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target_blank>国家记忆/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /a> /li> li class>/li> li classcel01> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> /ul>/div>div classcolumn_wrapper id data-spm> div classtvCCTV_ind07 idslicInsideInd07> div classtextTab idnav04 data-spm ELqI6BbwTMR4> div classleft> h3>a href target_blank>片库/a>/h3> /div> div classright> a href target_blank classcur>电视剧/a> a href target_blank>动画片/a> a href target_blank>纪录片/a> a href target_blank>特别节目/a> /div> div classclear>/div>/div>div classcontent idslicInside data-spm ELqI6BbwTMR4> div classinside cur> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《穆桂英挂帅》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《穆桂英挂帅》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>该剧以“穆杨恋”为主线,描述了穆桂英从一个野丫头蜕变成一代巾帼英雄的人物成长历史。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《生活万岁》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《生活万岁》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述父亲老曾在昏迷醒来后反思自我,帮助四个子女找回生活、理解生活、拥抱生活的温情故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>都市/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>都市/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《海天雄鹰》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《海天雄鹰》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>国内首部航母舰载机题材军旅剧,探秘被誉为“刀尖舞者”的舰载机飞行员的训练和生活日常。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>军旅/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>军旅/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《香山叶正红》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《香山叶正红》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>1949年北平和平解放后,毛主席带领中共中央从西柏坡入驻香山“进京赶考”,搭建起新中国四梁八柱的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>革命/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>革命/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《最美的青春》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《最美的青春》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了上世纪六十年代初,来自全国大中专毕业生与承德围场林业干部职工开荒造林,积极响应祖国号召的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>青春/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>青春/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《一代大商孟洛川》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《一代大商孟洛川》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>孟洛川18岁起继承祖业“瑞蚨祥”商号,并凭借自己的胆识将其发展成为民族品牌,展现了一代儒商风范。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《爱在平凡》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《爱在平凡》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了童装小镇从一个环境差、秩序乱的“大工厂”,转变为和谐安定、百姓安居的产业新城的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszmtarget_blank>都市/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszmtarget_blank>都市/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《黑白禁区》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《黑白禁区》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了卧底警察淦天雷长达10余年游走在灰色地带,深入毒枭组织,与犯罪团伙展开一场惊心动魄的卧底缉毒战。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>刑侦/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>刑侦/a>/div> /li> /ul> /div> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《篮球旋风》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《篮球旋风》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述主人公木马发现校园篮球和职业篮球的差距后,正视距离,勇往直前,最终成为优秀职业篮球运动员的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>体育/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>体育/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《熊出没 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src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《美猴王》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《美猴王》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了美猴王在取经之前求道以及花果山上大战九灵元圣的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>经典/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>经典/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《中华勤学故事》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《中华勤学故事》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>自古以来,多少仁人志士,因为勤奋学习而成才,以历代名人勤奋好学的故事为素材的动画片。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>古代/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>古代/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《熊出没之环球大冒险》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《熊出没之环球大冒险》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>眼看着森林被伐木工光头强毁坏,熊大和熊二决定要保护森林,保护家园,驱逐所有的破坏者。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>冒险/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>冒险/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《山海传奇》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《山海传奇》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>用浪漫主义手法,讲述大禹从少年英雄初长成到成为“斗洪水、划九州”的一代传奇人物。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href>古代/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href>古代/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《故宫里的大怪兽》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《故宫里的大怪兽》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>小学生李小雨因捡到一枚洞光宝石耳环,意外闯入了隐藏在故宫里的神兽世界,并展开了一段奇趣冒险的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>奇幻/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>奇幻/a>/div> /li> /ul> /div> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《大国基石》第二季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《大国基石》第二季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>用一幕幕亲切可触的纪实故事,展现中国式现代化可观、可感的生动实践。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href经济&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>经济/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href经济&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>经济/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《邬达克》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《邬达克》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>真实还原历史的同时让镜头富有温度和质感,深度探寻斯裔匈籍建筑师邬达克的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《世界屋脊之路》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《世界屋脊之路》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>深入挖掘筑路大军跨怒江天险、攀横断山脉、越巍峨昆仑、渡通天激流的感人故事,汲取奋进的力量。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《本草流芳》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《本草流芳》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>揭示中医药何以成为打开中华文明宝库的钥匙,以及中医药如何传承创新发展,增进人民群众福祉。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href人文历史&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href人文历史&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《荒野之上》第三季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《荒野之上》第三季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>展现出中国各地人在荒野之上与自然之间的深厚联系与微妙关系。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《向新出发》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《向新出发》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>聚焦人工智能等前沿领域,生动展现科技创新引领产业转型升级,体现经济社会高质量发展的最新成就。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>科技/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>科技/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《最美回乡路》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《最美回乡路》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述十年以来“四好农村路”建设成就与宝贵经验,展现四好农村路改变乡村面貌、激发农村活力的光辉历程。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《青海·我们的国家公园》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《青海·我们的国家公园》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>聚焦三大国家公园,挖掘并展现它们独有的生态系统奥秘、悠远厚重的历史脉络以及现代自然文化理念的璀璨光芒。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div 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div classbrief idtitle_8>/div> /div> span classli_line>/span> /li> li> div classli_con> div classimg> a href target_blank>img h5-src// src//>i>纪录/i>/a> /div> div classtitle idtime9>/div> div classbrief idtitle_9>/div> /div> span classli_line>/span> /li> li> div classli_con> div classimg> a href target_blank>img h5-src// src//>i>科教/i>/a> /div> div classtitle idtime10>/div> div classbrief idtitle_10>/div> /div> span classli_line>/span> /li> li> div classli_con> div classimg> a href target_blank>img h5-src// src//>i>戏曲/i>/a> /div> div classtitle idtime11>/div> div classbrief idtitle_11>/div> /div> span classli_line>/span> /li> li> div classli_con> div classimg> a href target_blank>img h5-src// src//>i>社会与法/i>/a> /div> div classtitle idtime12>/div> div classbrief idtitle_12>/div> /div> span classli_line>/span> /li> li> div classli_con> div classimg> a href target_blank>img h5-src// src//>i>少儿/i>/a> /div> div classtitle idtime13>/div> div classbrief idtitle_13>/div> /div> span 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div classbrief>热线12/div> /li> li classend1> div classtitle>本周 CCTV-13/div> div classbrief>共同关注/div> /li> /ul>/div>div classcontent data-spm EOWjKskqr5B5> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>传承中华饮食文化/a>/div> div classbrief>吃出健康、吃出快乐/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>传递积极、乐观的生活方式/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>一位专业大厨和一位民间厨艺高手进行对决,向观众提供菜肴的不同制作方法及分享烹饪妙招和美食小常识。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>回家吃饭/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>适用于当下的中华礼节/a>/div> div classbrief>破解花样百出的社交难题/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>一起拿捏新时代社交礼仪!/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>演绎“Z世代”青年遇到的一系列社交难题,沉浸式探索正确的应对之道,为社交尴尬症提供了不同的解法。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>有礼走遍天下/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>跟踪海峡热点/a>/div> div classbrief>反映两岸民意/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>涉台热点深度报道/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>跟踪海峡热点,精准分析事件的发展脉络,反映两岸民意,打造交流平台。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>海峡两岸/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>以独特视角关注军营/a>/div> div classbrief>挑战极限 勇往直前/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>以发现的态度记录军营/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>零距离触摸军人特有的心路历程,全方位展现军营独具的形象风采。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>军事纪实/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>讲述历史文化故事/a>/div> div classbrief>展示中国的文化大观/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>运用纪录片的拍摄手法/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>探寻自然界的神奇奥秘,挖掘历史事件背后鲜为人知的细节和人物命运,展示中华文明的博大恢宏。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>探索·发现/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>专属孩子的戏曲舞台/a>/div> div classbrief>聚焦孩子内心的世界和梦想/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>戏曲宝贝的成长故事/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>小宝贝们登台亮相,带来各地不同剧种的精彩片段,展现孩子们的童真童趣、童心童梦。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>宝贝亮相吧/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>全景式、多方位报道/a>/div> div classbrief>梳理最新的法治动态/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>解读最热的法治事件/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>全景式、多方位对最新的法治动态进行梳理,对最热的法治事件进行专业点评和权威解读。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>热线12/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext> div classtitle>a href target_blank>集纳“国事家事天下事”/a>/div> div classbrief>全天资讯精华的新闻晚餐/div> /div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>新闻及民生资讯栏目/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>着重对新闻的梳理和解读,同时侧重民生视点,追求特色新闻表达方式/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>共同关注/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul>/div> /div>/div>div classtvCCTV_ind06 idnav03 data-spm Evxvi9PlMx4I> ul> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> li class>/li> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> li class>/li> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy 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/tbody> /table> /a> /li> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> li class>/li> li classcel02> a href target_blank> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td>a href target_blank>中国舆论场/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /a> /li> li classcel01> a href target_blank> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td>a href target_blank>开门大吉/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /a> /li> li class>/li> li classcel01> a href target_blank> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td>a href target_blank>听音/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /a> div classcode>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/div> /li> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> li classcel01> a href target_blank> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td>a href target_blank>国家记忆/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /a> /li> li class>/li> li classcel01> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> li classcel02> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tbody> tr> td> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo//>/a> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /li> /ul>/div>div classcolumn_wrapper id data-spm> div classtvCCTV_ind07 idslicInsideInd07> div classtextTab idnav04 data-spm ELqI6BbwTMR4> div classleft> h3>a href target_blank>片库/a>/h3> /div> div classright> a href target_blank classcur>电视剧/a> a href target_blank>动画片/a> a href target_blank>纪录片/a> a href target_blank>特别节目/a> /div> div classclear>/div>/div>div classcontent idslicInside data-spm ELqI6BbwTMR4> div classinside cur> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《穆桂英挂帅》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《穆桂英挂帅》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>该剧以“穆杨恋”为主线,描述了穆桂英从一个野丫头蜕变成一代巾帼英雄的人物成长历史。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《生活万岁》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《生活万岁》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述父亲老曾在昏迷醒来后反思自我,帮助四个子女找回生活、理解生活、拥抱生活的温情故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>都市/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>都市/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《海天雄鹰》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《海天雄鹰》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>国内首部航母舰载机题材军旅剧,探秘被誉为“刀尖舞者”的舰载机飞行员的训练和生活日常。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>军旅/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>军旅/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《香山叶正红》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《香山叶正红》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>1949年北平和平解放后,毛主席带领中共中央从西柏坡入驻香山“进京赶考”,搭建起新中国四梁八柱的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>革命/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>革命/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《最美的青春》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《最美的青春》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了上世纪六十年代初,来自全国大中专毕业生与承德围场林业干部职工开荒造林,积极响应祖国号召的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>青春/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>青春/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《一代大商孟洛川》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《一代大商孟洛川》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>孟洛川18岁起继承祖业“瑞蚨祥”商号,并凭借自己的胆识将其发展成为民族品牌,展现了一代儒商风范。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>古装/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《爱在平凡》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《爱在平凡》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了童装小镇从一个环境差、秩序乱的“大工厂”,转变为和谐安定、百姓安居的产业新城的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszmtarget_blank>都市/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszmtarget_blank>都市/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《黑白禁区》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《黑白禁区》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了卧底警察淦天雷长达10余年游走在灰色地带,深入毒枭组织,与犯罪团伙展开一场惊心动魄的卧底缉毒战。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>刑侦/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href电视剧&datanf&dataszm target_blank>刑侦/a>/div> /li> /ul> /div> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《篮球旋风》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《篮球旋风》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述主人公木马发现校园篮球和职业篮球的差距后,正视距离,勇往直前,最终成为优秀职业篮球运动员的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>体育/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>体育/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《熊出没 熊熊帮帮团》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《熊出没 熊熊帮帮团》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>小熊大、小熊二、小光头强误入白熊山魔法结界陷入危险,为了守护森林,他们一拍即合成立了熊熊帮帮团。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>益智/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>益智/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《无敌鹿战队3》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《无敌鹿战队3》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了“无敌鹿战队”在探索浩瀚的太空过程中,勇敢冒险、帮助他人、化解危机的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>奇幻/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>奇幻/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《美猴王》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《美猴王》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述了美猴王在取经之前求道以及花果山上大战九灵元圣的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>经典/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>经典/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《中华勤学故事》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《中华勤学故事》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>自古以来,多少仁人志士,因为勤奋学习而成才,以历代名人勤奋好学的故事为素材的动画片。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>古代/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszmtarget_blank>古代/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《熊出没之环球大冒险》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《熊出没之环球大冒险》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>眼看着森林被伐木工光头强毁坏,熊大和熊二决定要保护森林,保护家园,驱逐所有的破坏者。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>冒险/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>冒险/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《山海传奇》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《山海传奇》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>用浪漫主义手法,讲述大禹从少年英雄初长成到成为“斗洪水、划九州”的一代传奇人物。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href>古代/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href>古代/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《故宫里的大怪兽》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《故宫里的大怪兽》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>小学生李小雨因捡到一枚洞光宝石耳环,意外闯入了隐藏在故宫里的神兽世界,并展开了一段奇趣冒险的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>奇幻/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href动画片&dataszm target_blank>奇幻/a>/div> /li> /ul> /div> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《大国基石》第二季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《大国基石》第二季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>用一幕幕亲切可触的纪实故事,展现中国式现代化可观、可感的生动实践。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href经济&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>经济/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href经济&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>经济/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《邬达克》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《邬达克》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>真实还原历史的同时让镜头富有温度和质感,深度探寻斯裔匈籍建筑师邬达克的故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《世界屋脊之路》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《世界屋脊之路》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>深入挖掘筑路大军跨怒江天险、攀横断山脉、越巍峨昆仑、渡通天激流的感人故事,汲取奋进的力量。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《本草流芳》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《本草流芳》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>揭示中医药何以成为打开中华文明宝库的钥匙,以及中医药如何传承创新发展,增进人民群众福祉。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href人文历史&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href人文历史&fc纪录片&datanf&dataszm target_blank>人文历史/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《荒野之上》第三季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《荒野之上》第三季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>展现出中国各地人在荒野之上与自然之间的深厚联系与微妙关系。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《向新出发》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《向新出发》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>聚焦人工智能等前沿领域,生动展现科技创新引领产业转型升级,体现经济社会高质量发展的最新成就。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>科技/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>科技/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《最美回乡路》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《最美回乡路》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>讲述十年以来“四好农村路”建设成就与宝贵经验,展现四好农村路改变乡村面貌、激发农村活力的光辉历程。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《青海·我们的国家公园》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《青海·我们的国家公园》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>聚焦三大国家公园,挖掘并展现它们独有的生态系统奥秘、悠远厚重的历史脉络以及现代自然文化理念的璀璨光芒。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>探索/a>/div> /li> /ul> /div> div classcont> ul> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《声声入戏》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《声声入戏》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>中央广播电视总台首届京剧票友大会,搭建海内外京剧爱好者的交流平台,多角度、全方位地展现传统艺术之美。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href>戏曲/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href>戏曲/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《寻找国宝传颂人》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《寻找国宝传颂人》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>用精彩的传颂领略国宝背后的文化传承,体会古代文明的震撼、感受古人的审美情趣,真正做到从国宝读懂中国。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>经济/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>经济/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《城市风华录》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《城市风华录》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>每期聚焦一座文明城市,沉浸式挖掘城市在推进中国式现代化过程中所做的积极探索。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>文化/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>文化/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《非遗里的中国》第三季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《非遗里的中国》第三季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>致敬传承匠心,聚焦非遗创新应用,通过非遗展现新时代面貌。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>文化/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>文化/a>/div> /li> li> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《名师有名堂》第二季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《名师有名堂》第二季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>一同“登陆”神秘的火星,借助AR+虚拟技术呈现火星的独特风貌,让大家置身于红色星球。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>青少/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>青少/a>/div> /li> li classend3> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《澳门双行线》第二季/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《澳门双行线》第二季/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>一起开启一段寻访经典与潮流共存的澳门溯源之旅。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>经济/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>经济/a>/div> /li> li classend2> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《绿水青山的中国》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《绿水青山的中国》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>从江之源到入海口,遍览沿线七个文化区,全方位呈现长江经济带高质量发展和高水平建设的成就。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>社会/a>/div> /li> li classend1> div classconTop> div classcommon> div classimg> a href target_blank>img src// classlazy data-echo// />em class>/em>/a> /div> div classtext>a href target_blank>《宗师列传·大唐诗人传》/a>/div> /div> div classhover> div classimg data-img// data-src> a href target_blank>img src// />/a> /div> div classtext> h3>a href target_blank>《宗师列传·大唐诗人传》/a>/h3> span>a href target_blank>沉浸式实景演绎+电影化拍摄+AI赋能文旅体验,以唐诗名篇为主线,讲述唐代大诗人跌宕而传奇的人生故事。/a>/span> div classlabel>a href target_blank>文化/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtypeLabel>a href target_blank>文化/a>/div> /li> /ul> /div> /div>/div> /div>/div>div classcolumn_wrapper> div idSUBD1628675590410519 data-spmS10519> div classtvCCTV_galaxy01 data-spm EibrohbiYxU1> a href target_blank> img classgalaxyEnd4 lazy src> img classgalaxyEnd3 lazy src> img classgalaxyEnd2 lazy src> img classgalaxyEnd1 lazy src> div classtips>广告/div> /a>/div> /div> /div>div classcolumn_wrapper> div idSUBD1628672394895747 data-spmS95747> div classtvCCTV_ind08 data-spm EJIS9CXVM90l> div classtextTab idnav05> div classleft> h3>看点/h3> span classtit_nav>a href target_blank >焦点访谈/a>a href target_blank >面对面/a>a href target_blank >环球视线/a>a href 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