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/** * 业务公共解密方法 * @param {any} data - 传入的包含加密数据的对象 * @param {string} secretKey - 用于解密的密钥(Base64格式) * @returns {any} - 解密后的JSON对象或原始数据 */ // 解密 function aesDe(ciphertext) { // 检查输入参数 if (!ciphertext) { console.warn(解密失败:输入的密文不能为空) return ciphertext } try { const keyBytes CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(zH3JDuCRXVGa3na7xbOqpx1bw6DAkbTP) const decrypted CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ciphertext, keyBytes, { iv: keyBytes, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }) return CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(decrypted) } catch (error) { console.error(`解密失败:${error}`) return } } // 加密 // function aesEn(obj) { // let encrypt CryptoJS.AES.encrypt( // CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(obj), // CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(6E31ECDEF3EEC0E6), // { // mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, // padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 // } // ); // return encrypt.toString(); // } // 随机选择并调用 jsonApiList 中的一个域名 function getRandomJsonApi(jsonApiList) { if (!Array.isArray(jsonApiList) || jsonApiList.length 0) { console.warn(jsonApiList 为空或不是一个有效的数组); return null; } const randomIndex Math.floor(Math.random() * jsonApiList.length); return jsonApiListrandomIndex; } function getJsonData() { const domainUrl window.location.origin; let domainName window.location.hostname; const tenantId window.config?.tenantId || 1; const webSiteId window.config?.webSiteId || 1; const templateId window.config?.templateId || 1; let url // 如果是测试环境或者开发环境 if (domainUrl.includes(localhost) || domainUrl.includes(test) ) { if (domainUrl.includes(localhost)) { domainName } url `${tenantId}/${webSiteId}/${templateId}/result.json` // // url `` } else if (domainUrl.includes( { url } else { const jsonApiList window.config?.jsonApiList; const randomApi getRandomJsonApi(jsonApiList); url `${randomApi}/pages/nav/${tenantId}/${webSiteId}/${templateId}/result.json`; } // 获取接口数据 fetch(url) .then(response > response.text()) .then(res > { if (!res) return; let jsonData null try { jsonData JSON.parse(res) if (jsonData?.json_data) { const info aesDe(jsonData.json_data) console.log(JSON.parse(info)); initPage(JSON.parse(info)) } } catch (error) { console.error(解析json数据失败, error) } }) } // 随机取一个数组内的值 const getRandomValue (arr, ipNum 0) > { if (!Array.isArray(arr) || arr.length 0) { return null; // 如果不是数组或数组为空,返回 null } const maxArr const miniArr let returnObg {} for (let i 0; i arr.length; i++) { const element arri; if (arri.num > ipNum) { maxArr.push(arri) } else { miniArr.push(arri) } } if (miniArr.length) { returnObg miniArrMath.floor(Math.random() * miniArr.length) } else { returnObg arrMath.floor(Math.random() * maxArr.length) } return returnObg // const randomIndex Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length); // 生成随机索引 // return arrrandomIndex; // 返回随机值 }; function initPage(resData) { const adDomains resData?.adDomains; const adDomain adDomainsMath.floor(Math.random() * adDomains.length); const logoUrl adDomain + resData?.logo; // logo document.getElementById(logo).setAttribute(src, logoUrl); //logo document.getElementById(title).innerHTML resData?.title; // 提醒文字 var qrcode new QRCode(document.getElementById(qrcode), { width: 150, height: 150, useSVG: true, }); qrcode.makeCode(resData?.qrDomain); // 二维码 document.getElementById(domainContent).innerHTML decodeURIComponent(resData?.domainContent); //域名文字 document.getElementById(wordContent).innerHTML decodeURIComponent(resData?.wordContent); //文字描述 document.getElementById(countDown).innerHTML resData?.countDown; //倒计时 const ipNum resData?.ipNum || 0 const jumpDomainRandom getRandomValue(resData?.jumpList, ipNum); console.log(jumpDomainRandom); if (jumpDomainRandom){ document.querySelector(.navigation-buttons .btn.first).addEventListener(click, function () { clearInterval(interval); window.location.href jumpDomainRandom?.jumpDomain+?keydiversion//resData.jumpDomain; }); } if (resData?.jumpDomain2){ document.querySelector(.navigation-buttons .btn.second).addEventListener(click, function () { clearInterval(interval); window.location.href resData?.jumpDomain2; }); }else{ document.querySelector(.navigation-buttons .btn.second).style.display none; } interval setInterval(() > { var countDown document.getElementById(countDown); if (countDown.innerHTML 0) { clearInterval(interval); window.location.href jumpDomainRandom?.jumpDomain+?keydiversion //resData.jumpDomain; } else { countDown.innerHTML - 1; } }, 1000); } getJsonData()/script>/body>/html>
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