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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 06:34:27 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 167Connection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 07:34:27 GMTLocation: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sZXP7te987by153KO84oLTO8eEc0TLOf3kJz8Lr6j1KGgFPpHEgc5q3KK5rkTqXzBaNwlGiO%2F6OOk0EdFOrEvdRcmbrH%2ByOonb54%2FPVbcI3%2BPMfIq%2BFT8Y0zVkEiYYcg2ma0%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 9243a9d388de8bee-PDXserver-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6484&min_rtt6484&rtt_var3242&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes55&delivery_rate0&cwnd244&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>cloudflare/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 06:34:28 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encodingcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sr4e%2Fhxk08GsD4rmxB6Mnoe7c2kHqizA96SozW9gcgq8AaEwnwmZY3H9q3Po4YJng2tcNZtgxmzQIa%2Bbt3kv7BJRbZxXrRWnLmxDsJexzUawY2rFr8JJLoPHyMByHeL%2F%2BRhU%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 9243a9d3ebe58736-PDXserver-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6951&min_rtt6851&rtt_var1994&sent5&recv6&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes2852&recv_bytes727&delivery_rate413596&cwnd251&unsent_bytes0&cid49a234f821e7ba32&ts239&x0 !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1,user-scalableno,maximum-scale1,widthdevice-width> meta namemobile-web-app-capable contentyes> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-capable contentyes> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style contentdefault> meta namedescription content> meta nameauthor content> title>Boatnerd/title> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href> link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 href> link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href> link relmask-icon href color#5bbad5> link relshortcut icon href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> script>var base_url;/script> !-- link relapple-touch-icon hrefassets/img/favicon-152.png> link relshortcut icon sizes196x196 hrefassets/img/favicon-196.png> --> !-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> !--if lt IE 9> script src>/script> script src>/script> !endif--> script src async defer>/script> /head> body>div classnavbar navbar-light navbar-white bg-light navbar-fixed-top rolenavigation> div classcontainer-fluid> div classnavbar-header> span classnavbar-toggle collapsed data-togglecollapse data-target#navbar aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsnavbar> i classfa fa-navicon stylecolor:#000; font-size:18px;>/i> /span> a classnavbar-left href>img src alt>/a> /div> div idnavbar classnavbar-collapse collapse> ul classnav navbar-nav> li>a href data-togglecollapse idpassage-btn>i classfa fa-globe>/i> Map/a>/li> li>a href data-togglecollapse idpassage-btn>i classfa fa-ship>/i> Vessel Passage/a>/li> li classdropdown> a href# rolebutton classdropdown-toggle data-toggledropdown>i classfa fa-question-circle>/i> About b classcaret>/b>/a> ul classdropdown-menu> li>a href# data-togglecollapse idfaq-btn>i classfa fa-question-circle>/i> FAQ/a>/li> li>a href# data-togglecollapse idtos-btn>i classfa fa-exclamation-circle>/i> Term Of Use/a>/li> li>a href# data-togglecollapse idyourArea-btn>i classfa fa-thumb-tack>/i> Your Area Here/a>/li> li>a href# data-togglecollapse idcontact-btn>i classfa fa-envelope>/i> Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /div>!--/.navbar-collapse --> /div> !-- container-fluid -->/div>!-- navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top -->div classmodal fade idfaqModal tabindex-1 roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Frequently Asked Question/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Welcome to Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping Onlines Vessel Passage Maps. These AIS-derived maps show current vessel locations throughout the Great Lakes. The following are frequently asked questions about the mapsp> p>On June 28, 2011 we went live with our new version of the map, this has been in development since 2008 and incorporates many new features that were requested. We are still making a few updates that should be complete in late July./p> p>We are updating this documentation to reflect the changes, please check back for updates./p> p>If you would like to use the old map please visit a href>>/p> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>What is AIS?/div> div classpanel-body> p>The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a radio-based system used by ships and vessel traffic services to track the location of ships. Its primary purpose is collision avoidance. AIS uses digital radio signals transmitted over VHF maritime channels 87B (161.975 MHz) and 88B (162.025 MHz) to broadcast information about a ship including its name, position, speed, course, dimensions, destination, and status. The use of AIS is mandated for international ships over 300 gross tons under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). US and Canadian laws require its eventual use on the Great Lakes for ships over a certain tonnage. Some vessels, such as ferries operating on a constant route, are exempted./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>How is AIS information obtained?/div> div classpanel-body> p>Anyone with a marine radio that can monitor channels 87B or 88B can pick up AIS transmissions. However they are digital signals that must be decoded for a human to understand them. Inexpensive software packages are available to do this decoding, as well as more advanced navigation devices. While AIS can provide a simple text output, it is typically combined with some sort of electronic mapping or charting program. This page uses base maps provided by Google Maps with data pulled from a custom>br>As radio signals, AIS transmissions have a limited range. This site extends the coverage range by linking multiple radio receivers through the Internet and combining all received AIS information onto one map./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Is this information current?/div> div classpanel-body> p>The data shown on these maps is a few minutes up to an hour old depending on the station and delay in updates. AIS requires speed, position and course information to be broadcast every 2 to 10 seconds while underway and every 3 minutes while docked. Other information, such as ship size and destination, is to be broadcast every 6 minutes. This site itself refreshes every 10 minutes, so information could be perhaps 15 minutes or older at times./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>What do the ship icons show?/div> div classpanel-body> p>Each ship is shown by an icon. The pointed end of the icon shows the rough direction of travel. There is a tail behind the ship showing its course over the past 10 minutes. The ships name is shown next to the icon./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>How do I get more details?/div> div classpanel-body> p>By double clicking on the icon (not on the name box), a supplementary box shows up listing the: ship name, MMSI, ship type, latitude and longitude, speed, course, heading dimensions and status. Note that all this information is supplied by the vessel or personnel on board. We cannot correct spelling errors or incorrect data coming from a ships transmitter./p> p> ul> li>MMSI is the ships Maritime Mobile Service Identity, a nine digit unique identifier./li> li>Latitude and Longitude are shown in decimal degrees./li> li>Speed is over ground speed in knots/li> li>Course is the actual direction being traveled at the last reporting time./li> li>Heading is the intended direction of travel./li> /ul> /p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Can I have my area appear on the Maps?/div> div classpanel-body> p>If you would like to host a receiver please a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#274a484342554653485567454846534942554309494253>e-mail/a>, all that is needed is a location near the water with an always -on Internet connection (like cable or DSL) where we can place an antenna and small receiver box. There is no cost for the equipment that we will maintain, the box uses minimal bandwidth and does not open any security holes. If you are using an AIS plotting software you can upload directly to our database via TCP/IP or UDP/IP upload, please a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#fd909299988f9c89928fbd9f929c8993988f99d3939889>e-mail/a> for instructions./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Do all vessels have a AIS transmitter?/div> div classpanel-body> p>No. Vessels under a certain size do not have to have AIS transmitters. Not all ferries who travel a constant route, regardless of size carry a transmitter./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Why cant I find a particular vessel?/div> div classpanel-body> p>Vessels that are laid up or are inactive do not always transmit an AIS signal. In addition, AIS transmissions, like all radio signals, have a variable range depending on transmission power and atmospheric condition. Finally, the current coverage is limited due to the current number of active receivers. Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping Onlines volunteer staff is working diligently to provide the best coverage possible within the constraints of its limited non-profit budget./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Why are these called maps and not charts?/div> div classpanel-body> p>The Map Tiles used as a base map for this page do not show water depths, aids to navigation, or any of the other features that set navigation charts apart from maps. While it should be obvious, it must be stated: Do not use these maps for navigation purposes. Not only are they not charts, they are not always completely up to date maps or images and will show land where there is actual a channel. For the most accurate view change the map type to satellite. We are working on a version that will display nautical charts./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Why are the ships on top of each other?/div> div classpanel-body> p>When viewing the satellite or map view and a small scale (zoomed out), the icon or name label of one ship will often block the view of another icon or name label. Simply zoom in on that location using the zoom slider and position keys on the left side of the screen. At larger scales the labels wont overlap unless the ships are right next to each other. If that is the case, double click on the ship icons to get more detail, including the ships name./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Why are the vessel dimensions incorrect?/div> div classpanel-body> p>Dimensions are entered by the vessel in meters, our system converts these to feet. If the dimensions were not entered correctly by the vessel it will not convert correctly./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Why are some vessels listed as an incorrect type?/div> div classpanel-body> p>Vessel type (freighter, tug, passenger, etc.) are enter by the vessel when they configure the AIS system, if they entered the wrong information it will dispaly incorrectly. We are updating the system so we can manually define the type for better sorting./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Why is a vessel shown on land?/div> div classpanel-body> p>When using either the satellite or map view at a large scale (zoomed in), the ship icon will appear to be on land. The maps, the satellite photos have a certain range or degree of accuracy. The accuracy of a graphical AIS display can only be as good as the combined accuracy of its mapping and equipment components. So docked ships sometimes appear to be on dry land next to the dock instead of in the water. If a ship shows up miles from the nearest lake, it is likely a problem with its AIS transmitter or the electronic navigation system it might be linked to./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>Is that an actual photo of the ship?/div> div classpanel-body> p>When using the satellite view, photos of actual ships appear in certain locations. These are ships that were there when the photo was taken, which may have been several years ago. Do not confuse these photographed ships with the AIS location icons./p> /div> /div> div classpanel panel-primary> div classpanel-heading>How was this service developed?/div> div classpanel-body> p>Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping Online, the non-profit support organization for the Boatnerd website, has committed a substantial portion of its operating budget to develop this online system. The vast majority of the labor involved was provided by volunteers, but there are substantial equipment and operating costs. Please consider purchasing raffle tickets as a way to support this free service or hosting a receiver. a href>>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-default data-dismissmodal>Close/button> /div> /div>!-- /.modal-content --> /div>!-- /.modal-dialog -->/div>!-- /.modal -->div classmodal fade idtosModal tabindex-1 roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button classclose typebutton data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button> h4 classmodal-title> Term Of Use /h4> /div> div classmodal-body text-danger> p>This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Commercial use or Public Display is prohibited without prior written agreement. If your organization would like to display our system at your location please a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#701d1f14150211041f0230121f11041e1502145e1e1504>e-mail./a>/p> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-default data-dismissmodal>Close/button> /div> /div>!-- /.modal-content --> /div>!-- /.modal-dialog -->/div>!-- /.modal -->div classmodal fade idyourAreaModal tabindex-1 roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button classclose typebutton data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button> h4 classmodal-title> Your Area Here /h4> /div> div classmodal-body> p>If you would like to host a receiver please a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#711c1e15140310051e0331131e10051f1403155f1f1405>e-mail/a>, all that is needed is a location near the water with an always -on Internet connection (like cable or DSL) where we can place an antenna and small receiver box. There is no cost for the equipment that we will maintain, the box uses minimal bandwidth and does not open any security holes. If you are using an AIS plotting software you can upload directly to our database via TCP/IP or UDP/IP upload, please a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#127f7d76776073667d6052707d73667c7760763c7c7766>e-mail/a> for instructions./p> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-default data-dismissmodal>Close/button> /div> /div>!-- /.modal-content --> /div>!-- /.modal-dialog -->/div>!-- /.modal -->div classmodal fade idcontactModal tabindex-1 roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button classclose typebutton data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button> h4 classmodal-title> Contact Us /h4> /div> div classmodal-body> form idcontact-form methodpost> div classwell well-sm> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> div classform-group> label forfirst-name>* First Name:/label> input typetext classform-control idfirst-name namefirst-name> /div> div classform-group> label forlast-name>* Last Name:/label> input typetext classform-control idlast-email namelast-name> /div> div classform-group> label foremail>* Email:/label> input typetext classform-control idemail nameemail> /div> /div> div classcol-md-8> label formessage>* Message:/label> textarea classform-control rows8 idmessage namemessage>/textarea> /div> div classcol-md-12> p> div classg-recaptcha data-sitekey6Lf1YqYUAAAAANm7_v00pQj7mkgKME7b0wLpzLlH data-callbackenableBtn>/div> label idlbl-info classtext-danger for>Please fill all required value/label> button idsubmit-contact-form typesubmit classbtn btn-primary pull-right disabled>Submit/button> /p> /div> /div> /div> /form> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-default data-dismissmodal>Close/button> /div> /div>!-- /.modal-content --> /div>!-- /.modal-dialog -->/div>!-- /.modal -->div classmodal fade idfeatureModal tabindex-1 roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button classclose typebutton data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button> h4 classmodal-title text-primary idfeature-title>/h4> /div> div classmodal-body idfeature-info>/div> /div>!-- /.modal-content --> /div>!-- /.modal-dialog -->/div>!-- /.modal --> div idcontainer> div idsidebar> div classsidebar-wrapper> div classpanel panel-default idfeatures> div classpanel-heading> h3 classpanel-title> Vessel In Range button typebutton classbtn btn-xs btn-default pull-left idsidebar-hide-btn>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i>/button>/h3> /div> div classpanel-body> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-md-12 stylepadding-bottom: 5px> select classselectpicker namesearchby idsearchby titleSearch / Filter By> option valuevn data-sortfeature-name>Vessel Name/option> option valuefc data-sortfeature-fleetcode>Fleet Code/option> /select> /div> div classcol-xs-8 col-md-8> input typetext classform-control search placeholderFilter idsearchtx /> /div> div classcol-xs-4 col-md-4> button typebutton classbtn btn-primary pull-right sort data-sortfeature-name idsort-btn>i classfa fa-sort>/i> Sort/button> /div> /div> /div> div classsidebar-table> table classtable table-hover idfeature-list> thead classhidden> tr> th>Icon/th> /tr> tr> th>Name/th> /tr> tr> th>Chevron/th> /tr> /thead> tbody classlist>/tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- sidebar --> div idmap>/div> div idlegend-container>/div> /div>!-- container --> script data-cfasyncfalse src/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js>/script>script typetext/javascript> var passagebounds null; var view_zoom null /script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript> $(function() { $(#lbl-info).hide(); $(.selectpicker).selectpicker(); var res ; $(body).on(click, #submit-contact-form, function (e) { if ($(#first-name).val() || $(#last-name).val() || $(#email).val() || $(#message).val() ) { $(#lbl-info).show(); 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