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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 19:33:18 GMTserver: Apachelast-modified: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 18:52:23 GMTetag: 4694-4cec9804b27c0accept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 18068vary: Accept-Encodingconten !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>head>meta http-equivContent-Language contentfr>TITLE>page dacceuil de JBBonastre/TITLE>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>META contentMicrosoft FrontPage 5.0 nameGENERATOR>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>STYLE>v:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}o:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}.shape { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}/STYLE>! entre les 2 balises ci dessus mettre les futures css jbb ----->bgsound srccrymeariver.mid loop-1>base target_top>/head>BODY text#000000 bgColor#ffffff>TABLE height1349 cellSpacing0 cellPadding5 width99% bgColor#ffffff border0 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111> TBODY> TR> TD vAligntop width809 bgColor#ffffff colSpan3 height36 rowSpan2>font color#ccccff size7> img border0 srcindex_fichiers/image001.gif width481 height93> a namea004>/a> /font> a href#a003> font size6 color#ccccff>site /font> FONT color#0000ff size6> /FONT>font size6 color#ccccff>en construction /font>/a>/TD> TD width359 height16> p>/p> p>/TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop width359 height1257 rowSpan4 /TD> TABLE height767 cellSpacing0 cellPadding5 width100% bgColor#ffffff border0> TBODY> TR> TD vAligncenter alignleft bgColor#cc99ff height228> P>B>a hrefpolecotitres31chap.htm>La Politique économique/a>/B>/P> P>B>Controverse sur les OGM/B>/P> P>B>La Qualité Totale/B>/P> P>B>La chaine agroalimentaire/B>/P> P aligncenter>B>a hrefspip/index.php3>Accés aux articles interactifs (webzine)/a>/B>/P>/TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop bgColor#ccccff height492> P aligncenter>FONT color#000000>B>BR> img border0 srcindex_fichiers/nouveau.gif width47 height11>BR> OBJECT ! codeBase,0,2,0 height
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 19:33:19 GMTserver: Apachelast-modified: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 18:52:23 GMTetag: 4694-4cec9804b27c0accept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 18068vary: Accept-Encodingconten !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>head>meta http-equivContent-Language contentfr>TITLE>page dacceuil de JBBonastre/TITLE>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>META contentMicrosoft FrontPage 5.0 nameGENERATOR>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>STYLE>v:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}o:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}.shape { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)}/STYLE>! entre les 2 balises ci dessus mettre les futures css jbb ----->bgsound srccrymeariver.mid loop-1>base target_top>/head>BODY text#000000 bgColor#ffffff>TABLE height1349 cellSpacing0 cellPadding5 width99% bgColor#ffffff border0 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111> TBODY> TR> TD vAligntop width809 bgColor#ffffff colSpan3 height36 rowSpan2>font color#ccccff size7> img border0 srcindex_fichiers/image001.gif width481 height93> a namea004>/a> /font> a href#a003> font size6 color#ccccff>site /font> FONT color#0000ff size6> /FONT>font size6 color#ccccff>en construction /font>/a>/TD> TD width359 height16> p>/p> p>/TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop width359 height1257 rowSpan4 /TD> TABLE height767 cellSpacing0 cellPadding5 width100% bgColor#ffffff border0> TBODY> TR> TD vAligncenter alignleft bgColor#cc99ff height228> P>B>a hrefpolecotitres31chap.htm>La Politique économique/a>/B>/P> P>B>Controverse sur les OGM/B>/P> P>B>La Qualité Totale/B>/P> P>B>La chaine agroalimentaire/B>/P> P aligncenter>B>a hrefspip/index.php3>Accés aux articles interactifs (webzine)/a>/B>/P>/TD> /TR> TR> TD vAligntop bgColor#ccccff height492> P aligncenter>FONT color#000000>B>BR> img border0 srcindex_fichiers/nouveau.gif width47 height11>BR> OBJECT ! codeBase,0,2,0 height
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