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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:11:56 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 19:11:56 GMTLocation: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?smf%2BhWqNN7U94LI%2Br0UHNrtG4oEydX3f%2BXIdyOpIsGoHC%2BhpVdXsRHM%2F7lRWf3HmB07Ucx%2FQvJ%2B%2FzlsmXgty%2FcEQqcHTD0cYF%2BV9TDueF%2F%2FGQLnEmwDdz%2BJPl%2BSuZmbC6},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Vary: Accept-Encodingcf-cache-status: DYNAMICServer: cloudflareCF-RAY: 924fe4e708f6c3af-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt5936&min_rtt5936&rtt_var2968&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes52&delivery_rate0&cwnd248&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>cloudflare/center>/body>/html>
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. : ; }) ); }, _ function (e, i) { var o, n; (i(o trident) 0.1), (n e.match(/Trident\/(\d.*)/)) && n1 && (io y(n1)), (i.core o); }, N function (e) { var i, o; return (i e.match( /MSIE (^;*)|Trident.*; rv(?:\s|:)?(0-9.+)/ )) && (o i1 || i2) ? y(o) : 0; }, P function (e) { return e || other; }, M function (e) { function i() { for ( var i Windows NT 5.1, winXP, Windows NT 6.1, win7, Windows NT 6.0, winVista, Windows NT 6.2, win8, Windows NT 10.0, win10, iPad, ios, iPhone;, ios, iPod, ios, Macintosh, mac, Android, android, Ubuntu, ubuntu, Linux, linux, Windows NT 5.2, win2003, Windows NT 5.0, win2000, Windows, winOther, rhino, rhino, , o 0, n i.length; o n; ++o ) if (e.indexOf(io0) ! -1) return io1; return other; } function r(e, i, n, r) { var t, a o.navigator.mimeTypes; try { for (t in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(t) && ate i) { if (void 0 ! n && r.test(atn)) return !0; if (void 0 n) return !0; } return !1; } catch (e) { return !1; } } var t, a, d, s, c, u, h, l , m l, b l, f 6, 9, v {{version}}, p !--if IE + v + >s>/s>!endif-->, w n && n.createElement(div), g , x { webkit: void 0, edge: void 0, trident: void 0, gecko: void 0, presto: void 0, chrome: void 0, safari: void 0, firefox: void 0, ie: void 0, ieMode: void 0, opera: void 0, mobile: void 0, core: void 0, shell: void 0, phantomjs: void 0, os: void 0, ipad: void 0, iphone: void 0, ipod: void 0, ios: void 0, android: void 0, nodejs: void 0, extraName: void 0, extraVersion: void 0, }; if ( (w && w.getElementsByTagName && ((w.innerHTML p.replace(v, )), (g w.getElementsByTagName(s))), g.length > 0) ) { for (_(e, x), s f0, c f1; s c; s++) if (((w.innerHTML p.replace(v, s)), g.length > 0)) { x(b ie) s; break; } ! && (d N(e)) && (x(b ie) d); } else ((a e.match(/AppleWebKit\/*\s*(\d.*)/i)) || (a e.match(/Safari\/(\d.*)/))) && a1 ? ((x(m webkit) y(a1)), (a e.match(/OPR\/(\d+\.\d+)/)) && a1 ? (x(b opera) y(a1)) : (a e.match(/Chrome\/(\d.*)/)) && a1 ? (x(b chrome) y(a1)) : (a e.match(/\/(\d.*) Safari/)) && a1 ? (x(b safari) y(a1)) : (x.safari x.webkit), (a e.match(/Edge\/(\d.*)/)) && a1 && ((m b edge), (xm y(a1))), / Mobile\//.test(e) && e.match(/iPad|iPod|iPhone/) ? (( apple), (a e.match(/OS (^\s*)/)), a && a1 && (x.ios y(a1.replace(_, .))), (t ios), (a e.match(/iPad|iPod|iPhone/)), a && a0 && (xa0.toLowerCase() x.ios)) : / Android/i.test(e) ? (/Mobile/.test(e) && (t android), (a e.match(/Android (^\s*);/)), a && a1 && ( y(a1))) : (a e.match( /NokiaN^\/*|Android \d\.\d|webOS\/\d\.\d/ )) && ( a0.toLowerCase()), (a e.match(/PhantomJS\/(^\s*)/)) && a1 && (x.phantomjs y(a1))) : (a e.match(/Presto\/(\d.*)/)) && a1 ? ((x(m presto) y(a1)), (a e.match(/Opera\/(\d.*)/)) && a1 && ((x(b opera) y(a1)), (a e.match(/Opera\/.* Version\/(\d.*)/)) && a1 && (xb y(a1)), (a e.match(/Opera Mini^;*/)) && a ? ( a0.toLowerCase()) : (a e.match(/Opera Mobi^;*/)) && a && ( a0))) : (d N(e)) ? ((x(b ie) d), _(e, x)) : (a e.match(/Gecko/)) && ((x(m gecko) 0.1), (a e.match(/rv:(\d.*)/)) && a1 && ((xm y(a1)), /Mobile|Tablet/.test(e) && ( firefox)), (a e.match(/Firefox\/(\d.*)/)) && a1 && (x(b firefox) y(a1))); t || (t i()); var z, O, T; if (!r(type, application/vnd.chromium.remoting-viewer)) { (z scoped in n.createElement(style)), (T v8Locale in o); try { O o.external || void 0; } catch (e) {} if ((a e.match(/360SE/))) u 360; else if ( (a e.match(/SE\s(\d.*)/)) || (O && SEVersion in O) ) (u sougou), (h y(a1) || 0.1); else if ((a e.match(/Maxthon(?:\/)+(\d.*)/)) && O) { u maxthon; try { h y(O.max_version || a1); } catch (e) { h 0.1; } } else z && T ? (u 360se) : z || T || !/Gecko\)\s+Chrome/.test(k) || x.opera || x.edge || (u 360ee); } (a e.match(/TencentTraveler\s(\d.*)|QQBrowser\/(\d.*)/)) ? ((u tt), (h y(a2) || 0.1)) : (a e.match(/LBBROWSER/)) || (O && LiebaoGetVersion in O) ? (u liebao) : (a e.match(/TheWorld/)) ? ((u theworld), (h 3)) : (a e.match(/TaoBrowser\/(\d.*)/)) ? ((u taobao), (h y(a1) || 0.1)) : (a e.match(/UCBrowser\/(\d.*)/)) && ((u uc), (h y(a1) || 0.1)), (x.os t), (x.core x.core || m), ( b), (x.ieMode ( && n.documentMode) ||, (x.extraName u), (x.extraVersion h); var P o.screen.width, M o.screen.height; return (x.resolution P + x + M), x; }, S function (e) { function i(e) { return; } function o(e, o, n) { if ((object Function i(o) && (o o(n)), !o)) return null; var r { name: e, version: }, t i(o); if (o !0) return r; if (object String t) { if (n.indexOf(o) ! -1) return r; } else if (o.exec) { var a o.exec(n); if (a) return ( a.length > 2 && a1 ? (r.version a1.replace(/_/g, .)) : (r.version ), r ); } } var n { name: other, version: }; e (e || ).toLowerCase(); for ( var r nokia, function (e) { return e.indexOf(nokia ) ! -1 ? /\bnokia (0-9+)?/ : /\bnokia(a-z0-9+)?/; }, , samsung, function (e) { return e.indexOf(samsung) ! -1 ? /\bsamsung(?: \-(?:sgh|gt|sm))?-(a-z0-9+)/ : /\b(?:sgh|sch|gt|sm)-(a-z0-9+)/; }, , wp, function (e) { return ( e.indexOf(windows phone ) ! -1 || e.indexOf(xblwp) ! -1 || e.indexOf(zunewp) ! -1 || e.indexOf(windows ce) ! -1 ); }, , pc, windows, ipad, ipad, ipod, ipod, iphone, /\biphone\b|\biph(\d)/, mac, macintosh, mi, /\bmi \-?(a-z0-9 +(? build|\)))/, hongmi, /\bhm \-?(a-z0-9+)/, aliyun, /\baliyunos\b(?:\-(\d+))?/, meizu, function (e) { return e.indexOf(meizu) > 0 ? /\bmeizu\/ (a-z0-9+)\b/ : /\bm(0-9x{1,3})\b/; }, , nexus, /\bnexus (0-9s.+)/, huawei, function (e) { var i /\bmediapad (.+?)(? build\/huaweimediapad\b)/; return e.indexOf(huawei-huawei) ! -1 ? /\bhuawei\-huawei\-(a-z0-9\-+)/ : i.test(e) ? i : /\bhuawei _\-?(a-z0-9+)/; }, , lenovo, function (e) { return e.indexOf(lenovo-lenovo) ! -1 ? /\blenovo\-lenovo \-(a-z0-9+)/ : /\blenovo \-?(a-z0-9+)/; }, , zte, function (e) { return /\bzte\-tu/.test(e) ? /\bzte-tu _\-?(a-su-z0-9\++)/ : /\bzte _\-?(a-su-z0-9\++)/; }, , vivo, /\bvivo(?: (a-z0-9+))?/, htc, function (e) { return /\bhtca-z0-9 _\-+(? build\b)/.test(e) ? /\bhtc _\-?(a-z0-9 +(? build))/ : /\bhtc _\-?(a-z0-9 +)/; }, , oppo, /\boppo_(a-z0-9+)/, konka, /\bkonka_\-(a-z0-9+)/, sonyericsson, /\bmt(a-z0-9+)/, coolpad, /\bcoolpad_ ?(a-z0-9+)/, lg, /\blg\-(a-z0-9+)/, android, /\bandroid\b|\badr\b/, blackberry, function (e) { return e.indexOf(blackberry) > 0 ? /\bblackberry\s?(\d+)/ : bb10; }, , , t 0; t r.length; t++ ) { var a rt0, d rt1, s o(a, d, e); if (s) { n s; break; } } return n; }, E 1; try { (t M(T)), (a S(T)), (d t.os), (s, (c t.core), (u t.resolution), (h t.extraName), (l t.extraVersion), (m, (b a.version), (v d ? d + (td ? td : ) : ), (p s ? s + parseInt(ts) : ), (w c), (g u), (x h ? h + (l ? parseInt(l) : ) : ), (z m + b); } catch (e) {} (f { p: E, o: P(v), b: P(p), w: P(w), s: g, mx: x, ism: z }), or || (or {}), || ( {}), o.goldlog || (o.goldlog {}), ( goldlog._aplus_client { version: e, ua_info: f }); })(); }, ); /*! 2017-10-31 20:15:15 v0.2.4 */ !(function (t) { function e(o) { if (no) return no.exports; var i (no { exports: {}, id: o, loaded: !1 }); return (, i, i.exports, e), (i.loaded !0), i.exports ); } var n {}; return (e.m t), (e.c n), (e.p ), e(0); })( function (t, e, n) { use strict; !(function () { var t window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}); t._aplus_cplugin_utilkit || ((t._aplus_cplugin_utilkit { status: init }), n(1).init(t), (t._aplus_cplugin_utilkit.status complete)); })(); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(2), i n(4); e.init function (t) { (t.setCookie o.setCookie), (t.getCookie o.getCookie), (t.on i.on); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o document, i n(3), a function (t) { var e new RegExp((?:^|;)\\s* + t + (^;+)), n o.cookie.match(e); return n ? n1 : ; }; e.getCookie a; var r function (t, e, n) { n || (n {}); var i new Date(); return ( n.expires && (number typeof n.expires || n.expires.toUTCString) ? (number typeof n.expires ? i.setTime(i.getTime() + 24 * n.expires * 60 * 60 * 1e3) : (i n.expires), (e + ; expires + i.toUTCString())) : session ! n.expires && (i.setTime(i.getTime() + 63072e7), (e + ; expires + i.toUTCString())), (e + ; path + (n.path ? n.path : /)), (e + ; domain + n.domain), (o.cookie t + + e), a(t) ); }; e.setCookie function (t, e, n) { try { if ((n || (n {}), n.domain)) r(t, e, n); else for (var o i.getDomains(), a 0; a o.length; ) (n.domain oa), r(t, e, n) ? (a o.length) : a++; } catch (t) {} }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; e.getDomains function () { var t ; try { for ( var e location.hostname, n e.split(.), o 2; o n.length; ) t.push(n.slice(n.length - o).join(.)), o++; } catch (t) {} return t; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n window, o document, i !!o.attachEvent, a attachEvent, r addEventListener, c i ? a : r, u function (t, e) { var n goldlog._$ || {}, o n.meta_info || {}, i o.aplus_ctap || {}; if (i && function typeof i.on) i.on(t, e); else { var a ontouchend in document.createElement(div), r a ? touchstart : mousedown; s(t, r, e); } }, s function (t, e, o) { return tap e ? void u(t, o) : void tc( (i ? on : ) + e, function (t) { t t || n.event; var e || t.srcElement; function typeof o && o(t, e); }, !1 ); }; e.on s; var d function (t) { try { o.documentElement.doScroll(left); } catch (e) { return void setTimeout(function () { d(t); }, 1); } t(); }, l function (t) { var e 0, n function () { 0 e && t(), e++; }; complete o.readyState && n(); var i; if (o.addEventListener) (i function () { o.removeEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, i, !1), n(); }), o.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, i, !1), window.addEventListener(load, n, !1); else if (o.attachEvent) { (i function () { complete o.readyState && (o.detachEvent(onreadystatechange, i), n()); }), o.attachEvent(onreadystatechange, i), window.attachEvent(onload, n); var a !1; try { a null window.frameElement; } catch (t) {} o.documentElement.doScroll && a && d(n); } }; (e.DOMReady function (t) { l(t); }), (e.onload function (t) { complete o.readyState ? t() : s(n, load, t); }); }, ); !(function (o) { function t(r) { if (er) return er.exports; var a (er { exports: {}, id: r, loaded: !1 }); return (, a, a.exports, t), (a.loaded !0), a.exports ); } var e {}; return (t.m o), (t.c e), (t.p ), t(0); })( function (o, t, e) { use strict; !(function () { var o window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}); o._aplus_cplugin_m || (o._aplus_cplugin_m e(1).run()); })(); }, function (o, t, e) { use strict; var r e(2), a e(3), n e(4), s navigator.sendBeacon ? post : get; e(5).run(), ( function () { return { status: complete, do_tracker_jserror: function (o) { try { var t new n({ logkey: o ? o.logkey : , ratio: o && number typeof o.ratio && o.ratio > 0 ? o.ratio : r.jsErrorRecordRatio, }), e Message: + o.message, Error object: + o.error, Url: + location.href, .join( - ), c goldlog.spm_ab || , i location.hostname + location.pathname;{ code: 110, page: i, msg: record_jserror_by + s + _ + o.message, spm_a: c0, spm_b: c1, c1: e, c2: o.filename, c3: location.protocol + // + i, c4: goldlog.pvid || , c5: o.logid || , }); } catch (o) { a.logger({ msg: o }); } }, do_tracker_lostpv: function (o) { var t !1; try { if (o && { var e o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(.) : , c record_lostpv_by + s + _ + o.msg, i new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.lostPvRecordRatio });{ code: 102, page:, msg: c, spm_a: e0, spm_b: e1, c1: o.duration, c2: o.page_url, }), (t !0); } } catch (o) { a.logger({ msg: o }); } return t; }, do_tracker_obsolete_inter: function (o) { var t !1; try { if (o && { var e o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(.) : , c record_obsolete interface be called by + s, i new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.obsoleteInterRecordRatio, }); { code: 109, page:, msg: c, spm_a: e0, spm_b: e1, c1: o.interface_name, c2: o.interface_params, }, 1 ), (t !0); } } catch (o) { a.logger({ msg: o }); } return t; }, do_tracker_browser_support: function (o) { var t !1; try { if (o && { var e o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(.) : , c new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.browserSupportRatio }), i goldlog._aplus_client || {}, l i.ua_info || {};{ code: 111, page:, msg: o.msg + _by + s, spm_a: e0, spm_b: e1, c1: l.o, l.b, l.w.join(_), c2: o.etag || , c3: o.cna || , }), (t !0); } } catch (o) { a.logger({ msg: o }); } return t; }, do_tracker_common_analysis: function (o) { var t !1; try { if (o && { var e o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(.) : , c new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.browserSupportRatio }), i goldlog._aplus_client || {}, l i.ua_info || {};{ code: 113, page:, msg: o.msg + _by + s, spm_a: e0, spm_b: e1, c1: l.o, l.b, l.w.join(_), c2: o.init_time || , c3: o.wspv_time || 0, c4: o.load_time || 0, c5: o.channel_type, }), (t !0); } } catch (o) { a.logger({ msg: o }); } return t; }, }; }); }, function (o, t) { use strict; (t.lostPvRecordRatio 0.01), (t.obsoleteInterRecordRatio 0.001), (t.jsErrorRecordRatio 0.001), (t.browserSupportRatio 0.001), (t.goldlogQueueRatio 0.01); }, function (o, t) { use strict; var e function (o) { var t o.level || warn; window.console && window.consolet && window.consolet(o.msg); }; (t.logger e), (t.assign function (o, t) { if (function ! typeof Object.assign) { var e function (o) { if (null o) throw new TypeError( Cannot convert undefined or null to object ); for (var t Object(o), e 1; e arguments.length; e++) { var r argumentse; if (null ! r) for (var a in r), a) && (ta ra); } return t; }; return e(o, t); } return Object.assign({}, o, t); }), (t.makeCacheNum function () { return Math.floor(268435456 * Math.random()).toString(16); }), (t.obj2param function (o) { var t, e, r ; for (t in o) o.hasOwnProperty(t) && ((e + ot), r.push(t + + encodeURIComponent(e))); return r.join(&); }); }, function (o, t, e) { var r e(3), a { ratio: 1, logkey: fsp.1.1, gmkey: , chksum: H46747615 }, n function (o) { (o && object typeof o) || (o a), (this.opts o), (this.opts.ratio o.ratio || a.ratio), (this.opts.logkey o.logkey || a.logkey), (this.opts.gmkey o.gmkey || a.gmkey), (this.opts.chksum o.chksum || a.chksum); }, s n.prototype; (s.getRandom function () { return Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()) + 1; }), ( function (o, t) { var e, a, n { pid: aplus, code: 101, msg: 异常内容 }, s ; try { var c window.goldlog || {}, i c._$ || {}, l i.meta_info || {}, g parseFloat(laplus-tracker-rate); if ( ((e this.opts || {}), (number typeof g && g + ! NaN) || (g e.ratio), (a this.getRandom()), t || a 1e3 * g) ) { (s // + e.logkey), (o.rel i.script_name + @ + c.lver), (o.type o.code), (o.uid encodeURIComponent(c.getCookie(cna))), (o r.assign(n, o)); var u r.obj2param(o); c.tracker c.send( s, { cache: r.makeCacheNum(), gokey: u, logtype: 2 }, POST ); } } catch (o) { r.logger({ msg: exec error: + o }); } }), (o.exports n); }, function (o, t, e) { use strict; var r e(6), a function (o) { var t window.goldlog || {}, e (t._$ t._$ || {}), r t.spm_ab ? t.spm_ab.join(.) : 0.0, a e.send_pv_count || 0; if (a 1 && navigator && navigator.sendBeacon) { var n window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ), s location.hostname + location.pathname; n.push({ action: goldlog, _aplus_cplugin_m, do_tracker_lostpv, .join(.), arguments: { page: s, page_url: location.protocol + // + s, duration: o, spm_ab: r, msg: dom_state + document.readyState, }, , }); } }; function () { var o new Date(); r.on(window, beforeunload, function () { var t new Date(), e t.getTime() - o.getTime(); a(e); }); }; }, function (o, t) { use strict; var e self, r e.document, a !!r.attachEvent, n attachEvent, s addEventListener, c a ? n : s; (t.getIframeUrl function (o) { var t, e //; return ( (t goldlog && function typeof goldlog.getCdnPath ? goldlog.getCdnPath() || e : e), (o || https) + : + t + /alilog/aplus_cplugin/@@APLUS_CPLUGIN_VER/ls.html?t@@_VERSION_ ); }), (t.on function (o, t, r) { oc( (a ? on : ) + t, function (o) { o o || e.event; var t || o.srcElement; function typeof r && r(o, t); }, !1 ); }), (t.checkLs function () { var o; try { window.localStorage && (localStorage.setItem(test_log_cna, 1), 1 localStorage.getItem(test_log_cna) && (localStorage.removeItem(test_log_cna), (o !0))); } catch (t) { o !1; } return o; }), (t.tracker_iframe_status function (o, t) { var e window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ), r goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(.) : , a createIframe_ + t.status + _id + o; t.msg && (a + _ + t.msg), e.push({ action: goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_browser_support, arguments: { page: location.hostname + location.pathname, msg: a, browser_attr: navigator.userAgent, spm_ab: r, cna: t.duration || , ratio: 1, }, , }); }), (t.tracker_ls_failed function () { var o window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ), t goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(.) : ; o.push({ action: goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_browser_support, arguments: { page: location.hostname + location.pathname, msg: donot support localStorage, browser_attr: navigator.userAgent, spm_ab: t, }, , }); }), (t.processMsgData function (o) { var t {}; try { var e {}; (e TextEncoder in window && object typeof o ? new window.TextDecoder(utf-8).decode(o) : o), (t JSON.parse(e)); } catch (o) { t {}; } return t; }), (t.do_pub_fn function (o, t) { var e window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); e.push({ action: goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish, arguments: o, t, }), e.push({ action: goldlog.aplus_pubsub.cachePubs, arguments: o, t, }); }); }, ); /*! 2024-09-10 16:39:24 v8.15.24 */ !(function (e) { function t(o) { if (no) return no.exports; var r (no { exports: {}, id: o, loaded: !1 }); return (, r, r.exports, t), (r.loaded !0), r.exports ); } var n {}; return (t.m e), (t.c n), (t.p ), t(0); })( function (e, t, n) { use strict; !(function () { var e window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}); if (!e._aplus_auto_exp) { e._aplus_auto_exp { tags: {}, status: init, exp_times: 0, elementSelectorSizeMap: {}, }; var t n(1); t.init(function () { e._aplus_auto_exp.status complete; }); } })(); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; var o, r n(2), i n(3), a n(4); o n(window.IntersectionObserver ? 19 : 22); var u n(23), s n(12); t.init function (e) { var t, n window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), l !1, c !1, p function (e) { c || ((c e), l || (r.wrap(function () { (t s.getAutoExpConfig() || ), i.isDebugAplus() && i.logger({ msg: aplus-auto-exp metaVaue init: + JSON.stringify(t), }); var e; t && t.length > 0 && (u.watch_data_change(), o.watch_exposure_change(t), (e a.create({ isThrottleWatch: s.isThrottleWatchDom(), autoExpConfig: t, })), e.init({ type: init })), n.aplus_pubsub.subscribe( setMetaInfo, function (n, r, l) { if (aplus-auto-exp n) { i.isDebugAplus() && i.logger({ msg: aplus-auto-exp metaVaue change: + JSON.stringify(r), }); var c s.getAutoExpConfig(r); if (JSON.stringify(c) JSON.stringify(t)) return; if ( ((t c), u.clear(), l || (l { from: setMetaInfo }), o.clear(t, l), e && e.clear(l), r && t && t.length > 0) ) { u.watch_data_change(), o.watch_exposure_change(t); var p { isThrottleWatch: s.isThrottleWatchDom(), autoExpConfig: t, }; e ? e.reset(p, l) : ((e a.create(p)), e.init({ type: init })); } } } ); }, do_init), (l !0))); }; setTimeout(function () { l || i.logger({ msg: aplus_auto_exp_init failed! please check whether aplusJs is loaded correctly!, }); }, 5e3); var g n._$ || {}, f window.g_SPM || {}; complete g.status && f.spm && p(); var h window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); h.push({ action: goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe, arguments: aplusReady, function (e) { complete e && p(aplusReady); }, , }), function typeof e && e(); }; }, function (e, t) { use strict; var n function (e, t) { var n window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); n.push({ action: goldlog._aplus_cplugin_track_deb.monitor, arguments: { key: APLUS_PLUGIN_DEBUG, title: aplus_core, msg: _error_:methodName + t + ,params + JSON.stringify(e), , type: updateMsg, description: t || aplus_core, }, , }); }, o function (e, t, n) { var o window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); o.push({ action: goldlog, _aplus_cplugin_m, t.join(.), arguments: e, n, }); }; (t.do_tracker_jserror function (e, t) { var r do_tracker_jserror; o(e, r, t), n(e, r); }), (t.do_tracker_obsolete_inter function (e, t) { var r do_tracker_obsolete_inter; o(e, r, t), n(e, r); }), (t.wrap function (e) { if (function typeof e) try { e(); } catch (e) { n({ msg: e.message || e }, exception); } finally { } }); }, function (e, t) { use strict; var n function () { var e !1; return ( boolean typeof goldlog.aplusDebug && (e goldlog.aplusDebug), e ); }; t.isDebugAplus n; var o function (e) { e || (e {}); var t e.level || warn; window.console && window.consolet && window.consolet(e.msg); }; t.logger o; }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; var o n(5), r n(6), i n(2), a n(16), u n(3), s n(18), l n(12), c n(9), p window, g document, f r.throttle(function () { var e arguments0; function typeof e && e(); }, 200), h o.extend({ eachElements: function (e, t) { for (var n t.logkey || , o 0; o e.length; o++) { var i eo, a i.getAttribute(l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY); if (!(a && a.indexOf(_) > 0)) { isNaN(parseInt(a)) && ((a goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.elementSelectorSizeMap t.elementSelector ++), i.setAttribute(l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY, a)); var u r.getElementHash(t, { ignore_attr: !1, index: a, ele: i, }), c u.hash_value, p u.hash_key, g s.checkIsRecord(i, c, l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY), f r.checkIsInHashMap({ logkey: n, hash_value: c, goldlogKey: _aplus_auto_exp, }); if (!g && !f) { var h { expConfig: t, hash_value: c, hash_key: p, element: i, status: 0, elementSelector: t.elementSelector, }; r.updateExpHashMap(n, h, ADD); } } } }, handler_dom_change: function (e, t) { try { for ( var n this.autoExpConfig || , o 0; o n.length; o++ ) { var i no, a r.getElements(i, g); goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.elementSelectorSizeMap i.elementSelector || (goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.elementSelectorSizeMap i.elementSelector 1), this.eachElements(a, i); } goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(APLUS_AE_DOM_CHANGE, t || {}); } catch (e) { u.logger({ msg: e && e.message }); } }, init_watch_dom: function () { var e this, t goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; e._loop_observer setTimeout(function () { blur ! t.current_win_status ? (goldlog.aplusDebug && u.logger({ msg: watch_dom LOOP_TIME is + l.LOOP_TIME + ms total: + ++t.watch_times, }), e.handler_dom_change(null, { type: polling }), e.init_watch_dom()) : (t.watch_dom_running !1); }, l.LOOP_TIME); }, onFocusHandler: function () { var e this, t goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; (t.current_win_status focus), t.watch_dom_running || e.init_watch_dom(); }, onBlurHandler: function () { var e goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; e.current_win_status blur; }, onVisibilityChange: function () { var e this; visible g.visibilityState ? e.onFocusHandler() : hidden g.visibilityState && e.onBlurHandler(); }, addAllListener: function () { var e this, t goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; (t.watch_times 0), (t.watch_dom_running !0), e.init_watch_dom(), p.WindVane && g.addEventListener && (a.on(g, WV.Event.APP.Active, e.onFocusHandler, !1), a.on(g, WV.Event.APP.Background, e.onBlurHandler, !1)), hidden in g ? a.on(p, visibilitychange, e.onVisibilityChange) : (a.on(p, blur, e.onBlurHandler), a.on(p, focus, e.onFocusHandler)); }, removeAllListener: function () { var e this; p.WindVane && g.removeEventListener && (a.un(g, WV.Event.APP.Active, e.onFocusHandler, !1), a.un(g, WV.Event.APP.Background, e.onBlurHandler, !1)), hidden in g ? a.un(p, visibilitychange, e.onVisibilityChange) : (a.un(p, blur, e.onBlurHandler), a.un(p, focus, e.onFocusHandler)); }, isIgnoreExpose: function (e, t) { var n goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-auto-exp-ignoreviews), o goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-auto-exp-ignoreclassnames), i IFRAME, BODY, OBJECT, SCRIPT, NOSCRIPT, LINK, STYLE, #comment, ; if ( (n && r.isArray(n) && n.length > 0 && (i n), t && i.indexOf(t) > -1) ) return !0; var a !1; if (o && r.isArray(o)) { var u e && e.getAttribute ? e.getAttribute(class) : , s u ? u.split( ) : ; c(o, function (e) { if ( (e && c(s, function (t) { if (t.trim() e.trim()) return (a !0), break; }), a) ) return break; }); } return a; }, init_observer: function (e, t) { var n this, o class, style, a function (e) { return characterData e.type ? : attributes e.type && o.indexOf(e.attributeName) > -1 ? : childList ! e.type ? : void 0; }, s function (e, o) { if (e && e.length > 0) for (var r 0; r e.length; r++) { var a er || {}, u a.nodeName, s goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.tags || {}; su || (su 0), su++, (goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.tags s), n.isIgnoreExpose(a, u) || i.wrap(function () { var e goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; ++e.observer_times; var n o.attributeName; t(a, { type: o.type + (n ? _ + n : ) }); }, init_observer_init_elements); } }; this._observer || (this._observer new e(function (e) { if (e && e.length > 0) for (var t 0; t e.length; t++) { var n et || {}, o r.nodelistToArray(n.addedNodes || ); (o r.nodelistToArray(a(n), o)), s(o, n); } })); var l { attributes: !0, childList: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0, }; this._observer.observe(g.body, l), r.IS_DEBUG && u.logger({ msg: aplus_auto_exp init MutationObserver success!, }); }, init: function (e) { var t this, n goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; e && reset ! e.type && !n.hash_value && (n.hash_value {}), t.handler_dom_change(null, { type: aplus_init }); var o p.MutationObserver || p.WebKitMutationObserver || p.MozMutationObserver; o ? ((n.observer_times 0), t.init_observer(o, function (e, n) { f(function () { t.handler_dom_change(e, n); }); })) : t.addAllListener(); }, clear: function (e) { if (!e || appendMetaInfo ! e.from) { var t goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {}; t._acHashMap && (t._acHashMap {}), t.hash_value && (t.hash_value {}), (goldlog._aplus_auto_exp t), this._loop_observer && (clearTimeout(this._loop_observer), (this._loop_observer null)), this._observer ? (this._observer.takeRecords(), this._observer.disconnect()) : this.removeAllListener(); } }, clearDom: function (e, t) { var n this.autoExpConfig || ; if (t && appendMetaInfo ! t.from) for (var o 0; o n.length; o++) try { for ( var r no.elementSelector, i g.querySelectorAll(r), a 0; a i.length; a++ ) ia.setAttribute(l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY, ); } catch (e) {} this.autoExpConfig e && e.autoExpConfig ? e.autoExpConfig : ; }, reset: function (e, t) { this.clearDom(e, t), this.init({ type: reset }); }, }); e.exports h; }, function (e, t) { use strict; function n() {} (n.prototype.extend function () {}), (n.prototype.create function () {}), (n.extend function (e) { return, e); }), (n.prototype.create function (e) { var t new this(); for (var n in e) tn en; return t; }), (n.prototype.extend function (e) { var t function () {}; try { function ! typeof Object.create && (Object.create function (e) { function t() {} return (t.prototype e), new t(); }), (t.prototype Object.create(this.prototype)); for (var n in e) t.prototypen en; (t.prototype.constructor t), (t.extend t.prototype.extend), (t.create t.prototype.create); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { return t; } }), (e.exports n); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e, t, n) { var o t.hash_value, r a.getGoldlogVal(n) || {}; if ( (r.hash_value || (r.hash_value {}), r.hash_valuee || (r.hash_valuee i.Map ? new i.Map() : {}), i.Map) ) { var u r.hash_valuee.get(o); u ? ++u : (u 1), r.hash_valuee.set(o, u); } else r.hash_valueeo ? ++r.hash_valueeo : (r.hash_valueeo 1); a.setGoldlogVal(n, r); } var r document, i window, a n(7), u n(3), s n(8), l n(9), c n(10), p n(11), g n(12), f function (e) { return object Array; }; (t.isArray f), (t.getXPath function (e) { var t, n, o, i, a, u, s r.getElementsByTagName(*); for (t ; e && 1 e.nodeType; e e.parentNode) if ( { for (u, i 0, n 0; n s.length; n++) if (((a sn), && u)) { i++; break; } if ( (t.unshift(e.tagName.toLowerCase() + @id + u + ), 1 i) ) return t.unshift(/), t.join(/); } else { for (n 1, o e.previousSibling; o; o o.previousSibling) o.tagName e.tagName && n++; t.unshift(e.tagName.toLowerCase() + + n + ); } return t.length ? / + t.join(/) : null; }); var h function (e, t) { if (((t && 0 ! t.length) || (t ), e && e.length > 0)) for (var n 0; n e.length; n++) t.push(en); return t; }; (t.nodelistToArray h), (t.getElements function (e, t) { var n t || r, o ; if (n.querySelectorAll) o h(n.querySelectorAll(e.elementSelector) || ); else for ( var i document.getElementsByTagName(e.tag), a e.filter.split(), u a.length > 0 ? a0.trim() : , s a.length > 1 ? a1.trim() : , l 0; l i.length; l++ ) { var c il, p c.getAttribute(u), g c.hasAttribute(u); !g || (s && s ! p) || o.push(c); } return o; }); var d function () { return /aplusDebugtrue/.test(; }, v d(); (t.IS_DEBUG v), (t.fillPropsData function (e, t, n) { n || (n {}); try { var o e.props || ; if (o && f(o) && o.length > 0) for (var r 0; r o.length; r++) if (t && t.getAttribute) { var i or, a t.getAttribute(i); void 0 ! typeof a && null ! a && ! a && (ni encodeURIComponent(a)); } } catch (e) { u.logger({ msg: e && e.message }); } return n; }), (t.fillFilterData function (e, t, n) { n || (n {}); try { var o e.filter || , r o.split(); if (f(r) && r1) nr0 r1; else if (r0 && t && t.getAttribute) { var i t.getAttribute(r0) || ; void 0 ! typeof i && null ! i && ! i && (nr0 i); } } catch (e) { u.logger({ msg: e && e.message }); } return n; }); var _ function (e) { return !!/^POST|GET$/i.test(e); }; t.isMethod _; var m function (e) { var t !!/^\d+$/.test(e); return !!(t && parseInt(e) > 0); }; (t.isPkgSize m), (t.filterExpConfigRequestCfg function (e) { var t g.getDefaultRequestCfg() || {}; try { var n e || {}; _(n.method) && (t.method n.method), m(n.pkgSize) && (t.pkgSize parseInt(n.pkgSize)); } catch (e) { u.logger({ msg: e && e.message }); } return t; }); var y function (e) { var t e.split(&), n {}; return ( t.length > 0 && l(t, function (e) { var t e.split(); 2 t.length && (nt0 p.tryToEncodeURIComponent(t1)); }), n ); }; t.autoUserFnHandler function (e, t, n) { var o { userdata: {}, spm: , scm: }; try { var r e(t, n); r && (string typeof r ? (o.userdata y(r)) : object typeof r && object typeof r.userdata && (c(r.userdata, function (e, t) { o.userdatae p.tryToEncodeURIComponent(t); }), (o.spm r.spm), (o.scm r.scm))); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } return o; }; var b function (e, t) { var n ; if (e && t) { var o e.getAttribute(t.filter), r t.props || ; if (r) for (var i 0; i r.length; i++) o.push(e.getAttribute(ri)); n o.join(_); } return n; }, w function (e) { var t e.getAttribute(data-spm-anchor-id); if (t) { var n t.split(.); return { a: n0, b: n1, c: n2, d: n3, e: n4 }; } }; (t.getSpmObj w), (t.getElementHash function (e, t) { var n {}; aplus_webvt ! e.source && (n w(t.ele) || g_SPM.getParam(t.ele)); var o , r x + t.index; if (n.a && n.b && n.c && n.d) { var i /^i/.test(n.d) ? r : n.d; o n.a + _ + n.b + _ + n.c + _ + i; } else (o r), goldlog.pvid && (o + goldlog.pvid); t.ignore_attr || ((o + e.logkey + _), (o + e.elementSelector + _), (o + b(t.ele, e))); var a r + _ + s.hash(o); return { hash_value: a, hash_key: r + _ + o }; }), (t.filterUnloadAttr function (e) { return ( e && ((e e.replace( /(href|style|data-spm-anchor-id)\|\\w|\W|\.+\|\/, )), (e e.replace(/\s\>/g, >)), (e e.replace( new RegExp( g.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY + \\|\\\\\w+\\|\\\ ), )), (e e.replace( new RegExp( g.DATA_APLUS_AC_KEY + \\|\\\\\w+\\|\\\ ), ))), e ); }); var E function (e, t) { for (var n, o 0, r e.length; o r; ) { var i eo || {}; if (i.hash_value t.hash_value) return (eo t), (n !0), e; o++; } return n || e.push(t), e; }, A function (e, t, n, r) { if ((n || (n ADD), e && object typeof t)) { var i a.getGoldlogVal(r) || {}, u i._acHashMap || {}, s ue || , l function () { for (var e 0, n s.length; e n; ) { var o se || {}; if (o.hash_value t.hash_value) return e; e++; } return -1; }, c l(); ADD n && c -1 ? (s.push(t), o(e, t, r)) : CLEAR n && c > -1 ? s.splice(c, 1) : UPDATE n && (s E(s, t)), (ue s), (i._acHashMap u), a.setGoldlogVal(r, i); } }; (t.updateExpHashMap function (e, t, n) { A(e, t, n, _aplus_auto_exp); }), (t.updateClkHashMap function (e, t, n) { A(e, t, n, _aplus_ac); }); var x function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; (t.throttle function (e, t, n) { var o, r, i, a, u 0; n || (n {}); var s function () { (a e.apply(r, i)), (u n.leading !1 ? 0 : x()), (o null), o || (r i null); }, l function () { u || n.leading ! !1 || (u x()); var l t - (x() - u); return ( (r this), (i arguments), l 0 || l > t ? (o && (clearTimeout(o), (o null)), (a e.apply(r, i)), (u x()), o || (r i null)) : o || n.trailing !1 || (o setTimeout(s, l)), a ); }; return ( (l.cancel function () { clearTimeout(o), (u 0), (o r i null); }), l ); }), (t.checkIsInHashMap function (e) { var t a.getGoldlogVal(e.goldlogKey) || {}, n t.hash_value || {}, o ne.logkey || (i.Map ? new i.Map() : {}), r o && o.get ? o.get(e.hash_value) : oe.hash_value; if (r > 1) return !0; for ( var u t._acHashMap || {}, s ue.logkey || , l s.length, c 0; c l; c++ ) if (sc.hash_value e.hash_value) return !0; return !1; }), (t.setRecordSuccess function (e, t) { try { var n e ? e.element : {}, o e.hash_value || ; n && n.setAttribute && n.setAttribute(t, o); } catch (e) {} }); }, function (e, t) { use strict; var n function (e) { var t; try { window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), (t window.goldloge); } catch (e) { t ; } finally { return t; } }; t.getGoldlogVal n; var o function (e, t) { var n !1; try { window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), e && ((window.goldloge t), (n !0)); } catch (e) { n !1; } finally { return n; } }; (t.setGoldlogVal o), (t.getClientInfo function () { return n(_aplus_client) || {}; }); }, function (e, t) { use strict; var n 1315423911; t.hash function (e, t) { var o, r, i t || n; for (o e.length - 1; o > 0; o--) (r e.charCodeAt(o)), (i ^ (i 5) + r + (i >> 2)); var a (2147483647 & i).toString(16); return a; }; }, function (e, t) { use strict; e.exports function (e, t) { var n, o e.length; for (n 0; n o; n++) { var r t(en, n); if (break r) break; } }; }, function (e, t) { use strict; e.exports function (e, t) { if (Object && Object.keys) for (var n Object.keys(e), o n.length, r 0; r o; r++) { var i nr; t(i, ei); } else for (var a in e) t(a, ea); }; }, function (e, t) { use strict; t.tryToEncodeURIComponent function (e) { var t e || ; if (e) try { t encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(e)); } catch (e) {} return t; }; }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e) { return goldlog && goldlog.getMetaInfo ? goldlog.getMetaInfo(e) : i.getMetaCnt(e); } var r n(13), i n(14); (t.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY data-aplus-ae), (t.DATA_APLUS_AC_KEY data-aplus-clk), (t.LOOP_TIME 1e3), (t.getDefaultRequestCfg function () { return { method: POST, pkgSize: 10 }; }); var a function (e, t) { var n t; try { var r o(e); r && (n parseFloat(r)), n 0 && (n t); } catch (e) { n t; } finally { return n; } }, u a(aplus-auto-exp-visible, 0.3); (t.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE u), (t.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE_IN_WINDOW a(aplus-auto-exp-window, 0) || u); var s function (e) { var t e; try { var n o(aplus-auto-exp-duration), r parseInt(n); r + ! NaN && (t r); } catch (e) { } finally { return t; } }; t.EXP_DURATION s(300); var l function (e, t) { var n, i , a ; try { n t || o(e); var u ; if (n && string typeof n) try { u JSON.parse(n); } catch (e) { u JSON.parse(n.replace(//g, )); } else object typeof n && n.constructor Array && (u n); if (u && u.constructor Array) for (var s 0; s u.length; s++) { var l us || {}, c l.logkey || , p l.tag ? l.tag : , g l.filter, f l.cssSelector, h f || (p && g); if (!c || !h) throw new Error( meta + e + config error, + JSON.stringify(l) ); g string typeof g ? g.split() : ; var d p; if ( (g.length > 2 ? (d + + g.shift() + + decodeURIComponent(g.join()) + ) : 1 g.length && g0 && (d + + decodeURIComponent(g0) + ), f && (d + f), (l.elementSelector d), r.indexof(a, d) > -1) ) throw new Error( meta + e + config error, tag_filter_cssSelector + d + repeated ); a.push(d), i.push(l); } } catch (e) { } finally { return i; } }; (t.getAutoExpConfig function (e) { return l(aplus-auto-exp, e) || ; }), (t.getAutoExpUserFn function () { var e o(aplus-auto-exp-userfn); if (e) { var t windowe || e; if (function typeof t) return t; } return null; }), (t.isThrottleWatchDom function () { var e !1; try { e throttle o(aplus-auto-exp-watchdom); } catch (e) {} return e; }), (t.getAutoClkConfig function (e) { return l(aplus-auto-clk, e) || ; }), (t.getAutoClkUserFn function () { var e o(aplus-auto-clk-userfn); if (e) { var t windowe || e; if (function typeof t) return t; } return null; }); }, function (e, t) { use strict; t.indexof function (e, t) { var n -1; try { n e.indexOf(t); } catch (r) { for (var o 0; o e.length; o++) eo t && (n o); } finally { return n; } }; }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e) { return ( (a a || document.getElementsByTagName(head)0), u && !e ? u : a ? (u a.getElementsByTagName(meta)) : ); } function r(e, t) { var n, r, i, a o(), u a.length; for (n 0; n u; n++) (r an), s.tryToGetAttribute(r, name) e && (i s.tryToGetAttribute(r, t || content)); return i || ; } function i(e) { var t { isonepage: -1, urlpagename: }, n e.qGet(); if (n && n.hasOwnProperty(isonepage_data)) (t.isonepage n.isonepage_data.isonepage), (t.urlpagename n.isonepage_data.urlpagename); else { var o r(isonepage) || -1, i o.split(|); (t.isonepage i0), (t.urlpagename i1 ? i1 : ); } return t; } var a, u, s n(15); (t.getMetaTags o), (t.getMetaCnt r), (t.getOnePageInfo i); }, function (e, t) { use strict; t.tryToGetAttribute function (e, t) { return e && e.getAttribute ? e.getAttribute(t) || : ; }; var n function (e, t, n) { if (e && e.setAttribute) try { e.setAttribute(t, n); } catch (e) {} }; (t.tryToSetAttribute n), (t.tryToRemoveAttribute function (e, t) { if (e && e.removeAttribute) try { e.removeAttribute(t); } catch (o) { n(e, t, ); } }); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e, t) { var n goldlog._$ || {}, o n.meta_info || {}, r o.aplus_ctap || {}, i oaplus-touch; if (r && function typeof r.on) r.on(e, t); else { var s ontouchend in document.createElement(div); s && tap i ? a.on(e, t) : u(e, s ? touchstart : mousedown, t); } } function r(e, t) { var n goldlog._$ || {}, o n.meta_info || {}, r o.aplus_ctap || {}, i oaplus-touch; if (r && function typeof r.un) r.un(e, t); else { var u ontouchend in document.createElement(div); u && tap i ? a.un(e, t) : s(e, u ? touchstart : mousedown, t); } } var i !!document.attachEvent, a n(17), u function (e, t, n) { return tap t ? void o(e, n) : void (i ? e.attachEvent(t, n) : e.addEventListener(t, n)); }; t.on u; var s function (e, t, n) { return tap t ? void r(e, n) : void (i ? e.detachEvent(t, n) : e.removeEventListener(t, n)); }; t.un s; }, function (e, t) { use strict; function n(e, t) { return e + Math.floor(Math.random() * (t - e + 1)); } function o(e, t, n) { var o c.createEvent(HTMLEvents); if ((o.initEvent(t, !0, !0), object typeof n)) for (var r in n) or nr; e.dispatchEvent(o); } function r(e) { 0 Object.keys(g).length && (p.addEventListener(d, i, !1), p.addEventListener(h, a, !1), p.addEventListener(_, a, !1)); for (var t 0; t e.changedTouches.length; t++) { var n e.changedTouchest, o {}; for (var r in n) or nr; var u { startTouch: o, startTime:, status: v, element: e.srcElement ||, }; gn.identifier u; } } function i(e) { for (var t 0; t e.changedTouches.length; t++) { var n e.changedTouchest, o gn.identifier; if (!o) return; var r n.clientX - o.startTouch.clientX, i n.clientY - o.startTouch.clientY, a Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r, 2) + Math.pow(i, 2)); (o.status v || pressing o.status) && a > 10 && (o.status panning); } } function a(e) { for (var t 0; t e.changedTouches.length; t++) { var n e.changedTouchest, r n.identifier, u gr; u && (u.status v && e.type h && ((u.timestamp, o(u.element, m, { touch: n, touchEvent: e })), delete gr); } 0 Object.keys(g).length && (p.removeEventListener(d, i, !1), p.removeEventListener(h, a, !1), p.removeEventListener(_, a, !1)); } function u(e) { e.__fixTouchEvent || (e.addEventListener(f, function () {}, !1), (e.__fixTouchEvent !0)); } function s() { l || (p.addEventListener(f, r, !1), (l !0)); } var l !1, c window.document, p c.documentElement, g {}, f touchstart, h touchend, d touchmove, v tapping, _ touchcancel, m aplus_tap + n(1, 1e5); e.exports { on: function (e, t) { s(), e && e.addEventListener && t && (u(e), e.addEventListener( m, (t._aplus_tap_callback function (e) { t(e,; }), !1 )); }, un: function (e, t) { e && e.removeEventListener && t && t._aplus_tap_callback && e.removeEventListener(m, t._aplus_tap_callback, !1); }, }; }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; var o n(3), r document, i function (e, t) { return ( t.x > e.pLeftTop0 && t.x e.pRightBottom0 && t.y > e.pLeftTop1 && t.y e.pRightBottom1 ); }, a function (e, t) { var n 0, r { x: t.x, y: t.y }, a i(e, r), u { x: t.x + t.width, y: t.y }, s i(e, u), l { x: t.x, y: t.y + t.height }, c i(e, l), p { x: t.x + t.width, y: t.y + t.height }, g i(e, p), f function () { var e 0; return a && g && (e t.size / t.size), e; }, h function () { var n, o 0, r 0; return ( a && s && !c && !g ? ((o t.width), (r e.pLeftBottom1 - t.y), (n top)) : !a && s && !c && g ? ((o e.pLeftTop0 - t.x), (r t.y), (n right)) : !a && !s && c && g ? ((o t.width), (r t.height - Math.abs(e.pLeftTop1 - t.y)), (n bottom)) : a && !s && c && !g && ((o e.pRightTop0 - t.x), (r t.y), (n left)), (o o > e.clientWidth ? e.clientWidth : o), (r r > e.clientHeight ? e.clientHeight : r), { rate: t.size > 0 ? Math.abs(o * r) / t.size : 0, exp_pos: n, } ); }, d function () { var n 0, o 0, i e.pLeftTop0, a e.pLeftTop1, u e.pLeftBottom0, s e.pLeftBottom1, c e.pRightBottom0, g r.x i && r.y a, f p.x > u && p.y > s; g && f && ((o e.clientHeight), (n p.x c ? p.x - u : e.clientWidth)); var h r.x > i && r.y a; return ( h && f && ((o e.clientHeight), (n p.x - l.x), p.x > c && (n c - l.x)), t.size > 0 ? Math.abs(n * o) / t.size : 0 ); }, v function () { var n, o 0, r 0; return ( !a || s || c || g ? a || !s || c || g ? a || s || !c || g ? a || s || c || !g || ((o t.x + t.width), (r t.y + t.height), (n rightBottom)) : ((o e.pRightTop0 - t.x), (r e.clientHeight - (l.y - e.pRightBottom1)), (n leftBottom)) : ((o u.x), (r e.clientHeight - u.y), (n rightTop)) : ((o e.clientWidth - t.x), (r e.clientHeight - t.y), (n leftTop)), { rate: t.size > 0 ? Math.abs(o * r) / t.size : 0, exp_pos: n, } ); }; if (((n f()), n > 0)) return n; var _ h(); if (((n _.rate), n > 0)) return o.isDebugAplus() && o.logger({ msg: _ }), n; var m v(); return ( (n m.rate), n > 0 ? (o.isDebugAplus() && o.logger({ msg: m }), n) : ((n d()), n > 0 ? (o.isDebugAplus() && o.logger({ msg: cover rate is + n }), n) : n > 1 ? 1 : n) ); }; (t.wrapViewabilityRate function (e, t, n) { var o 0; if (e) for (var r 0; r e.length; r++) if (((o a(er, t)), o > n)) return o; return o; }), (t.getViewabilityRateInWindow function (e, t, n) { var o 0; if (e) for (var r 0; r e.length; r++) if (((o t / er.size), o > n)) return o; return o; }); var u function (e) { return number typeof e && NaN ! e; }, s function (e) { var t {}; return ( e && (function typeof e.getBoundingClientRect && (t e.getBoundingClientRect() || {}), u(t.x) || (u(t.left) && (t.x t.left)), u(t.y) || (u( && (t.y, u(t.width) || (t.width e.offsetWidth), u(t.height) || (t.height e.offsetHeight)), t ); }; (t.getElementPosition s), (t.getWinPositions function (e) { var t ; if (e && function typeof document.querySelector) { var n document.querySelector(e); if (n) { var o s(n) || {}; u(o.x) && u(o.y) && u(o.width) && u(o.height) && t.push({ pLeftTop: o.x, o.y, pRightTop: o.x + o.width, o.y, pLeftBottom: o.x, o.y + o.height, pRightBottom: o.x + o.width, o.y + o.height, size: o.width * o.height, }); } } var i r.documentElement, a r.body, l i.clientWidth || a.offsetWidth || 0, c i.clientHeight || a.offsetHeight || 0; return ( t.push({ pLeftTop: 0, 0, pRightTop: l, 0, pLeftBottom: 0, c, pRightBottom: l, c, size: l * c, clientHeight: c, clientWidth: l, }), t ); }), (t.checkIsRecord function (e, t, n) { var o; try { if (e && e.getAttribute) { var r e.getAttribute(n) || ; o t ? r t : !!r; } } catch (e) {} return o; }); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e, t, n) { var o f.getWinPositions(), r 0, i l.getGoldlogVal(_aplus_auto_exp) || {}, a i._acHashMap || {}; for (var u in a) for (var c au || , g 0; g c.length; g++) { var _ cg || {}; _.eventType IObserver; var m !!n || _.element; if (0 _.status && _.expConfig && m) { var y t.boundingClientRect || {}; if ( (y.width || y.height || (y || {}), y.width && y.height) ) { (_ s.assign(_, y)), (_.x y.x || y.left), (_.y y.y ||, (_.width y.width), (_.height y.height), (_.size y.width * y.height); var b f.checkIsRecord( _.element, _.hash_value, _aplus_auto_exp ), w _.width * _.height * t.intersectionRatio, E f.getViewabilityRateInWindow(o, w, v); if (!b) { var A t.intersectionRatio > d; if (A || E > v) { (_.exposureTime e), (_.status 1); var x p.getAutoExpUserFn(); x && (_.userParams h.autoUserFnHandler( x, _.element, _.elementSelector )), (_.viewabilityRate A ? t.intersectionRatio : E), (_.viewability A ? intersection : fillwindow), p.EXP_DURATION || (_.status 2), h.updateExpHashMap(u, _, UPDATE), ++r; } else E && h.updateExpHashMap( u, Object.assign(cg, { lastEventType: _.eventType }), UPDATE ); } } } } return r; } function r(e, t) { var n APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE, r e && e.type ? e.type : IObserver, i new Date().getTime(), a 0; (a IObserver ! t.from ? g.filterStartExposureSize(i, r, !0) : o(i, e)), a > 0 && (p.EXP_DURATION ? setTimeout(function () { (a g.filterEndExposureSize(i, r)), a > 0 && goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(n, { size: a, eventType: r, }); }, p.EXP_DURATION) : goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(n, { size: a, eventType: r })); } function i(e) { var t { root: null, rootMargin: 0px, threshold: d }; return new m(function (e) { c(e, function (e) { e.intersectionRatio > 0 && r(e, { from: IObserver }); }); }, s.assign(t, e)); } function a(e) { if (m) { y.io_base || (y.io_base i()); var t l.getGoldlogVal(_aplus_auto_exp) || {}, n t._acHashMap || {}; for (var o in n) for (var r no || , a 0; a r.length; a++) { var u ra || {}; if (!u.inObserver) { var s, c io_v_ + encodeURIComponent(u.positionSelector); u.positionSelector && !yc && ((s i({ root: document.querySelector(u.positionSelector), expConfig: e, })), (yc s)), s ? s.observe(u.element) : y.io_base.observe(u.element), (u.inObserver !0); } } } return !0; } var u n(16), s n(20), l n(7), c n(9), p n(12), g n(21), f n(18), h n(6), d p.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE, v p.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE_IN_WINDOW, _ window, m _.IntersectionObserver, y {}; goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.iobserverMap y; var b h.throttle(function (e) { r(e, { from: e.type }); }, 100); (t.watch_exposure_change function (e) { goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe(APLUS_AE_DOM_CHANGE, function () { a(e); }), u.on(window, touchmove, b), u.on(window, scroll, b), u.on(window, resize, b), a(e); }), (t.clear function (e, t) { if (t && appendMetaInfo ! t.from) { u.un(window, touchmove, b), u.un(window, scroll, b), u.un(window, resize, b); for (var n in y) { var o yn; o.disconnect(); } } }); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e, t) { return function ! typeof Object.assign ? (function (e) { if (null e) throw new TypeError( Cannot convert undefined or null to object ); for (var t Object(e), n 1; n arguments.length; n++) { var o argumentsn; if (null ! o) for (var r in o), r) && (tr or); } return t; })(e, t) : Object.assign({}, e, t); } function r(e) { return function typeof e; } function i(e) { return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(e) : /Array/.test(; } function a(e) { return string typeof e; } function u(e) { return number typeof e; } function s(e) { return undefined typeof e; } function l(e) { return object Object; } function c(e) { if (number typeof e) return !1; if (s(e) || null e) return !0; if (a(e)) return !e; if (i(e)) return !e.length; if (l(e)) { for (var t in e) if (, t)) return !1; return !0; } return !1; } function p(e) { if (string typeof e) try { var t JSON.parse(e); return !(object ! typeof t || !t); } catch (e) { return !1; } return !1; } function g(e, t) { return e.indexOf(t) > -1; } var f window; (t.assign o), (t.makeCacheNum function () { return Math.floor(268435456 * Math.random()).toString(16); }), (t.each n(9)), (t.isStartWith function (e, t) { return 0 e.indexOf(t); }), (t.isEndWith function (e, t) { var n e.length, o t.length; return n > o && e.indexOf(t) n - o; }), (t.any function (e, t) { var n, o e.length; for (n 0; n o; n++) if (t(en)) return !0; return !1; }), (t.isFunction r), (t.isArray i), (t.isString a), (t.isNumber u), (t.isUnDefined s), (t.isObject l), (t.isEmpty c), (t.isJSON p), (t.isContain g); var h function (e) { var t, n e.constructor Array ? : {}; if (object typeof e) { if (f.JSON && f.JSON.parse) (t JSON.stringify(e)), (n JSON.parse(t)); else for (var o in e) no object typeof eo ? h(eo) : eo; return n; } }; (t.cloneObj h), (t.cloneDeep h); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; var o n(18), r n(7), i n(12), a n(6), u i.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE, s i.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE_IN_WINDOW, l function (e) { for (var t; e && HTML ! e.tagName; ) { t; { if (none t) break; e e.parentNode; } } return none t; }; (t.filterStartExposureSize function (e, t) { var n 0, c o.getWinPositions(), p r.getGoldlogVal(_aplus_auto_exp) || {}, g p._acHashMap || {}; for (var f in g) for (var h gf || , d 0; d h.length; d++) { var v hd || {}; if (0 v.status && v.expConfig && !l(v.element)) { var _ o.getElementPosition(v.element); if (_.width && _.height) { (v.x _.x), (v.y _.y), (v.eventType t), (v.width _.width), (v.height _.height), (v.size _.width * _.height); var m; v.expConfig.positionSelector && (m o.getWinPositions(v.expConfig.positionSelector)); var y o.wrapViewabilityRate(m || c, v, u), b y > u, w y; m && (w o.wrapViewabilityRate(c, v, u)); var E v.width * v.height * w, A o.getViewabilityRateInWindow(c, E, s), x o.checkIsRecord( v.element, v.hash_value, _aplus_auto_exp ); if ((b || A > s) && !x) { (v.exposureTime e), (v.status 1); var T i.getAutoExpUserFn(); T && (v.userParams a.autoUserFnHandler( T, v.element, v.elementSelector )), i.EXP_DURATION || ((v.viewabilityRate b ? y : A), (v.viewability b ? intersection : fillwindow), (v.status 2)), a.updateExpHashMap(f, v, UPDATE), ++n; } } } } return n; }), (t.filterEndExposureSize function (e, t) { var n 0, i o.getWinPositions(), l r.getGoldlogVal(_aplus_auto_exp) || {}, c l._acHashMap || {}; for (var p in c) for (var g cp || , f 0; f g.length; f++) { var h gf || {}; if (1 h.status && h.exposureTime e && h.expConfig) { h.eventType t; var d; h.expConfig.positionSelector && (d o.getWinPositions(h.expConfig.positionSelector)); var v o.checkIsRecord( h.element, h.hash_value, _aplus_auto_exp ), _ o.wrapViewabilityRate(d || i, h, u), m _ > u, y _; d && (y o.wrapViewabilityRate(i, h, u)); var b h.width * h.height * y, w o.getViewabilityRateInWindow(i, b, s); (m || w > s) && !v ? ((h.viewabilityRate m ? _ : w), (h.viewability m ? intersection : fillwindow), (h.status 2), a.updateExpHashMap(p, h, UPDATE), ++n) : ((h.status 0), (h.exposureTime ), a.updateExpHashMap(p, h, UPDATE)); } } return n; }); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; var o n(16), r n(21), i n(6), a n(12), u function (e) { var t APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE, n e && e.type ? e.type : init, o new Date().getTime(), i r.filterStartExposureSize(o, n, !1); i > 0 && (a.EXP_DURATION ? setTimeout(function () { (i r.filterEndExposureSize(o, n)), i > 0 && goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(t, { size: i, eventType: n, }); }, a.EXP_DURATION) : goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(t, { size: i, eventType: n })); }, s i.throttle(function (e) { u(e); }, 100), l {}, c function (e, t) { if (e && e.forEach && Object.keys && document.querySelector) { e.forEach(function (e) { e.positionSelector && document.querySelector(e.positionSelector) && (le.positionSelector !0); }); var n Object.keys(l); n.forEach(function (e) { ot && ot(document.querySelector(e), scroll, function (e) { s(e); }); }); } }; (t.watch_exposure_change function (e) { goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe(APLUS_AE_DOM_CHANGE, u), o.on(window, touchmove, s), o.on(window, scroll, s), o.on(window, resize, u), c(e, on); }), (t.clear function (e) { o.un(window, touchmove, s), o.un(window, scroll, s), o.un(window, resize, u), c(e, un); }); }, function (e, t, n) { use strict; function o(e, t, n) { var o 0; if (n) { if (spmc e) { var r n.split(.); (o r2 ? r2 : r3), /^(\i|\d)0-9+$/.test(o) && (o 0), (n r0, r1, o.join(.)); } } else { n ; var i window.g_SPM || {}; if (function typeof i.getParam) { var a i.getParam(t); spmc e ? ((o t.getAttribute(data-spm) || 0), (n a.a, a.b, o.join(.))) : (n a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d.join(.)); } } return n; } var r n(2), i n(20), a n(7), u n(3), s n(10), l n(6), c n(12), p function () { var e u.isDebugAplus(), t {}, n c.getDefaultRequestCfg(), r a.getGoldlogVal(_aplus_auto_exp) || {}, p r._acHashMap || {}; return ( s(p, function (a, s) { for (var c s || , p 0, g c.length; p g; p++) { var f cp || {}; if (2 f.status) { (f.status 3), l.updateExpHashMap(a, f, UPDATE), r.exp_times++; var h, d f.expConfig || {}, v goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(.) :, _ o(d.eltype, f.element) || v, m ; try { var y new Number(f.viewabilityRate); h y.toFixed(2); } catch (e) { h f.viewabilityRate; } var b { _w: f.width, _h: f.height, _x: f.x, _y: f.y, _rate: h, _viewability: f.viewability, }; object typeof f.userParams && (object typeof f.userParams.userdata && (b i.assign(b, f.userParams.userdata)), f.userParams.spm && (_ o(d.eltype, , f.userParams.spm)), f.userParams.scm && (m f.userParams.scm)), (l.isMethod(d.method) || l.isPkgSize(d.pkgSize)) && (n l.filterExpConfigRequestCfg(d)); var w l.fillPropsData(d, f.element, b); w l.fillFilterData(d, f.element, b); var E { exargs: w, scm: m, spm: _, aplusContentId: }; ta || (ta ), ta.push(E), e && u.logger({ msg: logkey + a + , params + decodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(E)), }); } } }), { logkeyContainer: t, request_cfg: n } ); }, g function (e) { for (var t , n 0, o e.length; n o; n++) { var r en || {}, a {}; s(r, function (e, t) { element ! e && (ae t); }); var u i.cloneObj(a); (u.element r.element), t.push(u); } return t; }, f function (e) { var t a.getGoldlogVal(_aplus_auto_exp) || {}, n t._acHashMap || {}, o ; s(n, function (t, n) { for (var r g(n) || , i 0, a r.length; i a; i++) { var s ri || {}, p ni || {}; if (3 s.status) try { l.setRecordSuccess(p, c.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY), goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(APLUS_ELEMENT_EXPOSURE, { logkey: t, v_origin: p, options: e, }), o.push(p); } catch (e) { u.logger({ msg: e && e.message }); } } for (; o.length > 0; ) l.updateExpHashMap(t, o.pop(), CLEAR); }); }, h function (e, t, n) { var o e.logkeyContainer || , i e.request_cfg || {}; r.wrap(function () { s(o, function (e, o) { if (o && o.length > 0) { for (var r 0; r o.length; ) { var a , u JSON.stringify(o.slice(r, r + i.pkgSize)); a.push(expdata + u), a.push(_is_auto_exp1), a.push(_eventType + t.eventType), a.push(_method + i.method), a.push(_pkgSize + i.pkgSize), goldlog.record( e, EXP, a.join(&), i.method || POST ), (r + i.pkgSize); } n(t); } }); }, recordAplusAt); }, d function (e) { if (e.size > 0) { var t p() || {}; h(t, e, f); } }; (t.watch_data_change function () { goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe(APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE, d); }), (t.clear function () { goldlog.aplus_pubsub.unsubscribe(APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE, d); }); }, ); /*! 2024-09-10 16:39:22 v8.15.24 */ !(function (t) { function e(o) { if (no) return no.exports; var a (no { exports: {}, id: o, loaded: !1 }); return (, a, a.exports, e), (a.loaded !0), a.exports ); } var n {}; return (e.m t), (e.c n), (e.p ), e(0); })( function (t, e, n) { t.exports n(1); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; !(function () { var t window; n(2)(); var e n(3), o n(4); ontouchend in document.createElement(div) && (t.goldlog_queue || (t.goldlog_queue )).push({ action: goldlog.setMetaInfo, arguments: aplus-touch, tap, }); var a function () { n(96); var e n(98), o n(33); if ( (o.doPubMsg(goldlogReady, running), document.getElementsByTagName(body).length) ) { var r g_tb_aplus_loaded; if (tr) return; (tr 1), n(112).initGoldlog(e); } else setTimeout(function () { a(); }, 50); }, r function (t) { try { e.do_tracker_jserror({ ratio: 1, message: t && t.message, error: encodeURIComponent(t && t.stack ? t.stack : ), filename: aplusLoad, }); } catch (t) {} }; try { a(); } catch (t) { r(t, o.script_name + @ + o.lver); } })(); }, function (t, e) { t.exports function () { var t window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); try { var e navigator.userAgent, n /Trident/.test(e); n || t.push({ action: goldlog.setMetaInfo, arguments: aplus-p-url-init, window.location.href.substring(0, 850), , }); } catch (t) {} }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n function (t, e) { var n window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); n.push({ action: goldlog._aplus_cplugin_track_deb.monitor, arguments: { key: APLUS_PLUGIN_DEBUG, title: aplus_core, msg: _error_:methodName + e + ,params + JSON.stringify(t), , type: updateMsg, description: e || aplus_core, }, , }); }, o function (t, e, n) { var o window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); o.push({ action: goldlog, _aplus_cplugin_m, e.join(.), arguments: t, n, }); }; (e.do_tracker_jserror function (t, e) { var a do_tracker_jserror; o(t, a, e), n(t, a); }), (e.do_tracker_obsolete_inter function (t, e) { var a do_tracker_obsolete_inter; o(t, a, e), n(t, a); }), (e.wrap function (t) { if (function typeof t) try { t(); } catch (t) { n({ msg: t.message || t }, exception); } finally { } }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(5), a n(6), r n(7); (e.APLUS_ENV production), (e.lver a.lver), (e.toUtVersion a.toUtVersion), (e.script_name a.script_name), (e.recordTypes o.recordTypes), (e.KEY o.KEY), (e.context r.context), (e.context_prepv r.context_prepv), (e.aplus_init n(16).plugins_init), (e.plugins_pv n(37).plugins_pv), (e.plugins_prepv n(63).plugins_prepv), (e.context_hjlj n(64)), (e.plugins_hjlj n(66).plugins_hjlj), (e.beforeUnload n(78)), (e.initLoad n(82)), (e.spmException n(86)), (e.goldlog_path n(87)), (e.is_auto_pv true), (e.utilPvid n(91)), (e.disablePvid false), (e.mustSpmE !0), (e.LS_CNA_KEY APLUS_CNA); }, function (t, e) { use strict; (e.recordTypes { hjlj: COMMON_HJLJ, uhjlj: DATACLICK_HJLJ, pv: PV, prepv: PREPV, }), (e.KEY { NAME_STORAGE: { REFERRER: wm_referrer, REFERRER_PV_ID: refer_pv_id, LOST_PV_PAGE_DURATION: lost_pv_page_duration, LOST_PV_PAGE_SPMAB: lost_pv_page_spmab, LOST_PV_PAGE: lost_pv_page, LOST_PV_PAGE_MSG: lost_pv_page_msg, }, }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; (e.lver 8.15.24), (e.toUtVersion v20240910), (e.script_name aplus_int); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; (e.context n(8)), (e.context_prepv n(15)); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { return { compose: { maxTimeout: 5500 }, etag: { egUrl:, cna: i.getCookie(cna) }, where_to_sendpv: { url: //, urlRule: s.getBeaconSrc, }, }; } function a() { return r.assign(new s.initConfig(), new o()); } var r n(9), i n(11), s n(14); t.exports a; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e) { return function ! typeof Object.assign ? (function (t) { if (null t) throw new TypeError( Cannot convert undefined or null to object ); for (var e Object(t), n 1; n arguments.length; n++) { var o argumentsn; if (null ! o) for (var a in o), a) && (ea oa); } return e; })(t, e) : Object.assign({}, t, e); } function a(t) { return function typeof t; } function r(t) { return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(t) : /Array/.test(; } function i(t) { return string typeof t; } function s(t) { return number typeof t; } function u(t) { return undefined typeof t; } function c(t) { return object Object; } function l(t) { if (number typeof t) return !1; if (u(t) || null t) return !0; if (i(t)) return !t; if (r(t)) return !t.length; if (c(t)) { for (var e in t) if (, e)) return !1; return !0; } return !1; } function p(t) { if (string typeof t) try { var e JSON.parse(t); return !(object ! typeof e || !e); } catch (t) { return !1; } return !1; } function g(t, e) { return t.indexOf(e) > -1; } var f window; (e.assign o), (e.makeCacheNum function () { return Math.floor(268435456 * Math.random()).toString(16); }), (e.each n(10)), (e.isStartWith function (t, e) { return 0 t.indexOf(e); }), (e.isEndWith function (t, e) { var n t.length, o e.length; return n > o && t.indexOf(e) n - o; }), (e.any function (t, e) { var n, o t.length; for (n 0; n o; n++) if (e(tn)) return !0; return !1; }), (e.isFunction a), (e.isArray r), (e.isString i), (e.isNumber s), (e.isUnDefined u), (e.isObject c), (e.isEmpty l), (e.isJSON p), (e.isContain g); var d function (t) { var e, n t.constructor Array ? : {}; if (object typeof t) { if (f.JSON && f.JSON.parse) (e JSON.stringify(t)), (n JSON.parse(e)); else for (var o in t) no object typeof to ? d(to) : to; return n; } }; (e.cloneObj d), (e.cloneDeep d); }, function (t, e) { use strict; t.exports function (t, e) { var n, o t.length; for (n 0; n o; n++) { var a e(tn, n); if (break a) break; } }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { var e s.cookie.match(new RegExp((?:^|;)\\s* + t + (^;+))); return e ? e1 : ; } function a(t, e, n) { n || (n {}); var a new Date(); if (session n.expires); else if ( n.expires && (number typeof n.expires || n.expires.toUTCString) ) number typeof n.expires ? a.setTime(a.getTime() + 24 * n.expires * 60 * 60 * 1e3) : (a n.expires), (e + ; expires + a.toUTCString()); else { var r 20; c.indexof(,,, location.hostname ) > -1 && (r 1), a.setTime(a.getTime() + 365 * r * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3), (e + ; expires + a.toUTCString()); } (e + ; path + (n.path ? n.path : /)), (e + ; domain + n.domain), (s.cookie t + + e); var i 0; try { var u navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/\d+/); u && u0 && ((i u0.split(/)1), i && (i parseInt(i))); } catch (t) {} return ( n.SameSite && i > 80 && ((e + ; SameSite + n.SameSite), (e + ; Secure), (s.cookie t + + e)), o(t) ); } function r(t, e, n) { try { if ((n || (n {}), n.domain)) a(t, e, n); else for (var o l.getDomains(), r 0; r o.length; ) (n.domain or), a(t, e, n) ? (r o.length) : r++; } catch (t) {} } function i() { var t {}; return ( u.each(g, function (e) { te o(e); }), (t.cnaui /\btanx\.com$/.test(p) ? o(cnaui) : ), t ); } var s document, u n(9), c n(12), l n(13), p location.hostname; (e.getCookie o), (e.setCookie r); var g tracknick, thw, cna; (e.getData i), (e.getHng function () { return encodeURIComponent(o(hng) || ); }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; e.indexof function (t, e) { var n -1; try { n t.indexOf(e); } catch (a) { for (var o 0; o t.length; o++) to e && (n o); } finally { return n; } }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; e.getDomains function () { var t ; try { for ( var e location.hostname, n e.split(.), o 2; o n.length; ) t.push(n.slice(n.length - o).join(.)), o++; } catch (t) {} return t; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e, n) { var o window.goldlog || {}, s o.getMetaInfo(aplus-ifr-pv) + 1; return e ? r(t) ? yt : m : n && !s ? a.isContain(t, ? k : i(t) || y : i(t) || v; } var a n(9), r function (t) { for ( var e,,,, n 0; n e.length; n++ ) { var o en; if (a.isContain(t, o)) return !0; } return !1; }, i function (t) { for ( var e, sc,, sc,, sc,, sc,, sc,, sc,, sc,, sc,, 6,, yt,, yt,, yt,, yt, , n 0; n e.length; n++ ) { var o en; if (a.isContain(t, o0)) return o1; } return ; }; (e.getBeaconSrc o), (e.initConfig function () { return { compose: {}, etag: { egUrl:, cna: , tag: , stag: , lstag: -1, lscnastatus: , }, can_to_sendpv: { flag: NO }, userdata: {}, what_to_sendpv: { pvdata: {}, exparams: {} }, what_to_pvhash: { hash: }, what_to_sendpv_ut: { pvdataToUt: {} }, what_to_sendpv_ut2: { isSuccess: !1, pvdataToUt: {} }, when_to_sendpv: { aplusWaiting: }, where_to_sendpv: { url: //, urlRule: o }, where_to_sendlog_ut: { aplusToUT: {}, toUTName: toUT }, hjlj: { what_to_hjlj: { logdata: {} }, what_to_hjlj_ut: { logdataToUT: {} }, }, network: { connType: UNKNOWN }, is_single: !1, }; }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { return { etag: { egUrl:, cna: a.getCookie(cna), tag: , stag: , }, compose: {}, where_to_prepv: { url: //, urlRule: r.getBeaconSrc, }, userdata: {}, what_to_prepv: { logdata: {} }, what_to_hjlj_exinfo: { EXPARAMS_FLAG: EXPARAMS, exinfo: , exparams_key_names: uidaplus, pc_i, pu_i, }, is_single: !1, }; } var a n(11), r n(14); t.exports o; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; e.plugins_init { name: where_to_sendpv, enable: !0, path: n(17) }, { name: etag, enable: !0, path: n(32) }, { name: etag_sync, enable: !0, path: n(36) }, ; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(25)(); t.exports function () { return o.assign(a, { run: function () { var t this.getAplusMetaByKey(aplus-rhost-v), e this.options.context.where_to_sendpv || {}, n e.url || , a this.getGifPath(e.urlRule, n), r o.getPvUrl({ metaName: aplus-rhost-v, metaValue: t, gifPath: a, url: n, }); (e.url r), (this.options.context.where_to_sendpv e); }, }); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { t (t || ).split(#)0.split(?)0; var e t.length, n function (t) { var e, n t.length, o 0; for (e 0; e n; e++) o 31 * o + t.charCodeAt(e); return o; }; return e ? n(e + # + t.charCodeAt(e - 1)) : -1; } function a(t) { for ( var e t.split(&), n 0, o e.length, a {}; n o; n++ ) { var r en, i r.indexOf(), s r.substring(0, i), u r.substring(i + 1); as p.tryToDecodeURIComponent(u); } return a; } function r(t) { if (function ! typeof t) throw new TypeError(t + is not a function); return t; } function i(t) { var e, n, o, a , r t.length; for (o 0; o r; o++) (e to0), (n to1), a.push( l.isStartWith(e, v) ? n : e + + encodeURIComponent(n) ); return a.join(&); } function s(t) { var e, n, o, a {}, r t.length; for (o 0; o r; o++) (e to0), (n to1), (ae n); return a; } function u(t, e) { var n, o, a, r ; for (n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && ((o + tn), (a n + + encodeURIComponent(o)), e ? r.push(a) : r.push(l.isStartWith(n, v) ? o : a)); return r.join(&); } function c(t, e) { var n t.indexOf(?) -1 ? ? : &, o e ? (l.isArray(e) ? i(e) : u(e)) : ; return o ? t + n + o : t; } var l n(9), p n(19), g n(22), f parent ! self; (e.is_in_iframe f), (e.makeCacheNum l.makeCacheNum), (e.isStartWith l.isStartWith), (e.isEndWith l.isEndWith), (e.any l.any), (e.each l.each), (e.assign l.assign), (e.isFunction l.isFunction), (e.isArray l.isArray), (e.isString l.isString), (e.isNumber l.isNumber), (e.isUnDefined l.isUnDefined), (e.isContain l.isContain), (e.sleep n(23).sleep), (e.makeChkSum o), (e.tryToDecodeURIComponent p.tryToDecodeURIComponent), (e.nodeListToArray p.nodeListToArray), (e.parseSemicolonContent p.parseSemicolonContent), (e.param2obj a); var d n(24), _ function (t) { return /^(\/\/){0,1}(\w+\.){1,}\w+((\/\w+){1,})?$/.test(t); }; e.hostValidity _; var h function (t, e) { var n /^(\/\/){0,1}(\w+\.){1,}\w+\/\w+\.gif$/.test(t), o _(t), a ; return ( n ? (a isGifPath) : o && (a isHostPath), a || d.logger({ msg: e + : + t + is invalid, suggestion:, }), a ); }, m function (t) { return ( !/^\/\/gj\.mmstat/.test(t) && goldlog.isInternational() && (t t.replace(/^\/\/\w+\.mmstat/, //gj.mmstat)), t ); }; (e.filterIntUrl m), (e.getPvUrl function (t) { t || (t {}); var e, n, o t.metaValue && h(t.metaValue, t.metaName), a ; isGifPath o ? ((e /^\/\//.test(t.metaValue) ? : //), (a e + t.metaValue)) : isHostPath o && ((e /^\/\//.test(t.metaValue) ? : //), (n /\/$/.test(t.metaValue) ? : /), (a e + t.metaValue + n + t.gifPath)); var r; return ( a ? (r a) : ((e 0 t.gifPath.indexOf(/) ? t.gifPath : / + t.gifPath), (r t.url && t.url.replace(/\/\w+\.gif/, e))), r ); }), (e.indexof n(12).indexof), (e.callable r); var v ::-plain-::; (e.mkPlainKey function () { return v + Math.random(); }), (e.s_plain_obj v), (e.mkPlainKeyForExparams function (t) { var e t || v; return e + exparams; }), (e.rndInt32 function () { return Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random()); }), (e.arr2param i), (e.arr2obj s), (e.obj2param u), (e.makeUrl c), (e.ifAdd function (t, e) { var n, o, a, r, i e.length; for (n 0; n i; n++) (o en), (a o0), (r o1), r && t.push(a, r); }), (e.isStartWithProtocol g.isStartWithProtocol), (e.param2arr function (t) { for ( var e, n t.split(&), o 0, a n.length, r ; o a; o++ ) (e no.split()), r.push(e.shift(), e.join()); return r; }), (e.catchException function (t, e, n) { var o window, a o.goldlog_queue || (o.goldlog_queue ), r t; object typeof e && e.message && (r r + _ + e.message), n && n.msg && (r + _ + n.msg), a.push({ action: goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_jserror, arguments: { message: r, error: JSON.stringify(e), filename: t }, , }); }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(20), a n(21); t.exports { tryToDecodeURIComponent: function (t, e) { var n e || ; if (t) try { n decodeURIComponent(t); } catch (t) {} return n; }, parseSemicolonContent: function (t, e, n) { e e || {}; var a, r, i t.split(;), s i.length; for (a 0; a s; a++) { r ia.split(); var u o.trim(r.slice(1).join()); eo.trim(r0) || n ? u : this.tryToDecodeURIComponent(u); } return e; }, nodeListToArray: function (t) { var e, n; try { return (e; } catch (a) { (e ), (n t.length); for (var o 0; o n; o++) e.push(to); return e; } }, getLsCna: function (t, e) { if (a.set && a.test()) { var n , o a.get(t); if (o) { var r o.split(_) || ; n e ? r.length > 1 && e r0 ? r1 : : r.length > 1 ? r1 : ; } return decodeURIComponent(n); } return ; }, setLsCna: function (t, e, n) { n && a.set && a.test() && a.set(t, e + _ + encodeURIComponent(n)); }, getUrl: function (t) { var e t || //; try { var n goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-rhost-v), o /a-z|0-9\.+a-z|0-9/, a n.match(o); a && a0 && (e e.replace(o, a0)); } catch (t) {} return e; }, }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n(t) { return string typeof t ? t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ) : ; } e.trim n; }, function (t, e) { use strict; t.exports { set: function (t, e) { try { return localStorage.setItem(t, e), !0; } catch (t) { return !1; } }, get: function (t) { try { return localStorage.getItem(t); } catch (t) { return ; } }, test: function () { var t grey_test_key; try { return ( localStorage.setItem(t, 1), localStorage.removeItem(t), !0 ); } catch (t) { return !1; } }, remove: function (t) { localStorage.removeItem(t); }, }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(9), a function () { if (goldlog.aplusDebug) { var t location.protocol; return http: ! t && https: ! t && (t https:), t; } return https:; }; (e.getProtocal a), (e.isStartWithProtocol function (t) { for ( var e javascript:, tel:, sms:, mailto:, tmall://, #, , n 0, a e.length; n a; n++ ) if (o.isStartWith(t, en)) return !0; return !1; }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; e.sleep function (t, e) { return setTimeout(function () { e(); }, t); }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n function () { var t !1; return ( boolean typeof goldlog.aplusDebug && (t goldlog.aplusDebug), t ); }; e.isDebugAplus n; var o function (t) { t || (t {}); var e t.level || warn; window.console && window.consolee && window.consolee(t.msg); }; e.logger o; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(26), r n(27); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getMetaInfo: function () { var t a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e t.meta_info || r.getInfo(); return e; }, getAplusMetaByKey: function (t) { var e this.getMetaInfo() || {}; return et; }, getGifPath: function (t, e) { var n, r a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; if (function typeof t) n t(location.hostname, r.is_terminal, o.is_in_iframe) + .gif; else if (!n && e) { var i e.match(/\/\w+\.gif/); i && i.length > 0 && (n i0); } return n || (n r.is_terminal ? m.gif : v.gif), n; }, run: function () { var t !!this.options.context.is_single; if (!t) { var e this.getAplusMetaByKey(aplus-rhost-v), n this.options.context.where_to_sendpv || {}, a n.url || , r this.getGifPath(n.urlRule, a), i o.getPvUrl({ metaName: aplus-rhost-v, metaValue: e, gifPath: r, url: o.filterIntUrl(a), }); (n.url i), (this.options.context.where_to_sendpv n); } }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n function (t) { var e; try { window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), (e window.goldlogt); } catch (t) { e ; } finally { return e; } }; e.getGoldlogVal n; var o function (t, e) { var n !1; try { window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), t && ((window.goldlogt e), (n !0)); } catch (t) { n !1; } finally { return n; } }; (e.setGoldlogVal o), (e.getClientInfo function () { return n(_aplus_client) || {}; }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { var e, n, o, a t.length, r {}; for (h._microscope_data r, e 0; e a; e++) (n te), microscope-data f.tryToGetAttribute(n, name) && ((o f.tryToGetAttribute(n, content)), l.parseSemicolonContent(o, r), (h.is_head_has_meta_microscope_data !0)); (h._microscope_data_params l.obj2param(r)), (h.ms_data_page_id r.pageId), (h.ms_data_shop_id r.shopId), (h.ms_data_instance_id r.siteInstanceId), (h.ms_data_siteCategoryId r.siteCategory), (h.ms_prototype_id r.prototypeId), (h.site_instance_id_or_shop_id h.ms_data_instance_id || h.ms_data_shop_id), (h._atp_beacon_data {}), (h._atp_beacon_data_params ); } function a(t) { var e, n function () { var e; return ( document.querySelector && (e document.querySelector(metanamedata-spm)), g.each(t, function (t) { data-spm f.tryToGetAttribute(t, name) && (e t); }), e ); }, o n(); return o && (e f.tryToGetAttribute(o, data-spm-protocol)), e; } function r(t) { var e t.isonepage || -1, n e.split(|), o n0, a n1 ? n1 : ; (t.isonepage_data { isonepage: o, urlpagename: a }), (taplus-pagename a); } function i() { var t d.getMetaTags(); o(t), g.each(t, function (t) { var e f.tryToGetAttribute(t, name); if (/^aplus/.test(e) && ((he d.getMetaCnt(e)), e v)) try { c he JSON.parse(d.getMetaCnt(e)); } catch (t) {} }), g.each(m, function (t) { ht d.getMetaCnt(t); }), (h.spm_protocol a(t)), c && (h g.assign(h, c)); var e, n, i aplus-rate-ahot, s i.length; for (e 0; e s; e++) (n ie), (hn parseFloat(hn)); return r(h), (b h || {}), h; } function s() { return b || i(); } function u(t) { p.logger({ msg: please do not repeat setPriorityMetaInfo + t }); } var c, l n(18), p n(24), g n(9), f n(28), d n(29), _ n(30), h {}, m ahot-aplus, isonepage, spm-id, data-spm, microscope-data, , v aplus-x-settings, b {}; e.setMetaInfo function (t, e) { if ((b || (b {}), object typeof c && ct)) return u(t), !0; if (t v) { if (c) u(t); else try { (c object typeof e ? e : JSON.parse(e)), (b g.assign(b, c)); } catch (t) { console && console.log(t); } return !0; } return (bt e), !0; }; var y function (t) { return b || (b {}), bt || ; }; (e.getMetaInfo y), (e.getInfo i), (e.qGet s), (e.appendMetaInfo function (t, e) { var n function (t, e) { goldlog.setMetaInfo(t, e, { from: appendMetaInfo }); }; if (t && e) { var o, a function (o) { try { var a string typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e; n(t, g.assign(o, a)); } catch (t) {} }, r function (o) { try { var a string typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e; n(t, o.concat(a)); } catch (t) {} }, i function (t) { return EXPARAMS t ? _.getExparamsInfos(, t) : t ? t.split(&) : ; }, s function (o) { try { var a i(o), r i(e); n(t, a.concat(r).join(&)); } catch (t) {} }, u function (t) { t.constructor Array ? r(t) : a(t); }, c goldlog.getMetaInfo(t); if ((aplus-exinfo t && (s(c), (o !0)), c)) if (object typeof c) u(c), (o !0); else try { var l JSON.parse(c); object typeof l && (u(l), (o !0)); } catch (t) {} o || n(t, e); } }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; e.tryToGetAttribute function (t, e) { return t && t.getAttribute ? t.getAttribute(e) || : ; }; var n function (t, e, n) { if (t && t.setAttribute) try { t.setAttribute(e, n); } catch (t) {} }; (e.tryToSetAttribute n), (e.tryToRemoveAttribute function (t, e) { if (t && t.removeAttribute) try { t.removeAttribute(e); } catch (o) { n(t, e, ); } }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { return ( (i i || document.getElementsByTagName(head)0), s && !t ? s : i ? (s i.getElementsByTagName(meta)) : ); } function a(t, e) { var n, a, r, i o(), s i.length; for (n 0; n s; n++) (a in), u.tryToGetAttribute(a, name) t && (r u.tryToGetAttribute(a, e || content)); return r || ; } function r(t) { var e { isonepage: -1, urlpagename: }, n t.qGet(); if (n && n.hasOwnProperty(isonepage_data)) (e.isonepage n.isonepage_data.isonepage), (e.urlpagename n.isonepage_data.urlpagename); else { var o a(isonepage) || -1, r o.split(|); (e.isonepage r0), (e.urlpagename r1 ? r1 : ); } return e; } var i, s, u n(28); (e.getMetaTags o), (e.getMetaCnt a), (e.getOnePageInfo r); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(31), r n(12); e.getExparamsInfos function (t, e) { var n , i t || uidaplus, pc_i, pu_i, s a.getExParams(o) || ; s s.replace(/&aplus&/, &); for ( var u o.param2arr(s) || , c function (t) { return r.indexof(i, t) > -1; }, l 0; l u.length; l++ ) { var p ul, g p0 || , f p1 || ; g && f && (EXPARAMS e || c(g)) && n.push(g + + f); } return n; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { return ( s || (s g.getElementById(beacon-aplus) || g.getElementById(tb-beacon-aplus)), s ); } function a(t) { var e o(), n p.tryToGetAttribute(e, cspx); t && n && (t.nonce n); } function r(t, e, n) { var r script, s g.createElement(r); (s.type text/javascript), (s.async !0); var c o(), l c && c.hasAttribute(crossorigin); l && (s.crossOrigin anonymous); var p https: location.protocol ? e || t : t; 0 p.indexOf(//) && (p u.getProtocal() + p), (s.src p), n && ( n), a(s); var f g.getElementsByTagName(r)0; (i i || g.getElementsByTagName(head)0), f ? f.parentNode.insertBefore(s, f) : i && i.appendChild(s); } var i, s, u n(22), c n(9), l n(24), p n(28), g document; (e.getCurrentNode o), (e.addScript r), (e.loadScript function (t, e) { function n(t) { (o.onreadystatechange o.onload o.onerror null), (o null), e(t); } var o g.createElement(script); if ( ((i i || g.getElementsByTagName(head)0), (o.async !0), onload in o) ) o.onload n; else { var r function () { /loaded|complete/.test(o.readyState) && n(); }; (o.onreadystatechange r), r(); } (o.onerror function (t) { n(t); }), (o.src t), a(o), i.appendChild(o); }), (e.isTouch function () { return ontouchend in document.createElement(div); }); var f function () { var t goldlog && goldlog._$ ? goldlog._$ : {}, e t.meta_info || {}; return eaplus-exparams || ; }; (e.getExParamsFromMeta f), (e.getExParams function (t) { var e o(), n p.tryToGetAttribute(e, exparams), a d(n, f(), t) || ; return ( a && a.replace(/&/g, &).replace(/\buser(i|I)d/, uidaplus) ); }); var d function (t, e, n) { var o aplus&sidxaplusSidex, a t || o; try { if (e) { var r n.param2obj(e), i aplus, cna, spm-cnt, spm-url, spm-pre, logtype, pre, uidaplus, asid, sidx, trid, gokey, ; c.each(i, function (t) { r.hasOwnProperty(t) && (l.logger({ msg: Can not inject keywords: + t }), delete rt); }), delete r; var s ; if (t) { var u t.match(/aplus&/).index, p u > 0 ? n.param2obj(t.substring(0, u)) : {}; delete p, (s n.obj2param(c.assign(p, r)) + & + t.substring(u, t.length)); } else s n.obj2param(r) + & + o; return s; } return a; } catch (t) { return a; } }; e.mergeExparams d; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(33), a n(3), r n(11), i n(31), s n(19), u n(34), c n(35), l n(26), p n(4); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; var e this.options.context.etag || {}; (this.cna e.cna || r.getCookie(cna)), this.setTag(0), this.setStag(-1), this.setLsTag(-1), this.setEtag(this.cna || ), (this.requesting !1), ( u.getFormatDate()); }, setLsTag: function (t) { (this.lstag t), (this.options.context.etag.lstag t); }, setTag: function (t) { (this.tag t), (this.options.context.etag.tag t); }, setStag: function (t) { (this.stag t), (this.options.context.etag.stag t); }, setEtag: function (t) { t && ((this.etag t), (this.options.context.etag.cna t), r.getCookie(cna) ! t && (o.publishCNA(t), r.setCookie(cna, t, { SameSite: none }))); }, setLscnaStatus: function (t) { this.options.context.etag.lscnastatus t; }, run: function (t, e) { var n this; if (n.cna) return void n.setTag(1); var o null, r c.getUrl(this.options.context.etag || {}); n.requesting !0; var u function () { setTimeout(function () { e(); }, 20), clearTimeout(o); }; return ( i.loadScript(r, function (t) { var e, o; if ( (t && error t.type ? (n.setStag(-3), a.do_tracker_jserror({ message: loadError, error: , filename: etag_ls, })) : ((e l.getGoldlogVal(Etag)), (o l.getGoldlogVal(stag)), undefined ! typeof o && n.setStag(o)), !n.requesting) ) return void n.setEtag(e); if (2 o || 4 o) { var r s.getLsCna(p.LS_CNA_KEY); r ? (n.setLsTag(1), n.setEtag(r)) : (n.setLsTag(0), s.setLsCna(p.LS_CNA_KEY,, e), n.setEtag(e)); } else n.setEtag(e); u(); }), (o setTimeout(function () { (n.requesting !1), n.setStag(-2), e(); }, 1500)), 2e3 ); }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n function, o function () { var t window.goldlog || {}, e t.aplus_pubsub || {}, o typeof e.publish n; return o ? e : ; }, a function (t) { var e o(); e && typeof e.publish n && e.publish.apply(e, t); }; e.doPubMsg a; var r function (t) { var e o(); e && typeof e.cachePubs n && e.cachePubs.apply(e, t); }; (e.doCachePubs r), (e.doSubMsg function (t, e) { var a o(); a && typeof a.subscribe n && a.subscribe(t, e); }), (e.doSubOnceMsg function (t, e) { var a o(); a && typeof a.subscribeOnce n && a.subscribeOnce(t, e); }), (e.publishCNA function (t) { if (t) { var e CNA, { value: t }; a(e), r(e); } }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n(t, e, n) { var o + Math.abs(t), a e - o.length, r t > 0; return ( (r ? (n ? + : ) : -) + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, a)).toString().substr(1) + o ); } e.getFormatDate function (t) { var e new Date(); try { return e.getFullYear(), n(e.getMonth() + 1, 2, 0), n(e.getDate(), 2, 0), .join(t || ); } catch (t) { return ; } }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(19); e.getUrl function (t) { var e new Date().getTime(), n o.getUrl(t && t.egUrl ? t.egUrl :, a n.match(/\w+\.+a-z|A-Z|0-9+\/(eg|ge).js/); return ( 0 ! n.indexOf(http) && a && a.length > 0 && (n // + a0), n + ?t + e ); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(19), a n(31), r n(35), i n(4), s n(34), u n(21); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { (this.options t), ( s.getFormatDate()); }, run: function () { var t this; if (u.test()) { var e o.getLsCna(i.LS_CNA_KEY,; e || setTimeout(function () { var e r.getUrl(t.options.context.etag || {}); a.loadScript(e, function (e) { e && error ! e.type && o.setLsCna(i.LS_CNA_KEY,, goldlog.Etag); }); }, 1e3); } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; e.plugins_pv { name: etag, enable: !0, path: n(38) }, { name: when_to_sendpv, enable: !0, path: n(39) }, { name: where_to_sendlog_ut, enable: !0, path: n(40) }, { name: is_single, enable: !0, path: n(42) }, { name: what_to_pvhash, enable: !0, path: n(43) }, { name: what_to_sendpv, enable: !0, path: n(44) }, { name: what_to_sendpv_userdata, enable: !0, path: n(48), deps: what_to_sendpv, }, { name: what_to_sendpv_etag, enable: !0, path: n(53), deps: etag, what_to_sendpv, }, { name: what_to_sendpv_ut2, enable: !0, path: n(54), deps: where_to_sendlog_ut, }, { name: what_to_sendpv_ut, enable: !0, path: n(56), deps: where_to_sendlog_ut, }, { name: what_to_pv_slog, enable: !0, path: n(57), deps: what_to_sendpv, what_to_sendpv_ut2, what_to_sendpv_ut, , }, { name: can_to_sendpv, enable: !0, path: n(58) }, { name: where_to_sendpv, enable: !0, path: n(17), deps: is_single, }, { name: do_sendpv_ut2, enable: !0, path: n(59), deps: what_to_sendpv_ut2, where_to_sendlog_ut, }, { name: do_sendpv_ut, enable: !0, path: n(60), deps: what_to_sendpv_ut, where_to_sendlog_ut, do_sendpv_ut2, , }, { name: do_sendpv, enable: !0, path: n(61), deps: is_single, what_to_sendpv, where_to_sendpv, do_sendpv_ut, , }, { name: after_pv, enable: !0, path: n(62) }, ; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(33); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t this; o.doSubOnceMsg(aplusInitContext, function (e) { e.etag && (t.options.context.etag e.etag); }); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26), a n(23), r n(27); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getMetaInfo: function () { var t o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e t.meta_info || r.getInfo(); return e; }, getAplusWaiting: function () { var t this.getMetaInfo() || {}; return taplus-waiting; }, run: function (t, e) { var n this.options.config || {}, o this.getAplusWaiting(); if (o && n.is_auto) switch ( ((o this.getAplusWaiting() + ), (this.options.context.when_to_sendpv { aplusWaiting: o }), o) ) { case MAN: return done; case 1: return ( (this.options.context.when_to_sendpv.isWait !0), a.sleep(6e3, function () { e(); }), 6e3 ); default: var r 1 * o; if (r + ! NaN) return ( (this.options.context.when_to_sendpv.isWait !0), a.sleep(r, function () { e(); }), r ); } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(41); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getAplusToUT: function (t) { return { toUT2: o.getAplusToUT(toUT2, t), toUT: o.getAplusToUT(toUT, t), }; }, run: function () { if (Umeng4Aplus goldlog.aplusBridgeName) this.options.context.where_to_sendlog_ut.toUTName toUT2; else { var t this.getAplusToUT(this.options.config.recordType); this.options.context.where_to_sendlog_ut.aplusToUT t; } }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n navigator.userAgent, o /WindVane/i.test(n); e.is_WindVane o; var a function () { var t goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus_chnl); return ( !( !t || !t.isAvailable || (function ! typeof t.toUT2 && function ! typeof t.toUT) ) && t ); }; (e.isAplusChnl a), (e.getAplusToUT function (t, e) { var n {}, r a(); if (object typeof r) (n.bridgeName r.bridgeName || customBridge), (n.bridgeVersion r.bridgeVersion || r.version || ), (n.isAvailable r.isAvailable), (n.toUT2 r.toUT2 || r.toUT); else { var i window.WindVane || {}; if (o && i && i.isAvailable && function typeof { var s t || toUT, u goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-toUT) + ; toUT2HC u && PV e && (s u), (n { bridgeName: WindVane, bridgeVersion: i.version || , isAvailable: !0, toUT2: function (t, e, n, o) { return, s, t, e, n, o); }, }); } } return n; }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26), a n(4); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, isSingle_pv: function () { var t o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; return !(1 t.meta_infoaplus-both-request); }, isSingle_hjlj: function (t) { var e o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; return ( !(1 e.meta_infoaplus-both-request) && t && t.logkey && t.gmkey ); }, isSingle_uhjlj: function (t) { var e o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; return ( (!t || !/^\/aplus\.99\.(\d)+$/.test(t.logkey)) && !(1 e.meta_infoaplus-both-request) && t && t.logkey ); }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e this.options.config || {}, n t.where_to_sendlog_ut.aplusToUT || {}, o n.toUT || {}, r n.toUT2 || {}, i !(!o.isAvailable && !r.isAvailable), s t.userdata || {}, u !!t.is_single; switch (e.recordType) { case a.recordTypes.uhjlj: u this.isSingle_uhjlj(s); break; case a.recordTypes.hjlj: u this.isSingle_hjlj(s); break; case a.recordTypes.pv: u this.isSingle_pv(); break; default: u this.isSingle_pv(); } (this.options.context.is_single i && u), (this.options.context.ut_is_available i); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t this.options.context.what_to_pvhash || {}, e o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.meta_info || {}, a naplus-pvhash || , r ; 1 a && (r _aqx_uri, encodeURIComponent(location.href)), (t.hash r), (this.options.context.what_to_pvhash t); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(9), r n(31), i n(26), s n(28), u n(11), c n(45), l n(46), p n(47); t.exports function () { return a.assign(p, { init: function (t) { (this.options t), this.cookie_data || (this.cookie_data u.getData()), this.client_info || (this.client_info i.getClientInfo() || {}); var e location.hash; e && 0 e.indexOf(#) && (e e.substr(1)), (this.loc_hash e); }, getExParams: function () { var t window, e document, n , u parent ! t.self, l e.getElementById(beacon-aplus) || e.getElementById(tb-beacon-aplus), p s.tryToGetAttribute(l, exparams), g r.mergeExparams(p, r.getExParamsFromMeta(), o) || ; g g.replace(/&/g, &); var f, d, _,,,,,,, , h i.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, m h.meta_info || {}; if (u && !maplus-ifr-pv) { for (d _.length, f 0; f d; f++) if (o.isContain(location.hostname, _f)) return n.push(o.mkPlainKeyForExparams(), g), n; g g.replace(/\buser(i|I)d\w*&?/, ); } (g g.replace(/\buser(i|I)d/, uidaplus)), g && n.push(o.mkPlainKeyForExparams(), g); var v a.makeCacheNum(); return c.updateKey(n, cache, v), n; }, getExtra: function () { var t , e i.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.meta_info || {}, a this.cookie_data || {}, r this.getClientInfo(!0) || ; return ( o.ifAdd(t, r), o.ifAdd(t, thw, a.thw, bucket_id, l.getBucketId(n), urlokey, this.loc_hash, wm_instanceid, n.ms_data_instance_id, ), t ); }, }); }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n(t, e, n) { r(t, spm-cnt, function (t) { var o t.split(.); return ( (o0 goldlog.spm_ab0), (o1 goldlog.spm_ab1), e ? (o1 o1.split(/)0 + / + e) : (o1 o1.split(/)0), n && (o4 n), o.join(.) ); }); } function o(t, e) { var n window.g_SPM && g_SPM._current_spm; n && r( t, spm-url, function () { return n.a, n.b, n.c, n.d.join(.) + (e ? . + e : ); }, spm-cnt ); } function a(t, e) { var n, o, a, r -1; for (n 0, o t.length; n o; n++) if (((a tn), a0 e)) { r n; break; } r > 0 && t.splice(r, 1); } function r(t, e, n, o) { var a, r, i t.length, s -1, u function typeof n; for (a 0; a i; a++) { if (((r ta), r0 e)) return void (u ? (r1 n(r1)) : (r1 n)); o && r0 o && (s a); } o && (u && (n n()), s > -1 ? t.splice(s, 0, e, n) : t.push(e, n)); } t.exports { updateSPMCnt: n, updateSPMUrl: o, updateKey: r, removeKey: a, }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e) { var n, o 2146271213; for (n 0; n t.length; n++) o (o 5) + o + t.charCodeAt(n); return (65535 & o) % e; } function a(t) { var e, n r.getCookie(t); return ( (3 ! t.ms_prototype_id && 5 ! t.ms_prototype_id) || (e n ? o(n, 20) : ), e ); } var r n(11); e.getBucketId a; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(9), r n(26), i n(41), s n(11), u n(4); t.exports { init: function (t) { (this.options t), this.cookie_data || (this.cookie_data s.getData()); }, getBasicParams: function () { var t document, e r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.spm || {}, a e.meta_info || {}, i aaplus-ifr-pv + 1, u o.is_in_iframe && !i ? 0 : 1, c this.options.config || {}, l t.title; c.title && (l + _ + c.title); var p logtype, u, title, l, pre, e.page_referrer || , scr, screen.width + x + screen.height, ; try { var g location.href.substring(0, 1200); g && p.push(_p_url, aaplus-p-url || g); } catch (t) {} var f this.cookie_data || {}, d this.options.context || {}, _ d.etag || {}, h _.cna || f.cna || s.getCookie(cna); h && p.push(o.mkPlainKey(), cna + h), f.tracknick && p.push(o.mkPlainKey(), nick + f.tracknick); var m n.spm_url || ; return ( o.ifAdd(p, wm_pageid, a.ms_data_page_id, wm_prototypeid, a.ms_prototype_id, wm_sid, a.ms_data_shop_id, spm-url, m, spm-pre, n.spm_pre, spm-cnt, n.spm_cnt, cnaui, f.cnaui, ), p ); }, getExParams: function () { return ; }, getExtra: function () { return ; }, getClientInfo: function (t) { var e , n r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, s this.client_info || {}, c s.ua_info || {}; if (t || (!i.is_WindVane && !i.isAplusChnl())) { for ( var l, p , g p, o, b, s, w, wx, ism, f 0; (l gf++); ) cl && p.push(l, cl); o.ifAdd(e, p); } o.ifAdd(e, cache, a.makeCacheNum(), lver, goldlog.lver || u.lver, jsver, n.script_name || u.script_name, pver, goldlog.aplus_cplugin_ver, ); var d this.options.config || {}, _ d.is_auto; return _ || o.ifAdd(e, mansndlog, 1), e; }, processLodashDollar: function () { var t r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; t.page_url ! location.href && ((t.page_referrer t.page_url), (t.page_url location.href)), r.setGoldlogVal(_$, t); }, getLsParams: function () { var t r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e ; return ( t.lsparams && t.lsparams.spm_id && (e.push(lsparams, t.lsparams.spm_id), e.push(lsparams_pre, t.lsparams.current_url)), e ); }, run: function () { var t this.getBasicParams() || , e this.getExParams() || , n this.getExtra() || ; this.processLodashDollar(); var o this.getLsParams() || , a .concat(t, e, n, o); (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata a), (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.exparams e); }, }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(26), r n(45), i n(11), s n(49); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getPageId: function () { var t this.options.config || {}, e this.options.context || {}, n e.userdata || {}; return t.page_id || t.pageid || t.pageId || n.page_id; }, getPageInfo: function () { var t; try { var e top.location ! self.location; e && void 0 ! window.innerWidth && (t { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, }); } catch (t) {} return t; }, getUserdata: function () { var t a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e t.spm || {}, n this.options.context || {}, r n.userdata || {}, u this.options.config || {}, c ; if (u && !u.is_auto) { u.gokey && c.push(o.mkPlainKey(), u.gokey); var l; if (l) { var p this.getPageId(); (l p ? l.split(/)0 + / + p : l.split(/)0), s.setB(l); var g e.spm_cnt.split(.); g && g.length > 2 && ((g1 l), (e.spm_cnt g.join(.))); } } var f function (t) { if (object typeof t) for (var e in t) object ! typeof te && function ! typeof te && c.push(e, te); }; f(goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-cpvdata)), f(r); var d i.getCookie(workno) || i.getCookie(emplId); d && c.push(workno, d); var _ i.getHng(); _ && c.push(_hng, i.getHng()); var h this.getPageInfo(); return ( h && (c.push(_pw, h.width), c.push(_ph, h.height)), c ); }, processLodashDollar: function () { var t this.options.config || {}, e a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; t && t.referrer && (e.page_referrer t.referrer), a.setGoldlogVal(_$, e); }, updatePre: function (t) { var e a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; return ( e.page_referrer && r.updateKey(t, pre, e.page_referrer), t ); }, run: function () { var t this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata, e this.getUserdata(); this.processLodashDollar(); var n t, o this.options.context.what_to_pvhash.hash; o && o.length > 0 && n.push(o), (n n.concat(e)), (n this.updatePre(n)); var a this.getPageId(); a && r.updateSPMCnt(n, a), (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata n), (this.options.context.userdata e); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { if (! || ! { var t r._SPM_a, e r._SPM_b; if (t && e) return ( (t t.replace(/^{(\w+\/)}$/g, $1)), (e e.replace(/^{(\w+\/)}$/g, $1)), (s.is_wh_in_page !0), void c.setAB(t, e) ); var n goldlog._$.meta_info; t ndata-spm || nspm-id || 0; var o t.split(.); o.length > 1 && ((t o0), (e o1)), c.setA(t), e && c.setB(e); var a i.getElementsByTagName(body); (a a && a.length ? a0 : null), a && ((e l.tryToGetAttribute(a, data-spm)), e ? c.setB(e) : 1 o.length && c.setAB(0, 0)); } } function a() { var t, e; t && e && (goldlog.spm_ab t, e); } var r window, i document, s {}, u {}; u; var c {}, l n(28), p n(50), g location.href, f n(51).getRefer(), d n(4); (c.setA function (t) { ( t), a(); }), (c.setB function (t) { ( t), a(); }), (c.setAB function (t, e) { ( t), ( e), a(); }); var _ p.getSPMFromUrl, h function () { var t d.utilPvid.makePVId(); return d.mustSpmE ? t || goldlog.pvid || : t || ; }, m function (t, e) { var n t.goldlog || window.goldlog || {}, a n.meta_info || {}; s.meta_protocol a.spm_protocol; var r, i n.spm_ab || , u i0 || 0, c i1 || 0; 0 u && 0 c && (o(), (u || 0), (c || 0)), (r,, (s.spm_cnt (r || 0.0) + .0.0); var l t.send_pv_count > 0 ? h() : n.pvid; l && (s.spm_cnt + . + l), (n._$.spm s), function typeof e && e(l); }; (c.spaInit function (t, e, n, o) { var a function typeof o ? o : function () {}, r s.spm_url, i window.g_SPM || {}, u t._$ || {}, c u.send_pv_count; m({ goldlog: t, meta_info: e, send_pv_count: c }, function (t) { s.spm_cnt + . + + .0.0 + (t ? . + t : ); var o eaplus-spm-fixed; if (1 ! o) { (s.spm_pre _(f)), (s.origin_spm_pre s.spm_pre), (s.spm_url _(location.href)), (s.origin_spm_url s.spm_url); var u i._current_spm || {}; u && u.a && 0 ! u.a && u.b && 0 ! u.b ? ((s.spm_url u.a, u.b, u.c, u.d, u.e.join(.)), (s.spm_pre r)) : c > 0 && n && 0 ! n0 && 0 ! n1 && ((s.spm_url n.concat(0, 0).join(.)), (s.spm_pre r)), (i._current_spm {}); } a(); }); }), (c.init function (t, e, n) { (s.spm_url _(g)), (s.spm_pre _(f)), m({ goldlog: t, meta_info: e }, function () { function typeof n && n(); }); }), (c.resetSpmCntPvid function () { var t goldlog.spm_ab; if (t && 2 t.length) { var e t.join(.) + .0.0, n h(); n && (e e + . + n), (s.spm_cnt e), (s.spm_url e), (goldlog._$.spm s); } }), (t.exports c); }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n(t, e) { if (!t || !e) return ; var n, o ; try { var a new RegExp(?|&+ + t + (^&|#|?|/+)); if (spm t || scm t) { var r new RegExp(\\?.* + t + (\\w\\.\\-\\*/+)), i e.match(a), s e.match(r), u i && 2 i.length ? i1 : , c s && 2 s.length ? s1 : ; (o u > c ? u : c), (o decodeURIComponent(o)); } else (n e.match(a)), (o n && 2 n.length ? n1 : ); } catch (t) { } finally { return o; } } (e.getParamFromUrl n), (e.getSPMFromUrl function (t) { return n(spm, t); }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(52).nameStorage, a n(5); e.getRefer function () { var t a.KEY || {}, e t.NAME_STORAGE || {}; return document.referrer || o.getItem(e.REFERRER) || ; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n (function () { function t() { var t, e , r !0; for (var l in p) p.hasOwnProperty(l) && ((r !1), (t pl || ), e.push(c(l) + s + c(t))); r ? o : a + c(o) + i + e.join(u); } function e(t, e, n) { t && (t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener(e, n, !1) : t.attachEvent && t.attachEvent(on + e, function (e) {, e); })); } var n window; if (n.nameStorage) return n.nameStorage; var o, a nameStorage:, r /^(^+)(?:(.*))?$/, i ?, s , u &, c encodeURIComponent, l decodeURIComponent, p {}, g {}; return ( (function (t) { if (t && 0 t.indexOf(a)) { var e t.split(/:?/); e.shift(), (o l(e.shift()) || ); for ( var n, i, s, c e.join(), g c.split(u), f 0, d g.length; f d; f++ ) (n gf.match(r)), n && n1 && ((i l(n1)), (s l(n2) || ), (pi s)); } else o t || ; })(, (g.setItem function (e, n) { e && undefined ! typeof n && ((pe String(n)), t()); }), (g.getItem function (t) { return p.hasOwnProperty(t) ? pt : null; }), (g.removeItem function (e) { p.hasOwnProperty(e) && ((pe null), delete pe, t()); }), (g.clear function () { (p {}), t(); }), (g.valueOf function () { return p; }), (g.toString function () { var t; return 0 t.indexOf(a) ? t : a + t; }), e(n, beforeunload, function () { t(); }), g ); })(); e.nameStorage n; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(45); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, updateBasicParams: function () { var t this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata || , e this.options.context.etag || {}; return ( e.cna && (o.updateKey(t, cna, e.cna), (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata t)), t ); }, addTagParams: function () { var t this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata || , e this.options.context.etag || {}, n ; (e.tag || 0 e.tag) && n.push(tag, e.tag), (e.stag || 0 e.stag) && n.push(stag, e.stag), (e.lstag || 0 e.lstag) && n.push(lstag, e.lstag), n.length > 0 && (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata t.concat(n)); }, run: function () { this.updateBasicParams(), this.addTagParams(); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { var e, n, o, a, r , s {}; for (e t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) (n te), (o n0), (o && o.indexOf(i.s_plain_obj) -1 && s.hasOwnProperty(o)) || ((a n1), (aplus o || a) && (r.unshift(o, a), (so 1))); return r; } function a(t) { var e, n, o, a, r , u { logtype: !0, cache: !0, scr: !0, spm-cnt: !0 }; for (e t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) if ( ((n te), (o n0), (a n1), !( (s.isStartWith(o, i.s_plain_obj) && !s.isStartWith(o, i.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) || uo )) ) if (s.isStartWith(o, i.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) { var c i.param2arr(a); if (object typeof c && c.length > 0) for (var l c.length - 1; l > 0; l--) { var p cl; p && p1 && r.unshift(p0, p1); } } else r.unshift(o, a); return r; } function r() { var t { isonepage: -1, urlpagename: }, e g.qGet(); if (e && e.hasOwnProperty(isonepage_data)) (t.isonepage e.isonepage_data.isonepage), (t.urlpagename e.isonepage_data.urlpagename); else { var n c.getMetaCnt(isonepage) || -1, o n.split(|); (t.isonepage o0), (t.urlpagename o1 ? o1 : ); } return t; } var i n(18), s n(9), u n(26), c n(29), l n(50), p n(55), g n(27), f n(4), d n(11); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, keyIsAvailable: function (t) { var e functype, funcId, spm-cnt, spm-url, spm-pre, _ish5, _is_g2u, _h5url, cna, isonepage, lver, jsver, ; return i.indexof(e, t) -1; }, valIsAvailable: function (t) { return object ! typeof t && function ! typeof t; }, upUtData: function (t, e) { var n this; if (((t t ? t : {}), e && object typeof e)) for (var o in e) { var a eo; o && n.valIsAvailable(a) && n.keyIsAvailable(o) && (to a); } return t; }, getToUtData: function (t) { var e u.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.spm || {}, s this.options.context || {}, c !!s.is_single, p s.what_to_sendpv || {}, g a(o(p.exparams || )); g i.arr2obj(g); var _ i.arr2obj(p.pvdata), h a(o(s.userdata || )); h i.arr2obj(h); var m location.href, v {}, b l.getParamFromUrl(scm, m) || ; b && (v.scm b); var y l.getParamFromUrl(pg1stepk, m) || ; y && (v.pg1stepk y); var w l.getParamFromUrl(point, m) || ; w && (v.issb 1), _ && _.mansndlog && (v.mansndlog _.mansndlog), (v this.upUtData(v, g)), (v this.upUtData(v, h)); var x r(); (v.functype page), (v.funcId 2001), (v.url goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-pagename) || location.origin + location.pathname), (v._ish5 1), (v._h5url m), (v._toUT 2), (v._bridgeName t.bridgeName || ), (v._bridgeVersion t.bridgeVersion || ), (vspm-cnt n.spm_cnt || ), (vspm-url n.spm_url || ), (vspm-pre n.spm_pre || ), (v.cna d.getCookie(cna)), (v.lver goldlog.lver || f.lver), (v.jsver f.script_name), (v.pver goldlog.aplus_cplugin_ver), (v.isonepage x.isonepage); var j goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-utparam); return ( j && (vutparam-cnt JSON.stringify(j)), (v._is_g2u_ c ? 1 : 2), v ); }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {}, n t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, o n.aplusToUT || {}, a o.toUT2 || {}; ((a && a.isAvailable && function typeof a.toUT2) || p.haveNativeFlagInUA()) && ((e.pvdataToUt this.getToUtData(a)), (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2 e)); }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n UT4Aplus, o Umeng4Aplus; (e.isNative4Aplus function () { var t goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-toUT), e goldlog.aplusBridgeName; return (e n && t n) || e o; }), (e.haveNativeFlagInUA function () { var t goldlog.aplusBridgeName; if (!t && boolean ! typeof t) { var e new RegExp(n, o.join(|), i), a navigator.userAgent.match(e); (t !!a && a0), (goldlog.aplusBridgeName t); } return !!t; }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { var e, n, o, a, i , s {}; for (e t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) (n te), (o n0), (o && o.indexOf(r.s_plain_obj) -1 && s.hasOwnProperty(o)) || ((a n1), (aplus o || a) && (i.unshift(o, a), (so 1))); return i; } function a(t) { var e, n, o, a, s , u { logtype: !0, cache: !0, scr: !0, spm-cnt: !0 }; for (e t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) if ( ((n te), (o n0), (a n1), !( (i.isStartWith(o, r.s_plain_obj) && !i.isStartWith(o, r.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) || uo )) ) if (i.isStartWith(o, r.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) { var c r.param2arr(a); if (object typeof c && c.length > 0) for (var l c.length - 1; l > 0; l--) { var p cl; p && p1 && s.unshift(p0, p1); } } else s.unshift(o, a); return s; } var r n(18), i n(9), s n(26), u n(29), c n(55), l n(27), p n(4), g n(11); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getToUtData: function (t, e) { var n, i s.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, c i.spm || {}, f a(o(t)), d {}; try { var _ r.arr2obj(f); (_._toUT 1), (_._bridgeName e.bridgeName || ), (_._bridgeVersion e.bridgeVersion || ), (n JSON.stringify(_)); } catch (t) { n {_toUT:1}; } var h u.getOnePageInfo(l); (d.functype 2001), (d.urlpagename h.urlpagename), (d.url location.href), (d.spmcnt c.spm_cnt || ), (d.spmurl c.spm_url || ), (d.spmpre c.spm_pre || ), (d.lzsid ), (d.cna g.getCookie(cna)), (d.extendargs n), (d.isonepage h.isonepage); var m this.options.context || {}, v !!m.is_single; return ( (d._is_g2u_ v ? 1 : 2), (d.version p.toUtVersion), (d.lver goldlog.lver || p.lver), (d.jsver p.script_name), d ); }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.what_to_sendpv || {}, n e.pvdata || , o t.what_to_sendpv_ut || {}, a t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, r a.aplusToUT || {}, i r.toUT || {}; ((i && i.isAvailable && function typeof i.toUT2) || c.haveNativeFlagInUA()) && ((o.pvdataToUt this.getToUtData(n, i)), (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut o)); }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.is_single ? 1 : 0; if ( ((t.what_to_sendpv_ut2.pvdataToUt._slog e), (t.what_to_sendpv_ut.pvdataToUt._slog e), t.what_to_sendpv.pvdata.push(_slog, e), t.ut_is_available) ) { var n t.is_single ? 1 : 2; t.what_to_sendpv.pvdata.push(_is_g2u, n); } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e this.options.context.can_to_sendpv || {}, n t.send_pv_count || 0, a this.options.config || {}; return a.is_auto && n > 0 ? done : ((e.flag YES), (this.options.context.can_to_sendpv e), (t.send_pv_count ++n), void o.setGoldlogVal(_$, t)); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(55); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function (t, e) { var n this, a this.options.context || {}, r a.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {}, i a.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, s r.pvdataToUt || {}, u i.aplusToUT || {}, c u.toUT2; if (o.isNative4Aplus()) return ( (u.toutflag toUT2), (i.toUTName toUT2), void (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2.isSuccess !0) ); if (c && function typeof c.toUT2 && c.isAvailable) try { (u.toutflag toUT2), c.toUT2( s, function () { (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2.isSuccess !0), e(done); }, function (t) { (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2.errorMsg t), e(); }, 2e3 ); } catch (t) { e(); } finally { return pause; } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(3); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function (t, e) { var n this, a this.options.context || {}, r a.what_to_sendpv_ut || {}, i a.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {}, s a.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, u r.pvdataToUt || {}, c s.aplusToUT || {}, l c.toUT; if ( !i.isSuccess && l && function typeof l.toUT2 && l.isAvailable ) try { l.toUT2( u, function () { (c.toutflag toUT), (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut.isSuccess !0), e(); }, function (t) { o.do_tracker_jserror({ message: do_sendpv_ut error, error: JSON.stringify(t), filename: do_sendpv_ut, }), e(); }, 5e3 ); } catch (t) { e(); } finally { return pause; } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26), a n(18); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.what_to_sendpv_ut || {}, n t.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {}, r !!t.is_single; if (!r || (!e.isSuccess && !n.isSuccess)) { var i t.what_to_sendpv || {}, s t.where_to_sendpv || {}, u i.pvdata || , c goldlog.send(s.url, a.arr2obj(u)); o.setGoldlogVal(req, c); } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(33), a n(26); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t goldlog._$ || {}, e this.options.context || {}; a.setGoldlogVal(pv_context, e); var n goldlog.spm_ab || , r n.join(.), i t.send_pv_count, s { cna: e.etag.cna, count: i, spmab_pre: goldlog.spmab_pre, }; o.doPubMsg(sendPV, complete, r, s), o.doCachePubs(sendPV, complete, r, s); }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; e.plugins_prepv ; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { return { where_to_hjlj: { url: //, ac_atpanel: //, tblogUrl: //, }, }; } function a() { return r.assign(new i(), new o()); } var r n(9), i n(65); t.exports a; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { return { compose: {}, basic_params: { cna: a.getCookie(cna) }, where_to_hjlj: { url: //, ac_atpanel: //, tblogUrl: //, }, userdata: {}, what_to_hjlj: { logdata: {} }, what_to_pvhash: { hash: }, what_to_hjlj_exinfo: { EXPARAMS_FLAG: EXPARAMS, exinfo: , exparams_key_names: uidaplus, pc_i, pu_i, }, what_to_hjlj_ut: { logdataToUT: {} }, what_to_hjlj_ut2: { isSuccess: !1, logdataToUT: {} }, where_to_sendlog_ut: { aplusToUT: {}, toUTName: toUT }, network: { connType: UNKNOWN }, is_single: !1, }; } var a n(11); t.exports o; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; e.plugins_hjlj { name: etag, enable: !0, path: n(38) }, { name: where_to_sendlog_ut, enable: !0, path: n(40) }, { name: is_single, enable: !0, path: n(42) }, { name: what_to_hjlj_exinfo, enable: !0, path: n(67) }, { name: what_to_pvhash, enable: !0, path: n(43) }, { name: what_to_hjlj, enable: !0, path: n(68), deps: what_to_hjlj_exinfo, what_to_pvhash, }, { name: what_to_hjlj_ut2, enable: !0, path: n(69), deps: is_single, what_to_hjlj_exinfo, }, { name: what_to_hjlj_ut, enable: !0, path: n(72), deps: is_single, what_to_hjlj_exinfo, }, { name: what_to_hjlj_slog, enable: !0, path: n(73), deps: what_to_hjlj, what_to_hjlj_ut2, what_to_hjlj_ut, }, { name: where_to_hjlj, enable: !0, path: n(74), deps: is_single, what_to_hjlj, }, { name: do_sendhjlj_ut2, enable: !0, path: n(75), deps: what_to_hjlj, what_to_hjlj_ut2, where_to_sendlog_ut, }, { name: do_sendhjlj_ut, enable: !0, path: n(76), deps: what_to_hjlj, what_to_hjlj_ut, where_to_sendlog_ut, do_sendhjlj_ut2, , }, { name: do_sendhjlj, enable: !0, path: n(77), deps: is_single, what_to_hjlj, where_to_hjlj, do_sendhjlj_ut, , }, ; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(31), r n(26), i n(26), s n(12), u n(11); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getCookieUserInfo: function () { var t , e u.getCookie(workno) || u.getCookie(emplId); e && t.push(workno + e); var n u.getHng(); return n && t.push(_hng + u.getHng()), t; }, filterExinfo: function (t) { var e ; try { t && (string typeof t ? (e t .replace(/&/g, &) .replace(/\buser(i|I)d/, uidaplus) .replace(/&aplus&/, &)) : object typeof t && (e o.obj2param(t, !0))); } catch (t) { e t.message ? t.message : ; } return e; }, getExparamsFlag: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {}; return e.EXPARAMS_FLAG || EXPARAMS; }, getCustomExParams: function (t) { var e ; return ( t ! this.getExparamsFlag() && (e this.filterExinfo(t) || ), e ? e.split(&) : ); }, getBeaconExparams: function (t, e) { var n , r a.getExParams(o) || ; r r.replace(/&aplus&/, &); for ( var i o.param2arr(r) || , u function (e) { return s.indexof(t, e) > -1; }, c 0; c i.length; c++ ) { var l ic, p l0 || , g l1 || ; p && g && (e this.getExparamsFlag() || u(p)) && n.push(p + + g); } return n; }, getExinfo: function (t) { var e this.options.context || {}, n e.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {}, o n.exparams_key_names || , a this.getBeaconExparams(o, t); return a; }, getExData: function (t) { var e ; if (object typeof t) for (var n in t) { var o tn; n && o && object ! typeof o && function ! typeof o && e.push(n + + o); } return e; }, doConcatArr: function (t, e) { return e && e.length > 0 && (t t.concat(e)), t; }, run: function () { try { var t this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {}, e r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.meta_info || {}, o naplus-exinfo || , a naplus-exdata || , s ; (s this.doConcatArr(s, t.exinfo || )), (s this.doConcatArr(s, this.getExinfo(o))), (s this.doConcatArr(s, this.getCookieUserInfo())), (s this.doConcatArr(s, this.getCustomExParams(o))), (s this.doConcatArr(s, this.getExData(a))), (t.exinfo s.join(&)), (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_exinfo t); } catch (t) { i.logger({ msg: t ? t.message : }); } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(31), a n(18), r n(11), i n(9), s n(4); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getParams: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.userdata || {}, n t.basic_params || {}, u t.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {}, c u.exinfo || , l t.etag || {}, p l.cna || n.cna || r.getCookie(cna), g e.gmkey, f ; e.gokey && c ? (f e.gokey, c.join(&)) : e.gokey ? (f e.gokey) : c && (f c); var d t.what_to_pvhash || {}, _ d.hash || ; _.length && (f + & + _.join()), (f + &jsver + s.script_name), (f + &lver + s.lver), (f + &pver + goldlog.aplus_cplugin_ver), (f + &cache + i.makeCacheNum()), (f + &page_cna + p); var h { gmkey: g || , gokey: f, cna: p }; try { var m location.href.substring(0, 1200); m && (h._p_url goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-p-url) || m); } catch (t) {} espm-cnt && (hspm-cnt espm-cnt), espm-pre && (hspm-pre espm-pre); try { var v o.getExParams(a), b a.param2obj(v).uidaplus; b && (h._gr_uid_ b); var y a.param2obj(f).uidaplus; y && (h.uidaplus y); } catch (t) {} return h; }, run: function () { this.options.context.what_to_hjlj.logdata this.getParams(); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(70), a n(26), r n(4); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getToUtData: function (t, e) { var n a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, i n.spm || {}, s this.options.context.userdata || {}, u this.options.context.basic_params || {}, c this.options.context || {}, l c.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {}, p l.exinfo || , g ; s.gokey && p ? (g s.gokey, p.join(&)) : s.gokey ? (g s.gokey) : p && (g p); var f {}; (f.functype ctrl), (f.funcId o.getFunctypeValue2({ logkey: s.logkey, gmkey: s.gmkey, spm_ab: a.getGoldlogVal(spm_ab), })), (f.url goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-pagename) || location.origin + location.pathname), (f.logkey s.logkey), (f.gokey encodeURIComponent(g)), (f.gmkey s.gmkey), (f._ish5 1), (f._h5url location.href), (f._is_g2u_ t ? 1 : 2), (f._toUT 2), (f._bridgeName e.bridgeName || ), (f._bridgeVersion e.bridgeVersion || ), (fspm-cnt i.spm_cnt || ), (fspm-url i.spm_url || ), (fspm-pre i.spm_pre || ), (f.cna u.cna), (f.lver r.lver), (f.jsver r.script_name), s.hasOwnProperty(autosend) && (f.autosend s.autosend); var d goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-utparam); return d && (futparam-cnt JSON.stringify(d)), f; }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.what_to_hjlj_ut2 || {}, n !!t.is_single, o t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, a o.aplusToUT || {}, r a.toUT2 || {}; (e.logdataToUT this.getToUtData(n, r)), (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2 e); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(71), a n(55), r function (t) { var e t.logkey.toLowerCase(); 0 e.indexOf(/) && (e e.substr(1)); var n t.gmkey ? t.gmkey.toUpperCase() : OTHER; switch (n) { case EXP: return 2201; case CLK: return 2101; case SLD: return 19999; case OTHER: default: return 19999; } }, i /\sA2U\/x/.test(window.navigator.userAgent), s function () { var t window.navigator.userAgent, e !1, n /AliApp\((DM|DY|DingTalk|CN|LA)\/(\d+._\d+._\d+)/i, r n.test(t); return ( (e r), i || a.haveNativeFlagInUA() || e || o.webviewIsAbove({ version_ios_tb: 5, 11, 7, version_ios_tm: 5, 24, 1, version_android_tb: 5, 11, 7, version_android_tm: 5, 24, 1, }) ); }; (e.isSingleUaVersion s), (e.isSingleSendLog function (t) { return ( (!t || !/^\/fsp\.1\.1$/.test(t.logkey)) && !!(t && t.logkey && s()) ); }), (e.getFunctypeValue function (t) { return e.isSingleSendLog(t) ? r(t) : 2101; }), (e.getFunctypeValue2 function (t) { return r(t); }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n function (t) { var e 0, 0, 0; try { if (t) { var n t1, o n.split(.); if (o.length > 2) for (var a 0; a o.length; ) (ea parseInt(oa)), a++; } } catch (t) { e 0, 0, 0; } finally { return e; } }; e.parseVersion n; var o function (t, e) { var n !1; try { var o t0 > e0, a t1 > e1, r t2 > e2, i t0 e0, s t1 e1, u t2 e2; n !!o || !(!i || !a) || !!(i && s && r) || !!(i && s && u); } catch (t) { n !1; } finally { return n; } }; (e.isAboveVersion o), (e.webviewIsAbove function (t, e) { var a !1; try { e || (e navigator.userAgent); var r e.match(/AliApp\(TB\/(\d+._\d+._\d+)/i), i n(r), s e.match(/AliApp\(TM\/(\d+._\d+._\d+)/i), u n(s), c /iPhone|iPad|iPod|ios/i.test(e), l /android/i.test(e); c ? r && i ? (a o(i, t.version_ios_tb)) : s && u && (a o(u, t.version_ios_tm)) : l && (r && i ? (a o(i, t.version_android_tb)) : s && u && (a o(u, t.version_android_tm))); } catch (t) { a !1; } return a; }), (e.webviewIsEqual function (t, e) { var n !1; try { e || (e navigator.userAgent); var o e.match(/AliApp\(CN\/(\d+._\d+._\d+)/i), a o ? o1 : 0.0.0, r e.match(/AliApp\(DingTalk\/(\d+._\d+._\d+)/i), i r ? r1 : 0.0.0, s /iPhone|iPad|iPod|ios/i.test(e), u /android/i.test(e); s ? o && a ? (n t.version_ios_cn a) : r && i && (n t.version_ios_dd i) : u && (o && a ? (n t.version_android_cn a) : r && i && (n t.version_android_dd i)); } catch (t) { n !1; } return n; }), (e.webviewIsBelow function (t, e) { var a !1; try { e || (e navigator.userAgent); var r e.match(/AliApp\(CN\/(\d+._\d+._\d+)/i), i n(r), s /iPhone|iPad|iPod|ios/i.test(e), u /android/i.test(e); s ? r && i && (a !o(i, t.version_ios_cn)) : u && r && i && (a !o(i, t.version_android_cn)); } catch (t) { a !1; } return a; }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(70), a n(11), r n(26), i n(4); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getToUtData: function (t, e) { var n r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, s n.spm || {}, u this.options.context || {}, c u.userdata || {}, l u.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {}, p l.exinfo || , g ; c.gokey && p ? (g c.gokey, p.join(&)) : c.gokey ? (g c.gokey) : p && (g p); var f { gmkey: c.gmkey, gokey: g, lver: i.lver, jsver: i.script_name, version: i.toUtVersion, spm_cnt: s.spm_cnt || , spm_url: s.spm_url || , spm_pre: s.spm_pre || , }; (f._is_g2u_ t ? 1 : 2), (f._bridgeName e.bridgeName || ), (f.bridgeVersion e.bridgeVersion || ), (f._toUT 1); try { (f JSON.stringify(f)), {} f && (f ); } catch (t) { f ; } var d n.meta_info || {}, _ d.isonepage_data || {}, h {}; return ( (h.functype o.getFunctypeValue({ logkey: c.logkey, gmkey: c.gmkey, spm_ab: r.getGoldlogVal(spm_ab), })), (h.spmcnt s.spm_cnt || ), (h.spmurl s.spm_url || ), (h.spmpre s.spm_pre || ), (h.logkey c.logkey), (h.logkeyargs f), (h.urlpagename _.urlpagename), (h.url location.href), (h.cna a.getCookie(cna) || ), (h.extendargs ), (h.isonepage _.isonepage), h ); }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e !!t.is_single, n t.what_to_hjlj_ut || {}, o t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, a o.aplusToUT || {}, r a.toUT || {}; (n.logdataToUT this.getToUtData(e, r)), (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut n); }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e t.is_single ? 1 : 0; (t.what_to_hjlj_ut2.logdataToUT._slog e), (t.what_to_hjlj_ut.logdataToUT._slog e); var n _slog + e; if (t.ut_is_available) { var o t.is_single ? 1 : 2; n.push(_is_g2u + o); } t.what_to_hjlj.logdata.gokey ? (t.what_to_hjlj.logdata.gokey + & + n.join(&)) : (t.what_to_hjlj.logdata.gokey n.join(&)); }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(18), a n(9), r n(26), i n(24), s n(27); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, getMetaInfo: function () { var t r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e t.meta_info || s.getInfo(); return e; }, getAplusMetaByKey: function (t) { var e this.getMetaInfo() || {}; return et; }, cramUrl: function (t) { var e r.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.spm || {}, o this.options.context.where_to_hjlj || {}, i o.ac_atpanel, s o.tblogUrl, u this.options.context.what_to_hjlj || {}, c this.options.context.userdata || {}, l !0, p c.logkey; if (!p) return { url: t, logkey_available: !1 }; if (ac p) t i + 1.gif; else if (a.isStartWith(p, ac-)) t i + p.substr(3); else if (a.isStartWith(p, /)) { t + p.substr(1); var g u.logdata || {}; (gspm-cnt n.spm_cnt), (g.logtype 2); try { (u.logdata g), (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj u); } catch (t) {} } else a.isEndWith(p, .gif) ? (t s + p) : (l !1); return { url: t, logkey_available: l }; }, can_to_sendhjlj: function (t) { var e this.options.context || {}, n e.logger || function () {}, o this.options.context.userdata || {}; return ( !!t.logkey_available || (n({ msg: logkey: + o.logkey + is not legal! }), !1) ); }, run: function () { var t, e, n this.options.context.where_to_hjlj.url, a this.getAplusMetaByKey(aplus-rhost-g), r a && o.hostValidity(a); r && ((t /^\/\//.test(a) ? : //), (e /\/$/.test(a) ? : /), (n t + a + e)), a && !r && i.logger({ msg: aplus-rhost-g: + a + is invalid, suggestion:, }); var s this.cramUrl(n); return this.can_to_sendhjlj(s) ? void (this.options.context.where_to_hjlj.url s.url) : done; }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(55); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function (t, e) { var n this, a this.options.context || {}, r a.logger || function () {}, i a.what_to_hjlj_ut2 || {}, s a.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, u !!a.is_single, c i.logdataToUT || {}, l s.aplusToUT || {}, p l.toUT2; if (o.isNative4Aplus()) return ( (l.toutflag toUT2), (s.toUTName toUT2), void (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess !0) ); if (p && function typeof p.toUT2 && p.isAvailable) try { (l.toutflag toUT2), p.toUT2( c, function () { (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess !0), e(); }, function (t) { (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2.errorMsg t), e(); }, 2e3 ); } catch (t) { u && r({ msg: warning: singleSendHjlj toUTName toUT2 errorMsg: + t.message, }); } finally { return pause; } }, }; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function (t, e) { var n this, o this.options.context || {}, a o.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess, r o.logger || function () {}, i !!o.is_single, s o.where_to_sendlog_ut || {}, u o.what_to_hjlj_ut || {}, c u.logdataToUT || {}, l s.aplusToUT || {}, p l.toUT; if (!a && p && function typeof p.toUT2 && p.isAvailable) try { p.toUT2( c, function () { (l.toutflag toUT), (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut.isSuccess !0), e(); }, function () { e(); }, 5e3 ); } catch (t) { i && r({ msg: warning: singleSendHjlj toUTName toUT errorMsg: + t.message, }); } finally { return pause; } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { this.options t; }, run: function () { var t this.options.context || {}, e this.options.config || {}, n t.what_to_hjlj_ut.isSuccess, a t.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess, r !!t.is_single; if (!r || (!n && !a)) { var i t.logger || {}, s t.what_to_hjlj || {}, u t.where_to_hjlj || {}, c s.logdata || {}, l u.url || ; l || function ! typeof i || i({ msg: warning: where_to_hjlj.url is null, goldlog.record failed!, }); var p goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-channel); if (WS-ONLY ! p) { var g goldlog.send(u.url, c, e.method || GET); o.setGoldlogVal(req, g); } } }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { var t, e, n i.KEY || {}, o n.NAME_STORAGE || {}; if (!c && u) { var a location.href, l u && (a.indexOf( > 0 || a.indexOf( > 0), p s.getRefer(); l && p ? ((t p), (e r.getItem(o.REFERRER_PV_ID))) : ((t a), (e goldlog.pvid)), r.setItem(o.REFERRER, t), r.setItem(o.REFERRER_PV_ID, e); } } var a n(79), r n(52).nameStorage, i n(4), s n(51), u https: location.protocol, c parent ! self; function () { var t beforeunload; a.on(window, t, function () { o(); }); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e, n) { var o goldlog._$ || {}, a o.meta_info || {}, r a.aplus_ctap || {}, i aaplus-touch; if (r && function typeof r.on) r.on(t, e); else { var u ontouchend in document.createElement(div); !u || (tap ! i && tapSpm ! n) ? s(t, u ? touchstart : mousedown, e) : c.on(t, e); } } function a(t) { try { p.documentElement.doScroll(left); } catch (e) { return void setTimeout(function () { a(t); }, 1); } t(); } function r(t) { var e 0, n function () { 0 e && t(), e++; }; complete p.readyState && n(); var o; if (p.addEventListener) (o function () { p.removeEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, o, !1), n(); }), p.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, o, !1), window.addEventListener(load, n, !1); else if (p.attachEvent) { (o function () { complete p.readyState && (p.detachEvent(onreadystatechange, o), n()); }), p.attachEvent(onreadystatechange, o), window.attachEvent(onload, n); var r !1; try { r null window.frameElement; } catch (t) {} p.documentElement.doScroll && r && a(n); } } function i(t) { complete p.readyState ? t() : s(l, load, t); } function s() { var t arguments; if (2 t.length) DOMReady t0 && r(t1), onload t0 && i(t1); else if (3 t.length) { var e t0, n t1, a t2; tap n || tapSpm n ? o(e, a, n) : e_( (g ? on : ) + n, function (t) { t t || l.event; var e || t.srcElement; function typeof a && a(t, e); }, !!u(n) && { passive: !0 } ); } } var u n(80), c n(81), l window, p document, g !!p.attachEvent, f attachEvent, d addEventListener, _ g ? f : d; (e.DOMReady r), (e.onload i), (e.on s); }, function (t, e) { var n; t.exports function (t) { if (boolean typeof n) return n; if (!/touch|mouse|scroll|wheel/i.test(t)) return !1; n !1; try { var e Object.defineProperty({}, passive, { get: function () { n !0; }, }); window.addEventListener(test, null, e); } catch (t) {} return n; }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n(t, e) { return t + Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1)); } function o(t, e, n) { var o l.createEvent(HTMLEvents); if ((o.initEvent(e, !0, !0), object typeof n)) for (var a in n) oa na; t.dispatchEvent(o); } function a(t) { 0 Object.keys(g).length && (p.addEventListener(_, r, !1), p.addEventListener(d, i, !1), p.addEventListener(m, i, !1)); for (var e 0; e t.changedTouches.length; e++) { var n t.changedTouchese, o {}; for (var a in n) oa na; var s { startTouch: o, startTime:, status: h, element: t.srcElement ||, }; gn.identifier s; } } function r(t) { for (var e 0; e t.changedTouches.length; e++) { var n t.changedTouchese, o gn.identifier; if (!o) return; var a n.clientX - o.startTouch.clientX, r n.clientY - o.startTouch.clientY, i Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(r, 2)); (o.status h || pressing o.status) && i > 10 && (o.status panning); } } function i(t) { for (var e 0; e t.changedTouches.length; e++) { var n t.changedTouchese, a n.identifier, s ga; s && (s.status h && t.type d && ((s.timestamp, o(s.element, v, { touch: n, touchEvent: t })), delete ga); } 0 Object.keys(g).length && (p.removeEventListener(_, r, !1), p.removeEventListener(d, i, !1), p.removeEventListener(m, i, !1)); } function s(t) { t.__fixTouchEvent || (t.addEventListener(f, function () {}, !1), (t.__fixTouchEvent !0)); } function u() { c || (p.addEventListener(f, a, !1), (c !0)); } var c !1, l window.document, p l.documentElement, g {}, f touchstart, d touchend, _ touchmove, h tapping, m touchcancel, v aplus_tap + n(1, 1e5); t.exports { on: function (t, e) { u(), t && t.addEventListener && e && (s(t), t.addEventListener( v, (e._aplus_tap_callback function (t) { e(t,; }), !1 )); }, un: function (t, e) { t && t.removeEventListener && e && e._aplus_tap_callback && t.removeEventListener(v, e._aplus_tap_callback, !1); }, }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { var t goldlog._$ || {}, e t.meta_info || {}, n goldlog.getCdnPath(), o n + /sd/baxia-entry/index.js, i function () { a.addScript(o, , aplus-baxia); }; r.onload(function () { try { var t eaplus-xplug; NONE ! t && i(); } catch (t) {} }); } var a n(31), r n(79), i n(83); ( function () { o(); }), (e.init_watchGoldlogQueue i.init_watchGoldlogQueue); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e) { for ( var n { subscribeMwChangeQueue: , subscribeMetaQueue: , subscribeQueue: , metaQueue: , othersQueue: , }, o , a {}; (a t.shift()); ) try { var r a.action, i a.arguments0; /subscribe/.test(r) ? setMetaInfo i ? n.subscribeMetaQueue.push(a) : mw_change_pv i || mw_change_hjlj i ? n.subscribeMwChangeQueue.push(a) : n.subscribeQueue.push(a) : /MetaInfo/.test(r) ? n.metaQueue.push(a) : n.othersQueue.push(a); } catch (t) { n.othersQueue.push(a), u.do_tracker_jserror({ message: t && t.message, error: encodeURIComponent(t.stack), filename: getFormatQueue, }); } var s; return ( e && ne && ((s ne), (ne )), (o n.subscribeMwChangeQueue.concat(n.metaQueue)), (o o.concat(n.subscribeQueue)), (o o.concat(n.subscribeMetaQueue, n.othersQueue)), { queue: o, formatQueue: s } ); } var a window, r n(9), i n(84), s n(85), u n(3), c goldlog_queue, l function (t, e, n) { try { /_aplus_cplugin_track_deb/.test(t) || /_aplus_cplugin_m/.test(t) || u.do_tracker_jserror({ message: n || illegal task: goldlog_queue.push( + JSON.stringify(e) + ), error: JSON.stringify(e), filename: processTask, }); } catch (t) {} }, p function (t, e) { var n t ? t.action : , o t ? t.arguments : ; try { if (n && o && r.isArray(o)) { var i n.split(.), s a, u a; if (3 i.length) (s ai0i1 || {}), (u si2 ? si2 : ); else for (; i.length; ) if (((u s si.shift()), !s)) return void (function typeof e ? e(t) : l(n, t)); function typeof u && u.apply(s, o); } else l(n, t); } catch (e) { l(n, t, e.message); } }, g function (t) { function e() { if (t && r.isArray(t) && t.length) { for (var e o(t).queue, n {}, a ; (n e.shift()); ) p(n, function (t) { a.push(t); }); a.length > 0 && setTimeout(function () { for (; (n a.shift()); ) p(n); }, 100); } } try { e(); } catch (t) { u.do_tracker_jserror({ message: t && t.message, error: encodeURIComponent(t.stack), filename: processGoldlogQueue, }); } }; e.processGoldlogQueue g; var f i.extend({ push: function (t) { this.length++, p(t); }, }); e.init_watchGoldlogQueue function (t) { try { var e ac || ; if (t) { var n o(e, t); (ac n.queue), g(n.formatQueue); } else (ac f.create({ startLength: e.length, length: 0 })), s.init_loadAplusPlugin(), g(e); } catch (t) { u.do_tracker_jserror({ message: t && t.message, error: encodeURIComponent(t.stack), filename: init_watchGoldlogQueue, }); } }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n() {} (n.prototype.extend function () {}), (n.prototype.create function () {}), (n.extend function (t) { return, t); }), (n.prototype.create function (t) { var e new this(); for (var n in t) en tn; return e; }), (n.prototype.extend function (t) { var e function () {}; try { function ! typeof Object.create && (Object.create function (t) { function e() {} return (e.prototype t), new e(); }), (e.prototype Object.create(this.prototype)); for (var n in t) e.prototypen tn; (e.prototype.constructor e), (e.extend e.prototype.extend), (e.create e.prototype.create); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } finally { return e; } }), (t.exports n); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(31), a n(29), r n(6), i function () { var t goldlog.getCdnPath() + /alilog/s/ + r.lver + /plugin/; return { aplus_ae_path: t + aplus_ae.js, aplus_ac_path: t + aplus_ac.js, }; }, s {}, u aplus-auto-exp, c aplus-auto-clk, l function (t, e) { var n i(), r goldlog && goldlog.getMetaInfo ? goldlog.getMetaInfo(t) : , l e || r || a.getMetaCnt(t), p {}; (pu n.aplus_ae_path), (pc n.aplus_ac_path), l && pt && !st && (o.addScript(pt), (st !0)); }; e.init_loadAplusPlugin function () { try { !goldlog._aplus_auto_exp && l(u), !goldlog._aplus_ac && l(c), goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe(setMetaInfo, function (t, e) { t ! u || goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || l(t, e), t ! c || goldlog._aplus_ac || l(t, e); }); } catch (t) {} }; }, function (t, e) { use strict; function n(t, e) { return t.indexOf(e) > -1; } function o(t, e) { for (var o 0, a t.length; o a; o++) if (n(e, to)) return !0; return !1; } var a, r,, i,; e.is_exception o(r, a) && !o(i, a); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { var t, e, n, o, a c.getElementsByTagName(meta); for (t 0, e a.length; t e; t++) if ( ((n at), (o n.getAttribute(name)), data-spm o || spm-id o) ) return n; } function a() { var t c.createElement(meta); t.setAttribute(name, data-spm); var e c.getElementsByTagName(head)0; return e && e.insertBefore(t, e.firstChild), t; } function r() { var t o(); t || (t a()), t.setAttribute(content, goldlog.spm_ab0 || ); var e c.getElementsByTagName(body)0; e && e.setAttribute(data-spm, goldlog.spm_ab1 || ); } function i() { var t, e, n, o c.getElementsByTagName(*); for (t 0, e o.length; t e; t++) (n ot), n.getAttribute(data-spm-max-idx) && n.setAttribute(data-spm-max-idx, ), n.getAttribute(data-spm-anchor-id) && n.setAttribute(data-spm-anchor-id, ); } function s() { var t 5e3; try { var e goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-mmstat-timeout); if (e) { var n parseInt(e); n > 1e3 && n 1e4 && (t n); } } catch (t) {} return t; } var u window, c document, l n(84), p n(18), g n(79), f n(31), d n(24), _ n(33), h n(9), m n(26), v n(22), b n(49), y n(27), w y.getInfo(), x n(4), j n(3), T n(88), P n(11), A n(91), S n(93), k , E , U , I , M //, C //, N //, O //, V //, G //; l.extend({ getCdnPath: function () { var t f.getCurrentNode(), e M, n N, O, C, V, G, o new RegExp(V); if (t) for (var a 0; a n.length; a++) { var r new RegExp(na); if (r.test(t.src)) { (e na), o.test(t.src) && (e N); break; } } return e; }, isInternational: function () { this.cdnPath || (this.cdnPath this.getCdnPath()); var t N, O, G.indexOf(this.cdnPath) > -1; return t || int this.getMetaInfo(aplus-env); }, getCookie: function (t) { return P.getCookie(t); }, getParam: function (t) { var e u.WindVane || {}, n e && function typeof e.getParam ? e.getParam(t) : ; return n; }, beforeSendPV: function (t) { k.push(t); }, afterSendPV: function (t) { E.push(t); }, send: function (t, e, n) { var o; if (0 t.indexOf(//)) { var a v.getProtocal(); t a + t; } return (o POST n && navigator && navigator.sendBeacon ? S.postData(t, e) : S.sendImg(p.makeUrl(t, e), s())); }, launch: function (t, e) { var n; try { (e h.assign(e, t)), (n goldlog._$._sendPV(e, t)); var o goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(.) : 0.0; j.do_tracker_obsolete_inter({ page: location.hostname + location.pathname, spm_ab: o, interface_name: goldlog.launch, interface_params: userdata + JSON.stringify(t) + , config + JSON.stringify(e), }); } catch (t) { } finally { return ( d.logger({ msg: warning: This interface is deprecated, please use goldlog.sendPV instead! API:, }), n ); } }, _$: { _sendPV: function (t, e) { if ( ((t t || {}), h.any(k, function (e) { return e(goldlog, t) !1; })) ) return !1; var o n(94).SendPV, a new o(); return ( undefined typeof t.recordType && (t.recordType x.recordTypes.pv),, e, { fn_after_pv: E }), !0 ); }, _sendPseudo: function (t, e) { t || (t {}); var o n(95).SendPrePV, a new o(); return ( undefined typeof t.recordType && (t.recordType x.recordTypes.prepv),, e, {}, function () { _.doPubMsg(sendPrePV, complete); }), !0 ); }, }, sendPV: function (t, e) { return ( (e e || {}), e.pageName && goldlog.setMetaInfo(aplus-pagename, e.pageName), goldlog._$._sendPV(t, e) ); }, updatePageProperties: function (t) { t && object typeof t ? (t._page && ((t.pageName t._page), delete t._page), t.pageName && (goldlog.setMetaInfo(aplus-pagename, t.pageName), delete t.pageName), goldlog.appendMetaInfo(aplus-cpvdata, t)) : d.logger({ msg: warning: typeof updatePagePropertiess params must be object, }); }, beforeRecord: function (t) { U.push(t); }, afterRecord: function (t) { I.push(t); }, record: function (t, e, n, o, a) { if ( !h.any(U, function (t) { return t(goldlog) !1; }) ) return ( POST ! o && WS ! o && WS-ONLY ! o && (o GET), { recordType: x.recordTypes.hjlj, method: o }, { logkey: t, gmkey: e, gokey: n }, { fn_after_record: I }, function () { function typeof a && a(); } ), !0 ); }, recordUdata: function (t, e, n, o, a) { var r m.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, i r.spm || {}; POST ! o && WS ! o && WS-ONLY ! o && (o GET), { ignore_chksum: !0, method: o, recordType: x.recordTypes.uhjlj, }, { logkey: t, gmkey: e, gokey: n, spm-cnt: i.spm_cnt, spm-pre: i.spm_pre, }, {}, function () { h.isFunction(a) && a(); } ); }, setPageSPM: function (t, e, n) { var o setPageSPM, a goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-spm-fixed), s function typeof n ? n : function () {}; goldlog.spm_ab goldlog.spm_ab || ; var u h.cloneObj(goldlog.spm_ab); if ( (t && ((goldlog.spm_ab0 + t), (goldlog._$ + t)), e && ((goldlog.spm_ab1 + e), (goldlog._$ + e)), b.spaInit(goldlog, w, u), 1 ! a) ) { var c u.join(.); goldlog.spmab_pre c; } var l goldlog.spm_ab.join(.); _.doPubMsg(o, { spmab_pre: goldlog.spmab_pre, spmab: l }), _.doCachePubs(o, { spmab_pre: goldlog.spmab_pre, spmab: l }), r(), i(), s(); }, setMetaInfo: function (t, e, n) { if (y.setMetaInfo(t, e, n)) { var o m.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; o.meta_info y.qGet(); var a m.setGoldlogVal(_$, o), r A.isDisablePvid() + ; return ( aplus-disable-pvid t && r ! e + && b.resetSpmCntPvid(), _.doPubMsg(setMetaInfo, t, e, n), _.doCachePubs(setMetaInfo, t, e, n), a ); } }, appendMetaInfo: y.appendMetaInfo, getMetaInfo: function (t) { return y.getMetaInfo(t); }, on: g.on, cloneDeep: h.cloneDeep, getPvId: A.getPvId, }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(9), a n(26), r n(33), i n(24), s n(89), u n(90), c n(4); function (t, e, n, l) { var p new u(); p.init({ middleware: , config: t, plugins: c.plugins_hjlj }); var g, f new c.context_hjlj(); (f.userdata e), (f.logger i.logger); var d { context: f, pubsub: a.getGoldlogVal(aplus_pubsub), pubsubType: hjlj, }, _ new s(); _.create(d), _.wrap(g, function () { (d.context.status complete), (d.context.method t.method), r.doPubMsg(mw_change_hjlj, d.context), n && n.fn_after_record && o.each(n.fn_after_record, function (t) { t(window.goldlog); }), function typeof l && l(); })(); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() {} var a n(12), r n(23), i n(24), s n(3), u n(11); (o.prototype.create function (t) { for (var e in t) undefined typeof thise && (thise te); return this; }), (o.prototype.pubsubInfo function (t, e) { try { t && t.pubsub && t.pubsub.publish(mw_change_ + t.pubsubType, t.context, e); } catch (t) {} }), (o.prototype.calledList ), (o.prototype.setCalledList function (t) { a.indexof(this.calledList, t) -1 && this.calledList.push(t); }), (o.prototype.resetCalledList function () { this.calledList ; }), (o.prototype.wrap function (t, e) { var n this, o this.context || {}, c o.compose || {}, l c.maxTimeout || 1e4; return function (o) { var c, p t.length, g 0, f 0, d function () { if ((n.pubsubInfo(n, tg), g p)) return ( (o done), n.resetCalledList(), function typeof e &&, o), void clearTimeout(c) ); if (a.indexof(n.calledList, g) -1) { if ( (n.setCalledList(g), !tg || function ! typeof tg0) ) return; try { o, o, function () { g++, (f 1), clearTimeout(c), d(g); }); } catch (e) { s.do_tracker_jserror({ message: e ? e.message : compose middleware error, error: encodeURIComponent(e.stack), filename: tg1, }); } } var _ number typeof o; if (pause o || _) { f 0; var h _ ? o : l, m tg ? tg1 : ; c r.sleep(h, function () { if (0 f) { var t jump the middleware about + m + , because waiting timeout maxTimeout + h + ms!; i.logger({ msg: t }); var e window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue ); e.push({ action: goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_browser_support, arguments: { msg: t, spmab: goldlog.spm_ab, page: location.href, etag: n.context ? JSON.stringify(n.context.etag) : , cna: document.cookie ? u.getCookie(cna) : , }, , }), (o null), g++, d(g); } }); } else done o ? ((g p), d(g)) : (g++, d(g)); }; return ( n.calledList && n.calledList.length > 0 && n.resetCalledList(), d(g) ); }; }), (t.exports o); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(12); t.exports function () { return { init: function (t) { (this.opts t), t && object typeof t.middleware && t.middleware.length > 0 ? (this.middleware t.middleware) : (this.middleware ), (this.plugins_name ); }, pubsubInfo: function (t, e) { try { var n t.pubsub; n && n.publish(plugins_change_ + t.pubsubType, e); } catch (t) {} }, checkPluginLoader: function (t, e) { var n !0; if ( (object typeof e.enable && function typeof e.enable.isEnable ? (n e.enable.isEnable( : boolean typeof e.enable && (n !!e.enable), !n) ) return !1; if (n && e.deps && e.deps.length > 0) for (var a 0; a e.deps.length; a++) if (o.indexof(this.plugins_name, e.depsa) -1) return !1; return !0; }, run: function (t) { t || (t 0); var e this, n this.middleware, o this.opts || {}, a o.plugins; if (a && object typeof a && a.length > 0) { var r at; if ( (this.checkPluginLoader(a, r) && (this.plugins_name.push(, n.push( function (t, n) { e.pubsubInfo(this, r); var a new r.path(); return ( a.init({ context: this.context, config: o.config }),, n) ); },, )), t++, at) ) return; } else window.console && console.log( aplus plugins + JSON.stringify(a) + must be object of array! ); return n; }, }; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { var t true l.disablePvid; try { var e goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-disable-pvid) + ; true e ? (t !0) : false e && (t !1); } catch (t) {} return t; } function a(t) { function e(t) { var e 0123456789abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, n 0123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ; return 1 t ? e.substr(Math.floor(60 * Math.random()), 1) : 2 t ? n.substr(Math.floor(60 * Math.random()), 1) : 0; } for ( var n, o , a 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, r !1; o.length t; ) (n a.substr(Math.floor(62 * Math.random()), 1)), !r && o.length 2 && (g n.toLowerCase() || l n.toLowerCase()) && (0 o.length && g n.toLowerCase() ? Math.random() 0.5 && ((n e(1)), (r !0)) : 1 o.length && l n.toLowerCase() && g o.charAt(0).toLowerCase() && ((n e(2)), (r !0))), (o + n); return o; } function r(t, e, n) { return t ? u.hash(encodeURIComponent(t)).substr(0, e) : n; } function i() { var t a(8), e t.substr(0, 4), n t.substr(0, 6); return r(location.href, 4, e), r(document.title, 4, e), n.join( ); } function s() { var t goldlog.pvid; return ( (goldlog.pvid i()), c.doPubMsg(pvidChange, { pre_pvid: t, pvid: goldlog.pvid }), c.doCachePubs( pvidChange, { pre_pvid: t, pvid: goldlog.pvid }, ), o() ? : goldlog.pvid ); } var u n(92), c n(33), l n(4); (e.isDisablePvid o), (e.makePVId s), (e.getPvId function () { return o() ? : goldlog.pvid; }); }, function (t, e) { use strict; var n 1315423911; e.hash function (t, e) { var o, a, r e || n; for (o t.length - 1; o > 0; o--) (a t.charCodeAt(o)), (r ^ (r 5) + a + (r >> 2)); var i (2147483647 & r).toString(16); return i; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { if (!t) return ; var e decodeURIComponent(t).match(/cache\w+/); return e && 1 e.length ? e0.split()1 : void 0; } var a n(3), r window; (e.sendImg function (t, e) { var n new Image(), i _img_ + Math.random(); ri n; var s function () { if (ri) try { delete ri; } catch (t) { ri void 0; } }; return ( (n.onload function () { s(); }), (n.onerror function () { a.do_tracker_jserror({ message: loadError, error: , filename: sendImg, logid: o(t), }), s(); }), setTimeout(function () { windowi && (a.do_tracker_jserror({ message: loadTimeout, error: e, filename: sendImg, logid: o(t), }), (windowi.src ), s()); }, e || 3e3), (n.src t), (n null), t ); }), (e.postData function (t, e) { var n; if (string typeof e) n e; else { for (var o in e) cna.indexOf(o) -1 && (eo encodeURIComponent(eo)); n JSON.stringify(e); } return navigator.sendBeacon(t, n), t; }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(9), a n(26), r n(33), i n(24), s n(89), u n(90), c n(4), l function () {}; ( function (t, e, n) { var l new u(); l.init({ middleware: , config: t, plugins: c.plugins_pv }); var p, g new c.context(); (g.userdata e), (g.logger i.logger); var f { context: g, pubsub: a.getGoldlogVal(aplus_pubsub), pubsubType: pv, }, d new s(); d.create(f), d.wrap(p, function () { var e f.context.can_to_sendpv || {}; (f.context.status YES e.flag ? complete : skip), (f.context.method t.method || GET), r.doPubMsg(mw_change_pv, f.context), n && n.fn_after_pv && o.each(n.fn_after_pv, function (e) { e(window.goldlog, t); }); })(); }), (e.SendPV l); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(9), a n(26), r n(33), i n(24), s n(89), u n(90), c n(4), l function () {}; ( function (t, e, n, l) { var p new u(); p.init({ middleware: , config: t, plugins: c.plugins_prepv }); var g, f new c.context_prepv(); (f.userdata e), (f.logger i.logger); var d { context: f, pubsub: a.getGoldlogVal(aplus_pubsub), pubsubType: prepv, }, _ new s(); _.create(d), _.wrap(g, function () { (d.context.status complete), r.doPubMsg(mw_change_prepv, d.context), n && n.fn_after_record && o.each(n.fn_after_pv, function (e) { e(window.goldlog, t); }), a.setGoldlogVal(prepv_context, f), function typeof l && l(); })(); }), (e.SendPrePV l); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; !(function () { var t window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), e n(97); t.aplus_pubsub || (t.aplus_pubsub e.create()); })(); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { if (function ! typeof t) throw new TypeError(t + is not a function); return t; } var a n(84), r function (t) { for (var e t.length, n new Array(e - 1), o 1; o e; o++) no - 1 to; return n; }, i a.extend({ create: function (t) { var e new this(); for (var n in t) en tn; return (e.handlers ), (e.pubs {}), e; }, setHandlers: function (t) { this.handlers t; }, subscribe: function (t, e) { o(e); var n this, a n.pubs || {}, r at || ; if (r) for (var i 0; i r.length; i++) { var s ri(); e.apply(n, s); } var u n.handlers || ; return t in u || (ut ), ut.push(e), n.setHandlers(u), n; }, subscribeOnce: function (t, e) { o(e); var n, a this; return ( this, t, (n function () {, t, n); var o; e.apply(a, o); }) ), this ); }, unsubscribe: function (t, e) { o(e); var n this.handlerst; if (!n) return this; if (object typeof n && n.length > 0) { for (var a 0; a n.length; a++) { var r e.toString(), i na.toString(); r i && n.splice(a, 1); } this.handlerst n; } else delete this.handlerst; return this; }, publish: function (t) { var e r(arguments), n this.handlers || , o nt ? nt.length : 0; if (o > 0) for (var a 0; a o; a++) { var i nta; i && function typeof i && i.apply(this, e); } return this; }, cachePubs: function (t) { var e this.pubs || {}, n r(arguments); et || (et ), et.push(function () { return n; }); }, }); t.exports i; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(41), a n(33), r n(51), i n(4); e.init function () { i.initLoad.init_watchGoldlogQueue(metaQueue), n(99)(function () { var t goldlog._$ || {}, e navigator.userAgent; e.match(/AliApp\((A-Z\-+)\/(\d\.+)\)/i) && (t.is_ali_app !0), i.utilPvid.makePVId(); var s n(49); (t.spm s), (t.is_WindVane o.is_WindVane); var u t.meta_info; s.init(goldlog, u, function () { i.initLoad.init_watchGoldlogQueue(); var t n(4).spmException, e t.is_exception; e || n(102); var o, r complete; (o aplusReady, r), a.doPubMsg(o), a.doCachePubs(o); }), goldlog.beforeSendPV(function (e, n) { if ( ((t.page_url location.href), (t.page_referrer r.getRefer()), n.is_auto && 1 uaplus-manual-pv) ) return !1; }), goldlog.afterSendPV(function () { window.g_SPM && (g_SPM._current_spm ); }), i.is_auto_pv + true && goldlog.sendPV({ is_auto: !0 }),,; }); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(33), a n(100); t.exports function (t) { var e n(101).AplusInit, r new e();{}, function (e) { o.doPubMsg(aplusInitContext, e), o.doCachePubs(aplusInitContext, e), a(), function typeof t && t(); }); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { var e ; switch (!0) { case r.isJSON(t): e settled; break; case r.isString(t): e t; break; case r.isNumber(t): e t + ; break; default: e settled; } return e; } var a n(26), r n(9); t.exports function () { try { var t a.getGoldlogVal(hasSendMIC), e Math.floor(99 * Math.random()); if (t || 1 ! e) return; var n goldlog && goldlog._$ ? goldlog._$.meta_info : {}, i ; for (var s in n) r.isEmpty(ns) || (i i + & + s + + o(ns)); a.setGoldlogVal(hasSendMIC, !0), goldlog.record(/m.i.c, OTHER, i, POST); } catch (t) {} }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(26), a n(24), r n(89), i n(90), s n(4), u function () {}; ( function (t, e) { var n new i(); n.init({ middleware: , config: t, plugins: s.aplus_init }); var u, c new s.context(); c.logger a.logger; var l { context: c, pubsub: o.getGoldlogVal(aplus_pubsub), pubsubType: aplusinit, }, p new r(); p.create(l), p.wrap(u, function () { function typeof e && e(l.context); })(); }), (e.AplusInit u); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; !(function () { var t, e n(9), o n(26), a n(103), r function () { t !0; var n window.g_SPM || {}; e.isFunction(n.getParam) || e.isFunction(n.spm) ||; }, i window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}); i.aplus_pubsub && function typeof i.aplus_pubsub.publish && i.aplus_pubsub.subscribe(goldlogReady, function (e) { complete ! e || t || r(); }); var s 0, u function () { if (!t) { var e o.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}; complete e.status ? r() : s 50 && (++s, setTimeout(function () { u(); }, 200)); } }; u(); })(); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(31), a n(26), r n(104), i n(108), s n(109), u n(110), c n(111); function () { var t a.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e t.meta_info, n eaplus-touch, l { isTouchEnabled: o.isTouch() || 1 n || tap n, isTerminal: t.is_terminal || /WindVane/i.test(navigator.userAgent), }; (window.g_SPM { spm_d_for_ad: {}, resetModule: r.spm_resetModule, anchorBeacon: r.spm_spmAnchorChk, getParam: r.spm_getSPMParam, spm: r.spm_forwap, }),,,,; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { if (t && 1 t.nodeType) { s.tryToRemoveAttribute(t, data-spm-max-idx), s.tryToRemoveAttribute(t, data-auto-spmd-max-idx); for ( var e u.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName(a)), n u.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName(area)), o e.concat(n), a 0; a o.length; a++ ) s.tryToRemoveAttribute(oa, l); } } function a(t, e) { var n s.tryToGetAttribute(t, l), o 0; if (n && c.spm_isSPMAnchorIdMatch(n)) c.spm_anchorEnsureSPMId_inHref(t, n, e); else { var a c.spm_spmGetParentSPMId(t.parentNode); if (((o a.spm_c), !o)) return void c.spm_dealNoneSPMLink(t, e); c.spm_initSPMModule(a.el, o, e), c.spm_initSPMModule(a.el, o, e, !0); } } function r(t) { var e, n t.tagName; A ! n && AREA ! n ? (e c.spm_getParamForAD(t)) : (a(t, !0), (e s.tryToGetAttribute(t, l))), e || (e; var o goldlog.getPvId(); 4 e.split(.).length && o && (e + . + o), A ! n && AREA ! n && s.tryToSetAttribute(t, l, e), (e e.split(.)); var r { a: e0, b: e1, c: e2, d: e3 }; return e4 && (r.e e4), r; } function i(t, e) { var n r(t), o n.a, n.b, n.c, n.d; return e && n.e && o.push(n.e), o.join(.); } var s n(28), u n(19), c n(105), l data-spm-anchor-id; (e.spm_resetModule o), (e.spm_spmAnchorChk a), (e.spm_getSPMParam r), (e.spm_forwap i); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { for ( var e, n data-spm-ab-max-idx, o {}, a ; t && t.tagName ! j && t.tagName ! x; ) { if (!a && (a v.tryToGetAttribute(t, data-spm-ab))) { (e parseInt(v.tryToGetAttribute(t, n)) || 0), (o.a_spm_ab a), (o.ab_idx ++e), t.setAttribute(n, e); break; } if (v.tryToGetAttribute(t, data-spm)) break; t t.parentNode; } return o; } function a() { var t b.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, e t.spm || {}, n || {}; return n.a, n.b.join(.); } function r(t) { var e a(), n t.split(.); return n0 + . + n1 e; } function i(t, e) { if ( !goldlog.isUT4Aplus || UT4Aplus ! goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-toUT) ) { if ( (t && /&?\bspm^*/.test(t) && (t t .replace(/&?\bspm^*/g, ) .replace(/&{2,}/g, &) .replace(/\?&/, ?) .replace(/\?$/, )), !e) ) return t; var n, o, a, r, i, s, u, c &; t.indexOf(#) ! -1 && ((a t.split(#)), (t a.shift()), (o a.join(#))), (r t.split(?)), (i r.length - 1), (a r0.split(//)), (a aa.length - 1.split(/)), (s a.length > 1 ? a.pop() : ), i > 0 && ((n r.pop()), (t r.join(?))), n && i > 1 && n.indexOf(&) -1 && n.indexOf(%) ! -1 && (c %26); var l ; if ( ((t t + ?spm + l + e + (n ? c + n : ) + (o ? # + o : )), (u h.isContain(s, .) ? s.split(.).pop().toLowerCase() : )) ) { if ( { png: 1, jpg: 1, jpeg: 1, gif: 1, bmp: 1, swf: 1, }.hasOwnProperty(u) ) return 0; !n && i 1 && (o || { htm: 1, html: 1, php: 1, aspx: 1, shtml: 1, xhtml: 1, }.hasOwnProperty(u) || (t + &file + s)); } return t; } } function s(t, e) { if ( !goldlog.isUT4Aplus || UT4Aplus ! goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-toUT) ) { var n, o t.innerHTML; o && o.indexOf() -1 && ((n document.createElement(b)), ( none), t.appendChild(n)), (t.href e), n && t.removeChild(n); } } function u(t, e, n) { if (!/^0\.0\.?/.test(e)) { var o y.tryToGetHref(t), r a(), u w.is_ignore_spm(t); if (u) { var c _.param2obj(o); if (c.spm && c.spm.split) for ( var l c.spm.split(.), p e.split(.), g 0; g 3 && pg lg; g++ ) 2 g && l3 && (e c.spm); } t.setAttribute(data-spm-anchor-id, e); var f goldlog.getPvId(); f && (e + . + f); var d 0.0; (f || (r && r ! d)) && (u || n || ((o i(o, e)) && s(t, o))); } } function c(t) { var e v.tryToGetAttribute(t, P), n m.parseSemicolonContent(e) || {}; return n; } function l(t) { var e, n b.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, o; return ( 0 o.a && 0 o.b ? (e 0) : ((e v.tryToGetAttribute(t, T)), (e && e.match(/^d\w+$/)) || (e )), e ); } function p(t, e) { for ( var n , o m.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName(a)), a m.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName(area)), r o.concat(a), i 0; i r.length; i++ ) { for ( var s !1, u ri, c ri; (u u.parentNode) && u ! t; ) if (v.tryToGetAttribute(u, T)) { s !0; break; } if (!s) { var l v.tryToGetAttribute(c, A); e || t l ? e && t l && n.push(c) : n.push(c); } } return n; } function g(t) { for ( var e, n t; t && t.tagName ! j && t.tagName ! x && t.getAttribute; ) { var o t.getAttribute(T); if (o) { (e o), (n t); break; } if (!(t t.parentNode)) break; } return ( e && !/^\w\-\.\/+$/.test(e) && (e 0), { spm_c: e, el: n } ); } function f(t, e) { var n parent ! self; if (!n && e) return t, e.join(.); if (t && e) return t + .i + e; var o window.g_SPM || (window.g_SPM {}), a o.spm_d_for_ad || {}; return ( number typeof at ? at++ : (at 0), (o.spm_d_for_ad a), t + .i + at ); } function d(t) { var e; return t && (e t.match(/&?\bspm(^*)/)) ? e1 : ; } var _ n(18), h n(9), m n(19), v n(28), b n(26), y n(106), w n(107), x BODY, j HTML, T data-spm, P data-spm-click, A data-auto-spmd, S data-spm-anchor-id; (e.getGlobalSPMId a), (e.spm_isSPMAnchorIdMatch r), (e.spm_updateHrefWithSPMId i), (e.spm_writeHref s), (e.spm_anchorEnsureSPMId_inHref u), (e.getElDataSpm c), (e.spm_getAnchor4thId_spm_d l), (e.spm_getModuleLinks p), (e.spm_spmGetParentSPMId g), (e.get_spm_for_ad f), (e.spm_getParamForAD function (t) { var e v.tryToGetAttribute(t, S); if (!e) { var n a(), o t.parentNode; if (!o) return ; var r c(t) || {}, i r.locaid || , s t.getAttribute(T) || i, u g(o), l u.spm_c || 0; l && l.indexOf(.) ! -1 && ((l l.split(.)), (l ll.length - 1)), (e f(n + . + l, s)); } return e; }), (e.spm_initSPMModule function (t, e, n, i) { var s; if ((e e || t.getAttribute(data-spm) || )) { var g p(t, i); if (0 ! g.length) { var f e.split(.), d h.isStartWith(e, 110) && 3 f.length; d && ((s f2), (f2 w + (s || 0)), (e f.join(.))); var _ a(); if (_ && _.match(/^\w\-\*+(\.\w\-\*\/+)?$/)) if (h.isContain(e, .)) { if (!h.isStartWith(e, _)) { var m _.split(.); f e.split(.); for (var b 0; b m.length; b++) fb mb; e f.join(.); } } else h.isContain(_, .) || (_ + .0), (e _ + . + e); if ( e.match && e.match(/^\w\-\*+\.\w\-\*\/+\.\w\-\*\/+$/) ) { for ( var w data-auto-spmd-max-idx, x data-spm-max-idx, j i ? w : x, T parseInt(v.tryToGetAttribute(t, j)) || 0, A 0; A g.length; A++ ) { var k gA, E y.tryToGetHref(k), U v.tryToGetAttribute(k, P); if (i || E || U) { d && k.setAttribute(data-spm-wangpu-module-id, s); var I k.getAttribute(S); if (I && r(I)) u(k, I, n); else { var M, C, N o(k.parentNode); N.a_spm_ab ? ((C N.a_spm_ab), (M N.ab_idx)) : ((C void 0), T++, (M T)); var O, V c(k) || {}, G V.locaid || ; G ? (O G) : ((O l(k) || M), i && (O at + ((h.isNumber(O) ? 1e3 : ) + O))), (I C ? e + - + C + . + O : e + . + O), u(k, I, n); } } } t.setAttribute(j, T); } } } }), (e.spm_dealNoneSPMLink function (t, e) { var n goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-getspmcd), o a(), r y.tryToGetHref(t), i d(r), c null, p o && 2 o.split(.).length; if (p) { var g; return ( function typeof n && (g n(t, null, o)), (c g && 0 ! g.spm_c ? o, g.spm_c, g.spm_d : o, 0, l(t) || 0), void u(t, c.join(.), e) ); } r && i && ((r r .replace(/&?\bspm^*/g, ) .replace(/&{2,}/g, &) .replace(/\?&/, ?) .replace(/\?$/, ) .replace(/\?#/, #)), s(t, r)); }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; var o n(20); e.tryToGetHref function (t) { var e; try { e o.trim(t.getAttribute(href, 2)); } catch (t) {} return e || ; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t) { return !!t && !!t.match(/^^\?*\balipay\.(?:com|net)\b/i); } function a(t) { return ( !!t && !!t.match(/^^\?*\balipay\.(?:com|net)\/.*\?.*\bsign.*/i) ); } function r(t) { var e location.href; return t && e.split(#)0 t.split(#)0; } function i(t) { for (var e; (t t.parentNode) && BODY ! t.tagName; ) if ((e u.tryToGetAttribute(t, f))) return e; return ; } function s(t) { for ( var e,,,,,,,,, , n 0; n e.length; n++ ) if (t.indexOf(en) ! -1) return !0; return !1; } var u n(28), c n(9), l n(106), p n(26), g n(22), f data-spm-protocol; e.is_ignore_spm function (t) { var e p.getGoldlogVal(_$) || {}, n e.meta_info || {}, d l.tryToGetHref(t), _ i(t), h u.tryToGetAttribute(t, f), m i (h || _ || n.spm_protocol); if (!d || s(d)) return !0; var v r(d) || g.isStartWithProtocol(d.toLowerCase()), b o(d) || a(d), y v || b; return !(m || (!c.isStartWith(d, #) && !y)) || m; }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e, n) { var o u.parseSemicolonContent(e, {}, !0), a o.gostr || , r o.locaid || , g t.getAttribute(data-spm) || r, f CLK, d o.gokey || , _ p.spm_getSPMParam(t), h _.a, _.b, _.c, g.join(.), m a + . + h; 0 ! m.indexOf(/) && (m / + m); var v , b gostr, locaid, gmkey, gokey, spm-cnt, cna; for (var y in o) o.hasOwnProperty(y) && c.indexof(b, y) -1 && v.push(y + + oy); v.push(_g_et + n), v.push(autosend1), d && v.length > 0 && (d + &), (d + v.length > 0 ? v.join(&) : ), goldlog && s.isFunction(goldlog.recordUdata) ? goldlog.recordUdata(m, f, d, GET, function () {}) : l.logger({ msg: goldlog.recordUdata is not function! }), i.tryToSetAttribute(t, data-spm-anchor-id, h); } function a(t, e) { var n e; window.g_SPM && (g_SPM._current_spm p.spm_getSPMParam(e)); for (var a; e && HTML ! e.tagName; ) { a i.tryToGetAttribute(e, data-spm-click); { if (a) { o(e, a, mousedown t.type ? t.type : tap); break; } e e.parentNode; } } if (!a) { var r g.getGlobalSPMId(), s goldlog.getMetaInfo(aplus-getspmcd); function typeof s && s(n, t, r); } } var r n(79), i n(28), s n(9), u n(19), c n(12), l n(24), p n(104), g n(105); function (t) { t && t.isTouchEnabled ? r.on(document, tap, a) : r.on(document, mousedown, a); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { for ( var t document.getElementsByTagName(iframe), e 0; e t.length; e++ ) { var n te, o r.tryToGetAttribute(n, data-spm-src); if (!n.src && o) { var a s.spm_getSPMParam(n); if (a) { var u a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d; a.e && u.push(a.e), (a u.join(.)), (n.src i.spm_updateHrefWithSPMId(o, a)); } else n.src o; } } } function a() { function t() { e++, e > 10 && (n 3e3), o(), setTimeout(t, n); } var e 0, n 500; t(); } var r n(28), i n(105), s n(104); function (t) { t && !t.isTerminal && a(); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e) { for (var n, o window; e && (n e.tagName); ) { if (A n || AREA n) { r.spm_spmAnchorChk(e, !1); var a o.g_SPM || (o.g_SPM {}), i (a._current_spm r.spm_getSPMParam(e)), s ; try { s i.a, i.b, i.c, i.d; var u i.e || goldlog.pvid || ; u && s.push(u); } catch (t) {} break; } if (BODY n || HTML n) break; e e.parentNode; } } var a n(79), r n(104); function (t) { var e document; t && t.isTouchEnabled ? a.on(e, tapSpm, o) : (a.on(e, mousedown, o), a.on(e, keydown, o)); }; }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o(t, e) { if ((e || (e p), p.evaluate)) return e.evaluate(t, p, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue; for (var n, a t.split(/); !n && a.length > 0; ) n a.shift(); var r, i /^.+?\@id(.+?)$/i, s /^(.+?)\(\d+)$/i; return ( (r n.match(i)) ? (e e.getElementById(r1)) : (r n.match(s)) && (e e.getElementsByTagName(r1)parseInt(r2) - 1), e ? (0 a.length ? e : o(a.join(/), e)) : null ); } function a() { var t {}; for (var e in l) if (l.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var n o(e); if (n) { te 1; var a le, r A n.tagName ? a.spmd : a.spmc; s.tryToSetAttribute(n, data-spm, r || ); } } for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && delete li; } function r() { if (!c && g.spmData) { c !0; var t; if (t && i.isArray(t)) { for (var e 0; e t.length; e++) { var n te, o n.xpath; (o o.replace(/^id\((.+?)\)(.*)/g, //*@id$1$2)), (lo { spmc: n.spmc, spmd: n.spmd }); } a(); } } } var i n(9), s n(28), u n(79), c !1, l {}, p document, g window; (e.wh_updateXPathElements a), (e.init_wh r), ( function () { u.DOMReady(function () { r(); }); }); }, function (t, e, n) { use strict; function o() { var t, e p.getParamFromUrl(utparamcnt, location.href); if (e) try { t e JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(e)); } catch (t) {} return t; } function a() { var t, e daplus-utparam; if (e) if (object typeof e) t e; else try { t JSON.parse(e); } catch (t) {} return t; } var r n(11), i n(51), s n(52), u n(33), c n(55), l n(9), p n(50), g n(4), f n(27), d f.getInfo(), _ complete; e.initGoldlog function (t) { var e window.goldlog || (window.goldlog {}), n; e._ready_time new Date().getTime(); for (var p in n) ep np; var f /TB\-PD/i.test(navigator.userAgent), h (e._$ e._$ || {}), m o(), v a(); return ( object typeof m && (v && (m l.assign(m, v)), (daplus-utparam m)), (h.meta_info d), (h.is_terminal aplus_wap g.script_name || f || 1 daplus-terminal), (h.send_pv_count 0), (h.status _), (h.script_name g.script_name), (h.spm { data: {} }), (h.page_referrer i.getRefer()), (h.pageLoadTime new Date().getTime()), (e.lver g.lver), (e.nameStorage s.nameStorage), c.haveNativeFlagInUA(), u.doPubMsg(goldlogReady, _), u.doCachePubs(goldlogReady, _), u.publishCNA(r.getCookie(cna)), t.init(), e ); }; }, ); /*! 2024-09-10 16:39:25 v8.15.24 */ !(function (t) { function e(n) { if (rn) return rn.exports; var a (rn { exports: {}, id: n, loaded: !1 }); return (, a, a.exports, e), (a.loaded !0), a.exports ); } var r {}; return (e.m t), (e.c r), (e.p ), e(0); })( function (t, e) { use strict; !(function () { function t(t, e, r) { t_( (h ? on : ) + e, function (t) { t t || s.event; var e || t.srcElement; r(t, e); }, !1 ); } function e() { return /&?\bspm^*/.test(location.href) ? location.href.match(/&?\bspm^*/gi)0.split()1 : ; } function r(t, e) { if ( (t && /&?\bspm^*/.test(t) && (t t .replace(/&?\bspm^*/g, ) .replace(/&{2,}/g, &) .replace(/\?&/, ?) .replace(/\?$/, )), !e) ) return t; var r, n, a, i, o, c, p, s &; if ( (t.indexOf(#) ! -1 && ((a t.split(#)), (t a.shift()), (n a.join(#))), (i t.split(?)), (o i.length - 1), (a i0.split(//)), (a aa.length - 1.split(/)), (c a.length > 1 ? a.pop() : ), o > 0 && ((r i.pop()), (t i.join(?))), r && o > 1 && r.indexOf(&) -1 && r.indexOf(%) ! -1 && (s %26), (t t + ?spm + e + (r ? s + r : ) + (n ? # + n : )), (p c.indexOf(.) > -1 ? c.split(.).pop().toLowerCase() : )) ) { if ( { png: 1, jpg: 1, jpeg: 1, gif: 1, bmp: 1, swf: 1, }.hasOwnProperty(p) ) return 0; !r && o 1 && (n || { htm: 1, html: 1, php: 1 }.hasOwnProperty(p) || (t + &file + c)); } return t; } function n(t) { function e(t) { return ( (t t .replace(/refpos(%3D)\w*/gi, c) .replace(i, %3D + n + %26 + a.replace(, %3D)) .replace(o, n)), a.length > 0 && (t + & + a), t ); } var r window.location.href, n r.match(/mm_\d{0,24}_\d{0,24}_\d{0,24}/i), a r.match(/&\?(pvid^&*)/i), i new RegExp(%3Dmm_\\d+_\\d+_\\d+, ig), o new RegExp(mm_\\d+_\\d+_\\d+, ig); a a && a1 ? a1 : ; var c r.match( /(refpos(\d{0,24}_\d{0,24}_\d{0,24})?(,a-z+)?)(,a-z+)?/i ); return (c c && c0 ? c0 : ), n ? ((n n0), e(t)) : t; } function a(e) { var r s.KISSY; r ? r.ready(e) : s.jQuery ? jQuery(m).ready(e) : complete m.readyState ? e() : t(s, load, e); } function i(t, e) { return t && t.getAttribute ? t.getAttribute(e) || : ; } function o(t) { if (t) { var e, r g.length; for (e 0; e r; e++) if (t.indexOf(ge) > -1) return !0; return !1; } } function c(t, e) { if ( (t && /&?\bspm^*/.test(t) && (t t .replace(/&?\bspm^*/g, ) .replace(/&{2,}/g, &) .replace(/\?&/, ?) .replace(/\?$/, )), !e) ) return t; var r, n, a, i, o, c, p, s &; if ( (t.indexOf(#) ! -1 && ((a t.split(#)), (t a.shift()), (n a.join(#))), (i t.split(?)), (o i.length - 1), (a i0.split(//)), (a aa.length - 1.split(/)), (c a.length > 1 ? a.pop() : ), o > 0 && ((r i.pop()), (t i.join(?))), r && o > 1 && r.indexOf(&) -1 && r.indexOf(%) ! -1 && (s %26), (t t + ?spm + e + (r ? s + r : ) + (n ? # + n : )), (p c.indexOf(.) > -1 ? c.split(.).pop().toLowerCase() : )) ) { if ( { png: 1, jpg: 1, jpeg: 1, gif: 1, bmp: 1, swf: 1, }.hasOwnProperty(p) ) return 0; !r && o 1 && (n || { htm: 1, html: 1, shtml: 1, php: 1 }.hasOwnProperty(p) || (t + &__file + c)); } return t; } function p(t) { if (o(t.href)) { var r i(t, u); if (!r) { var n l()(t), a n.a, n.b, n.c, n.d.join(.); n.e && (n + . + n.e), d && ((a n.a || 0, n.b || 0, n.c || 0, n.d || 0, .join(.)), (a (e() || + _ + a)), (t.href c(t.href, a)), t.setAttribute(u, a); } } } var s window, m document; if (1 ! s.aplus_spmact) { s.aplus_spmact 1; var f function () { return { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0 }; }, l function () { return s.g_SPM && s.g_SPM.getParam ? s.g_SPM.getParam : f; }, d !0; try { d self.location ! top.location; } catch (t) {} var u data-spm-act-id, g,,,,,,,,, , h !!m.attachEvent, b attachEvent, v addEventListener, _ h ? b : v; t(m, mousedown, function (t, e) { for (var r, n 0; e && (r e.tagName); ) { if (A r || AREA r) { p(e); break; } if (BODY r || HTML r) break; (e e.parentNode), (n + 1); } }), a(function () { for ( var t, a, o document.getElementsByTagName(iframe), c 0; c o.length; c++ ) { (t i(oc, mmsrc)), (a i(oc, mmworked)); var p l()(oc), s p.a || 0, p.b || 0, p.c || 0, p.d || 0, p.e || 0, .join(.); t && !a ? (d && ((s p.a || 0, p.b || 0, p.c || 0, p.d || 0, .join(.)), (s e() + _ + s)), (oc.src r(n(t), s)), oc.setAttribute(mmworked, mmworked)) : oc.setAttribute(u, s); } }); } })(); }, ); /script> script> (function () { try { if ( window.aplusPageIdSetComplete || /AliApp/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { return; } var get_cookie function (sName) { var sRE (?:; )? + sName + (^;*);?; var oRE new RegExp(sRE); if (oRE.test(document.cookie)) { var str decodeURIComponent(RegExp$1) || ; if (str.trim().length > 0) { return str; } else { return -; } } else { return -; } }; var getRand function () { var page_id get_cookie(cna) || 001; page_id page_id.toLowerCase().replace(/^a-z\d/g, ); page_id page_id.substring(0, 16); var d new Date().getTime(); var randend page_id, d.toString(16).join(); for (var i 1; i 10; i++) { var _r parseInt( Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000), 10 ).toString(16); randend + _r; } randend randend.substr(0, 42); return randend; }; var pageid getRand(); var aq window.aplus_queue 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68.267h1405.673v893.672H102.4V68.267z m89.988 803.685h1225.697V158.255H192.388v713.697z m294.788 0h-89.988V425.115h89.988v446.837z m363.054 0h-89.988V605.09h89.988v266.86z m359.952 0h-89.988V425.115h89.988v446.837z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_address viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM138.971 980.114H43.886V190.171h412.038v95.086H138.97V885.03h599.772V694.857h95.086v285.257H138.97z >/path> path dM980.114 343.771c0 65.829-21.943 124.343-70.704 170.667-31.696 31.695-68.267 53.638-112.153 63.39l-351.086 65.83c-9.752 2.437-19.504-7.315-17.066-17.068l70.705-341.333c0-2.438 2.438-7.314 2.438-7.314 9.752-41.448 31.695-75.581 63.39-107.276 46.324-48.762 104.838-70.705 170.667-70.705s124.343 24.38 170.666 73.143c48.762 46.324 73.143 102.4 73.143 170.666z m-190.171-58.514C770.438 265.752 748.495 256 721.676 256c-26.819 0-48.762 9.752-65.828 26.819-19.505 19.505-26.82 41.448-26.82 68.267 0 26.819 9.753 48.762 29.258 68.266 19.504 19.505 41.447 29.258 68.266 29.258 26.82 0 48.762-9.753 68.267-26.82 19.505-19.504 26.82-41.447 26.82-65.828-2.439-29.257-12.191-51.2-31.696-70.705z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_warn viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM576 832h-128v-128h128v128z m0-226.133333h-128v-384h128v384zM512 0C230.4 0 0 230.4 0 512s230.4 512 512 512 512-230.4 512-512S793.6 0 512 0z fill#FF9000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_pin viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 544c64 0 118.4-51.2 118.4-115.2S576 313.6 512 313.6s-118.4 51.2-118.4 115.2S448 544 512 544z m0 345.6l-25.6-25.6c-28.8-28.8-268.8-297.6-268.8-444.8 0-156.8 131.2-284.8 291.2-284.8s291.2 128 291.2 284.8c0 147.2-240 416-268.8 444.8l-19.2 25.6z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_share viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM809.344 695.369143c-44.580571 0-85.101714 17.792-113.481143 49.243428L340.553143 535.332571a101.193143 101.193143 0 0 0 0-49.243428l355.309714-207.908572a152.246857 152.246857 0 0 0 113.481143 50.614858c86.473143-1.371429 151.314286-67.035429 152.667429-154.569143C960.658286 86.674286 895.817143 19.657143 809.344 18.285714c-86.454857 1.371429-152.667429 68.388571-154.002286 155.940572 0 9.563429 1.334857 19.145143 2.688 28.708571L305.426286 408.137143c-28.379429-31.451429-67.547429-51.968-114.834286-51.968-86.473143 1.353143-152.685714 67.017143-154.020571 154.569143 1.353143 87.533714 67.547429 153.197714 154.020571 154.550857 44.580571 0 86.454857-20.516571 114.834286-51.968l352.603428 206.537143c-1.334857 9.581714-2.688 19.163429-2.688 30.098285 1.334857 87.552 67.547429 153.197714 154.002286 154.569143 86.473143-1.371429 151.314286-67.017143 152.667429-154.569143-1.353143-87.533714-66.194286-153.197714-152.667429-154.569142z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_largeShare viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM768 686.933333c-34.133333 0-59.733333 12.8-85.333333 34.133334l-302.933334-179.2c4.266667-8.533333 4.266667-17.066667 4.266667-29.866667 0-8.533333 0-21.333333-4.266667-29.866667L682.666667 307.2c21.333333 21.333333 51.2 34.133333 85.333333 34.133333 72.533333 0 128-55.466667 128-128s-55.466667-128-128-128-128 55.466667-128 128c0 8.533333 0 21.333333 4.266667 29.866667L341.333333 418.133333C320 396.8 290.133333 384 256 384c-72.533333 0-128 55.466667-128 128s55.466667 128 128 128c34.133333 0 64-12.8 85.333333-34.133333l302.933334 179.2c-4.266667 8.533333-4.266667 17.066667-4.266667 29.866666 0 68.266667 55.466667 123.733333 123.733333 123.733334s123.733333-55.466667 123.733334-123.733334c4.266667-68.266667-51.2-128-119.466667-128z fill#9E9E9E >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_notes viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 0c282.624 0 512 229.376 512 512s-229.376 512-512 512S0 794.624 0 512 229.376 0 512 0zM460.8 768h102.4V460.8H460.8v307.2z m0-409.6h102.4V256H460.8v102.4z fill#2196F3 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_question viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM170.666667 85.333333c-46.933333 0-85.333333 38.4-85.333334 85.333334v768l170.666667-170.666667h597.333333c46.933333 0 85.333333-38.4 85.333334-85.333333V170.666667c0-46.933333-38.4-85.333333-85.333334-85.333334H170.666667z m512 320c0 34.133333-4.266667 64-17.066667 89.6-12.8 25.6-25.6 42.666667-46.933333 59.733334l59.733333 46.933333-34.133333 38.4-76.8-59.733333c-8.533333 4.266667-21.333333 4.266667-34.133334 4.266666-29.866667 0-55.466667-8.533333-76.8-21.333333s-38.4-34.133333-51.2-59.733333c-12.8-29.866667-21.333333-59.733333-21.333333-93.866667v-21.333333c0-34.133333 4.266667-64 17.066667-93.866667 12.8-25.6 29.866667-46.933333 51.2-59.733333s51.2-21.333333 81.066666-21.333334 55.466667 8.533333 76.8 21.333334 38.4 34.133333 51.2 59.733333 21.333333 59.733333 21.333334 93.866667v17.066666z m-64-17.066666c0-38.4-8.533333-72.533333-21.333334-93.866667-17.066667-21.333333-38.4-29.866667-64-29.866667s-46.933333 12.8-64 34.133334c-12.8 21.333333-21.333333 51.2-21.333333 89.6v21.333333c0 38.4 8.533333 68.266667 21.333333 89.6s38.4 34.133333 64 34.133333c29.866667 0 51.2-8.533333 64-29.866666 12.8-21.333333 21.333333-51.2 21.333334-93.866667v-21.333333z fill#1A9CB7 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_answer viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM853.333333 85.333333H170.666667c-46.933333 0-85.333333 38.4-85.333334 85.333334v768l170.666667-170.666667h597.333333c46.933333 0 85.333333-38.4 85.333334-85.333333V170.666667c0-46.933333-38.4-85.333333-85.333334-85.333334z m-260.266666 439.466667h-140.8l-29.866667 85.333333H358.4l136.533333-362.666666h55.466667l136.533333 362.666666h-64l-29.866666-85.333333zM469.333333 473.6h106.666667l-51.2-149.333333-55.466667 149.333333z fill#9E9E9E >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_questionSymbol viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM328 723.2l-121.6 121.6c-12.8 12.8-33.6 3.2-33.6-14.4V256c0-46.4 38.4-83.2 83.2-83.2h512c46.4 0 83.2 38.4 83.2 83.2v384c0 46.4-38.4 83.2-83.2 83.2H328z m-22.4-33.6c3.2-3.2 9.6-6.4 14.4-6.4h448c24 0 44.8-19.2 44.8-44.8V256c0-24-19.2-44.8-44.8-44.8H256c-24 0-44.8 19.2-44.8 44.8v528l94.4-94.4z fill#979797 >/path> path dM507.2 628.8c-14.4 0-27.2-11.2-27.2-27.2 0-14.4 11.2-27.2 27.2-27.2 14.4 0 27.2 11.2 27.2 27.2-1.6 16-12.8 27.2-27.2 27.2zM588.8 438.4L564.8 464c-19.2 19.2-30.4 35.2-30.4 75.2H480v-12.8c0-28.8 12.8-56 32-75.2L544 416c9.6-9.6 16-22.4 16-36.8C560 350.4 536 326.4 507.2 326.4c-28.8 0-52.8 24-52.8 52.8H400a107.2 107.2 0 0 1 214.4 0c-1.6 22.4-11.2 44.8-25.6 59.2z fill#9E9E9E >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_filter viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM918.75555522 201.95555522c-4.266667-8.533333-17.066667-17.066667-25.6-17.066666H129.42222222c-12.8 0-21.333333 8.533333-25.6 17.066666-4.266667 12.8-4.266667 25.6 4.266667 34.133334L411.02222222 611.55555522v256c0 17.066667 12.8 29.866667 29.866667 29.866667 17.066667 0 29.866667-12.8 29.866666-29.866667v-277.333333l-277.333333-341.333333H824.88888922l-277.333334 341.333333V867.55555522c0 17.066667 12.8 29.866667 29.866667 29.866667s29.866667-12.8 29.866667-29.866667v-256L910.22222222 236.08888922c12.8-8.533333 12.8-21.333333 8.533333-34.133334 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_sort viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM887.466667 725.333333l-192 192-12.8 12.8c-4.266667 4.266667-12.8 8.533333-17.066667 8.533334-8.533333 0-12.8-4.266667-21.333333-8.533334l-8.533334-8.533333-192-192c-8.533333-12.8-8.533333-29.866667 0-38.4l12.8-12.8c12.8-12.8 34.133333-8.533333 42.666667 4.266667l128 128v-345.6c0-21.333333 17.066667-38.4 38.4-38.4s38.4 17.066667 38.4 38.4V810.666667l128-132.266667c8.533333-12.8 29.866667-12.8 38.4 0l12.8 12.8c12.8 8.533333 17.066667 21.333333 4.266667 34.133333z m-320-375.466666c-12.8 12.8-34.133333 8.533333-42.666667-4.266667l-128-128v345.6c0 21.333333-17.066667 38.4-38.4 38.4s-38.4-17.066667-38.4-38.4V217.6l-128 128c-8.533333 12.8-29.866667 12.8-38.4 0l-17.066667-8.533333c-8.533333-12.8-12.8-25.6 0-38.4l192-192 8.533334-12.8c8.533333-4.266667 12.8-8.533333 21.333333-8.533334s12.8 4.266667 21.333333 8.533334l4.266667 8.533333 196.266667 192c8.533333 12.8 8.533333 29.866667 0 38.4l-12.8 17.066667z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_options viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 682.666667c46.933333 0 85.333333 38.4 85.333333 85.333333s-38.4 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333-38.4-85.333333-85.333333 38.4-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333z m0-85.333334c-46.933333 0-85.333333-38.4-85.333333-85.333333s38.4-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333 38.4 85.333333 85.333333-38.4 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333z m0-256c-46.933333 0-85.333333-38.4-85.333333-85.333333s38.4-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333 38.4 85.333333 85.333333-38.4 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_like viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM136.533333 849.066667h140.8v-426.666667H136.533333v426.666667z m785.066667-388.266667c0-38.4-34.133333-72.533333-72.533333-72.533333h-226.133334l34.133334-162.133334V213.333333c0-12.8-4.266667-29.866667-17.066667-38.4l-38.4-38.4-230.4 234.666667c-12.8 12.8-21.333333 34.133333-21.333333 51.2v354.133333c0 38.4 34.133333 72.533333 72.533333 72.533334h320c29.866667 0 55.466667-17.066667 64-42.666667l106.666667-251.733333c4.266667-8.533333 4.266667-17.066667 4.266666-25.6v-68.266667h4.266667z fill#9E9E9E >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_facebook viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM548.864 1024h-73.728C212.992 1024 0 811.008 0 548.864v-73.728C0 212.992 212.992 0 475.136 0h73.728C811.008 0 1024 212.992 1024 475.136v73.728C1024 811.008 811.008 1024 548.864 1024z fill#3B5998 >/path> path dM534.528 778.24h-110.592V512H368.64v-92.16h55.296v-55.296c0-75.776 30.72-118.784 118.784-118.784h73.728v92.16h-45.056c-34.816 0-36.864 12.288-36.864 36.864v45.056h83.968l-10.24 92.16h-73.728v266.24z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_soldbyLAZ viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 512m-512 0a512 512 0 1 0 1024 0 512 512 0 1 0-1024 0Z fill#F37226 >/path> path dM625.777778 341.333333h208.782222l-133.12 213.617778a249.457778 249.457778 0 0 0-28.444444-12.515555L568.888889 312.888889h-33.848889l-178.631111 398.222222h32.995555l43.235556-97.848889 6.257778-14.222222a223.573333 223.573333 0 0 1 131.413333-42.097778 253.724444 253.724444 0 0 1 115.484445 22.755556l-70.542223 113.777778 8.248889 18.204444h222.151111l13.653334-30.151111h-201.671111l215.324444-341.333333V312.888889h-260.266667z m-55.182222 185.457778a287.288889 287.288889 0 0 0-110.08 23.893333l2.56-5.688888L551.537778 341.333333l83.626666 190.293334a309.191111 309.191111 0 0 0-64.853333-4.835556z fill#000000 >/path> path dM850.488889 718.222222h-231.537778l-11.662222-25.884444 68.266667-109.795556a256 256 0 0 0-104.96-18.488889 214.755556 214.755556 0 0 0-125.724445 39.537778l-50.915555 113.777778h-48.64l185.173333-412.444445h42.666667l103.822222 230.968889c7.111111 2.844444 14.506667 5.688889 21.617778 9.102223l122.88-197.404445h-200.817778l-19.057778-42.666667h278.471111v38.115556l-209.635555 330.808889h199.111111z m-222.435556-14.222222h213.048889l7.111111-15.928889h-203.377777l221.013333-350.435555v-17.635556h-242.346667l6.542222 14.222222h217.031112l-142.222223 229.831111-5.688889-2.844444a278.471111 278.471111 0 0 0-28.444444-11.946667h-2.844444l-1.422223-2.844444-100.977777-225.564445H540.444444l-170.666666 384h17.351111l49.777778-110.648889a229.831111 229.831111 0 0 1 135.68-43.52 261.404444 261.404444 0 0 1 118.613333 23.324445l7.111111 3.413333-72.817778 116.906667z m-181.76-139.377778l105.244445-239.786666 95.573333 217.6-13.368889-2.844445a316.017778 316.017778 0 0 0-63.146666-5.688889 284.444444 284.444444 0 0 0-107.52 23.04z m105.244445-204.515555l-77.937778 177.208889a308.337778 308.337778 0 0 1 96.711111-17.635556 300.942222 300.942222 0 0 1 52.906667 3.697778zM181.76 312.888889H151.04v398.222222h186.88l12.8-29.013333H181.76V312.888889z fill#000000 >/path> path dM341.333333 718.222222H142.222222v-412.444444h46.648889v369.777778h172.942222z m-184.32-14.222222h174.933334l6.826666-14.791111H174.648889v-369.777778h-16.497778z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_officialBadge viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 1024c281.6 0 512-230.4 512-512S793.6 0 512 0 0 230.4 0 512s230.4 512 512 512z fill#CE0909 >/path> path dM853.333333 785.066667v8.533333c0 8.533333-8.533333 17.066667-17.066666 17.066667h-8.533334l-110.933333-34.133334-25.6 110.933334c0 8.533333-8.533333 17.066667-17.066667 17.066666s-17.066667-8.533333-17.066666-8.533333l-128-256h-42.666667l-119.466667 247.466667c0 8.533333-8.533333 8.533333-17.066666 8.533333s-17.066667-8.533333-17.066667-17.066667l-25.6-102.4-110.933333 42.666667c-8.533333 0-17.066667 0-25.6-8.533333v-17.066667l128-256c-34.133333-42.666667-51.2-93.866667-51.2-153.6 0-145.066667 119.466667-256 264.533333-256s256 110.933333 256 256c0 51.2-17.066667 102.4-51.2 145.066667l136.533333 256zM512 580.266667c110.933333 0 204.8-85.333333 204.8-196.266667 0-110.933333-93.866667-196.266667-204.8-196.266667-110.933333 0-204.8 85.333333-204.8 196.266667 0 110.933333 85.333333 196.266667 204.8 196.266667zM546.133333 341.333333h93.866667l-76.8 59.733334 25.6 93.866666-76.8-51.2-85.333333 51.2 25.6-93.866666-76.8-59.733334h93.866666l34.133334-85.333333 42.666666 85.333333z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_taobaoBadge viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 0C230.4 0 0 230.4 0 512s230.4 512 512 512 512-230.4 512-512-230.4-512-512-512z fill#FF440B >/path> path dM256 264.533333c34.133333 0 68.266667 25.6 68.266667 59.733334 0 34.133333-25.6 59.733333-68.266667 59.733333-34.133333 0-68.266667-25.6-68.266667-59.733333 0-34.133333 34.133333-59.733333 68.266667-59.733334zM307.2 614.4c-17.066667 51.2-17.066667 34.133333-85.333333 179.2l-93.866667-59.733333s110.933333-102.4 136.533333-145.066667c17.066667-42.666667-25.6-76.8-25.6-76.8l-76.8-42.666667 42.666667-59.733333c59.733333 42.666667 59.733333 42.666667 102.4 85.333333 25.6 25.6 17.066667 68.266667 0 119.466667z fill#000000 >/path> path dM844.8 682.666667c-17.066667 179.2-256 110.933333-256 110.933333l17.066667-51.2 51.2 8.533333c102.4 8.533333 93.866667-85.333333 93.866666-85.333333v-256c0-93.866667-93.866667-110.933333-256-51.2l42.666667 8.533333c0 8.533333-17.066667 25.6-34.133333 51.2h221.866666v42.666667H597.333333v59.733333h128v42.666667H597.333333v93.866667l51.2-25.6-8.533333-25.6 59.733333-17.066667 51.2 119.466667-76.8 25.6-17.066666-42.666667c-34.133333 25.6-93.866667 59.733333-213.333334 51.2-128 0-93.866667-136.533333-93.866666-136.533333h85.333333c0 17.066667-8.533333 51.2 0 68.266666 17.066667 8.533333 34.133333 8.533333 51.2 8.533334h8.533333V580.266667H366.933333v-51.2h128v-51.2h-34.133333c-34.133333 25.6-59.733333 51.2-59.733333 51.2l-34.133334-34.133334c25.6-25.6 51.2-68.266667 68.266667-102.4-8.533333 8.533333-25.6 17.066667-42.666667 17.066667-8.533333 17.066667-25.6 42.666667-42.666666 59.733333l-59.733334-34.133333C349.866667 375.466667 384 256 384 256l93.866667 25.6s-8.533333 17.066667-25.6 42.666667c366.933333-102.4 384 59.733333 384 59.733333s25.6 119.466667 8.533333 298.666667z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_certified viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 0c282.766222 0 512 229.233778 512 512s-229.233778 512-512 512S0 794.766222 0 512 229.233778 0 512 0z m255.914667 318.577778l-25.315556-0.455111c-0.568889 0-57.429333-1.251556-116.053333-25.514667-60.188444-24.917333-98.986667-53.475556-99.271111-53.76L511.914667 227.555556l-15.189334 11.292444c-0.369778 0.284444-39.139556 28.842667-99.271111 53.76-58.624 24.291556-115.484444 25.514667-116.024889 25.514667L256 318.577778v263.082666C256 713.671111 422.456889 853.333333 512 853.333333c89.543111 0 256-139.633778 256-271.701333l-0.085333-263.082667zM487.736889 682.666667L341.333333 565.646222l44.999111-49.692444 93.866667 74.979555L658.460444 398.222222 711.111111 441.088 487.708444 682.666667z fill#06A97F >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_liveUp viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM349.866667 72.533333h324.266666c153.6 0 277.333333 123.733333 277.333334 277.333334v320c0 153.6-123.733333 277.333333-277.333334 277.333333H349.866667c-153.6 0-277.333333-123.733333-277.333334-277.333333V349.866667c0-153.6 123.733333-277.333333 277.333334-277.333334 fill#38C0C6 >/path> path dM755.2 422.4l-89.6-89.6c-8.533333-8.533333-17.066667-12.8-29.866667-12.8-8.533333 0-21.333333 4.266667-29.866666 12.8l-89.6 89.6c-17.066667 17.066667-17.066667 42.666667 0 55.466667 17.066667 17.066667 42.666667 17.066667 55.466666 0l21.333334-21.333334v89.6c0 64-34.133333 93.866667-85.333334 93.866667s-85.333333-34.133333-85.333333-98.133333c0-25.6-21.333333-42.666667-42.666667-42.666667-25.6 0-42.666667 17.066667-42.666666 42.666667v4.266666c0 115.2 64 174.933333 170.666666 174.933334s174.933333-59.733333 174.933334-179.2v-85.333334l21.333333 21.333334c17.066667 17.066667 42.666667 17.066667 55.466667 0 12.8-12.8 12.8-38.4-4.266667-55.466667m-379.733333-8.533333c25.6 0 51.2-21.333333 51.2-46.933334 0-25.6-21.333333-46.933333-51.2-46.933333s-51.2 17.066667-51.2 46.933333c0 25.6 25.6 46.933333 51.2 46.933334 fill#FFCD05 >/path> /symbol> symbol 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0-34.133333-29.866667-34.133334-38.4V358.4c0-12.8-8.533333-21.333333-21.333333-21.333333s-21.333333 8.533333-21.333333 21.333333v72.533333c0 29.866667 21.333333 76.8 76.8 76.8h174.933333c4.266667 12.8 12.8 21.333333 21.333333 38.4V640c0 12.8-12.8 25.6-25.6 25.6h-25.6c-8.533333-42.666667-42.666667-68.266667-85.333333-68.266667s-76.8 29.866667-85.333333 68.266667h-238.933334c-8.533333-42.666667-46.933333-68.266667-85.333333-68.266667-42.666667 0-76.8 29.866667-85.333333 68.266667h-38.4c-12.8 0-25.6-12.8-25.6-25.6v-34.133333h34.133333c12.8 0 21.333333-8.533333 21.333333-21.333334s-8.533333-21.333333-21.333333-21.333333H179.2c-12.8 0-21.333333 8.533333-21.333333 21.333333s8.533333 21.333333 21.333333 21.333334h38.4v34.133333c0 38.4 29.866667 68.266667 68.266667 68.266667h29.866666c8.533333 42.666667 42.666667 68.266667 85.333334 68.266666s76.8-29.866667 85.333333-68.266666H725.333333c8.533333 42.666667 42.666667 68.266667 85.333334 68.266666s76.8-29.866667 85.333333-68.266666h25.6c38.4 0 68.266667-29.866667 64-68.266667v-98.133333c8.533333-4.266667 8.533333-8.533333 4.266667-12.8m-174.933334 209.066666c-68.266667 0-68.266667-102.4 0-102.4s68.266667 102.4 0 102.4m-413.866666 0c-68.266667 0-68.266667-102.4 0-102.4s68.266667 102.4 0 102.4m-337.066667-251.733333c-12.8 0-21.333333 8.533333-21.333333 21.333333s8.533333 21.333333 21.333333 21.333334h273.066667c12.8 0 21.333333-8.533333 21.333333-21.333334s-8.533333-21.333333-21.333333-21.333333H64z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_standard viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM601.6 268.8h-68.266667V196.266667h68.266667v72.533333z m332.8 529.066667V128H234.666667c-8.533333 0-12.8 4.266667-21.333334 8.533333-8.533333 8.533333-8.533333 25.6 4.266667 34.133334l230.4 200.533333-162.133333 166.4L170.666667 435.2c-8.533333-8.533333-25.6-8.533333-34.133334 4.266667-8.533333 8.533333-8.533333 25.6 4.266667 34.133333l68.266667 59.733333v273.066667H426.666667l17.066666 34.133333c0 4.266667 12.8 25.6 34.133334 34.133334 4.266667 0 8.533333 4.266667 17.066666 4.266666s17.066667-4.266667 29.866667-8.533333l12.8-4.266667c4.266667 4.266667 12.8 8.533333 17.066667 12.8 4.266667 4.266667 8.533333 4.266667 17.066666 4.266667s21.333333-4.266667 34.133334-8.533333l12.8-4.266667c4.266667 4.266667 12.8 8.533333 17.066666 12.8 4.266667 0 8.533333 4.266667 17.066667 4.266667s21.333333-4.266667 34.133333-8.533334l17.066667-12.8c4.266667 4.266667 8.533333 4.266667 17.066667 8.533334 4.266667 0 8.533333 4.266667 12.8 4.266666 8.533333 0 17.066667-4.266667 29.866666-8.533333 8.533333-4.266667 12.8-17.066667 4.266667-25.6-4.266667-8.533333-17.066667-12.8-29.866667-4.266667l-4.266666 4.266667c-4.266667 0-4.266667-4.266667-4.266667-8.533333l-51.2-106.666667c-4.266667-8.533333-17.066667-17.066667-29.866667-8.533333-8.533333 4.266667-17.066667 17.066667-8.533333 25.6l42.666667 93.866666-17.066667 8.533334c-4.266667 4.266667-8.533333 4.266667-12.8 4.266666-4.266667 0-4.266667-4.266667-8.533333-8.533333l-38.4-85.333333c-8.533333-34.133333-21.333333-38.4-29.866667-34.133334-8.533333 4.266667-17.066667 17.066667-12.8 25.6l29.866667 68.266667-12.8 8.533333c-4.266667 4.266667-12.8 4.266667-17.066667 4.266667-4.266667-4.266667-8.533333-4.266667-8.533333-8.533333l-21.333334-55.466667c-4.266667-8.533333-17.066667-17.066667-29.866666-12.8-8.533333 4.266667-17.066667 17.066667-12.8 25.6l17.066666 38.4-12.8 4.266667c-4.266667 4.266667-8.533333 4.266667-12.8 4.266666-4.266667 0-4.266667-4.266667-4.266666-4.266666l-38.4-81.066667v-4.266667l-72.533334-157.866666-29.866666 29.866666 64 145.066667H256v-179.2l17.066667 17.066667c4.266667 4.266667 8.533333 4.266667 17.066666 4.266666 4.266667 0 12.8-4.266667 17.066667-4.266666l196.266667-200.533334c8.533333-8.533333 4.266667-25.6-4.266667-34.133333L294.4 179.2h187.733333V298.666667h162.133334V179.2h243.2v584.533333h-106.666667l-68.266667-140.8 55.466667 17.066667c4.266667 0 29.866667 4.266667 55.466667-8.533333 8.533333-4.266667 25.6-21.333333 29.866666-46.933334v-4.266666c4.266667-8.533333-4.266667-17.066667-8.533333-21.333334l-196.266667-102.4h-4.266666-4.266667l-110.933333-17.066666-34.133334 29.866666 136.533334 21.333334 179.2 93.866666c-4.266667 4.266667-4.266667 12.8-8.533334 17.066667-4.266667 4.266667-17.066667 4.266667-21.333333 4.266667l-89.6-25.6-8.533333-21.333334c-4.266667-8.533333-17.066667-17.066667-29.866667-8.533333-8.533333 4.266667-17.066667 17.066667-8.533333 25.6l25.6 46.933333 68.266666 140.8 21.333334 34.133334h174.933333z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_expressDelivery viewBox0 0 1401 1024> path dM877.714286 0l-508.819876 203.52795-184.447205-69.962733c-12.720497-6.360248-25.440994 0-31.801242 6.360249s-12.720497 25.440994-12.720497 31.801242c0 12.720497 12.720497 19.080745 19.080745 25.440994l178.086957 63.602484v279.850932L248.049689 508.819876c-19.080745-6.360248-38.161491 0-44.521739 19.080745-6.360248 19.080745 0 38.161491 19.080746 44.521739l114.484472 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64-68.266667V213.333333c0-38.4-29.866667-68.266667-64-68.266666zM362.666667 588.8l8.533333-29.866667h-4.266667c-25.6-4.266667-46.933333-17.066667-59.733333-34.133333-4.266667-4.266667-4.266667-8.533333-4.266667-12.8l42.666667-12.8c4.266667 4.266667 17.066667 12.8 38.4 12.8h4.266667l21.333333-64h-4.266667c-25.6-4.266667-42.666667-12.8-55.466666-21.333333 0 0-4.266667 0-4.266667-4.266667 0 0 0-4.266667-4.266667-4.266667-12.8-4.266667-17.066667-21.333333-12.8-34.133333 12.8-42.666667 68.266667-59.733333 110.933334-64h4.266666l8.533334-29.866667h38.4l-8.533334 29.866667h4.266667c29.866667 4.266667 55.466667 17.066667 64 34.133333 4.266667 4.266667 4.266667 8.533333 4.266667 12.8l-38.4 12.8c-4.266667-4.266667-21.333333-12.8-42.666667-17.066666H469.333333l-21.333333 64h4.266667c34.133333 4.266667 55.466667 17.066667 59.733333 21.333333l4.266667 4.266667v4.266666c8.533333 12.8 12.8 25.6 8.533333 42.666667-12.8 38.4-68.266667 59.733333-115.2 64h-4.266667l-8.533333 25.6h-34.133333z 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0-36.072727-13.032727c-4.701091-8.890182-12.055273-22.993455-20.340364-39.005091a88.064 88.064 0 0 1 117.713455 87.226182 88.389818 88.389818 0 0 1-91.880727 84.712727z m-270.196364-18.106182v-3.630545l132.654545 0.093091 3.49091 3.723636-136.145455-0.186182zM470.109091 964.421818v-3.677091l204.660364 0.139637 4.282181 3.816727L470.109091 964.421818z m85.643636-72.750545v-5.352728h91.229091l1.070546 3.909819-92.346182 1.396363zM234.496 163.188364c-21.922909 13.451636-41.425455-23.365818-31.511273-30.161455 332.148364-224.535273 603.648-2.699636 605.463273 16.430546 1.861818 19.176727-27.136 26.065455-27.136 26.065454-266.24-208.523636-524.986182-25.832727-546.816-12.334545z m62.370909 83.549091c-16.709818 10.845091-30.301091-18.757818-22.714182-24.203637 253.300364-180.177455 460.241455-2.187636 461.730909 13.172364 1.396364 15.406545-22.062545 20.945455-22.062545 20.945454-202.938182-167.377455-400.290909-20.759273-417.000727-9.914181zM368.733091 321.629091c-11.031273 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51.10008252c-31.75261281 23.67219847-94.11975141 46.66154558-214.52930132 36.64638469a56.90432358 56.90432358 0 0 0-44.27156411-32.20784776c-29.47643951-4.89377188-56.90432358 9.78754378-60.43239133 33.00450801s16.95748823 45.52345929 46.43392773 50.7586572A58.2700277 58.2700277 0 0 0 530.84193207 869.58677086c22.76172928 2.16236438 44.61299011 3.18664247 65.09854685 3.18664248 80.69033094 0 142.60223533-16.27463689 184.82524325-48.59629284a120.86478413 120.86478413 0 0 0 49.84818803-76.59322005l17.98176632-108.23202392 3.18664246-18.66461766a77.95892343 77.95892343 0 0 0-60.54620098-88.88455421z m20.94079094 82.28365219l-5.23519719 31.41118677a38.125897 38.125897 0 0 1-30.72833545 30.61452652l17.07129715-101.74493154a38.01208808 38.01208808 0 0 1 18.89223549 39.71921825zM723.17854652 698.87379943a20.03032178 20.03032178 0 0 1-16.04701904 6.48709312l-22.76172929-3.86949381 30.27309978-180.95575016 22.76173 3.64187668a20.3717478 20.3717478 0 0 1 13.08799443 11.380865 48.82390995 48.82390995 0 0 1 3.8694938 30.04548266l-17.64034029 105.72823352A49.05152707 49.05152707 0 0 1 723.17854652 698.87379943zM285.58429604 491.28682617A19.91651357 19.91651357 0 0 0 262.25352361 475.80885026l-45.52345929 8.99088279a20.14413068 20.14413068 0 0 0-8.08041363 3.64187669 61.34286124 61.34286124 0 0 0-29.81786626 30.15929157A88.42931928 88.42931928 0 0 0 173.2551612 573.68428727l21.73745121 104.93157327c7.85279651 37.67066206 36.6463847 64.41569478 67.2609112 64.41569405a54.05910787 54.05910787 0 0 0 6.03185818-0.56904314h0.56904314a16.72987112 16.72987112 0 0 0 4.09711163 0l42.45062575-9.44611774A19.80270466 19.80270466 0 0 0 330.5387122 709.57181237zM264.75731402 703.19852818c-11.380865 2.27617329-26.40360597-11.380865-30.72833544-32.43546488L212.17771847 565.60387292a50.30342227 50.30342227 0 0 1 2.73140751-30.15929158A20.48555673 20.48555673 0 0 1 228.11092933 523.60848211l22.76172928-4.55234584L287.74666042 698.87379943zM771.43341334 458.62374419a93.09547403 93.09547403 0 0 1 16.04701904 9.78754378c0-103.56586915-25.37932861-183.80096588-74.20323782-238.99816004C661.38045108 171.02929132 582.85248376 141.21142578 479.28661461 141.21142578S297.87563022 171.02929132 245.86507854 229.52693612C196.47212546 285.29317342 171.20660503 366.89397427 171.77564889 472.39459067a89.56740555 89.56740555 0 0 1 19.11985261-13.54322937 54.05910787 54.05910787 0 0 1 18.77842655-7.6251794l3.6418767-0.68285133c2.84521643-83.87697341 23.89981629-148.97551953 63.5052256-193.47470145a67.37471941 67.37471941 0 0 0 34.1425943 37.67066277 63.96045983 63.96045983 0 0 0 26.06218066 5.34900612 88.54312818 88.54312818 0 0 0 45.52345857-13.31561155 139.52940179 139.52940179 0 0 1 22.76173002-10.69801295 234.44581418 234.44581418 0 0 1 74.43085566-11.380865 234.21819706 234.21819706 0 0 1 74.31704676 11.38086501 144.99221681 144.99221681 0 0 1 22.76172927 10.69801294 88.54312818 88.54312818 0 0 0 45.5234593 13.31561155 63.96045983 63.96045983 0 0 0 26.06217995-5.34900612 67.37471941 67.37471941 0 0 0 34.14259501-37.67066277c39.26398328 44.15775518 60.31858315 109.37011021 63.6190338 194.0437446l6.25947528 0.91046916a56.90432358 56.90432358 0 0 1 19.00604441 6.60090131z m-139.98463673-201.78273218a23.78600738 23.78600738 0 0 1-9.21850063 1.82093833 39.4916004 39.4916004 0 0 1-11.38086429-1.93474726A217.82975197 217.82975197 0 0 0 569.53687222 237.49354157l-1.25189519-0.56904315v1.02427808-1.02427808a273.82360639 273.82360639 0 0 0-87.74646722-13.65703758H478.48995436a272.45790226 272.45790226 0 0 0-87.5188501 13.7708465l-1.59332123 0.56904314a211.57027597 211.57027597 0 0 0-40.85730452 19.1198526 40.06064427 40.06064427 0 0 1-12.06371634 2.04855545 23.78600738 23.78600738 0 0 1-9.21850063-1.82093834c-10.01516088-4.55234587-14.90893277-18.55080946-17.18510606-29.70405662C353.30044148 197.43289802 410.20476579 182.41015633 479.62804064 182.29634741S606.06944801 197.43289802 649.20292582 227.13695464c-2.84521643 11.15324717-7.6251794 25.1517115-17.75414922 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38.4c-25.6-42.666667-42.666667-93.866667-42.666667-149.333334 0-157.866667 132.266667-290.133333 294.4-290.133333 51.2 0 102.4 12.8 145.066667 38.4l-12.8 17.066667-38.4 12.8c-25.6-12.8-59.733333-17.066667-89.6-17.066667z m149.333333 430.933333c12.8-8.533333 25.6-4.266667 34.133334 4.266667 8.533333 8.533333 8.533333 25.6-4.266667 34.133333-51.2 38.4-110.933333 59.733333-179.2 59.733334-59.733333 0-110.933333-17.066667-157.866667-42.666667l34.133334-34.133333c34.133333 21.333333 76.8 29.866667 119.466666 29.866666 59.733333 0 110.933333-17.066667 153.6-51.2z m251.733334-213.333333c12.8 0 25.6 12.8 25.6 25.6 0 230.4-192 418.133333-426.666667 418.133333-93.866667 0-179.2-29.866667-247.466667-81.066666l34.133334-38.4c59.733333 42.666667 136.533333 64 213.333333 64 209.066667 0 375.466667-166.4 375.466667-366.933334 0-12.8 12.8-21.333333 25.6-21.333333zM823.466667 298.666667c-4.266667 17.066667-17.066667 29.866667-34.133334 34.133333h-4.266666l38.4-34.133333zM200.533333 725.333333l-34.133333 34.133334C115.2 695.466667 85.333333 610.133333 85.333333 520.533333c0-230.4 192-418.133333 426.666667-418.133333 59.733333 0 119.466667 12.8 174.933333 38.4l21.333334-34.133333c8.533333-12.8 21.333333-21.333333 38.4-17.066667 17.066667 0 34.133333 12.8 38.4 29.866667l4.266666 21.333333-42.666666 42.666667-8.533334-34.133334-34.133333 55.466667C648.533333 170.666667 580.266667 153.6 512 153.6c-209.066667 0-375.466667 166.4-375.466667 366.933333 0 76.8 21.333333 149.333333 64 204.8zM896 85.333333l42.666667 38.4-810.666667 810.666667-42.666667-38.4L896 85.333333z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_7days viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM648.533333 409.6v38.4l-106.666666 238.933333h-76.8l98.133333-217.6h-119.466667V409.6h204.8z m264.533334 85.333333c12.8 0 25.6 12.8 25.6 25.6 0 230.4-192 418.133333-426.666667 418.133334S85.333333 750.933333 85.333333 520.533333s192-418.133333 426.666667-418.133333c59.733333 0 119.466667 12.8 174.933333 38.4l21.333334-34.133333c4.266667-17.066667 21.333333-21.333333 38.4-21.333334s34.133333 12.8 38.4 29.866667l42.666666 162.133333c8.533333 21.333333-8.533333 46.933333-29.866666 55.466667l-179.2 55.466667h-8.533334c-8.533333 0-21.333333-8.533333-25.6-17.066667-8.533333-12.8 0-25.6 12.8-29.866667l174.933334-55.466666-34.133334-140.8-34.133333 59.733333C648.533333 170.666667 580.266667 153.6 512 153.6c-209.066667 0-375.466667 166.4-375.466667 366.933333 0 204.8 170.666667 366.933333 375.466667 366.933334 209.066667 0 375.466667-166.4 375.466667-366.933334 0-12.8 12.8-25.6 25.6-25.6z m-401.066667-213.333333c-136.533333 0-247.466667 106.666667-247.466667 243.2 0 132.266667 110.933333 243.2 247.466667 243.2 55.466667 0 106.666667-17.066667 149.333333-51.2 12.8-8.533333 25.6-4.266667 34.133334 4.266667 8.533333 8.533333 8.533333 25.6-4.266667 34.133333-51.2 34.133333-110.933333 55.466667-179.2 55.466667-162.133333 0-294.4-132.266667-294.4-290.133334 0-157.866667 132.266667-290.133333 294.4-290.133333 55.466667 0 110.933333 17.066667 157.866667 46.933333l-68.266667 21.333334c-25.6-12.8-59.733333-17.066667-89.6-17.066667z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_14days viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM913.066667 494.933333c12.8 0 25.6 12.8 25.6 25.6 0 230.4-192 418.133333-426.666667 418.133334S85.333333 750.933333 85.333333 520.533333s192-418.133333 426.666667-418.133333c59.733333 0 119.466667 12.8 174.933333 38.4l21.333334-34.133333c4.266667-17.066667 21.333333-21.333333 38.4-21.333334s34.133333 12.8 38.4 29.866667l42.666666 162.133333c8.533333 21.333333-8.533333 46.933333-29.866666 55.466667l-179.2 55.466667h-8.533334c-8.533333 0-21.333333-8.533333-25.6-17.066667-8.533333-12.8 0-25.6 12.8-29.866667l174.933334-55.466666-34.133334-140.8-34.133333 59.733333C648.533333 170.666667 580.266667 153.6 512 153.6c-209.066667 0-375.466667 166.4-375.466667 366.933333 0 204.8 170.666667 366.933333 375.466667 366.933334 209.066667 0 375.466667-166.4 375.466667-366.933334 0-12.8 12.8-25.6 25.6-25.6zM392.533333 469.333333V413.866667h115.2c0 17.066667-4.266667 29.866667-4.266666 46.933333v157.866667c0 17.066667 0 29.866667 4.266666 46.933333h-68.266666c0-12.8 4.266667-29.866667 4.266666-46.933333V469.333333H392.533333z m153.6 145.066667v-55.466667c12.8-12.8 12.8-12.8 29.866667-34.133333l68.266667-76.8c12.8-17.066667 21.333333-25.6 29.866666-34.133333h64c0 17.066667-4.266667 29.866667-4.266666 51.2v98.133333h8.533333c8.533333 0 21.333333 0 29.866667-4.266667v55.466667H733.866667v12.8c0 17.066667 0 25.6 4.266666 38.4h-64c0-8.533333 4.266667-21.333333 4.266667-38.4v-12.8h-132.266667z m123.733334-51.2v-34.133333-42.666667c-4.266667 8.533333-12.8 12.8-17.066667 25.6l-42.666667 51.2h59.733334zM512 281.6c-136.533333 0-247.466667 106.666667-247.466667 243.2 0 132.266667 110.933333 243.2 247.466667 243.2 55.466667 0 106.666667-17.066667 149.333333-51.2 12.8-8.533333 25.6-4.266667 34.133334 4.266667 8.533333 8.533333 8.533333 25.6-4.266667 34.133333-51.2 34.133333-110.933333 55.466667-179.2 55.466667-162.133333 0-294.4-132.266667-294.4-290.133334 0-157.866667 132.266667-290.133333 294.4-290.133333 55.466667 0 110.933333 17.066667 157.866667 46.933333l-68.266667 21.333334c-25.6-12.8-59.733333-17.066667-89.6-17.066667z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_optionChecked viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM1023.6802 0v1023.3604H0.3198L1023.6802 0z fill#0a5d24 >/path> path dM652.072455 910.790756l-173.971268-173.331668 49.249219-49.249219 124.722049 124.722049 263.515303-263.515303 48.609619 49.249219-312.124922 312.124922zM0.3198 1023.3604v-63.960025L959.720175 0h63.960025v44.772017L45.091818 1024 0.3198 1023.3604z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_google viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM552.96 1024h-81.92C212.992 1024 0 811.008 0 552.96v-81.92C0 212.992 212.992 0 471.04 0h81.92c258.048 0 471.04 212.992 471.04 471.04v81.92c0 258.048-212.992 471.04-471.04 471.04z fill#D34836 >/path> path dM583.68 559.104v-81.92H389.12v81.92h112.64c-16.384 49.152-63.488 81.92-116.736 81.92-51.2 0-114.688-47.104-114.688-122.88 0-69.632 49.152-122.88 114.688-122.88 30.72 0 61.44 12.288 81.92 30.72l59.392-59.392c-36.864-34.816-86.016-55.296-139.264-55.296-112.64 0-202.752 92.16-202.752 202.752s92.16 202.752 202.752 202.752c106.496 4.096 184.32-61.44 196.608-157.696zM839.68 483.328v51.2h-71.68v71.68H716.8v-71.68h-71.68v-51.2H716.8v-71.68h51.2v71.68H839.68z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_twitter viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM552.96 1024h-81.92C212.992 1024 0 811.008 0 552.96v-81.92C0 212.992 212.992 0 471.04 0h81.92c258.048 0 471.04 212.992 471.04 471.04v81.92c0 258.048-212.992 471.04-471.04 471.04z fill#5EAADE >/path> path dM784.384 346.112c-20.48 8.192-40.96 14.336-63.488 18.432 22.528-14.336 40.96-34.816 49.152-61.44-22.528 12.288-45.056 22.528-71.68 26.624-20.48-22.528-49.152-34.816-81.92-34.816-61.44 0-112.64 49.152-112.64 112.64 0 8.192 0 16.384 2.048 24.576-92.16-4.096-176.128-49.152-231.424-116.736-8.192 14.336-14.336 32.768-14.336 53.248 0 38.912 20.48 73.728 49.152 92.16-18.432 0-34.816-6.144-51.2-14.336v2.048c0 53.248 38.912 100.352 90.112 110.592-10.24 2.048-18.432 4.096-28.672 4.096-8.192 0-14.336 0-20.48-2.048 14.336 45.056 55.296 77.824 104.448 77.824-38.912 30.72-86.016 47.104-139.264 47.104-8.192 0-18.432 0-26.624-2.048 49.152 32.768 108.544 51.2 172.032 51.2 206.848 0 319.488-169.984 319.488-319.488v-14.336c20.48-14.336 38.912-34.816 55.296-55.296z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_pinterest viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM552.96 1024h-81.92C212.992 1024 0 811.008 0 552.96v-81.92C0 212.992 212.992 0 471.04 0h81.92c258.048 0 471.04 212.992 471.04 471.04v81.92c0 258.048-212.992 471.04-471.04 471.04z fill#CA242D >/path> path dM354.304 555.008c12.288 8.192 20.48 10.24 24.576-2.048 4.096-12.288 4.096-16.384 6.144-28.672 2.048-12.288 0-12.288-10.24-24.576-10.24-14.336-26.624-53.248-4.096-114.688 24.576-69.632 94.208-100.352 155.648-96.256 61.44 4.096 118.784 36.864 120.832 120.832 2.048 79.872-24.576 124.928-36.864 139.264-12.288 14.336-43.008 47.104-83.968 28.672-49.152-22.528-22.528-71.68-18.432-90.112 4.096-20.48 26.624-63.488 16.384-102.4-8.192-24.576-43.008-36.864-61.44-22.528-26.624 20.48-32.768 38.912-36.864 67.584-4.096 30.72 10.24 61.44 10.24 61.44s-32.768 131.072-38.912 165.888c-8.192 47.104-12.288 77.824-4.096 120.832 2.048 10.24 8.192 14.336 14.336 4.096 14.336-22.528 43.008-65.536 55.296-116.736 8.192-36.864 16.384-69.632 16.384-69.632s20.48 34.816 61.44 38.912c40.96 4.096 83.968-2.048 133.12-53.248 47.104-51.2 57.344-151.552 51.2-192.512-8.192-53.248-53.248-137.216-151.552-153.6-108.544-18.432-172.032 26.624-186.368 38.912-28.672 22.528-77.824 69.632-81.92 147.456-8.192 100.352 32.768 122.88 49.152 133.12z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_tumblr viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM552.96 1024h-81.92C212.992 1024 0 811.008 0 552.96v-81.92C0 212.992 212.992 0 471.04 0h81.92c258.048 0 471.04 212.992 471.04 471.04v81.92c0 258.048-212.992 471.04-471.04 471.04z fill#181818 >/path> path dM649.216 679.936l26.624 81.92c-6.144 8.192-18.432 16.384-38.912 22.528-20.48 6.144-40.96 10.24-61.44 10.24-24.576 0-45.056-2.048-65.536-8.192-20.48-6.144-36.864-14.336-49.152-24.576L430.08 724.992c-8.192-14.336-14.336-26.624-18.432-40.96-4.096-14.336-6.144-26.624-6.144-40.96v-186.368H348.16v-73.728c16.384-6.144 30.72-14.336 45.056-24.576 12.288-10.24 22.528-20.48 30.72-30.72 8.192-10.24 14.336-22.528 20.48-34.816 6.144-12.288 10.24-24.576 12.288-34.816l6.144-30.72c0-2.048 0-2.048 2.048-2.048l2.048-2.048h83.968V368.64h114.688v86.016h-114.688v178.176c0 6.144 0 12.288 2.048 18.432 2.048 6.144 4.096 12.288 8.192 18.432 4.096 6.144 10.24 10.24 16.384 14.336s16.384 4.096 28.672 4.096c14.336 2.048 28.672-2.048 43.008-8.192z fill#000000 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_next viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM618.66666633 516.26666699L281.60000033 853.33333299l85.333333 85.33333401L789.33333332 516.266667l-4.266667-4.266667-422.39999999-422.4-85.333333 85.333333 341.333333 341.33333399z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_delete viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM896 204.8L819.2 128 512 435.2 204.8 128 128 204.8l307.2 307.2L128 819.2 204.8 896l307.2-307.2 307.2 307.2 76.8-76.8-307.2-307.2z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_add viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM544 480v-160h-64v160h-160v64h160v160h64v-160h160v-64h-160z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_reduce viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM320 480h384v64h-384z>/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_check viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM840.533333 213.333333L938.666667 311.466667 362.666667 883.2 85.333333 605.866667l98.133334-98.133334 179.2 179.2z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_back viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM912.00000031 464H303.99999969l280.00000031-280.00000031L512 111.99999969 111.99999969 512l400.00000031 400.00000031 72-72-280.00000031-280.00000031H912.00000031z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_ellipsis viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM682.666667 512c0-46.933333 38.4-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333s85.333333 38.4 85.333333 85.333333-38.4 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333-38.4-85.333333-85.333333z m-85.33333399 0c0 46.933333-38.4 85.333333-85.33333301 85.33333301s-85.333333-38.4-85.33333301-85.33333301 38.4-85.333333 85.33333301-85.33333301 85.333333 38.4 85.33333301 85.33333301z m-256.00000001 0c0 46.933333-38.4 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333s-85.333333-38.4-85.333333-85.333333 38.4-85.333333 85.333333-85.333333 85.333333 38.4 85.333333 85.333333z fill#808080 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_bgCircle viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM512 512m-426.666667 0a426.666667 426.666667 0 1 0 853.333334 0 426.666667 426.666667 0 1 0-853.333334 0Z fill#0a5d24 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_dropDownArrow viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM650.08 458.08l52.32 52.32L512 700.8l-190.4-190.4 52.32-52.32L512 596.16z fill#9E9E9E >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_btnCheck viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM433.694118 602.352941l-90.352942-90.352941-57.223529 57.223529 147.576471 141.552942 304.188235-337.317647-57.223529-57.22353-246.964706 286.117647zM512 60.235294c249.976471 0 451.764706 201.788235 451.764706 451.764706s-201.788235 451.764706-451.764706 451.764706S60.235294 761.976471 60.235294 512 262.023529 60.235294 512 60.235294z fill#FF330C >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_addToCart viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM520.533333 738.133333c-34.133333 0-64 29.866667-64 64s29.866667 64 64 64 64-29.866667 64-64-25.6-64-64-64zM324.266667 213.333333v64h64l119.466666 251.733334-46.933333 76.8c-4.266667 8.533333-8.533333 21.333333-8.533333 34.133333 0 34.133333 29.866667 64 64 64h392.533333V640h-379.733333c-4.266667 0-8.533333-4.266667-8.533334-8.533333v-4.266667l29.866667-55.466667h243.2c25.6 0 46.933333-12.8 55.466667-34.133333l119.466666-213.333333c12.8-4.266667 12.8-4.266667 12.8-12.8 0-21.333333-12.8-34.133333-34.133333-34.133334H460.8L430.933333 213.333333H324.266667z m524.8 524.8c34.133333 0 64 29.866667 64 64s-29.866667 64-64 64-64-29.866667-64-64 29.866667-64 64-64z m-610.133334-256h123.733334V554.666667H238.933333v140.8H166.4V554.666667H42.666667v-72.533334h123.733333v-128h76.8v128z fill#9E9E9E >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_tooltip viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM469.333333 725.333333h85.333334v-256h-85.333334v256z m42.666667-640C277.333333 85.333333 85.333333 277.333333 85.333333 512s192 426.666667 426.666667 426.666667 426.666667-192 426.666667-426.666667S746.666667 85.333333 512 85.333333z m0 768c-187.733333 0-341.333333-153.6-341.333333-341.333333s153.6-341.333333 341.333333-341.333333 341.333333 153.6 341.333333 341.333333-153.6 341.333333-341.333333 341.333333zM469.333333 384h85.333334V298.666667h-85.333334v85.333333z fill#808080 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_broadcast viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM66.28571471 360.11428538v303.87428619h197.99999994L512 917.18857149V106.81142851L264.28571481 360.11428538H66.28571471zM734.85714313 512c0-91.13142842-49.57714313-167.14285687-123.84-202.59428526v405.18857052C685.27999998 679.14285687 734.85714313 603.23428535 734.85714313 512zM611.01714313 66.28571471v106.35428524c143.65714313 45.60000006 247.6457147 177.2571431 247.64571372 339.3942854 0 162.06857149-104.02285691 293.76000001-247.64571372 339.32571454V957.71428529C809.12000005 912.11428539 957.71428529 729.78285684 957.71428529 512 957.71428529 294.28571476 809.12000005 111.88571461 611.01714313 66.28571471z fill#26A96D >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_close viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM555.424 516.608l158.4-158.4-54.336-54.304-158.4 158.4-153.856-153.856-54.304 54.304 153.888 153.856-149.344 149.344 54.304 54.304 149.344-149.344 153.856 153.856 54.304-54.304-153.856-153.856z m-43.008 472.64c-265.088 0-480-214.944-480-480 0-265.12 214.912-480 480-480 265.088 0 480 214.88 480 480 0 265.056-214.912 480-480 480z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_closeBtn viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM0 512C0 229.23 229.23 0 512 0s512 229.23 512 512-229.23 512-512 512S0 794.77 0 512z m768-204.8L716.8 256 512 460.8 307.2 256 256 307.2 460.8 512 256 716.8l51.2 51.2L512 563.2 716.8 768l51.2-51.2L563.2 512 768 307.2z fill#D1D3D4 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_installment viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM776.7552 779.6224l-3.0464 0.4864v-41.856l3.072 0.4864c23.04 3.4816 39.04 13.568 39.0144 20.3776 0 6.8864-16.0256 16.9984-39.04 20.5056z m-32.2304-73.6l-3.0208-0.384c-25.472-3.4048-41.0624-14.336-41.1136-20.7104 0.0768-6.3744 15.7184-17.3568 41.1136-20.7616l3.0208-0.384v42.24z m88.192 26.2912a47.8976 47.8976 0 0 0-11.0592-6.9632c-10.5728-5.0944-26.4192-9.6-45.7472-13.056l-2.2016-0.4096v-47.9488l3.072 0.4608c17.92 2.7136 30.5152 9.1136 35.9168 14.7712l28.2624-10.0352c-9.1648-17.7408-33.6896-30.8224-64.896-34.4064l-2.3552-0.2816v-25.7536h-29.184v25.5744l-2.4064 0.2304c-41.728 4.224-70.8352 24.9856-70.8352 50.4576 0 12.9024 7.2192 24.6784 21.0432 34.048l1.1264 0.5888c6.6816 3.5328 21.8624 10.1376 48.8448 14.4896l2.2272 0.3584v45.9264l-3.0208-0.4096c-19.712-2.6624-34.048-9.9584-39.0144-16.2304l-29.0304 7.1424c7.424 20.1472 33.9712 35.2256 68.6592 38.7584l2.4064 0.256v26.24l29.184 0.0256v-26.4704l2.3552-0.256c40.576-4.6592 68.9152-25.3696 68.9152-50.304 0-8.6784-3.2768-16.8192-9.6256-24.1408a64.1536 64.1536 0 0 0-2.6368-2.6624z m-74.624 137.7792c-83.968 0-152.2944-68.7104-152.2944-153.1648 0-84.4544 68.352-153.1904 152.32-153.1904 84.0192 0 152.3456 68.736 152.3456 153.1904s-68.3264 153.1648-152.3712 153.1648z m0-347.6224c-106.624 0-193.3824 87.2448-193.3824 194.4576 0 107.2384 86.784 194.432 193.3824 194.432 106.6752 0 193.4336-87.1936 193.4336-194.432 0-107.2128-86.7584-194.4576-193.4336-194.4576z m-467.0976 94.4384h53.8368v-54.144h-53.8368v54.144z m0 108.0064h53.8112v-54.144h-53.8368v54.144z m0-216.064h53.8368v-54.144h-53.8368v54.144z m-107.3152 108.0576H237.568v-54.144H183.68v54.144z m0 108.0064h53.8368v-54.144H183.6544v54.144z m214.6816-216.064h53.8368v-54.144h-53.8368v54.144zM118.528 788.8128a20.5312 20.5312 0 0 1-20.1984-20.3008V389.8368h652.032v96.2304c1.8944-0.0256 3.6096-0.256 5.5296-0.256 14.6688 0 28.3648 1.408 41.5744 3.584V217.728a67.6864 67.6864 0 0 0-67.328-67.6608h-71.6288v47.36h71.6288c10.9568 0 20.224 9.3184 20.224 20.3008v124.7488H98.304V217.728c0-10.9824 9.2672-20.3008 20.224-20.3008h85.8624v60.5952a23.6032 23.6032 0 0 0 47.1552 0V197.4272h0.128v-47.36h-0.128V100.48A23.6288 23.6288 0 0 0 227.9936 76.8a23.6544 23.6544 0 0 0-23.6032 23.68v49.5872H118.528A67.6864 67.6864 0 0 0 51.2 217.728V768.512a67.6864 67.6864 0 0 0 67.328 67.6864h447.7952a236.5696 236.5696 0 0 1-19.456-47.3856H118.4768z m439.2448-530.7904a23.6032 23.6032 0 0 0 47.1296 0V100.48a23.6288 23.6288 0 0 0-23.552-23.68 23.6544 23.6544 0 0 0-23.552 23.68v49.5616h-75.648v47.3856h75.6224v60.5952z m-176.64 0c0 13.0816 10.5216 23.6544 23.552 23.6544a23.552 23.552 0 0 0 23.552-23.6544V197.4272h0.0768V150.0416h-0.1024V100.48A23.6032 23.6032 0 0 0 404.6592 76.8a23.6288 23.6288 0 0 0-23.552 23.68v49.5616h-75.5968v47.3856h75.5712v60.5952z m17.2544 466.8928h53.8368v-54.144h-53.8368v54.144z m0-108.0064h53.8368v-54.144h-53.8368v54.144z m107.3664-108.0576h53.8624v-54.144h-53.8624v54.144z fill#183545 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_im viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM675.84 499.712c0 4.096 0 8.192-4.096 12.288 0 4.096-4.096 8.192-8.192 12.288-4.096 4.096-8.192 4.096-12.288 8.192-4.096 0-8.192 4.096-12.288 4.096H286.72l-143.36 143.36V180.224c0-4.096 0-8.192 4.096-12.288 0-4.096 4.096-8.192 8.192-12.288 0-4.096 4.096-8.192 8.192-8.192s8.192-4.096 12.288-4.096h462.848c4.096 0 8.192 0 12.288 4.096 4.096 0 8.192 4.096 12.288 8.192 4.096 4.096 4.096 8.192 8.192 12.288 0 4.096 4.096 8.192 4.096 12.288v319.488z m167.936-192.512c4.096 0 8.192 0 12.288 4.096 4.096 0 8.192 4.096 12.288 8.192 4.096 4.096 4.096 8.192 8.192 12.288 0 4.096 4.096 8.192 4.096 12.288v536.576L737.28 737.28H344.064c-4.096 0-8.192 0-12.288-4.096-4.096 0-8.192-4.096-12.288-8.192-4.096-4.096-4.096-8.192-8.192-12.288 0-4.096-4.096-8.192-4.096-12.288v-69.632h466.944V307.2h69.632z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_emptyHeart viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM516.266667 874.666667l-328.533334-324.266667c-76.8-76.8-76.8-200.533333 0-277.333333 34.133333-42.666667 85.333333-59.733333 136.533334-59.733334s102.4 21.333333 140.8 55.466667L512 320l46.933333-46.933333c38.4-42.666667 89.6-59.733333 140.8-59.733334s102.4 21.333333 140.8 55.466667c38.4 38.4 55.466667 85.333333 55.466667 136.533333s-21.333333 102.4-55.466667 136.533334l-324.266666 332.8zM324.266667 260.266667c-42.666667 0-76.8 12.8-106.666667 42.666666-55.466667 55.466667-59.733333 153.6 0 213.333334L512 810.666667l294.4-294.4c29.866667-29.866667 42.666667-64 42.666667-106.666667 0-38.4-12.8-76.8-42.666667-106.666667-55.466667-55.466667-153.6-55.466667-213.333333 0L512 384l-81.066667-81.066667c-25.6-29.866667-64-42.666667-106.666666-42.666666z fill#808080 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_fullHeart viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM704 128c-72.533333 0-145.066667 34.133333-192 89.6-46.933333-55.466667-119.466667-89.6-192-89.6-132.266667 0-234.666667 102.4-234.666667 234.666667 0 162.133333 145.066667 294.4 362.666667 490.666666l64 55.466667 64-55.466667c217.6-200.533333 362.666667-332.8 362.666667-490.666666 0-132.266667-102.4-234.666667-234.666667-234.666667z fill#939598 >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_mute viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM1024 451.142621l-63.346759-63.329104-89.15862 89.176276-89.193931-89.158621-63.382069 63.311449 89.229241 89.193931-89.229241 89.193931 63.346758 63.329103 89.229242-89.193931 89.15862 89.193931L1024 629.530483l-89.193931-89.193931zM0 280.364138v463.271724h227.116138L647.062069 1019.003586V4.996414L227.186759 280.364138H0z m94.119724 94.119724h99.998897V649.533793H94.102069V374.466207zM552.96 844.729379l-264.686345-173.550345v-318.322758l264.686345-173.585655v665.458758z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_sound viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM643.990069 8.474483L226.674759 282.129655H0.865103v460.446897h225.739035l417.368276 273.655172V8.474483h0.017655zM94.419862 375.684414h99.36331V649.004138H94.419862V375.702069z m456.033104 467.367724l-263.09738-172.491035V354.198069l263.079724-172.526345v661.362759zM745.613241 383.735172h93.554759v257.218207h-93.554759zM930.445241 302.856828H1024v419.027862h-93.554759z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_smallScreen viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM105.6 105.6h208.384V0H0v309.141333h105.6zM918.4 705.216v213.184h-208.405333V1024H1024V705.216zM84.394667 676.394667h190.613333L18.752 932.650667l74.666667 74.666666 256.256-256.256v190.634667h105.6V570.794667H84.394667zM939.626667 347.605333h-190.634667L1005.226667 91.349333l-74.666667-74.666666-256.213333 256.256V82.325333h-105.6v370.88h370.88z >/path> /symbol> symbol idlazadaicon_largeScreen viewBox0 0 1024 1024> path dM105.621333 309.162667V105.621333h208.384V0.021333H0v309.141334zM710.4 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