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HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: privateContent-Type: text/htmlServer: Microsoft-IIS/8.5Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDQARAATACBNPPGMLDPMKGFBJDBJNELKBN; path/X-Powered-By: ASP.NETDate: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 17:09:51 html>head>!-- ContentLanguage --> meta namelanguage contentde> meta namecontent-language contentde> meta http-equivcontent-language contentde> meta nameDC.Language contentde> !-- File MIME.TYPES --> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> meta http-equivcontent-script-type contenttext/javascript/vbscript> meta http-equivcontent-style-type contenttext/css> !-- about: CONTENT --> meta nameDC.Title contentPrivat> meta namedescription langde contentPrivat> meta nameDC.Description contentprivat> meta namekeywords langde contentOnline Copy Shop, Online Preisberechnung, direkt bestellen, Paypal, Bindung Metallspirale, Hardcover-Bindung, Bindung Plastikspirale, Softcover-Bindung, Kopierzentrum, Idstein, Drucksachen, kopieren, Kopien/Drucke in Farbe und schwarz-weiß, Bachelorarbeit, Diplomarbeit, Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit, Dissertation, Doktorarbeit, Textildruck, Plakate, Scans, Satz und Gestaltung, Laminieren, Faxservice> meta nameaudience contentmankind> !-- Author etc. --> meta nameauthor contentkreartiv Waldems> meta namegenerator contentalways handcoded>!-- What ROBOTS do -->META nameROBOTS contentall>META nameREVISIT-AFTER content2 days>title>Kopierzentrum Reinhold Gnirck/title>/head>!-- Frameset Zentriert -->frameset border0 cols*,974,*> frame srcblank.asp nameleftFrame scrollingNO noresize> frameset border0 rows112,*> frame namertop targetleft srcnavigator.asp?orth marginwidth0 marginheight0 noresize scrollingNO> frameset cols220,*> frame border0 nameleft scrollingYES noresize targethome srcnavigator.asp?ortv&func0 noresize marginwidth0 marginheight0> frame border0 namehome srcshop.asp?func1 scrollingauto target_self noresize marginwidth0 marginheight0> /frameset> /frameset> frame srcblank.asp namerightFrame scrollingNO noresize> /frameset>/html>
Port 443
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