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FONT-SIZE: 10pt height24 width33 alignmiddle> /td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height24 width35 alignmiddle> /td> /tr>/font> /tr> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ccffff height19 width909 colSpan15> p alignleft>font color#000000 size3 faceSimSun>以下特码生肖属性表:/font>/td> /tr> font styleFONT-SIZE: 35pt> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height76 width909 colSpan15 alignmiddle> table border0 width100% idtable5434> tr> b> font stylefont-size: 35pt; font-weight: 700 faceSimSun> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ffccff height19 width58 alignmiddle> b>font color#0000ff size2>左右肖/font>/b>/td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ffccff height19 width348 alignmiddle> font color#0000ff size2>左肖:鼠牛龙蛇猴鸡 右肖:虎兔马羊狗猪/font>/td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ffccff height19 width62 alignmiddle> b>font color#0000ff size2>独合肖/font>/b>/td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ffccff height19 width330 alignmiddle> font color#0000ff size2>独字肖:鼠牛虎兔马羊 合字肖:龙蛇猴鸡狗猪/font>/td> /tr> font styleFONT-SIZE: 35pt faceSimSun> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; 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FONT-SIZE: 10pt height19 width58 alignmiddle> b>font size2>单双笔/font>/b>/td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height19 width348 alignmiddle> font size2> 单笔划肖:鼠龙蛇马鸡猪 双笔划肖:牛虎兔羊猴狗/font>/td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height19 width62 alignmiddle> b>font size2>美丑肖/font>/b>/td> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height19 width330 alignmiddle> font size2>吉美:兔龙蛇马羊鸡 凶丑:鼠牛虎猴狗猪/font>/td> /tr> /table> /font>/font>/b>/td> /tr> font stylefont-size: 35pt faceSimSun> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ccffff height19 width909 colSpan15> p alignleft>font color#000000 size3 faceSimSun>以下生肖代号表:/font>/td> /tr> font styleFONT-SIZE: 35pt> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height19 width909 colSpan15 alignmiddle> table idtable5435 border0 width100%> tr> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>鼠/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width273 alignmiddle> font size2>国师、叛贼、神偷、叛贼、梅花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>牛 /font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width0 alignmiddle> font size2>无帅、大将、员外、大将、荷花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width36 alignmiddle> b>font size2>虎/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width218 alignmiddle> font size2>大将、大王、武士、都督、桃花/font>/td> /tr> font stylefont-size: 35pt faceSimSun> tr> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ccccff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>兔/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ccccff width273 alignmiddle> font size2>玉帝、东宫、小姐、东宫、兰花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ccccff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>龙/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ccccff width0 alignmiddle> font size2>皇帝、状元、皇帝、上帝、梨花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ccccff width36 alignmiddle> b>font size2>蛇/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ccccff width218 alignmiddle> font size2>宫女、才人、美女、太子、竹花/font>/td> /tr> tr> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#cc99ff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>马/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#cc99ff width273 alignmiddle> font size2>太子、元帅、秀才、太子、杏花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#cc99ff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>羊 /font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#cc99ff width0 alignmiddle> font size2>相将、西宫、夫人、西宫、樱花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#cc99ff width36 alignmiddle> b>font size2>猴/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#cc99ff width218 alignmiddle> font size2>太监、寇王、游侠、寇王、松树/font>/td> /tr> tr> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>鸡/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width273 alignmiddle> font size2>东宫、贵妃、歌女、贵妃、苓花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width30 alignmiddle> b>font size2>狗 /font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width0 alignmiddle> font size2>文官、先锋、管家、先锋、菊花/font>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width36 alignmiddle> b>font size2>猪/font>/b>/td> td styleFONT-SIZE: 9pt bgColor#ffccff width218 alignmiddle> font size2>西宫、太监、商贾、太监、桂花/font>/td> /tr> /table> /font>/td> /tr> font stylefont-size: 35pt faceSimSun> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; 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FONT-SIZE: 10pt bgColor#ccffff height19 width909 colSpan15 alignleft> font size2>四季生肖属性:【font color#ff00ff>春天生肖:/font>虎兔龙, font color#ff00ff>夏天生肖:/font>蛇马羊,font color#ff00ff>秋天生肖:/font>猴狗鸡, font color#ff00ff>冬天生肖:/font>鼠牛猪。】/font>/td> /tr> tr> FONT styleWORD-WRAP: break-word; FONT-SIZE: 14pt color#ffffcc face宋体> span styleWORD-WRAP: break-word; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; TEXT-DECORATION: none> font stylefont-size: 35pt; font-weight:700; word-wrap:break-word faceSimSun color#ffffff size2> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height18 width909 colSpan15 alignleft> font size2>十二代号属性:【font color#ff00ff>两大君王:/font>龙 虎/font>font color#ff0000 size2> /font>font size2> font color#ff00ff>两大恶人:/font>鼠猴/font>font color#ff0000 size2> /font>font size2>font color#ff00ff>四大美女:/font>兔蛇羊 鸡 /font>font color#ff0000 size2> /font>font size2>font color#ff00ff>四大家臣:/font>牛马猪狗】/font>/td> /FONT> /tr> font styleFONT-SIZE: 35pt; FONT-WEIGHT: 700 faceSimSun> tr> td styleCOLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 10pt height19 width909 colSpan15 alignmiddle> b> font styleFONT-SIZE: 35pt; 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