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max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;>Snug & Cosy /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 --> div classtp-caption black_bold_40 Fade data-x150 data-y60 data-speed700 data-start3700 data-endspeed300 stylez-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;>Cottages with woodburner /div> /li> !-- SLIDE --> li data-transitionzoomin data-slotamount7 data-masterspeed1500 data-delay7500 data-saveperformanceon data-titleMobile Interaction> !-- MAIN IMAGE --> img srcimages/dummy.png altslidebg2 data-lazyloadinc/layout/banner_03.jpg data-bgpositioncenter top data-bgfitcover data-bgrepeatno-repeat> !-- LAYERS --> !-- LAYER NR. 5 --> div classtp-caption black_heavy_70 Fade data-x100 data-y80 data-speed500 data-start1400 data-endspeed600 stylez-index: 6; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;>Awel-For /div> !-- LAYER NR. 7 --> div classtp-caption black_bold_40 Fade data-x120 data-y150 data-speed300 data-start2200 stylez-index: 8; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;>Now With /div> !-- LAYER NR. 8 --> div classtp-caption black_heavy_70 Fade data-x160 data-y180 data-speed500 data-start2500 stylez-index: 9; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;>Hot Tub /div> /li> !-- SLIDE --> /ul>div classtp-bannertimer>/div> /div>/div>/article>/div> script typetext/javascript> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(.tp-banner).show().revolution( { dottedOverlay:none, delay:16000, startwidth:970, startheight:450, hideThumbs:200, thumbWidth:100, thumbHeight:50, thumbAmount:5, navigationType:bullet, navigationArrows:solo, navigationStyle:preview1, touchenabled:on, onHoverStop:on, swipe_velocity: 0.7, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_max_touches: 1, drag_block_vertical: false, parallax:off, parallaxBgFreeze:on, parallaxLevels:7,4,3,2,5,4,3,2,1,0, keyboardNavigation:off, navigationHAlign:center, navigationVAlign:bottom, navigationHOffset:0, navigationVOffset:20, soloArrowLeftHalign:left, soloArrowLeftValign:center, soloArrowLeftHOffset:20, soloArrowLeftVOffset:0, soloArrowRightHalign:right, soloArrowRightValign:center, soloArrowRightHOffset:20, soloArrowRightVOffset:0, shadow:0, fullWidth:on, fullScreen:off, spinner:spinner4, stopLoop:off, stopAfterLoops:-1, stopAtSlide:-1, shuffle:off, autoHeight:off, forceFullWidth:off, hideThumbsOnMobile:off, hideNavDelayOnMobile:1500, hideBulletsOnMobile:off, hideArrowsOnMobile:off, hideThumbsUnderResolution:0, hideSliderAtLimit:0, hideCaptionAtLimit:0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit:0, startWithSlide:0, videoJsPath:rs-plugin/videojs/, fullScreenOffsetContainer: }); }); //ready /script>/div>!-- /bar_area -->/div>!-- /bar_grid -->/div>!-- /bar_wrapper -->div idcore_wrapper>div classcontainer idcore_grid>div idcore_area> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12>h1>Aberaeron Cottages with Hot Tubs /h1> p classlead>Aberaeron Cottages have 2 unique cottages based near Aberaeron in West Wales and 1 beautifully upgraded seaside apartment in Llangranog./p>p>Awel-For is a lovely fishermans cottage near the beach at Llanon, and Ty Rownd is a cute thatched cottage in Aberaeron. Manorafon isaf is a stylish, cosy seaside apartment in Llangranog. All properties have Hot Tubs and are very well kept and an ideal location for a romantic break away or a family holiday in a beautiful part of Wales. All PET FRIENDLY./p>p> /p>div styleborder:2px solid #600; padding:20px; background:#EDEDED; font-size: 130%>p aligncenter stylefont-size:120%; color:#C40000>LAST MINUTE SUMMER HOLIDAY DISCOUNTS/p>p aligncenter>We have some limited last minute availability discounts applied to our calendars./p>p aligncenter>a hrefbooking/>Check Availability and Booking Here/a>/p>/div>p> /p>p> /p> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6> h2>Awel-For Cottage/h2> p>a hrefcoastal-holiday-cottage/holiday-cottage-awel-for.php>img srcimages/awel-for/main.jpg altAwel-For Cottage classimg-responsive>/a>/p> p>Awel-For (Sea-Breeze) is a charming little fishermans cottage with Hot Tub 150 yards from the beach at Llansantffraed, Llanon in West Wales. The cottage sits virtually in the shadow of the historic Llansantffraed Church and on a dead-end road next to the river making it a quiet and peaceful location./p> a hrefcoastal-holiday-cottage/holiday-cottage-awel-for.php classbtn btn-primary go_right>Full Details/a> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6> h2>Ty Rownd Cottage/h2> p>a hrefcoastal-holiday-cottage/holiday-cottage-ty-rownd.php>img srcimages/ty-rownd/main.jpg altTy Rownd Cottage classimg-responsive>/a>/p> p>Ty Rownd looks like something straight out of a fairytale. Thatch roof, limewashed walls and a tiny size that makes you think that little-people live there. The good news is that you can live there too - for a special holiday! Ty Rownd is the only thatched cottage in Abaeraeron and also includes a new indoors Hot Tub./p> a hrefcoastal-holiday-cottage/holiday-cottage-ty-rownd.php classbtn btn-primary go_right>Full Details/a> /div> /div>p> /p>p> /p>div classquote aligncenter>p classquote_text>span>"/span> What a wonderful break! The cottage is beyond any expectation – the interior is just divine. The surrounding area and the beach walks are lovely. Devils Bridge water falls are breathtaking. Aberaeron is a stunning harbour town and also New Quay. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and will be sad to leave. Many thanks. span>"/span>/p>p classquote_who>Brett, Emily and Ivy, Kenilworth (Awel-For)/p>/div>p> /p>h2>Local Area/h2>p>img srcimages/local/home.jpg altOut & About classimg-responsive>/p>p>The picturesque town of Aberaeron in Ceredigion has something for everyone!/p>p>A green field, surrounded by attractive Georgian houses provides a unique focal point for the centre of the town, known as Cae Sgwar or the Square Field. Many of the surrounding Georgeon houses still possess the trademarks of the original builders on the keystone designs above the doors and windows. Llanerchaeron and the beautiful Milford House ( also known as The Stamp House after featuring on a postage stamp in 1970) have become places visitors to Aberaeron must go and see. Above Aberaeron Sea Aquarium there is also a collection of photographs of old Aberaeron taken by Percy Lloyd on glass plates in the 19th century - well worth a look./p>a hreflocal/ classbtn btn-primary go_left>Explore the local area/a>p> /p>p> /p>/div>/div>!-- /row -->/div>!-- /core_area -->/div>!-- /core_grid -->/div>!-- /core_wrapper -->div idtagline_wrapper>div classcontainer idtagline_grid>div idtagline_area> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 go_align_center>Snug cottages with Hot Tubs near Aberaeron, West Wales/div> /div>/div>!-- /tagline_area -->/div>!-- /tagline_grid -->/div>!-- /tagline_wrapper -->div idbase_wrapper>div classcontainer idbase_grid>div idbase_area>div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3> h4>Contact Us/h4> p>Aberaeron Cottagesbr> Grey Stonesbr> Pencaderbr> Carmarthenshirebr> SA39 9AA/p>p>01559 384313/p> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3> h4>Holiday Cottages/h4> ul classlist-unstyled> li>a href/coastal-holiday-cottage/holiday-cottage-awel-for.php>Awel-For Cottage/a>/li> li>a href/coastal-holiday-cottage/holiday-cottage-ty-rownd.php>Ty Rownd Cottage/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>Manorafon Isaf Llangrannog/a>/li> li>a href/booking/>Booking and Availability/a>/li> li>a href/booking/contact.php>Contact Us/a>/li> li>a href/booking/booking-terms-conditions.php>Terms and Conditions/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3> h4>Local Area/h4> ul classlist-unstyled> li>a href/local>Places to Eat Locally/a>/li> li>a href/local>Places to Visit Locally/a>/li> li>a href/local>West Wales Towns/a>/li> li>a href/local>West Wales Beaches/a>/li> li>a href/local>Walking in West Wales/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-xs-6 col-sm-3> h4>Follow Us/h4> br>ul classbrands brands-inline brands-transparent brands-spin>li>a href target_blank classbrands-facebook go_curve>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a>/li>li>a href target_blank classbrands-envelope go_curve>i classfa fa-envelope>/i>/a>/li>/ul> /div>/div>/div>!-- /base_area -->/div>!-- /base_grid -->/div>!-- /base_wrapper -->div idfooter_wrapper>div classcontainer idfooter_grid>div idfooter_area> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 go_text_small go_align_center>Copyright © 2025 Aberaeron Cottages, All rights reserved. a href/site-terms.php classfooter_link>Terms/a> · a href/site-privacy.php classfooter_link>Privacy & Cookie Policy/a> · Site Created By a href target_blank relnofollow classfooter_link>Solid Designs/a>/div> /div>/div>!-- /footer_area -->/div>!-- /footer_grid -->/div>!-- /footer_wrapper -->/div>!-- /page_wrapper --> script src//>/script> script src/inc/js/site_scripts.js>/script> script> (function(b,o,i,l,e,r){b.GoogleAnalyticsObjectl;bl||(bl function(){(bl.qbl.q||).push(arguments)});bl.l+new Date; eo.createElement(i);ro.getElementsByTagName(i)0; e.src//; r.parentNode.insertBefore(e,r)}(window,document,script,ga)); ga(create,UA-11015114-4);ga(send,pageview); /script>!--STATUS-LIVE-->/body>/html>
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