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HTTP/1.1 302 FoundContent-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1Content-Length: 208Connection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:33:26 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>302 Found/title>/head>body>h1>Found/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:33:26 GMTServer: Apache !DOCTYPE html>!-- -->!--if lt IE 7> html classno-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 7> html classno-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 8> html classno-js lt-ie9 langen> !endif-->!--if gt IE 8>!--> html classno-js langen> !--!endif-->head> !-- Set the viewport width to device width for mobile -->meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0>meta namedescription contentconfidential search for people and access to the 2021 voters roll, people finder, electoral roll from the UKs leading trace investigation company>meta namekeywords contenttracing people, confidential trace a person, voters roll, people search, electoral roll, people finder, tenant tracing, finding people,debt tracing, debt collection, missing persons,bona vacantia,people locators,name finder> title>Confidential people tracing services | access the 2020 - 2004 electoral roll/title> script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-46205913-1,; ga(send, pageview);/script> !-- Included CSS Files (Uncompressed) --> !--Compress and combine them when you finished working on them!--> link relstylesheet hrefcss/foundation.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/app.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/eve-styles.css> link relstylesheet hreffontello/css/eve-select.css> !--if IE 7>link relstylesheet hreffontello/css/eve-select-ie7.css>!endif--> script srcjs/>/script>style typetext/css>.dark-matter { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 500px; background: #555; padding: 20px 30px 20px 30px; font: 12px Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #D3D3D3; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #444; border: none; border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px;}/style>script typetext/javascript srcscripts-folder/cookiebanner.js>/script>/head>body> !-- Header, Nav --> header classrow> div classfour columns> a hrefindex.html idlogo>img srcimages/logofl.png alt /> h1 classaccessibility>1st locate confidential people tracing/h1>/a> /div> div classeight columns> div classsocial> a classsocialicons icon-twitter href titletwitter>/a> a classsocialicons icon-facebook href titlefacebook>/a> a classsocialicons icon-gplus titlegoogle plus>/a> a classsocialicons icon-linkedin href titlelinkedin>/a> a classsocialicons icon-mail-alt>/a> /div> ul classmain> li>a hrefindex.html classactive>Home/a>/li> li>a href>Corporate/a>/li> li>a href>Products/a>/li> li>a href>Tracegenie/a>/li> li>a href>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> /header> !-- End Header and Nav --> !-- Content Part 1, Slider --> section classrow top bottom> div classfive columns intro> h2>Confidential people tracing/h2> p>Firstlocate employ approaching 400 staff and provide people location & tracing services on a scale that few other organisations can match. Whether you are an individual seeking to regain contact with a missing tenant or a corporate wishing to restore contact with missing or former customers, we can help. /p> /div> div classseven columns> div classfeatured>!--Orbitslider--> noscript>You have Javascript set to disabled. This slideshow runs with Javascript and will only be shown if you turn it /> Sie haben Javascript deaktiviert. Diese Slideshow wird nur vollständig angezeigt, wenn Sie Javascript aktivieren./noscript> img srcimages/img1.jpg altdemo-image data-caption#caption1 /> img srcimages/img2.jpg altdemo-image data-caption#caption4 /> img srcimages/img3.jpg altdemo-image data-caption#caption2 /> img srcimages/img4.jpg altdemo-image data-caption#caption5/> img srcimages/img5.jpg altdemo-image data-caption#caption3 /> /div> span classorbit-caption idcaption1>FirstLocate corporate solutions.../span> span classorbit-caption idcaption2> for Scottish research/span> span classorbit-caption idcaption3>House prices at>span classorbit-caption idcaption4>Find people at>span classorbit-caption idcaption5>Confidential people tracing/span> !--end of div orbitslider--> /div>!--orbit content slider - be careful, for longer texts you need to change the fluid ratio in the JS init at the bottom! --> div classintro ticker> noscript>You have Javascript set to disabled. This ticker runs with Javascript and will only be shown if you turn it /> Sie haben Javascript deaktiviert. Dieser Ticker wird nur vollständig angezeigt, wenn Sie Javascript aktivieren./noscript> div classslides> div> p classtext-center> 1st Locate UK Ltd is the UKs leading provider of bulk tracing services /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Confidentiality assured /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Supplying some of the UKs largest organisations. /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Members of the Credit Services Association /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> ISO 9001 & 27001 accreditations. /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. /p> /div>div> p classtext-center> Publishers of the Open Edited Electoral Register. /p> /div>div> p classtext-center> We currently directly employ approaching 400 staff. /p> /div> /div> /div>!--end of div orbitslider/ticker--> /section> section classrow> div classeight columns> h2>Why you need Tracing services/h2> p> Losing touch with your current and former customers, tenants, debtors and account holders ultimately affects your ability to receive payment. If you dont know where your customer is, how can you get paid? A consequence of modern society is a highly mobile population. Individuals move address at a far greater frequency than in previous generations. By tracing your missing customers, we can place you in a position to collect any sums due that may otherwise be written off. Write offs filter through as a cost to us all. Few suppliers could deny their charges or tariffs are higher to reflect bad debts incurred by missing customers. br> a href titlesecure ordering targetnew>order a trace now/a>/p> p>Trusted by some of the UKs largest companies/p> a classevebutton href>Secure ordering/a>p>a hreftracing_tenants.htm>read more about our tracing services/a>/p> /div>!--end of grid-10--> div classfour columns> div classgrey top> h2>Missing customer?/h2> p classquote>Well put you back in touch with your customer. span>/span>/p>br/> /div>div classgrey top> h2>Tracing solutions/h2> p classquote>self search solutions available from Tracegenie. span>/span>/p> /div> /div> /section>!--end of row--> hr> !-- Content Part 2 --> section classrow> div classthree columns> div classgrey top> h4>Corporate client?/h4> p>b>Large scale tracing services/b>br> Clients with large numbers of people to trace a href titlecorporate> visit our /a>, Corporate site for a volume tracing and other services including trace & collect, revenue management and call centre services. /p> a classevebutton href>Bulk tracing/a> /div>/div> div classthree columns>div classgrey top> h4>Debt tracing/h4> p>Confidential tracing of a person for debt purposes. We will provide you with a verified current address which will enable you to conduct your own collections activity. This product comes with a no success, no fee guarantee. a href titleDebtor tracing>Order now/a> /p> a classevebutton hrefdebtor_tracing.php>Debt tracing/a>/div> /div> div classthree columns> div classgrey top> h4>Tenant tracing/h4> p>Finding a tenant who has left a tenancy early is not easy but this product will place you back in touch with a current verified address. No success, no fee. Used by landlords, letting agents, solicitors, companies and local government. a href titletenant tracing>Order now/a> /p> a classevebutton hreftracing_tenants.php>Tenant tracing/a> /div> /div> div classthree columns> div classgrey top> h4>Confidential/h4> p>Tracing for purposes such as legal papers, old friends, colleagues and acquaintances. As with all of our trace products, confidentiality is assured and this product is also covered by our no success, no fee guarantee. a href titleCreate your own icon font set! targetnew>Order now/a> /p> a classevebutton href>Confidential/a>/div> /div> /section>!--end of row--> hr /> !-- Content Part 3 --> section classrow top> div classthree columns> form classdark-matter nameformsurname action methodget >input typetext nameq5 size19 valueJohnson onFocusdoClear(this) />br>input nameq32 typetext idq28 size19 valueAnthony onFocusdoClear(this) />br>br> input typecheckbox value2007vr nameD0 >span >2021 voters roll br>/span> input typecheckbox value2006vr nameD1 >span >2006 to 2020 voters rollbr> /span>input typecheckbox value2005vr nameD2 >span >2005 voters rollbr> /span>input typecheckbox value2004vr nameD7 >span >2004 voters rollbr> /span>input typecheckbox value2007dir nameD3 >span >Company Directorsbr> /span>input typecheckbox valuemarriages nameD4 >span >Marriage recordsbr> /span>input typecheckbox valuebirths nameD5 >span >Birth recordsbr> /span>input typecheckbox valuedeaths nameD6 >span >Death records/span>br>span> input typeimage src altsearch formaction />/span>/form> /div> div classthree columns> h5>Self serve people search/h5> p>b>Weve made one of our Tracing tools available online/b>br> 400 million records to search a href titletracegenie> Tracegenie/a>, low cost access to unlimited searches of the edited electoral roll. /p>a classevebutton href>Buy access/a>p>Pricing - 24 hours access is just £3.50 - search as many times as you want - no need to buy credits/p> /div> div classthree columns> img srcimages/HPGB.png altHousepriceGB> /div> div classthree columns> h5>House prices/h5> p>We also own and operate the free service HousepriceGB a href titleHousepricegb targetnew>Give it a try./a> We publish most of the house sales in England, Wales and Scotland and its totally free to use with no registration required./p> /div> /section>!--end of row--> !-- second row of Content Part 3 --> section classrow> div classthree columns> img srcimages/act.png altactius> /div> div classthree columns> h5>Actius software/h5> p>We are the developers of a href titleactius>Actius billing & collections software/a> a sophisticated solution to maintain, enhance and optimise customer billing and collection cycles./p> /div> div classthree columns> img srcimages/hps.png althousepricescotland> /div> div classthree columns> h5>Scottish title research/h5> p>We also undertake detailed research on property (and people) history in Scotland. Explore a href titlehousepricescotland>the new features/a> /p> /div> /section>!--end of row--> !-- Ticker --> section classrow> div classtwelve columns> !--If you don´t want to use the ticker just delete or comment it and uncomment this to use static text instead--> !--div classintro> p classtext-center> Hey, let your creativity flow and create something great! /p> /div>--> !--orbit content slider - be careful, for longer texts you need to change the fluid ratio in the JS init at the bottom! --> div classintro ticker> noscript>You have Javascript set to disabled. This ticker runs with Javascript and will only be shown if you turn it /> Sie haben Javascript deaktiviert. Dieser Ticker wird nur vollständig angezeigt, wenn Sie Javascript aktivieren./noscript> div classslides> div> p classtext-center> 1st Locate UK Ltd is the UKs leading provider of bulk tracing services /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Confidentiality assured /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Supplying some of the UKs largest organisations. /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Members of the Credit Services Association /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> ISO 9001 & 27001 accreditations. /p> /div> div> p classtext-center> Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. /p> /div> /div> /div>!--end of div orbitslider/ticker--> /div> /section>!--end of row--> !-- Footer --> footer classrow> div classfour columns text-center> p>© 1st Locate UK Ltd a href titleCompany number>2021/a>/p> /div> div classfour columns text-center> p>Reg office: Town Centre House, Leeds, LS2 8LY/p> /div> div classfour columns text-center> p>Contact us a href titleContact us!>here/a>/p> /div> /footer>!-- Included JS Files --> script srcjs/jquery.min.js>/script> script srcjs/foundation.min.js>/script> script srcjs/app.js>/script> !-- Initialize JS Plugins --> script typetext/javascript> !--The Slider--> $(window).load(function() { $(.featured).orbit({ timer:true, directionalNav:true, advanceSpeed: 6000, captions:true, bullets:true }); }); !--The Ticker--> $(window).load(function() { $(.slides).orbit({ fluid: 16x3, directionalNav:true, advanceSpeed: 6000, captions:false, bullets:false }); });/script> script typetext/javascript> !--Outdated browsers warning/message and link to Browser-Update. Comment or delete it if you don´t want to use it--> var $buoop {} $buoop.ol window.onload; window.onloadfunction(){ try {if ($buoop.ol) $buoop.ol();}catch (e) {} var e document.createElement(script); e.setAttribute(type, text/javascript); e.setAttribute(src,; document.body.appendChild(e); } /script> div classfour columns text-center> p>Data protection reg:Z6791585/p>p>telephone 0344 5439002 /p> /div> div classfour columns text-center> p>a href>privacy/a>/p> p>a href>other services/a>/p> /div> div classfour columns text-center> p>Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for accounts formed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (amended 2006)/p> p>Registration in London 03702599./p> /div>/body>/html>
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