/h5> svg classitem-svg-icon width48 height48 viewBox0 0 48 48 fillnone xmlns> circle cx24 cy24 r24 fill#5F20E5/> g clip-pathurl(#clip0_195_1917)> path dM19.811 35.6269C20.3159 36.0702 20.8372 36.5276 21.3734 37.0019C21.377 37.0051 21.3807 37.0084 21.3845 37.0116L23.1682 38.5524C23.4072 38.7589 23.7038 38.8621 24.0004 38.8621C24.297 38.8621 24.5937 38.7588 24.8327 38.5524L26.6161 37.0116C26.6198 37.0084 26.6235 37.0052 26.6271 37.002C30.1582 33.8792 32.8056 31.4885 34.721 29.1569C36.9581 26.4336 38.0001 23.9714 38.0001 21.4081C38.0001 16.7704 34.3674 13.1377 29.7299 13.1377C27.6455 13.1377 25.5861 13.9225 24.0004 15.283C22.4143 13.9225 20.3549 13.1377 18.2705 13.1377C13.6328 13.1376 10 16.7704 10 21.408C10 27.0139 13.903 30.4403 19.811 35.6269ZM18.908 23.454H22.3026V20.0592H25.6973V23.454H29.092V26.8486H25.6973V30.2432H22.3026V26.8486H18.908V23.454Z fill#7BFE4D/> /g> defs> clipPath idclip0_195_1917> rect width28 height28 fillwhite transformtranslate(10 12)/> /clipPath> /defs> /svg> /div> /div> div classsub-item> div classitem-list> h5 classtitle>Weather Patterns/h5> svg classitem-svg-icon width49 height48 viewBox0 0 49 48 fillnone xmlns> circle cx24.5 cy24 r24 fill#5F20E5/> g clip-pathurl(#clip0_195_1946)> path dM26.231 21.3883C28.2116 21.1396 30.1646 21.9367 31.4171 23.4796C31.509 23.5928 31.6731 23.6176 31.7909 23.5316C32.3582 23.117 32.8467 22.599 33.2297 22.0011C35.6167 18.2769 32.966 13.25 28.4375 13.25C25.4824 13.25 23.0467 15.5147 22.7756 18.3998C22.7647 18.5163 22.829 18.6276 22.9361 18.6749C24.1723 19.2217 25.2285 20.1225 25.9704 21.2678C26.0266 21.3547 26.1283 21.4011 26.231 21.3883Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM28.4375 12.375C28.9208 12.375 29.3125 11.9832 29.3125 11.5V9.75C29.3125 9.26678 28.9208 8.875 28.4375 8.875C27.9542 8.875 27.5625 9.26678 27.5625 9.75V11.5C27.5625 11.9832 27.9542 12.375 28.4375 12.375Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM37.625 18.0625H35.875C35.3917 18.0625 35 18.4543 35 18.9375C35 19.4207 35.3917 19.8125 35.875 19.8125H37.625C38.1083 19.8125 38.5 19.4207 38.5 18.9375C38.5 18.4543 38.1083 18.0625 37.625 18.0625Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM34.3153 23.5778C33.9736 23.2361 33.4196 23.2361 33.0778 23.5778C32.7361 23.9195 32.7361 24.4735 33.0778 24.8152L34.3153 26.0526C34.4861 26.2235 34.71 26.3089 34.9339 26.3089C35.7066 26.3089 36.1054 25.3679 35.5526 24.8153L34.3153 23.5778Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM22.5596 14.297C22.9013 14.6388 23.4553 14.6388 23.7971 14.297C24.1388 13.9553 24.1388 13.4013 23.7971 13.0596L22.5596 11.8222C22.2181 11.4805 21.664 11.4805 21.3222 11.8222C20.9805 12.1639 20.9805 12.7179 21.3222 13.0596L22.5596 14.297Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM33.6965 14.5534C33.9205 14.5534 34.1444 14.4679 34.3152 14.297L35.5526 13.0596C35.8944 12.7179 35.8944 12.1639 35.5526 11.8222C35.2109 11.4805 34.6569 11.4805 34.3152 11.8222L33.0779 13.0597C32.525 13.6125 32.924 14.5534 33.6965 14.5534Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM30.8727 27.9061C31.5473 24.5826 28.0667 22.0201 25.115 23.5348C24.4662 21.3938 22.4778 19.8352 20.125 19.8352C17.0716 19.8352 14.661 22.4503 14.9324 25.5148C12.4522 25.7086 10.5 27.7824 10.5 30.3124C10.5 32.9629 12.6473 35.1249 15.3125 35.1249H30.9531C32.9465 35.1249 34.5625 33.5089 34.5625 31.5155C34.5625 29.6103 33.0634 27.9061 30.8727 27.9061Z fill#7BFE4D/> /g> defs> clipPath idclip0_195_1946> rect width28 height28 fillwhite transformtranslate(10.5 8)/> /clipPath> /defs> /svg> /div> /div> /div> div classitem-home> img src./images/icon_home_4.svg classimg-responsive item-svg alt> div classsub-item> div classitem-list> svg classitem-svg-icon width48 height48 viewBox0 0 48 48 fillnone xmlns> circle cx24 cy24 r24 fill#5F20E5/> path dM12.3333 33.0833H35.6666V35.4166H12.3333V33.0833Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM21.6665 30.75V31.9167H26.3332V30.75H25.1665V24.9167H26.3332V23.75H21.6665V24.9167H22.8332V30.75H21.6665Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM29.25 30.75V31.9167H33.9167V30.75H32.75V24.9167H33.9167V23.75H29.25V24.9167H30.4167V30.75H29.25Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM14.0833 30.75V31.9167H18.7499V30.75H17.5833V24.9167H18.7499V23.75H14.0833V24.9167H15.2499V30.75H14.0833Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM29.1916 17.5957C27.3424 20.1682 24.8866 19.6665 28.6666 19.6665C28.8213 19.6665 28.9697 19.728 29.0791 19.8374C29.1885 19.9468 29.2499 20.0952 29.2499 20.2499C29.2499 20.4046 29.1885 20.553 29.0791 20.6623C28.9697 20.7717 28.8213 20.8332 28.6666 20.8332H19.3333C19.1785 20.8332 19.0302 20.7717 18.9208 20.6623C18.8114 20.553 18.7499 20.4046 18.7499 20.2499C18.7499 20.0952 18.8114 19.9468 18.9208 19.8374C19.0302 19.728 19.1785 19.6665 19.3333 19.6665H21.3224C20.3178 19.2103 19.4523 18.4957 18.8141 17.5957L12.3333 20.8332V22.5832H35.6666V20.8332L29.1916 17.5957Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM24 19.0833C25.0384 19.0833 26.0534 18.7753 26.9167 18.1985C27.7801 17.6216 28.453 16.8017 28.8504 15.8423C29.2477 14.883 29.3517 13.8274 29.1491 12.809C28.9466 11.7906 28.4465 10.8552 27.7123 10.1209C26.9781 9.38672 26.0426 8.8867 25.0242 8.68413C24.0058 8.48156 22.9502 8.58553 21.9909 8.98289C21.0316 9.38025 20.2117 10.0532 19.6348 10.9165C19.0579 11.7799 18.75 12.7949 18.75 13.8333C18.75 15.2256 19.3031 16.561 20.2877 17.5456C21.2723 18.5301 22.6076 19.0833 24 19.0833ZM24.5833 14.4166H23.4167C22.9525 14.4166 22.5074 14.2322 22.1792 13.904C21.851 13.5758 21.6667 13.1307 21.6667 12.6666C21.6667 12.2025 21.851 11.7573 22.1792 11.4292C22.5074 11.101 22.9525 10.9166 23.4167 10.9166V10.3333C23.4167 10.1785 23.4781 10.0302 23.5875 9.92078C23.6969 9.81138 23.8453 9.74992 24 9.74992C24.1547 9.74992 24.3031 9.81138 24.4125 9.92078C24.5219 10.0302 24.5833 10.1785 24.5833 10.3333V10.9166H25.75C25.9047 10.9166 26.0531 10.978 26.1625 11.0874C26.2719 11.1968 26.3333 11.3452 26.3333 11.4999C26.3333 11.6546 26.2719 11.803 26.1625 11.9124C26.0531 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width48 height48 viewBox0 0 48 48 fillnone xmlns> circle cx24 cy24 r24 fill#5F20E5/> path dM19.9702 19.2896H20.6918L20.7888 20.2637C22.1013 20.4387 23.3088 20.8413 24.3587 21.4275H34.43L34.6476 19.2896H35.375C35.8586 19.2896 36.25 18.8978 36.25 18.4146C36.25 17.9314 35.8586 17.5396 35.375 17.5396H28.5476V15.5221L30.6044 14.1481C31.006 13.8798 31.1145 13.3364 30.8453 12.9343C30.5779 12.5331 30.0353 12.4242 29.632 12.6929L27.1864 14.3267C26.9437 14.4891 26.7976 14.7621 26.7976 15.0543V17.5396H19.9702C19.4866 17.5396 19.0952 17.9314 19.0952 18.4146C19.0952 18.8978 19.4866 19.2896 19.9702 19.2896Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM33.2575 33.0825L33.415 31.5513H28.6025C28.585 33.0125 28.0337 34.395 27.01 35.445H30.6413C31.9975 35.445 33.1175 34.43 33.2575 33.0825Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM28.3838 29.8015H33.5901L34.2551 23.1777H26.5376C27.8413 24.6565 28.6026 26.5902 28.6026 28.7952C28.6026 29.154 28.5238 29.4865 28.3838 29.8015Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM12.5568 29.6525C12.5206 29.8116 12.4977 29.9756 12.4977 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fill#5F20E5/> g clip-pathurl(#clip0_265_211)> path dM16.5625 22.7422C12.9382 22.7422 10 25.6804 10 29.3047C10 32.929 12.9382 35.8672 16.5625 35.8672C20.1868 35.8672 23.125 32.929 23.125 29.3047C23.125 25.6804 20.1868 22.7422 16.5625 22.7422ZM16.5625 31.7656C15.2056 31.7656 14.1016 30.6616 14.1016 29.3047C14.1016 27.9478 15.2056 26.8438 16.5625 26.8438C17.9194 26.8438 19.0234 27.9478 19.0234 29.3047C19.0234 30.6616 17.9194 31.7656 16.5625 31.7656Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM16.5625 28.4844C16.1103 28.4844 15.7422 28.8524 15.7422 29.3047C15.7422 29.7569 16.1103 30.125 16.5625 30.125C17.0147 30.125 17.3828 29.7569 17.3828 29.3047C17.3828 28.8524 17.0147 28.4844 16.5625 28.4844Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM31.4375 17C31.4375 16.5478 31.8056 16.1797 32.2578 16.1797V14.5391C30.9009 14.5391 29.7969 15.6431 29.7969 17V19.4609H31.4375V17Z fill#7BFE4D/> path dM27.3967 27.6641C28.533 25.7041 30.6542 24.3828 33.0782 24.3828C34.2728 24.3828 35.3937 24.7037 36.3595 25.2638V24.3828C36.3595 22.5734 34.8876 21.1016 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featuring. A hub where supply meets demand in the continuous market/p> /div> /div> div classitem-collapse collapsed animate-box data-effectfadeInUp data-togglecollapse href#collapsePage2 rolebutton aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapsePage2> h4 classtitle>Big Data Analytics/h4>i classicon_btn icon_hide fa-solid fa-angle-down>/i>i classicon_btn icon_show fa-solid fa-angle-up>/i> div classcollapse content-item idcollapsePage2> p classcontent>Minimizing the cost, time, workforce and errors in from the tradition Big Data processing/p> /div> /div> div classitem-collapse collapsed animate-box data-effectfadeInUp data-togglecollapse href#collapsePage3 rolebutton aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapsePage3> h4 classtitle>The Community AIT Protocol/h4>i classicon_btn icon_hide fa-solid fa-angle-down>/i>i classicon_btn icon_show fa-solid fa-angle-up>/i> div classcollapse content-item idcollapsePage3> p classcontent>A Web3 revolutionary approach to processing and analyzing big data, using AI technology to connect developers initiatives directly with users./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classgroup-home-6 show_mobi styledisplay: none !important;> div classcontainer> div classgroup-title animate-box col-12 data-effectfadeInUp> h4 classtitle>span classname>Join/span> AIT Protocol with the simple steps:/h4> p classinfo>span classname>Our users/span> are given the opportunity to contribute to AI technology initiatives by labeling and processing large amounts of data. 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