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background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>2 bedroom apartment: /label> span>$/span> span>700 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1698910587 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA WELL FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO titleA WELL FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 2,115,000.00> a href>$ 1 500/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>House at Gacuriro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA WELL FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO data-sluga-well-furnished-3-bedroom-house-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1734421204 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>3 Bedrooms/span> span>2 Bathrooms/span> span>Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>Main house: /label> span>$/span> span>1500 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-well-furnished-3-bedroom-house-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1734421204 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) WELL FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href WELL FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA NICE FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO titleA NICE FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 846,000.00> a href>$ 600/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>Apartment at Gacuriro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA NICE FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO data-sluga-nice-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1732795266 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>2 Bedrooms/span> span>3 Bathrooms/span> span>Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>2 bedroom apartment: /label> span>$/span> span>600 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-nice-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1732795266 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) NICE FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href NICE FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE titleA FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip title$ 425.53 USD> a href>Rwf 600 000/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>Apartment at Kicukiro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE data-sluga-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-niboye-1691877924 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>2 Bedrooms/span> span>2 Bathrooms/span> span>Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>2 bedroom apartment: /label> span>Rwf/span> span>600000 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-niboye-1691877924 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NYANZA titleA BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NYANZA classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 987,000.00> a href>$ 700/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>House at Kicukiro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NYANZA data-sluga-beautiful-furnished-4-bedroom-house-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-nyanza-1734203483 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>4 Bedrooms/span> span>3 Bathrooms/span> span>Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>Main house: /label> span>$/span> span>700 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-beautiful-furnished-4-bedroom-house-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-nyanza-1734203483 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NYANZA, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NYANZA - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter sale col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KIGALI AT KINYINYA titleA BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KIGALI AT KINYINYA classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 91,650,000.00> a href>$ 65 000/Entire Place /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For sale/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>House at Kinyinya, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KIGALI AT KINYINYA data-sluga-beautiful-4-bedroom-house-for-sale-in-kigali-at-kinyinya-1723489474 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>4 Bedrooms/span> span>4 Bathrooms/span> span>Not Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Sale Amounts /h4> label>Main house: /label> span>$/span> span>65000 /span> span>For Entire Place/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-beautiful-4-bedroom-house-for-sale-in-kigali-at-kinyinya-1723489474 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KIGALI AT KINYINYA, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE IN KIGALI AT KINYINYA - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE titleA FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 846,000.00> a href>$ 600/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>Apartment at Kicukiro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE data-sluga-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-niboye-1689942062 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>2 Bedrooms/span> span>2 Bathrooms/span> span>Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>2 bedroom apartment: /label> span>$/span> span>600 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-furnished-2-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-niboye-1689942062 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO-NIBOYE - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA SERVICED 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO titleA SERVICED 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 987,000.00> a href>$ 700/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>Apartment at Kicukiro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA SERVICED 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO data-sluga-serviced-3-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-1687608731 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>3 Bedrooms/span> span>3 Bathrooms/span> span>Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>3 bedroom apartment: /label> span>$/span> span>700 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-serviced-3-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-kigali-at-kicukiro-1687608731 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) SERVICED 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href SERVICED 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT KICUKIRO - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcbp-item filter rent col-md-4> div classcbp-item-wrapper> div classproperty_item> div classimage stylewidth: 100%;height: 242.84px;> a href styleheight: 100%;> img src altA BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO titleA BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO classimg-responsive styleheight: 100%;> /a> div classprice clearfix> span classtag pull-right data-placementtop data-toggletooltip titleRwf 2,115,000.00> a href>$ 1 500/Per month /a> /span> /div> span classtag_t>For rent/span> /div> div classproerty_content> div classproerty_text> span>House at Gacuriro, Kigali /span> span classfa fa-share-alt share-btn data-titleA BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO data-sluga-beautiful-house-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1705331820 data-img>/span> /div> div classproperty_meta transparent> span>3 Bedrooms/span> span>3 Bathrooms/span> span>Not Furnished/span> /div> div classprice-list div-1 stylepadding: 0px 5px; background: white; width: 100%;> div classimage-cancel data-no1>x/div> div> h4> Rent Amounts /h4> label>Main house: /label> span>$/span> span>1500 /span> span>Per month/span> br> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- SHARE PROPERTY MODAL SECTION -->div ida-beautiful-house-for-rent-in-kigali-at-gacuriro-1705331820 classmodal fade share-modal roledialog> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title>Share on social media/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classproperty-share stylemargin-bottom:20px;> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share facebook> i classfa fa-facebook>/i> span classhidden-sm>Facebook/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0) BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO, Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share twitter> i classfa fa-twitter>/i> span classhidden-sm>Twitter/span> /a> a href BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR RENT IN KIGALI AT GACURIRO - target_blank classbtn-share share whatsapp> i classfa fa-whatsapp>/i> span classhidden-sm>Whatsapp/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share linkedin> i classfa fa-linkedin>/i> span classhidden-sm>Linkedin/span> /a> a hrefjavascript:void(0), Share This Property, width640,height450);return false classbtn-share share pinterest> i classfa fa-pinterest>/i> span classhidden-sm>Pinterest/span> /a> /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning data-dismissmodal> span classfa fa-close>/span> Close /button> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-12 text-center top20> ul classpagination> li classdisabled>span>«/span>/li> li classactive>span>1/span>/li> li>a href>2/a>/li> li>a href>3/a>/li> li>a href>4/a>/li> li>a href>5/a>/li> li>a href>6/a>/li> li>a href>7/a>/li> li>a href>8/a>/li> li classdisabled>span>.../span>/li> li>a href>40/a>/li> li>a href>41/a>/li> li>a href relnext>»/a>/li> /ul>/div> /div> /div>/section>!-- Gallery End -->section classthird-section> div classinstructions stylepadding-top: 15px;> div classcontainer> div classcol-md-4 part> img src altBuy - Sell - Rent titleBuy - Sell - Rent classlazy width111px height111px styleborder-radius: 50px;> h2>Buy - Sell - Rent/h2> div classread-less-content> p styletext-align:justify;>Have you ever been stressed by sourcing a perfect property for you? Have you ever been disappointed because of being taken to properties that are far from your criteria? Do you really need professional Real estate broker to assist you? If you really care your time, our team at is passionate to locate and negotiate the acquisition of suitable property for you. Finding the perfect property, whether is Land, Residential, office or other commercial ... a classread-more-show>More/a> /div> div classhidden read-more-content> p styletext-align:justify;>Have you ever been stressed by sourcing a perfect property for you? Have you ever been disappointed because of being taken to properties that are far from your criteria? Do you really need professional Real estate broker to assist you? If you really care your time, our team at is passionate to locate and negotiate the acquisition of suitable property for you. Finding the perfect property, whether is Land, Residential, office or other commercial purpose, it is no longer stressful or time-consuming. At top of home page, Search or Request a Property on our Platform and feel the joy from professional brokerage service. To Sell or to Let your property with us, Just go to the section at the top bar “Offer property”, our agent will come to take your property and do the rest for you. However if you need to add it yourself on our platform, simply go to the section at top bar “Sign in/Register”. Having account here, you will be able to add properties, to manage your properties, and to mange clients interested in your properties./p> a classread-less-show>Less/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 part> img src altServices titleServices classlazy width111px height111px styleborder-radius: 50px;> h2>Services/h2> div classread-less-content> ul>li>Property Management/li>li>Property Valuation/li>li>Construction project study & Supervision/li>li>Building renovation and finishing/li>li>Aluminum and Gypsum partitioning./li>/ul>p>If you are interested in one of our services, just contact us. Please Call or WhatsApp us on +250788651421. You can also drop by to our Office in Kigali City Center, CRYSTAL PLAZA Building, 4 KN 2 Av, 2nd Floor./p> /div> div classhidden read-more-content> ul>li>Property Management/li>li>Property Valuation/li>li>Construction project study & Supervision/li>li>Building renovation and finishing/li>li>Aluminum and Gypsum partitioning./li>/ul>p>If you are interested in one of our services, just contact us. Please Call or WhatsApp us on +250788651421. You can also drop by to our Office in Kigali City Center, CRYSTAL PLAZA Building, 4 KN 2 Av, 2nd Floor./p> a classread-less-show>Less/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 part> img src altSpirit at titleSpirit at classlazy width111px height111px styleborder-radius: 50px;> h2>Spirit at> div classread-less-content> p>Frankly, we do not settle for anything less than Perfection, however there is a long path. Now we’re not good enough but we learn how to be the best in what we do and we admit with self-honest when we’re wrong with courage to change. We dont value how long you stay at work or how hard you work; we care about accomplishing great work. It is not just working or getting the job with us. It ... a classread-more-show>More/a> /div> div classhidden read-more-content> p>Frankly, we do not settle for anything less than Perfection, however there is a long path. Now we’re not good enough but we learn how to be the best in what we do and we admit with self-honest when we’re wrong with courage to change. We dont value how long you stay at work or how hard you work; we care about accomplishing great work. It is not just working or getting the job with us. It is about development of each other, and taking responsibility for your work is the key. You can’t have a reference or experience unless you’re given a chance of work. We are passionate about free work-life of how to be the best in what we do. We believe in Creativity and putting smart insight into practice. 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