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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 17:00:24 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Tue, 07 Jun 2016 04:14:27 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3568Content-Type: text/html !doctype html>html langen>head>meta charsetUTF-8>title>The GLASSMAN/title>meta nameDescription Glazier contentGlazier, glass repair, window repair, fixing windows, window service etcAdd website description in this area>meta nameKeyWords contentglass repair, broken windows, window repair, board-ups, window installation, mirrors, plate glass, store fronts, window screens, tub and shower doors>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, user-scalableyes>meta http-equivCache-Control contentmax-age1200>link relstylesheet hrefstyle.css typetext/css>link relstylesheet hrefmedia-queries.css typetext/css>script typetext/javascript srcJQuery/jquery-1.11.3.min.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjavascripts.js>/script>style typetext/css>.auto-style1 { margin-right: 0px;}/style>/head>body>!-- START WRAPPER -->div idpagewrapper>!-- LOGO -->script typetext/javascript srcheader.js>/script>!-- CLICK MENU & ICONS -->script typetext/javascript srcmenu.js>/script>!-- IMAGE BAR -->div classimage-bar> br> img alt classmain-image srcbroken%20glass.jpg> br>Call for Repair (559) 797-9355/div>!-- START CONTENT AREA -->div idcontentwrapper>div classpageheight-min just>!-- START PARAGRAPH 1 -->h1 classtitle>The GLASSMAN/h1> This Fresno, CA based glass company specializes in replacing broken residential and commercial glass windows. When you have a broken window emergency call us; we can repair it for you or even provide a temporary board-up. Broken windows dont happen often but, when they do its good to know how to get it taken care of as quickly as possible. The GLASSMAN is here to>br>The GLASSMAN also replaces old inefficient windows with high performance dual pane retrofits. Patio doors, mirrors, tub and shower enclosures are all a part of what we do. Glass table tops, store fronts and automatic door closers are also among the many things we service and install. br>br>With summer here or on its way, we also replace old worn out screens. The GLA
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 17:00:25 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Tue, 07 Jun 2016 04:14:27 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3568Content-Type: text/html !doctype html>html langen>head>meta charsetUTF-8>title>The GLASSMAN/title>meta nameDescription Glazier contentGlazier, glass repair, window repair, fixing windows, window service etcAdd website description in this area>meta nameKeyWords contentglass repair, broken windows, window repair, board-ups, window installation, mirrors, plate glass, store fronts, window screens, tub and shower doors>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, user-scalableyes>meta http-equivCache-Control contentmax-age1200>link relstylesheet hrefstyle.css typetext/css>link relstylesheet hrefmedia-queries.css typetext/css>script typetext/javascript srcJQuery/jquery-1.11.3.min.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjavascripts.js>/script>style typetext/css>.auto-style1 { margin-right: 0px;}/style>/head>body>!-- START WRAPPER -->div idpagewrapper>!-- LOGO -->script typetext/javascript srcheader.js>/script>!-- CLICK MENU & ICONS -->script typetext/javascript srcmenu.js>/script>!-- IMAGE BAR -->div classimage-bar> br> img alt classmain-image srcbroken%20glass.jpg> br>Call for Repair (559) 797-9355/div>!-- START CONTENT AREA -->div idcontentwrapper>div classpageheight-min just>!-- START PARAGRAPH 1 -->h1 classtitle>The GLASSMAN/h1> This Fresno, CA based glass company specializes in replacing broken residential and commercial glass windows. When you have a broken window emergency call us; we can repair it for you or even provide a temporary board-up. Broken windows dont happen often but, when they do its good to know how to get it taken care of as quickly as possible. The GLASSMAN is here to>br>The GLASSMAN also replaces old inefficient windows with high performance dual pane retrofits. Patio doors, mirrors, tub and shower enclosures are all a part of what we do. Glass table tops, store fronts and automatic door closers are also among the many things we service and install. br>br>With summer here or on its way, we also replace old worn out screens. The GLA
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