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n t.length; n++) { var i ct(e, stop), o tn; st(i, offset, o0, stop-color, white, stop-opacity, o1) } }(0, 0, .2, 1, .8, 1, 1, 0) }(p, g), function(t, n) { var e ct(t, mask); st(e, id, mask- + n), st(ct(e, rect), x, 0, y, 0, width, 100%, height, 100%, fill, url(#gradient- + n + )) }(p, g), function(t, n) { var e, i, o; ft((e t, i n, o document.createElement(pre), e.appendChild(o), o.textContent i, o), font, 20px Roboto, sans-serif, color, #ccc, opacity, 0, text-align, center, animation, 1.2s ease-in-out forwards fade-in) }(c, u); var w 1,, n) { var e n + - + g; return { Z: mt(_, s, o, e, n), u: gt(p, e), H: +t, p: 0, M: { x: n * (s + r), y: d } } })); ! function(t, n, e) { st(t, viewBox, 0 0 + n + + e), ft(t, overflow, hidden, height, e) }(Z, w.length * (s + r) - r, m), w.forEach((function(t) { st(t.Z, transform, translate( + t.M.x + , + t.M.y + )) })); var y ; ! function t() { y.length 0, w.forEach((function(n, e) { var i n.p * m, o (77 + n.H) * m, r function(t) { var n t.g, e t._to, i t.o, o t.V, r t._, a t.k, h t.D, l n, v void 0, u !1; return function(t) { if(!u) { void 0 v && (v t, r(l)); var c, f Math.min(Math.max(t - v - o, 0), i) / i; a(l ((c f) .3 ? c * c : 1 + 1.25 * Math.pow(c - 1, 3) + .25 * Math.pow(c - 1, 2)) * (e - n) + n), 1 f && (u !0, h(l)) } } }({ g: i, _to: o, o: l, V: (w.length - 1 - e) * h + a, _: function() {}, k: function(t) { n.M.y d + t % (11 * m), st(n.Z, transform, translate( + n.M.x + , + n.M.y + )); var e (i + o) / 2, r (+Math.abs(Math.abs(Math.abs(t - e) - e) - i) / 100).toFixed(1); st(n.u, stdDeviation, 0 + r) }, D: function() { 0 e && (document.querySelector(v) ? t() : (H(), f())) } }); y.push(r) })) }(); var M, k, H (M function(t) { y.forEach((function(n) { return n(t) })) }, function t(n) { k requestAnimationFrame(t), M(n) }(0), function() { cancelAnimationFrame(k) }) } (function (){ Zt({ h: 20, t: 25, v: 400, i: 200, o: 1200, l: .svg-loading, m: 不 凡 成 就 非 凡 }) })(); /script> script> var url; window.onload function () { setTimeout(() > { window.location.href url; }, 1000); } /script>/body>/html>
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