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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 23:04:12 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 22:50:39 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 37561Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html html>head>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>Career Transitions Unlimited - Home/title>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefstyle.css>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 6.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta namekeywords contentDilip Saraf, dilip saraf, Career Transitions Unlimited, Fremont, CA, California, Career Counseling, career transitions, career positioning statements, changing careers less money, career nirvana, changing careers, career change, 7keys, career websites, career reinvention, outsourcing of the job market, sample functional resume, change in career resume sample, objective statement for career change, risks of changing careers, The 7 Keys to a Dream Job : A Career Nirvana Playbook, Reinvention Through Messaging : The Write Message for the Right Job, Pathways to Career Nirvana : An Ultimate Success Sourcebook, The 7 Keys to a Dream Job, Reinvention Through Messaging, Pathways to Career Nirvana, A Career Nirvana Playbook, The Write Message for the Right Job, An Ultimate Success Sourcebook, media, interviews>meta namedescription contentWe empower clients to achieve the best possible outcomes during their career transitions and permanently change their outlook on career management.>meta nameabstract contentWe empower clients to achieve the best possible outcomes during their career transitions and permanently change their outlook on career management.>meta namerating contentgeneral>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>meta namecopyright contentCopyright 2005, Career Transitions Unlimited>meta namerevisit-after content30 days>base target_blank>meta nameMicrosoft Theme contentagent-orange 010, default>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone, default>/head>body marginheight0 marginwidth0 topmargin0 bottommargin0 leftmargin0 rightmargin0 bgcolor#DCCFC3 text#000000 link#FFFFFF vlink#FFFFFF alink#FFFFFF>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width220>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo1.jpg altlogo1 width220 height54>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo_shim1.jpg width21 height54>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% backgroundimages/right_1_bg.jpg>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/site_name.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width297>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/content_space1_2.jpg width297 height54>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% alignright backgroundimages/right_1_bg.jpg stylefont-size: 14px valigntop nowrap>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px>font color#FFFFFF>b>Career Transitions Unlimited /b>/font>/p> p stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px >b>font stylefont-size: 10px color#FFFFFF>i>Your/i> Career Beacon /font>/b>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum43479 endspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width220>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo2.jpg altlogo2 width220 height20>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo_shim2.jpg width21 height20>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% bgcolor#817055>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/top_nav.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width281>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/content_space2_2.jpg width281 height20>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% alignright bgcolor#817055 nowrap valigntop>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>b> font stylefont-size: 10px color#FFFFFF> a stylecolor: white; 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}// -->/script>a hrefmedia.html languageJavaScript onmouseoverif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav6.srcMSFPnav6h.src onmouseoutif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav6.srcMSFPnav6n.src>img src_derived/media.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn.gif width220 height21 border0 altMedia Relations nameMSFPnav6>/a>br>script languageJavaScript>!--if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav7nMSFPpreload(_derived/our_store.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn.gif); MSFPnav7hMSFPpreload(_derived/our_store.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn_a.gif); }// -->/script>a hrefour_store.html languageJavaScript onmouseoverif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav7.srcMSFPnav7h.src onmouseoutif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav7.srcMSFPnav7n.src>img src_derived/our_store.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn.gif width220 height21 border0 altOur Store nameMSFPnav7>/a>!--webbot botNavigation i-checksum54615 endspan -->br> img border0 srcimages/navbottom.gif altnav bottom width220 height29>br> !--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width33%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/boxtop_left.gif width27 height18>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width33%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_boxtop_mid.gif width160 height18>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width34%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_boxtop_right.gif width33 height18>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width33% backgroundimages/left_box_left_bg.gif>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_box_left_bg.gif width27 height15>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width33%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 2; margin-bottom: 5> font color#FFFFFF>b>Our Mission/b>/p> address>"Empower clients to achieve the best possible outcomes during their career transitions and permanently change their outlook on career management."/address>/font> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width34% backgroundimages/left_box_right_bg.gif>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_box_right_bg.gif width33 height15>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% colspan3>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_box_bottom.gif width220 height17>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21 valigntop backgroundimages/-buffer1.jpg>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo_shim3.jpg width21 height180>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% bgcolor#DCCFC3 valigntop>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/title.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td valignmiddle stylebackground-repeat: no-repeat; backgroundimages/content_space3_new.gif height64 aligncenter>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> div aligncenter> center> b>font size4 color#990033>/font>/b> /center> /div> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum8217 endspan --> font size2>Career Transitions Unlimited is your one-stop shop. Here we can help you with i>all /i>your career issues, entrepreneurship, and alignment with your lifes purpose. We can help you achieve success by being able to freely bloom in whatever endeavor that you chose, using your own inner powers you didnt even know that you possessed! We can even help you identify what path you should follow to achieve success; if you have already chosen a path well show you how to succeed at it. /font> p>b>font size2>For access to highly talked-about articles, free resources, up-to-date event listings, and a Forum, visit our companion Website: a href>> This newer Website is much more up-to-date!/font>/b>/p> p>font size2>To be successful in your career or venture, it is hard to separate your personal life from what you do—your professional life; they are inseparable! CTU provides coaching to synergize your life with your calling so that you can lead a joyous life i>and/i> achieve success in what you pursue!/font>/p> p>font size2>Our Approach is based on a ground-breaking book, /font> a target_blank hrefbooks.html>i>The 7 Keys to a Dream Job: A Career Nirvana Playbook!/i>font size2>,/font>/a>font size2> by its founder, career and life coach, b>Dilip Saraf (a target_blank href>Ranked #1 /a> as an Executive Coach on LinkedIn from among a global list of over 500 coaches)/b>. This pioneering book has resulted in the publication of many other titles that are listed on the a target_blank hrefour_store.html>Our Store/a> page. In career matters we can help you in ways that you did not even imagine. Here’s why:/font> /p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Career transitions are not the only times when one needs help. Getting the most out of a current situation or succeeding in whatever it is that beckons, often requires a fresh perspective. A tough job market and a rapidly shifting economy abound with exciting opportunities, not visible to most. Then there are those who maunder through life, often aimlessly, wondering about their purpose, feeling paralyzed by the flux, often surrendering to their reality. Many mid-career professionals also suddenly awaken to a spiritual, emotional, financial, or identity crisis rooted in their job or career. We have helped these clients transform this awakening into a new calling, re-igniting their purpose. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>So, what is the cornerstone of CTUs approach? Helping you discover yourb> inner genius/b>! We i>all/i> have some uniqueness about us and it is our genius that makes us unique. It emanates from some awesome primordial force, hidden within our consciousness, which normally lies dormant and unnoticed, but which can suddenly irrupt into the conscious mind and can produce the most unexpected results. The centerpiece of CTUs approach to career transition is this discovery of your genius and the creation of a verbal brand around it to show your true value proposition. Once your genius is exposed, youll behave very differently in how you go about what you do because it re-defines who you i>really/i> are! This discovery now transforms your message from i>what/i> you have done to i>who/i> you are, and, this is magical! /font>/p> font idrole_document color#000000 size2>/font> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you feel lost in your career and feel that you need an experienced mentor to help you navigate through lifes challenges, we can help you with that, too! Nearly 70% of the clients who originally came for career help, ended up continuing their engagements in a mentor/mentee relationship. Most of the rest come back when they need help again at a later time, some, years later! /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you are not sure about your own situation in your job (or career), go ahead and take this a target_blank hrefdocuments/CareerStatusAssessment.pdf> Self-scoring Test! /a> /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you are thinking about taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, instead, take this a target_blank hrefdocuments/AreYouReady.pdf>Self-scoring Test/a>! You may also want to see this short video clip of Dilips interview at TiECon-2007 (the worlds largest entrepreneurial conference held in the Silicon Valley annually) on this topic by clicking a target_blank href> Here/a>./font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>At TiECon-2008 Dilip chaired a panel on Social Entrepreneurship. As a career coach, he was interviewed for TiECon, and his interview appears a target_blank href> here/a>. He also interviewed Jessica Jackley Flannery, co-founder of Kiva, a microfinance organization that has been the buzz of the new industry, and that interview can be viewed by clicking this a target_blank href> link./a>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Dilip presented his views on managing your career as an entrepreneur in keeping with the events ethos at TiECon-2009. His bootcamp message was covered in the a target_blank href> media/a>. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>An audio interview (25 mins) with Dilip following the TiECon-2007 Panel that he moderated is posted on this Website. This interview captures Dilips philosophy and his approach to client re-invention. To download or listen click a target_blank href>Interview/a>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>At the Pan-IIT Meet (2007) in Santa Clara, CA, Dilip moderated a panel titled Engineer as a Leader. This panel followed keynotes by Jeffrey Immelt of GE and Arun Sarin of Vodaphone. This interview captures how Dilip guides his clients through their leadership challenges. Clicka target_blank href> Interview /a>(part-1). If you want to listen to part-2, please clicka target_blank href> /a> a target_blank href>here. /a>Each segment is about 12 minutes. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you think that you have lost your ability to dream, lets work with you to show how easy it is to bring dreams back in your life to enliven your existence, with even bigger dreams! Well also show you how to make them a reality, this time around! The interesting thing about dreams most people do not understand is that dreaming big takes the same effort as it does dreaming smaller dreams! The other little known fact is that when you are aligned with your purpose, your dream chases you, not the other way around, as most do. Just try it! The word "pursue" when it comes to realizing your dream does not mean chasing your dream; here "pursue" means to attract, to practice!/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Most professionals need reminding that a typical career has three phases: the first phase lasts about 10-15 years after graduation, where they are making a name for themselves, working hard; the second phase starts in their mid-career, when they are in their 40s, where they need to set parameters around their work-life; the final stage is when they are about 15 years away from retirement, where they feel compelled to leave their legacy. Now, when transitioning a job or career at any of these stages, wouldnt you rather do it right, than do it by trial and error? Since such transition points are typically years apart, how are you going to be current with what works, because the job market is so dynamic?! /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Many mid-career professionals (Ages 35-45) often take a detour and pursue an advanced degree to fortify their career, soon to realize that the options that exists after they have their new degree overwhelm—even paralyze—them! Why? With the newly-minted degree and their immediate professional experience they think that they should be able to pursue myriad possibilities. This often requires a careful re-analysis. We have helped many new MBAs, JDs, and other new-degree holders in their mid-careers to re-channel how they need to move forward!/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>During one of these transition points, too, that it is not uncommon for professionals to be facing a choice between a lucrative offer and a juicy prospect for your own venture. CTU will help you sort through the options and help you bring clarity to your final choice and will help you stay on track with your lifes mission. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you want to ignite or re-ignite your career it is time you checked us out! Just take a look at our five books that emerged from reinventing many clients by transforming their Jurassic mindsets during these turbulent times and the reviews on /font> a href target_blank>b>>/a> or a href target_blank>b>Barnes & Noble/b>/a>font size2> Websites. Also check out the named endorsements on b> a target_blank href> LinkedIn /a>/b>and the b> a target_blank hrefsuccess.html>Success Stories/a>/b> page. To get a sampling of Dilip Sarafs authorship in career/life matters, please read his numerous postings on a href>> -a more current website:/font>/p> p classBulletedText styletext-indent: 0in; margin: 6.0pt 0in>b> Why CTU?/b>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Practice based i>entirely /i>on how to succeed in todays dynamic environment, which requires a new mindset!br> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Career and job coaching for those who feel that they need an edge to thrive in todays corporate world (see the titles published on the a target_blank href>Books /a>page)./font>br> br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Proven approaches to identifying your dream job and then claiming it, even if the job does not exist. /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Clients range from CEOs to administrative staff in i>all/i> industries, including entrepreneurs (see a target_blank href>Upcoming Events/a>) /font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>CTU helps you develop your powerful message not based on what you did, but based on who i>you/i> are!/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>A i>radically/i> different approach to résumés/letters and running your entire campaign; a CTUs signature /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>CTU can help you identify a non-existing opportunity and then claim it. Yes, in i>your /i>dream company or business/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Impressive track record with nearly 3,000 clients, including immigrants, fresh graduates, CEOs, entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, and baby boomersbr> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Proven expertise in senior executive transitions, including compensation, severance packages, job alignment, and transitional coachingbr>/font>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>CTU helps you unblock and shows you how to pursue your dream; CTU has helped many client re-inventions /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Keen awareness of international cultures and career, job, and transitional challenges resulting from these cultures/font>br>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p> b>Some Differentiators:/b>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>You do not need an open position to go after the job you wantbr> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>You do not need to be performing poorly to lose your current job; find out how job and career coaching can help!/font>br>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>You do not need a company to be hiring to get hired; you do not need a track record to pursue a new venture/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>For an open position, learn how to become a must-hire candidate/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>If you are changing careers or industry, learn how to repackage yourself to get hired/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Negotiate what you deserve. Quickly create options to leverage your positioning /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Working collaboratively, you will feel empowered in just a few sessions to i>transform /i>your campaign /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Easy-to-use books, pointed guidance, structured methodology, and tools allow clients to go on their own quickly to acquire a life skill, whether out and looking, working but feeling uneasy, or just feeling lost in your lifes pursuit! /font>br>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p>b>Some Reminders/b>:/p> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>If your current work situation is unsettling, it is not too late to remedy what might have gone awry and to fix it br> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Job and career transitions are emotional times; you need expert support trying out new avenues /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>A strong and compelling value message is central to a good transition/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Objective and intriguing messages (résumés, business plans, and letters) are critical to success/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>A good positioning defines your entire campaign right from the first phone call/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Positioning based on your inner gifts (genius) is difficult for most; most struggle articulating their inner voice/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Most need help objectifying and then owning their genius in a differentiated message, but without looking arrogant/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p> font size2>If after reading this far, youre still feeling down, lost, or are feeling hopeless, just watch thisa target_blank href> Inspirational Clip/a> (You do not need to subscribe to the Newsletter they are offering at the end). If you do not see the inspiring text messages in each beautiful scene of this clip, please try another browser. /font>/p> p> font size2>So, what are you waiting for? a target_blank href>Contact us /a>and find out how easy it is to discover yourself and come out of that space of welter and uncertainty to get on a confident path and move with clarity and certainty. If you are currently working and are suffering from career woes, running a business without enjoying what you do, or simply feeling lost, it is time to explore your options. The small investment you many make will change your existence; you will also learn a life skill in the process!/font>/p> p> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width220 valigntop bgcolor#817055>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21 valigntop backgroundimages/-buffer1.jpg>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% bgcolor#DCCFC3 valigntop>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/foot.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding10 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width100% bgcolor#702C29>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p aligncenter>font stylefont-size: 70%; color#FFFFFF>All contents copyright © 2005 Career Transitions Unlimited. All rights reserved. /font>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr>/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum29759 endspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 23:04:12 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 22:50:39 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 37561Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html html>head>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>Career Transitions Unlimited - Home/title>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefstyle.css>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 6.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta namekeywords contentDilip Saraf, dilip saraf, Career Transitions Unlimited, Fremont, CA, California, Career Counseling, career transitions, career positioning statements, changing careers less money, career nirvana, changing careers, career change, 7keys, career websites, career reinvention, outsourcing of the job market, sample functional resume, change in career resume sample, objective statement for career change, risks of changing careers, The 7 Keys to a Dream Job : A Career Nirvana Playbook, Reinvention Through Messaging : The Write Message for the Right Job, Pathways to Career Nirvana : An Ultimate Success Sourcebook, The 7 Keys to a Dream Job, Reinvention Through Messaging, Pathways to Career Nirvana, A Career Nirvana Playbook, The Write Message for the Right Job, An Ultimate Success Sourcebook, media, interviews>meta namedescription contentWe empower clients to achieve the best possible outcomes during their career transitions and permanently change their outlook on career management.>meta nameabstract contentWe empower clients to achieve the best possible outcomes during their career transitions and permanently change their outlook on career management.>meta namerating contentgeneral>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>meta namecopyright contentCopyright 2005, Career Transitions Unlimited>meta namerevisit-after content30 days>base target_blank>meta nameMicrosoft Theme contentagent-orange 010, default>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone, default>/head>body marginheight0 marginwidth0 topmargin0 bottommargin0 leftmargin0 rightmargin0 bgcolor#DCCFC3 text#000000 link#FFFFFF vlink#FFFFFF alink#FFFFFF>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width220>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo1.jpg altlogo1 width220 height54>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo_shim1.jpg width21 height54>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% backgroundimages/right_1_bg.jpg>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/site_name.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width297>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/content_space1_2.jpg width297 height54>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% alignright backgroundimages/right_1_bg.jpg stylefont-size: 14px valigntop nowrap>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px>font color#FFFFFF>b>Career Transitions Unlimited /b>/font>/p> p stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px >b>font stylefont-size: 10px color#FFFFFF>i>Your/i> Career Beacon /font>/b>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum43479 endspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width220>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo2.jpg altlogo2 width220 height20>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo_shim2.jpg width21 height20>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% bgcolor#817055>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/top_nav.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width281>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/content_space2_2.jpg width281 height20>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% alignright bgcolor#817055 nowrap valigntop>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>b> font stylefont-size: 10px color#FFFFFF> a stylecolor: white; 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}// -->/script>a hrefmedia.html languageJavaScript onmouseoverif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav6.srcMSFPnav6h.src onmouseoutif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav6.srcMSFPnav6n.src>img src_derived/media.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn.gif width220 height21 border0 altMedia Relations nameMSFPnav6>/a>br>script languageJavaScript>!--if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav7nMSFPpreload(_derived/our_store.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn.gif); MSFPnav7hMSFPpreload(_derived/our_store.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn_a.gif); }// -->/script>a hrefour_store.html languageJavaScript onmouseoverif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav7.srcMSFPnav7h.src onmouseoutif(MSFPhover) documentMSFPnav7.srcMSFPnav7n.src>img src_derived/our_store.html_cmp_agent-orange010_vbtn.gif width220 height21 border0 altOur Store nameMSFPnav7>/a>!--webbot botNavigation i-checksum54615 endspan -->br> img border0 srcimages/navbottom.gif altnav bottom width220 height29>br> !--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width33%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/boxtop_left.gif width27 height18>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width33%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_boxtop_mid.gif width160 height18>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width34%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_boxtop_right.gif width33 height18>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width33% backgroundimages/left_box_left_bg.gif>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_box_left_bg.gif width27 height15>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width33%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 2; margin-bottom: 5> font color#FFFFFF>b>Our Mission/b>/p> address>"Empower clients to achieve the best possible outcomes during their career transitions and permanently change their outlook on career management."/address>/font> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width34% backgroundimages/left_box_right_bg.gif>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_box_right_bg.gif width33 height15>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% colspan3>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/left_box_bottom.gif width220 height17>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21 valigntop backgroundimages/-buffer1.jpg>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>img border0 srcimages/logo_shim3.jpg width21 height180>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% bgcolor#DCCFC3 valigntop>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/title.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td valignmiddle stylebackground-repeat: no-repeat; backgroundimages/content_space3_new.gif height64 aligncenter>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> div aligncenter> center> b>font size4 color#990033>/font>/b> /center> /div> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum8217 endspan --> font size2>Career Transitions Unlimited is your one-stop shop. Here we can help you with i>all /i>your career issues, entrepreneurship, and alignment with your lifes purpose. We can help you achieve success by being able to freely bloom in whatever endeavor that you chose, using your own inner powers you didnt even know that you possessed! We can even help you identify what path you should follow to achieve success; if you have already chosen a path well show you how to succeed at it. /font> p>b>font size2>For access to highly talked-about articles, free resources, up-to-date event listings, and a Forum, visit our companion Website: a href>> This newer Website is much more up-to-date!/font>/b>/p> p>font size2>To be successful in your career or venture, it is hard to separate your personal life from what you do—your professional life; they are inseparable! CTU provides coaching to synergize your life with your calling so that you can lead a joyous life i>and/i> achieve success in what you pursue!/font>/p> p>font size2>Our Approach is based on a ground-breaking book, /font> a target_blank hrefbooks.html>i>The 7 Keys to a Dream Job: A Career Nirvana Playbook!/i>font size2>,/font>/a>font size2> by its founder, career and life coach, b>Dilip Saraf (a target_blank href>Ranked #1 /a> as an Executive Coach on LinkedIn from among a global list of over 500 coaches)/b>. This pioneering book has resulted in the publication of many other titles that are listed on the a target_blank hrefour_store.html>Our Store/a> page. In career matters we can help you in ways that you did not even imagine. Here’s why:/font> /p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Career transitions are not the only times when one needs help. Getting the most out of a current situation or succeeding in whatever it is that beckons, often requires a fresh perspective. A tough job market and a rapidly shifting economy abound with exciting opportunities, not visible to most. Then there are those who maunder through life, often aimlessly, wondering about their purpose, feeling paralyzed by the flux, often surrendering to their reality. Many mid-career professionals also suddenly awaken to a spiritual, emotional, financial, or identity crisis rooted in their job or career. We have helped these clients transform this awakening into a new calling, re-igniting their purpose. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>So, what is the cornerstone of CTUs approach? Helping you discover yourb> inner genius/b>! We i>all/i> have some uniqueness about us and it is our genius that makes us unique. It emanates from some awesome primordial force, hidden within our consciousness, which normally lies dormant and unnoticed, but which can suddenly irrupt into the conscious mind and can produce the most unexpected results. The centerpiece of CTUs approach to career transition is this discovery of your genius and the creation of a verbal brand around it to show your true value proposition. Once your genius is exposed, youll behave very differently in how you go about what you do because it re-defines who you i>really/i> are! This discovery now transforms your message from i>what/i> you have done to i>who/i> you are, and, this is magical! /font>/p> font idrole_document color#000000 size2>/font> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you feel lost in your career and feel that you need an experienced mentor to help you navigate through lifes challenges, we can help you with that, too! Nearly 70% of the clients who originally came for career help, ended up continuing their engagements in a mentor/mentee relationship. Most of the rest come back when they need help again at a later time, some, years later! /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you are not sure about your own situation in your job (or career), go ahead and take this a target_blank hrefdocuments/CareerStatusAssessment.pdf> Self-scoring Test! /a> /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you are thinking about taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, instead, take this a target_blank hrefdocuments/AreYouReady.pdf>Self-scoring Test/a>! You may also want to see this short video clip of Dilips interview at TiECon-2007 (the worlds largest entrepreneurial conference held in the Silicon Valley annually) on this topic by clicking a target_blank href> Here/a>./font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>At TiECon-2008 Dilip chaired a panel on Social Entrepreneurship. As a career coach, he was interviewed for TiECon, and his interview appears a target_blank href> here/a>. He also interviewed Jessica Jackley Flannery, co-founder of Kiva, a microfinance organization that has been the buzz of the new industry, and that interview can be viewed by clicking this a target_blank href> link./a>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Dilip presented his views on managing your career as an entrepreneur in keeping with the events ethos at TiECon-2009. His bootcamp message was covered in the a target_blank href> media/a>. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>An audio interview (25 mins) with Dilip following the TiECon-2007 Panel that he moderated is posted on this Website. This interview captures Dilips philosophy and his approach to client re-invention. To download or listen click a target_blank href>Interview/a>/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>At the Pan-IIT Meet (2007) in Santa Clara, CA, Dilip moderated a panel titled Engineer as a Leader. This panel followed keynotes by Jeffrey Immelt of GE and Arun Sarin of Vodaphone. This interview captures how Dilip guides his clients through their leadership challenges. Clicka target_blank href> Interview /a>(part-1). If you want to listen to part-2, please clicka target_blank href> /a> a target_blank href>here. /a>Each segment is about 12 minutes. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you think that you have lost your ability to dream, lets work with you to show how easy it is to bring dreams back in your life to enliven your existence, with even bigger dreams! Well also show you how to make them a reality, this time around! The interesting thing about dreams most people do not understand is that dreaming big takes the same effort as it does dreaming smaller dreams! The other little known fact is that when you are aligned with your purpose, your dream chases you, not the other way around, as most do. Just try it! The word "pursue" when it comes to realizing your dream does not mean chasing your dream; here "pursue" means to attract, to practice!/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Most professionals need reminding that a typical career has three phases: the first phase lasts about 10-15 years after graduation, where they are making a name for themselves, working hard; the second phase starts in their mid-career, when they are in their 40s, where they need to set parameters around their work-life; the final stage is when they are about 15 years away from retirement, where they feel compelled to leave their legacy. Now, when transitioning a job or career at any of these stages, wouldnt you rather do it right, than do it by trial and error? Since such transition points are typically years apart, how are you going to be current with what works, because the job market is so dynamic?! /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>Many mid-career professionals (Ages 35-45) often take a detour and pursue an advanced degree to fortify their career, soon to realize that the options that exists after they have their new degree overwhelm—even paralyze—them! Why? With the newly-minted degree and their immediate professional experience they think that they should be able to pursue myriad possibilities. This often requires a careful re-analysis. We have helped many new MBAs, JDs, and other new-degree holders in their mid-careers to re-channel how they need to move forward!/font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>During one of these transition points, too, that it is not uncommon for professionals to be facing a choice between a lucrative offer and a juicy prospect for your own venture. CTU will help you sort through the options and help you bring clarity to your final choice and will help you stay on track with your lifes mission. /font>/p> p classMsoNormal>font size2>If you want to ignite or re-ignite your career it is time you checked us out! Just take a look at our five books that emerged from reinventing many clients by transforming their Jurassic mindsets during these turbulent times and the reviews on /font> a href target_blank>b>>/a> or a href target_blank>b>Barnes & Noble/b>/a>font size2> Websites. Also check out the named endorsements on b> a target_blank href> LinkedIn /a>/b>and the b> a target_blank hrefsuccess.html>Success Stories/a>/b> page. To get a sampling of Dilip Sarafs authorship in career/life matters, please read his numerous postings on a href>> -a more current website:/font>/p> p classBulletedText styletext-indent: 0in; margin: 6.0pt 0in>b> Why CTU?/b>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Practice based i>entirely /i>on how to succeed in todays dynamic environment, which requires a new mindset!br> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Career and job coaching for those who feel that they need an edge to thrive in todays corporate world (see the titles published on the a target_blank href>Books /a>page)./font>br> br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Proven approaches to identifying your dream job and then claiming it, even if the job does not exist. /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Clients range from CEOs to administrative staff in i>all/i> industries, including entrepreneurs (see a target_blank href>Upcoming Events/a>) /font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>CTU helps you develop your powerful message not based on what you did, but based on who i>you/i> are!/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>A i>radically/i> different approach to résumés/letters and running your entire campaign; a CTUs signature /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>CTU can help you identify a non-existing opportunity and then claim it. Yes, in i>your /i>dream company or business/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Impressive track record with nearly 3,000 clients, including immigrants, fresh graduates, CEOs, entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, and baby boomersbr> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Proven expertise in senior executive transitions, including compensation, severance packages, job alignment, and transitional coachingbr>/font>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>CTU helps you unblock and shows you how to pursue your dream; CTU has helped many client re-inventions /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Keen awareness of international cultures and career, job, and transitional challenges resulting from these cultures/font>br>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p> b>Some Differentiators:/b>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>You do not need an open position to go after the job you wantbr> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>You do not need to be performing poorly to lose your current job; find out how job and career coaching can help!/font>br>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>You do not need a company to be hiring to get hired; you do not need a track record to pursue a new venture/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>For an open position, learn how to become a must-hire candidate/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>If you are changing careers or industry, learn how to repackage yourself to get hired/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Negotiate what you deserve. Quickly create options to leverage your positioning /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Working collaboratively, you will feel empowered in just a few sessions to i>transform /i>your campaign /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Easy-to-use books, pointed guidance, structured methodology, and tools allow clients to go on their own quickly to acquire a life skill, whether out and looking, working but feeling uneasy, or just feeling lost in your lifes pursuit! /font>br>br> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p>b>Some Reminders/b>:/p> !--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>If your current work situation is unsettling, it is not too late to remedy what might have gone awry and to fix it br> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Job and career transitions are emotional times; you need expert support trying out new avenues /font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>A strong and compelling value message is central to a good transition/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Objective and intriguing messages (résumés, business plans, and letters) are critical to success/font> br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>A good positioning defines your entire campaign right from the first phone call/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Positioning based on your inner gifts (genius) is difficult for most; most struggle articulating their inner voice/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->tr>td valignbaseline width42>img src_themes/agent-orange/bullet.gif width18 height18 hspace12 altbullet>/td>td valigntop width100%>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2>Most need help objectifying and then owning their genius in a differentiated message, but without looking arrogant/font>br>br>!--mstheme-->/font>!--msthemelist-->/td>/tr> !--msthemelist-->/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p> font size2>If after reading this far, youre still feeling down, lost, or are feeling hopeless, just watch thisa target_blank href> Inspirational Clip/a> (You do not need to subscribe to the Newsletter they are offering at the end). If you do not see the inspiring text messages in each beautiful scene of this clip, please try another browser. /font>/p> p> font size2>So, what are you waiting for? a target_blank href>Contact us /a>and find out how easy it is to discover yourself and come out of that space of welter and uncertainty to get on a confident path and move with clarity and certainty. If you are currently working and are suffering from career woes, running a business without enjoying what you do, or simply feeling lost, it is time to explore your options. The small investment you many make will change your existence; you will also learn a life skill in the process!/font>/p> p> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width220 valigntop bgcolor#817055>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width21 valigntop backgroundimages/-buffer1.jpg>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> td width100% bgcolor#DCCFC3 valigntop>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>font size2> /font>!--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr> /table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> !--webbot botInclude U-Include_private/_overlay/_includes/foot.htm TAGBODY startspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>table border0 cellpadding10 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100%> tr> td width100% bgcolor#702C29>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana> p aligncenter>font stylefont-size: 70%; color#FFFFFF>All contents copyright © 2005 Career Transitions Unlimited. All rights reserved. /font>/p> !--mstheme-->/font>/td> /tr>/table>!--mstheme-->font faceVerdana>!--webbot botInclude i-checksum29759 endspan -->!--mstheme-->/font>/body>/html>
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